#SocialCafe 5.6 Chat Transcript

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#SocialCafe February 2, 2016
  1. RT socialcafechat Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management  http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH  by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal #SocialCafe
  2. Love it! ? Redditor Sets Up Automated Way to Tweet at Comcast Whenever Internet Speeds Drop  http://bit.ly/1Qo8xUq  #brandchat #socialcafe
  3. RT socialwebcafe Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management  http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH  by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal #SocialCafe
  4. IKEA Taiwan creates cell phone powered hot pot to fight #socialmedia addiction at the dinner table  http://bit.ly/1XdzMq4  #socialcafe #cxo
  5. After seeing a professional woodburn artist can't help bragging on Connie Barrick's work #art #SocialCafe https://t.co/cSzjp328jF
    After seeing a professional woodburn artist can't help bragging on Connie Barrick's work #art #SocialCafe pic.twitter.com/cSzjp328jF
  6. After seeing a professional woodburn artist can't help bragging on Connie Barrick's work #art #SocialCafe  http://fb.me/LlLESp6O 
  7. Keeping the plates spinning distracts us from the one important thing-focus today-make it happen #SocialCafe #art https://t.co/6aF7hRIWo1
    Keeping the plates spinning distracts us from the one important thing-focus today-make it happen #SocialCafe #art pic.twitter.com/6aF7hRIWo1
  8. Keeping the plates spinning distracts us from the one important thing-focus today-make it happen #SocialCafe #art  http://fb.me/7tSckPSyz 
  9. The harder you fall the higher you bounce-Let's fall big next time-But Not Yet! #amreading #SocialCafe #amwriting https://t.co/1TbJiEIuog
    The harder you fall the higher you bounce-Let's fall big next time-But Not Yet! #amreading #SocialCafe #amwriting pic.twitter.com/1TbJiEIuog
  10. RT socialwebcafe Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management  http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH  by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal #SocialCafe
  11. RT socialcafechat Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management  http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH  by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal #SocialCafe
  12. RT webtoolstv Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management  http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH  by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal #SocialCafe
  13. RT socialcafechat Here is MavSocial for Digital Content Marketing #SMM  http://wp.me/pqwE6-1gH  by SocialWebCafe #SocialCafe
  14. RT techauditcom Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management  http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH  by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal #SocialCafe
  15. RT techauditcom Here is MavSocial for Digital Content Marketing #SMM  http://wp.me/pqwE6-1gH  by SocialWebCafe #SocialCafe
  16. Q4) What other tools do you use with #SlideShare? How does it work for you? #socialcafe
  17. Please give us a shout out and let us know you're there! #socialcafe
  18. RT pinitparties Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management  http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH  by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal #SocialCafe
  19. RT socialwebcafe Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management  http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH  by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal #SocialCafe
  20. RT socialcafechat Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management  http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH  by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal #SocialCafe
  21. RT luvlosangeles Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management  http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH  by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal #SocialCafe
  22. RT socialcafechat Here is MavSocial for Digital Content Marketing #SMM  http://wp.me/pqwE6-1gH  by SocialWebCafe #SocialCafe
  23. Another month! Thank you for your continued support! =D I really appreciate all of you! (And, if you haven't already, join our #SocialCafe
  24. RT luvlosangeles Here is MavSocial for Digital Content Marketing #SMM  http://wp.me/pqwE6-1gH  by SocialWebCafe #SocialCafe
  25. Dear karma, i have list of people you missed ? play drama and you get karma #socialcafe… https://t.co/OGaDO7Nx4x
    Dear karma, i have list of people you missed ? play drama and you get karma #socialcafe https://www.instagram.com/p/BBL1VYXtrZ-/ 
  26. RT socialwebcafe Reasons you *need* Online Reputation Management  http://wp.me/pqwE6-1oH  by SocialWebCafe via dirjournal #SocialCafe