#SocialCafe 6.27 Chat Transcript

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7/4/2017 - 8/1/2017
  1. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/8d6Xj6rs2d
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/8d6Xj6rs2d
  2. A4 I think it is too late or my brain is fried this evening thinking about #petrocks :) #SocialCafe
  3. #socialcafe And with that final contribution, I'll sign off! Thanks for joining everyone! See you next week!
  4. @conpsweeney It probably is! My daughter just brought me HER #petrock and let me have it. My #petrock family is growing! #SocialCafe
  5. @conpsweeney I do! (have a #petrock) I think my siblings gave me theirs, so I have a family (but it is in my parent's basement) #SocialCafe
  6. Stay tuned for tweets announcing the #SocialCafe summary. I think we will have a #FREE PDF on #SocialNetworking !
  7. @socialwebcafe I don't think you've met a social channel that you didn't lke, Deb! #SocialCafe
  8. @conpsweeney Yeah, I think #LinkedIn and #Twitter fare pretty well, eh. And, it makes sense for you, since you run #LinkedInChat ;) #SocialCafe
  9. @conpsweeney I was thinking that (wondering that) too. Supposedly so, but I don't really use it (or have I? lol) #SocialCafe
  10. A2 Least favorite is hard. I don't want to pick on any1 :) Probably the social networks I don't know, like #Plurk is an unknown #SocialCafe
  11. @conpsweeney - please feel free to share your profile links and I'll add them to our #SocialCafe 6.31 summary :) Goes 4 Everyone! Share :)
  12. @socialcafechat Isn't it like the old days with @IBM ? Snow White & the 7 Dwarves? #SocialCafe Or, are you too young for that reference?
  13. @conpsweeney Is it possible to "not" be busy? lol Then, again, I'm not sure how to enjoy that. :) #SocialCafe
  14. Welcome to another 30 min #SocialCafe Twitter Chat! It is number 6.31 this week.
  15. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/hqJnXZjueW
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/hqJnXZjueW
  16. Another month! Thank you for your continued support! =D I really appreciate all of you! (And, if you haven't already, join our #SocialCafe
  17. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/qFnnpnMcCV
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/qFnnpnMcCV
  18. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/dW4ruEMoRl
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/dW4ruEMoRl
  19. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/Ly8TMitUoy
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/Ly8TMitUoy
  20. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/R5X8lTSMZr
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/R5X8lTSMZr
  21. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/D9ewe5L36I
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/D9ewe5L36I
  22. @socialwebcafe I'll take my leave with that! Thanks for joining all! See everyone next week! #socialcafe
  23. And, with that, we may all need to stay in the dark... at least for another week, until the next episode of #SocialCafe !
  24. @conpsweeney She had some mumbo jumbo about the marketing value... ok, so where is that marketing value... ? @RebelMouse ? ROI? #SocialCafe
  25. Tho at 3am, my hubby wishes I were less logical and would just let things go as "crazy" instead of needing to be logical... lol #SocialCafe
  26. No offense, @RebelMouse but I wouldn't be asking why you are worth $1200/mo if I knew the answer already. #NotSeeingIt #SocialCafe
  27. You would have thought I asked the dumbest question when I asked why it was $1200/mo. Like it was obvious. #SocialCafe
  28. @conpsweeney Presumably, yes. I had the opportunity for one of those demo calls and conversed with a gal via email. But... (next tweet) #SocialCafe
  29. BTW folks, this isn't anything against RebelMouse. I liked the platform. This is Deb-cant-find-the-logic-in-it moment. #SocialCafe
  30. But, if they are trying to show whatever value they (RebelMouse) have, a bunch of 404 pages doesn't do it. #SocialCafe #IMHO
  31. If @RebelMouse is going under, then taking down the existing accounts (404 pages) makes sense #SocialCafe
  32. @socialwebcafe Good point! You need an expensive organization to support lare numbers of clients #socialcafe
  33. @conpsweeney Well, I've been trying to find the value for $1200 and I can't find it (for months!). No offense, but can't even find for $30/mo #SocialCafe
  34. Why would you aim for 5 clients paying a horrible cost when you could have hundreds paying a reasonable fee and make more money? #SocialCafe
  35. @conpsweeney I mean, maybe they were going for 5 clients. But, with that, they are making less $$ than I did as 1 person #SocialCafe
  36. @socialwebcafe Have you noticed that none of these companies have successful clients talking about how they made money with these tools? #socialcafe
  37. I'm with you, Con. I can't see the value, for $1200. It seems like such a brand suicide that I wonder if it is intentional. #SocialCafe
  38. I have a list of analytical tools that I would love to use at a high-enough price of $100/mo. I would get a few of those first #SocialCafe
  39. See, if this thing had some sort of step-by-step semi-guaranteed method of making $5k per mo, I'd be inclined toward the $1.2k #SocialCafe
  40. I know that was my profile from a bookmark... quick fill URL... etc. #SocialCafe
  41. @socialwebcafe The latter! The free trial doesn't let you figure out how to recoup the $1,200! #socialcafe
  42. Ok, I take it back... not only am I unable to find the login button... #SocialCafe (referring to RebelMouse)
  43. @conpsweeney The "free trial" is expensive? Or you mean that $1200 price tag thing (that I'm still trying to figure out) #SocialCafe
  44. Now RebelMouse is called "The Contagious Media Platform." #SocialCafe
  45. @socialwebcafe I looked at but these "free trials" really don't let you get a lot done plus they're expensive #socialcafe
  46. I am trying to figure out what they are doing... I notice that you can still request a free trial, but it seems like I have one #SocialCafe
  47. @conpsweeney True is true. Good one! My perspective may be a little "off" compared to a background from Brooklyn. #SocialCafe
  48. Remember how we talked up RebelMouse a few weeks (months) ago? #SocialCafe
  49. As I've quoted my friend: "Vertical and taking nourishment" #SocialCafe
  50. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/nWHgZ0v8J1
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/nWHgZ0v8J1
  51. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/jYcZbd5oNI
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/jYcZbd5oNI
  52. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/8D7KHveGvk
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/8D7KHveGvk
  53. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/MODhgwZB9M
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/MODhgwZB9M
  54. @socialcafechat That's my cue to leave! Thanks for attending all! See everyone next week! #SocialCafe
  55. I can "sense" @conpsweeney putting together his next masterpiece... as he heads off to sleepy land on the East Coast #SocialCafe
  56. As @conpsweeney replicates himself, he can work less hours and make more $$$, eh? #SocialCafe
  57. @conpsweeney Meaning you have something on the drawing table? Getting ready to launch? ;) #SocialCafe
  58. Now, you should write your program on how you did it and sell the course for others to learn from u! #SocialCafe
  59. @socialwebcafe Yes, but when laying out the program at least allowing for future #socialmedia channels is recommended #SocialCafe
  60. @conpsweeney It would seem that that is recommended, and then add other channels as a part of process improvement #SocialCafe
  61. @socialwebcafe As a #PhD candidate you're just biased towards with more than 3 syllables in them! #SocialCafe
  62. @conpsweeney - Have you been getting a favorable response from your clients, on your 8-Step program/plan? #SocialCafe
  63. Any #SocialMedia plan that includes words like normalization and continuous process improvement.. love it! #SocialCafe
  64. I was re-familiarizing myself with @conpsweeney 8 Steps. You all should really check it out for yourselves - it is good! #SocialCafe
  65. I promise I'm not ADD, but reading my tweets makes me wonder... lol #SocialCafe
  66. And, speaking of being fried... I think we were on the same wave length on that one, @conpsweeney ... See, thinking of you! #SocialCafe
  67. I remember when we first met @conpsweeney and you told me about your 8 step approach. How is that going? We'd love an update :) #SocialCafe
  68. Still going for 30 min, with the option of 60 min. That way, for those of you on the East Coast, you can still cut out at 30 min #SocialCafe
  69. @conpsweeney Oh Con - Never! You? Replaced? You could never be replaced and certainly not by a bot. #SocialCafe
  70. I've been approached to host another #TwitterChat and that seems like a good time to approach others, as guests for #SocialCafe, too, eh?
  71. I always had the programmatic stuff in place, but now I've set it up to use it again for #SocialCafe I'm looking forward to it.
  72. #HeadsUp >> This may be the last week of the #openEnded #SocialCafe #TwitterChat . I've been getting the calendar ready! #TopicsComing
  73. Welcome to our weekly #SocialCafe Twitter Chat.. a 30 min connection time on #SocialMedia
  74. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/12FoW0JLjW
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/12FoW0JLjW
  75. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/2LQ1SN5hHp
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/2LQ1SN5hHp
  76. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/iQhSBSKIzG
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/iQhSBSKIzG
  77. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/ViKS6N4tU5
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/ViKS6N4tU5
  78. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/IchUmrNnJx
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/IchUmrNnJx
  79. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/1Fnvg5EA7n
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/1Fnvg5EA7n
  80. Ah, I'll sign off with you... but not too young for those greats! Tho, I'll take the "too young" anyway :) Thanks! #SocialCafe #nextWeek
  81. @socialwebcafe LOL Me? Never! But I'll sign off now! You may be too young for some of those! See everyone next week! #SocialCafe
  82. @conpsweeney Ah, u did answer this week! Cool! (clap) Hey -I like those singers as well :) Add Ella to the group and we have quite the mix #SocialCafe
  83. @socialwebcafe Groups? Er, no... Johnny Cash, Marty Robbins, Tex Ritter, Waylon Jennings, Loretta Lynn, Statler Bros, Merle Haggard...#SocialCafe
  84. I predict that you are going to call it, @conpsweeney and leave me hanging on that question.. more for next #SocialCafe ;)
  85. And, for those of you who are curious...  http://joanjett.com  She was the bestie of our closes neighbor and closest friend #SocialCafe
  86. At the hospital the other day, hubby said something about "Joan Jett" and the nurse was like, "Who?" #SocialCafe
  87. @conpsweeney It might be scary that I know what you are talking about there.. lol #SocialCafe
  88. @conpsweeney Oh, that has been a while! But, I still have fond memories of them ;) all different sizes & shapes..lol #SocialCafe
  89. @socialwebcafe They would but it's business and most people use it liek a fad #SocialCafe
  90. @conpsweeney You make me laugh @conpsweeney Yeah, I like FB, but no help w/ their IG. Someone stole my husband's branded IG. #SocialCafe No help from IG
  91. I think people would be really sad to lose #Twitter as they forget that #Twitter (as other SNs) do not belong to us... #SocialCafe
  92. @conpsweeney I think all we have is the #TwitterAds (assuming that is bringing in revenue for some people) #SocialCafe
  93. @socialwebcafe Next #Instgram I think #facebook is having their lunch and doing what they do People want simple one stop shopping a la #amazon #SocialCafe
  94. @socialwebcafe Let's do #Twitter first... Needs a way to make money Getting bad press Probably maxed out on members Needs to overhaul the tool #SocialCafe
  95. @conpsweeney I dare say you do it at least 3-5 times, if only counting the viral-capable quotes and quips! #SocialCafe
  96. @conpsweeney You know you have me curious, Con. I think #LinkedIn may be self-evident. What about #Twitter and #Instagram? #SocialCafe
  97. @conpsweeney I never thought of that, Con! (small cup and call it full!) That is great! #SocialCafe
  98. @socialwebcafe I've always wondered why folks just don't get a small cup and say it's full! #socialcafe
  99. @conpsweeney Oooh... I love it, Con! So, which ones do you think are in the running? #SocialCafe
  100. @socialwebcafe Hmm... Who are going to be the winners and losers in #socialmedia in the next couple of years... #socialcafe
  101. What might me circling in your head tonight for our topic? :D #SocialCafe
  102. Looking forward to our low-key 30 min #SocialCafe in about 15 min
  103. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/LlCK2MakIH
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/LlCK2MakIH
  104. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/USApGCwlN1
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/USApGCwlN1
  105. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/C720cvX9gv
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/C720cvX9gv
  106. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/wVGqLpsV7Y
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/wVGqLpsV7Y
  107. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/dq0FbTIXmq
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/dq0FbTIXmq
  108. Hey all. See you next week. Same time / Same place #SocialCafe Hope you had a great 4th of July (if you celebrate it and if you don't ;) )
  109. When I say "we" it is in the spirit of #SocialCafe @conpsweeney will not be joining us, but will be enjoying the fireworks of the 4th, eh?
  110. In honor of the holiday, we will be here, but not have the same conversation or Q&A. That said, we are available. #SocialCafe
  111. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/Y9RouWycGl
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/Y9RouWycGl

Link to Complete Summary.
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