#SocialCafe 6.36 Chat Transcript

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The Intrigue of Instagram Stories #SocialCafe 6.36

The Intrigue of Instagram Stories #SocialCafe 6.36

Hosted by Deborah @SocialWebCafe & Con @ConPSweeney & the #SocialCafe Community!

  1. --- Please visit these wonderful services (sponsored/affiliates)! ---
  2. --------------- The Chat: ---------------
  3. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/v7fjG4vZKe
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/v7fjG4vZKe
  4. If u r new to IG Stories, check out the "quick" article:  http://www.socialcafechat.com/instagram-stories-intro/  It may help you to facilitate ur thoughts #SocialCafe
  5. Curious, @conpsweeney ... Do u find it helpful to at least educate oneself on emerging #Social apps? .. then decide yes or no #SocialCafe
  6. A1 It is still a bit new for me to have a final opinion, but from what I have learned, looks interesting #SocialCafe
  7. @socialwebcafe Certainly, but as a sole practicioner, I find it hard to juggle all balls at once plus not all tools are applicable everywhere #socialcafe
  8. @socialcafechat @conpsweeney A1: It's nice watching ppl's stories but I haven't gotten into posting my own #socialcafe
  9. In playing with Instagram Stories on my phone, it leaves a little to be desired.. Not overly intuitive. #SocialCafe
  10. However, for those who don't mind accidentally sharing themselves in awkward positions, it is total fun! #SocialCafe
  11. @conpsweeney I couldn't agree more, @conpsweeney I feel like #burnout is around the corner if I try too hard to juggle absolutely everything #SocialCafe
  12. @Jyoung1219 @socialcafechat @conpsweeney Yeah, I like watching them. I agree, Joe. And, I feel like I need to be prepared for #live (even if accidental) #SocialCafe
  13. Q2 Do you have plans to use Instagram Stories (1st time or more frequently)? If not, what stands in the way? #SocialCafe
  14. I was doing some research about IG Stories... #branding #marketing etc. | just about to send a pic in the story, of my cute chi #SocialCafe
  15. ... and saw his "toilet" in the background. Somehow, trying to explain is not the story of #branding in IG stories #SocialCafe
  16. @socialcafechat A2) Probably, once I finish figuring out how to monetarize what I have already! #socialcafe
  17. The real explanation of the "Chihuahua toilet?" It is a ceramic dog dish my daughter made for him.. lol #SocialCafe
  18. @socialwebcafe @socialcafechat @conpsweeney It's not something new since Snapchat did that for a while. Good to have a chance to share & not have to worry about storage #SocialCafe
  19. A2 I do have plans to use Instagram Stories more frequently and really learn and apply the marketing benefits #SocialCafe
  20. @socialwebcafe @socialcafechat @conpsweeney Also emphasizes the point of just doing it and not worrying about rehearsals or how many takes you go through #SocialCafe
  21. Interested in building your business relationships? Use @commun_it - the #Twitter Tool for #Relationships #SocialCafe #ad
  22. Joe @Jyoung1219 makes a brilliant point...Some of us (def fit in this grp sometimes) worry too much abt perfection! #SocialCafe #JustDoIt  https://twitter.com/Jyoung1219/status/905237430290178049 
  23. Q3 What features of Instagram Stories are appealing? What needs improvement? #SocialCafe
  24. A3 I like that Instagram offers them. I remember when IG started to offer video and I liked that it was 2x as long as Vine #SocialCafe
  25. Q4 Any tips or strategies you care to share as we wrap up this discussion on Instagram Stories? #SocialCafe
  26. A4 I have some tips that I am putting together in article form to share in the next weeks for the #SocialCafe community
  27. #socialcafe Heading out! Thanks for joining! See everyone next week!
  28. Thanks for joining us for another #SocialCafe We will see you same time, same place next week!

Link to Complete Summary.
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