Social Media and Cyber Bullying #SocialCafe 6.40
#SocialCafe Twitter Events All times shown in Eastern Standard Time (EST), the same as New York, NY, US. This will change to Eastern Daylight Savings Time (EDT) when the time changes in North America. EDT is GMT -4.
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Welcome, everyone, to the 30 min Twitter Chat
I’ll be moving over to with to have an open ended on
Normally, we choose a social media topic. It has been for the past month.
Somehow, in the light of the Mass Shooting, the idea of seeing how we can make money on Twitter diminished
Hey Con - How are you doing?
Granted, we have to move on, but it is difficult if one is a victim in the shooting or has lost someone
So, instead, tonight is an discussion addressing this question: How can we use social media to help in situations like this?
Doing well. Spent a little too much time yesterday watching the live feed from
http:// A lot of sadness...
Did you watch the news on the shooting, Love Con's (Trying entice him to share)
Be careful with that! Can be overwhelming
Yes, I woke up (EST) to hear about the madness I don't know what to say
Don't become part of the churn online Stay away from confrontation
Uh oh - is that directed at me? lol
I was tired after watching the news on the shooting all day and posted what I thought was an NRA response...
I had been looking for an NRA response and I didn't even look at the URL (I never do that!).. It was a satire from The Onion.
i avoid the politics Not worth it
I entirely agree, Con! Last thing I want to do is get into a gun control discussion
Wise woman I don't believe social media is the forum for this
I was only curious as to what the NRA would say.
Definitely! Besides not having an opinion, I don't have any desire for nasty responses on social media
But, that said, I do understand why people do it (referring to discussion, not shooting) for Edge Rank on Facebook, etc.
So, my recommendation, if you are going to help in a situation like we had yesterday, using social media... [See Next Tweet]
Can be overwhelming at times!
1) Don't get over-involved
2) Get sleep
3) Stay away from politics
4) Get the word out, like blood drive notice
There's gotta be a better way!
I think that first one (and agreement on the 3rd) is all you, Con, right?
Yes, but I like number two especially and four is important!
It worked so well yesterday, with social media and word of mouth, that they raised more than their target on gofundme
Going to bail now! Thanks for joining and see everyone next week!
Also, they filled their blood drives, which is wonderful!
From that aspect, having the online access and social media is helpful in the aftermath of such a situation
And, with that, we finish this week's impromptu May the victims find comfort. We are thinking of you
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