#SocialCafe 6.44 Chat Transcript

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Alternative Ways to Spend Holidays (With People!) #SocialCafe 6.44

Alternative Ways to Spend Holidays (With People!) #SocialCafe 6.44

Hosted by Deborah @SocialWebCafe & Con @ConPSweeney #SocialCafe

  1. --- Please visit these wonderful services (sponsored/affiliates)! ---
  2. --------------- The Chat: ---------------
  3. Another month! Thank you for your continued support! =D I really appreciate all of you! (And, if you haven't already, join our #SocialCafe
  4. Yes, and Happy Halloween to those who celebrate it. #SocialCafe
  5. @conpsweeney How are you, Con? Are dressed up as anything while you are tweeting here? #SocialCafe
  6. @socialwebcafe Well, thanks! Naw, got that out of my system a while back! Are you going out in the same costume as last year? #socialcafe
  7. I love dressing up for things, but our family did something different. We used to hide in the back of the house and eat candy.. #SocialCafe
  8. ... eat candy and watch movies together and have a real family night of it. The kids looked forward to it every year #SocialCafe
  9. We never had a shortage of candy :) And, we scoop up the next day, just in time for our two daughters' bdays #SocialCafe
  10. @socialwebcafe What did your neighbors' kids think of that? Did you get tricked? #socialcafe
  11. Yeah - it is a long story why we don't celebrate it.. but the family celebrates being a family... lol #SocialCafe
  12. Besides, we had a pool and the girls' bday parties, and more candy than imaginable and the local kids were welcome after HW. #SocialCafe
  13. @socialwebcafe Hmm, actually, nothing too earth shattering, just went out to get my share of the loot Usually went as a #hobo #socialcafe
  14. @conpsweeney Oh wow - that is how my brother used to dress up and I was the princess in pink.. lol #SocialCafe
  15. My son went into theatre, so he gets to dress up almost daily, for rehearsals (and was even Shrek in ... Shrek). My #greenSon #SocialCafe
  16. @socialwebcafe It was a political statement by me Mother would never spring for a decent costume She never got the point! #socialcafe
  17. @conpsweeney Poor dear. Though, couldn't you smear cocoa all over to make dirt? Then again, maybe real dirt would be an idea #SocialCafe
  18. Hey, on another note, when you have a moment, how is your paid Twitter App working for you? Any tips? #SocialCafe
  19. @socialwebcafe I was realistic enough! Sadly too many examples in the neighborhood! #socialcafe
  20. @conpsweeney Believe it or not, I've already forgotten what app you use.. Too much thinking about costumes.. #SocialCafe
  21. @conpsweeney Yes, that's it! You win the prize - of a compliment on your costume :) #SocialCafe
  22. Just enough time for @conpsweeney to comment on how things are going with #Crowdfire before lights out for #SocialCafe this evening.
  23. @socialwebcafe Not sure but #ToS seem to be changing Difficult to make progress I once did Suspect it has to do with brouha with #socialmedia #socialcafe
  24. @conpsweeney Any possibility it is because you have grown so successfully? Or, do you think that isn't the cause? I know some apps.. #SocialCafe
  25. Some apps have problems if you have more than 10k followers #SocialCafe
  26. Possibly I'm trying to test to see This may take a while #socialcafe
  27. Now back to the study of experimental research methods... and independent & dependent variables... See you next week (same time) #SocialCafe

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