#SocialCafe 6.46 Chat Transcript

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November 14, 2017
  1. And, another question for @conpsweeney - What have you learned this past week? Any wisdom to share with us? #SocialCafe
  2. @conpsweeney Yeah - that makes sense. Someday, we should interview you and let us share your story and inspiration! #SocialCafe
  3. Q1 What are THREE (3) #socialMedia related topics that you would like to learn more about in 2018? #SocialCafe
  4. @conpsweeney @socialcafechat Speaking of stories (and raising curiosity) that does it! I definitely agree on that politics comment... #SocialCafe
  5. @conpsweeney And, it seems to only get more mysterious, the more we get the answers... #SocialCafe
  6. @conpsweeney I would be curious how the #happinessLevel changes or stays the same as new things come and go (if affected by outside events) #SocialCafe
  7. Q2 What if we open it up to everything, not just #SocialMedia ? What to learn (or goals) for 2018? #SocialCafe
  8. Oh goodness! I could slap myself.. lol. I have definitely had my head in my dissertation too much... it is coming out in my tweets.. lol #SocialCafe
  9. A2 Monetization; New endeavors (proven success); completing the novels; #NANOWRIMO #SocialCafe
  10. @socialcafechat A2) Yeah, sure, great, we could end up hosting a porn chat group with that idea! #socialcafe
  11. @conpsweeney @socialcafechat That is a good point. I thought of that after I retweeted it a couple of times.. lol #SocialCafe
  12. So, @conpsweeney - what topics have been of interest to the #LinkedInChat community over 2017? #SocialCafe
  13. @conpsweeney @socialcafechat I like that, Con! "boundaries in life" #TwitterChats #SocialCafe That might be a topic in and of itself
  14. @conpsweeney Those are great topics as well. I like the #content one. That is something that could use more coverage #SocialCafe
  15. @conpsweeney @socialwebcafe Also, #LinkedIn features makes sense for #linkedinchat Twitter has a few less features.. though there are some that could be covered #SocialCafe
  16. @conpsweeney @socialcafechat That is great (feeling better about #2018 >> Do share! I'm sure there are those who could use the inspiration! #SocialCafe
  17. @conpsweeney @socialcafechat Oh wow! It would help if I would use a #Twitter feature or #Tweetdeck feature to see where the conversation is.. lol #SocialCafe
  18. #socialcafe And with that I'll exit stage left... Thanks for joining everyone! See you next week! #socialcafe
  19. Thanks all, for joining us at #SocialCafe Catch you next week, same time / same place
  20. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/iiBVu6HzI6
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/iiBVu6HzI6
  21. Called into the @lovelyloaf  Bobbin #SocialCafé for some great #SocialSoup before the Drumlin Wind #Coop board meeting and it's buzzin with social business going on @USEL182 @bill233a https://t.co/LrlXciqJmb
    Called into the @lovelyloaf Bobbin #SocialCafé for some great #SocialSoup before the Drumlin Wind #Coop board meeting and it's buzzin with social business going on @USEL182 @bill233a pic.twitter.com/LrlXciqJmb
  22. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/OEWkZgA6pp
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/OEWkZgA6pp
  23. Called in to the Bobbin #SocialCafé for some hot '#SocialSoup it was so good it didn't last long enough for a photo. Lots of #SocialEnterprise business going on with @maevemonaghan @Cjstirling59 at our table. @lovelyloaf @socentni
  24. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/9tazAbIYGD
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/9tazAbIYGD
  25. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/qtQu1pYw4P
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/qtQu1pYw4P
  26. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/EFn0tZetBo
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/EFn0tZetBo
  27. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/Cq8MzpB1Mz
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/Cq8MzpB1Mz
  28. Welcome, everyone to #SocialCafe weekly on Tues night. Serving you since 2012. The "original" #SocialCafe
  29. @socialwebcafe Thank you! Life is great! Happy to be here! How about yourself? #socialcafe
  30. In honor of US Thanksgiving, it is a low-key chat this week, thinking of the positive and what we can think of for being thankful ;) #SocialCafe
  31. @livewithkayla Same here. And, right in sync with the topic. #Thankful for the ability to be here. #SocialCafe
  32. @conpsweeney Yeah, my daughter just announced a menu change for #TurkeyDay.. but I volunteered her to be in charge of it.. lol #SocialCafe
  33. @conpsweeney Fortunately, same theme, just not what was already in the house... lol #SocialCafe Fortunately she loves to cook & bake (& is good at it!)
  34. A1 @conpsweeney reminded me. I'm thankful for someone who likes cooking for others... in my own house ;) #SocialCafe
  35. A1 @livewithkayla reminded me that life is good! Glad that that is the case and thanks for the reminder Kayla! #SocialCafe
  36. A1 @akathmadevi reminds me about time. Thankful I have time! Maybe I want more, but happy to have what I have. #SocialCafe
  37. Q1 What can we think of to be thankful for, even on a large scale (like freedoms)? #SocialCafe
  38. @socialcafechat A1. Failures! It teaches us a lot and makes us stronger than what success makes us. #SocialCafe
  39. @conpsweeney @socialcafechat That's a great answer, Con! And, speaking of 280 characters, curious on your thoughts, off-topic or not.. ;) #SocialCafe
  40. @conpsweeney @livewithkayla Sure - come on over to the house ;) #SocialCafe Now, how to advertise the address without putting it in public :) #SocialCafe
  41. @socialwebcafe @socialcafechat Not sure yet but I don't think it's a good thing.... There'll be too many longwinded tweets soon! #socialcafe
  42. @akathmadevi @socialcafechat Good one, @akathmadevi ! I'm so glad you said that. And, it is so true. Some of the greatest things/jumps in life have been the result of what I learned from failures. #SocialCafe
  43. @conpsweeney @socialcafechat Oh, don't get me going, Con. You have seen my messages in Skype and I can get really longwinded! #SocialCafe
  44. I'm trying to function like we still have the 140 character limit so I don't put people to sleep.. ;) #SocialCafe
  45. @socialwebcafe @socialcafechat and how can I forget that! I am in that phase now, reminding myself this too shall pass. November has been hard on me!! #SocialCafe
  46. @akathmadevi @socialcafechat I think that is one of my top 10 favorite quotes (this too shall pass). Amazing how many times that helps. Another one is "It is what it is" (not sure why that works for me). #SocialCafe
  47. @akathmadevi @socialcafechat More importantly.. so sorry November has been difficult. Any way we can help? #SocialCafe
  48. @conpsweeney @livewithkayla Now if we only had those.. what are they called? Transporters? That would be a quick way to one place.. though, I wonder if the atoms would realign #SocialCafe
  49. A2 My chihuahua looking up at me with blind faith (even when he isn't blind or anything.. just trusting) #SocialCafe
  50. @socialwebcafe @socialcafechat my another favorite and which keeps me moving - "I am not permanent here. So, just enjoy everything whatever it is" and all the philosophy around it. #SocialCafe
  51. A2 Thankful that our #SocialCafe numbers were 6 million, compared to 4 million the week before that. Hey numbers excite me, even math, Algebra.. :) #SocialCafe
  52. @socialwebcafe @conpsweeney There has to be an Engineer out there somewhere who can build us one! ? #socialcafe
  53. @conpsweeney @livewithkayla Ah, Con.. great idea, but I might have to add a third job first ;) #SocialCafe
  54. @livewithkayla @conpsweeney You know what would be cool is if we could plug in changes we wanted, like lose 10 pounds, instant tan.. and pop out the other side with a couple of changes ;) #SocialCafe
  55. @conpsweeney @socialcafechat Oooh... good one. I'm trying to imagine life without WiFi. Yes, good one. #SocialCafe
  56. @socialwebcafe @conpsweeney I like the thought process. Maybe we could piggy back off idea behind uber / lyft , but for #tweetups ? #socialcafe
  57. @conpsweeney @livewithkayla You know I actually considered it. Then, it seemed silly... then came the regret that I didn't. lol #SocialCafe
  58. @livewithkayla @socialwebcafe Now, you're thinking! The extra guests can camp out in Deb's backyard! #socialcafe
  59. @conpsweeney @livewithkayla Sure.. Tho the tiniest of dogs, my chihuahua "Tiny" thinks he owns the entire backyard, so watch out for Chihuahua licks a.k.a. kisses in the middle of the night as he wiggles through the tent door.. #SocialCafe
  60. It is about to be 8 am here and time to jump out into daily chores. See you again next week! #socialcafe
  61. @livewithkayla @conpsweeney I can actually imagine that, Kayla! That is a great idea! And, all the live hangouts, Facebook Live.. man, the sponsors would make out and so would we! Great idea! #SocialCafe
  62. #DebsTurkeyTweetUp I'll get on this after the chat? When should folks start showing up? #socialcafe
  63. @socialwebcafe @conpsweeney Does he like other dogs? Like perhaps this one..? My new friends I introduce to you , Nelly! #socialcafe https://t.co/alMA4KeAEZ
    @socialwebcafe @conpsweeney Does he like other dogs? Like perhaps this one..? My new friends I introduce to you , Nelly! #socialcafe pic.twitter.com/alMA4KeAEZ
  64. And, with that, we are wrapping up our 30 min #SocialCafe. I'll still be around if anyone tweets, but officially our 30 min #SocialCafe has reached lights out here.
  65. Next week, we have a survey for what #SocialMedia topics you'd like to cover in 2018. Usually, we focus on one per month, all aspects, and dig in deeper #SocialCafe
  66. @livewithkayla @conpsweeney Welcome, Nelly! Yeah, Tiny likes other dogs, but he pretends like he doesn't, initially. In reality, he is one of the most social dogs.. so I'm sure he'd love Nelly. #SocialCafe
  67. @conpsweeney Yes, #HappyThanksgiving to those who celebrate it, including friends from other countries! #SocialCafe (Hey, I'm half-and-half .. two Thanksgivings #US #Canada)
  68. @socialwebcafe @conpsweeney Too cute. I've always wanted a big dog and little dog! Does Tiny have siblings? #socialcafe
  69. @livewithkayla @conpsweeney That would be cool (Big dog & little dog). I'm not sure about siblings. We got him from a rescue after his owners died. But, he had a lot of girlfriends at the rescue.. lol #SocialCafe
  70. And, I don't see why size matters.. A big dog can be friends with a little dog and vice versa :) #SocialCafe
  71. @livewithkayla @conpsweeney Oh, I wish I could.. lol Other than the rescue worker showed me pictures of them all crawling into Tiny's bed with him.. oh, that sounds kinkier than it is supposed to sound.. lol #SocialCafe #Chihuahua #WhatTheyDo
  72. @socialwebcafe Thanks for the chat. I look forward to learning more about #twitter and figuring this out! Chat next week #socialcafe
  73. @livewithkayla Oops.. it helps if I pay attention to what tweet is a response to what other tweet.. Oops... Bit coin.. Hey, we should have that as a focused topic for one of the #SocialCafe chats.. how about that?
  74. My first #socialcafe chat was fun! Expanding knowledge one tweet at a time ?? #ilovetechnology
  75. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/yDeWrOnzWs
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/yDeWrOnzWs
  76. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/lW8S3PU1yf
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/lW8S3PU1yf
  77. We've launched a second RealLiving #socialcafe in Rosyth! The new cafe will run every Friday between 10.30am and 12.30pm in Parkgate Community Centre. https://t.co/ItSAi5GIPi https://t.co/Ggff2EJRKt
    We've launched a second RealLiving #socialcafe in Rosyth! The new cafe will run every Friday between 10.30am and 12.30pm in Parkgate Community Centre.  http://ow.ly/N1et30gMO7S  pic.twitter.com/Ggff2EJRKt
  78. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/nRaqq7TBcu
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/nRaqq7TBcu
  79. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/lLvdsTvcmk
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/lLvdsTvcmk
  80. .@Link_Living has launched a second RealLiving #socialcafe in #Rosyth! The new cafe will run every Friday between 10.30am and 12.30pm in Parkgate Community Centre!  https://twitter.com/ScotHousingNews/status/935095376570470400 
  81. Just the thing on a cold day; hot and tasty lentil soup in the Bobbin #SocialCafé in @belfastcc City Hall provided by @lovelyloaf #Eatsocial https://t.co/4N8bobFNVg
    Just the thing on a cold day; hot and tasty lentil soup in the Bobbin #SocialCafé in @belfastcc City Hall provided by @lovelyloaf #Eatsocial pic.twitter.com/4N8bobFNVg
  82. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/acVOvfJgo1
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/acVOvfJgo1
  83. I'm happy to see that others have found our #SocialCafe conducive to their sharing, as well. Some of those tweets make me want a cappuccino!
  84. And, then there is the group on Wed morning. Happy to greet you newbies! Feel free to join our original #SocialCafe here on Tues night at 9p EST.
  85. @conpsweeney I'm thinking about it ;) #SocialCafe If only you lived closer, Con.. or I have to get out East again... maybe when weather warms a bit.
  86. Ok - I promised a Survey Monkey survey (redundant, wasn't that)... but there seems to be technical difficulty, so I'll ask the questions here, instead. #SocialCafe
  87. And, beware... some of these questions have been asked in other #SocialCafe chats, so please bear with me :)
  88. Q1 What topics would you like to see covered in 2018 #SocialCafe ? (Feel free to use the same answer as last week :) )
  89. @conpsweeney Yeah, I think the monkey needs more play time, or attention... too much on shopping and not enough on the monkey. #SocialCafe
  90. @socialwebcafe A1) Monetarization of social mediia, Is organic growth dead? #socialcafe
  91. @conpsweeney What do you think about, say, a focus on Instagram monetization one month; LinkedIn monetization another month; Pinterest... etc. ? #SocialCafe
  92. A1 I'd like practical how-to and stuff we can apply to what we are doing (with results!) #SocialCafe
  93. @socialwebcafe Possibly, but I think if we start with the theory & practice of monetarization for social first then follow with the channels it might be more useful #socialcafe
  94. Q2 Which categories would you like in 2018: social media; monetization; blogging; entrepreneurial/business; other ? #SocialCafe (I think we may have answered this one.. lol)
  95. @conpsweeney Ah, so more of a business approach on the mechanics and then insert the #socialmedia... I like that! Yeah, I think you sort of answered Q2, Con #SocialCafe
  96. A2 I go with what Con suggested. Great idea! (Now you have to read Con's tweet/convo :) ) #SocialCafe
  97. Q3 Do you like the 30 min format or the 60 min format or do you have no preference? #SocialCafe
  98. A3 I like the 30 min format for the "meat" of the conversation with maybe a sort of after chat pub mentality for the final 30 min for those who want to hang around afterwards... #SocialCafe
  99. Oops... I'm going too fast... Only one question left... lol #SocialCafe
  100. Q4 Do you like when we have guests on the chat? Or, is it one of those things that is nice, but you can take it or leave it? Or, do you really dislike it? #SocialCafe
  101. @conpsweeney I like that! Though.. I spent my limit this weekend.. lol #SocialCafe (on needs of course.. wink)
  102. Oh, hey, Con - what about writing as a category, maybe focus on it for one month? #SocialCafe @conpsweeney
  103. @conpsweeney Great idea... will add it! I may even have a guest who could share her experiences. She had great ideas for incentives #outofthebox #SocialCafe @SierraRein
  104. OK - all questions have been asked and answered and I am excited about #SocialCafe 2018! Time to start planning!
  105. @conpsweeney - I was thinking of having the prerecorded interview (like we used to do) and maybe show it in the second 30 min and tweet while watching. That way, people can leave after 30 min chatting or stay... what do you think? #SocialCafe
  106. @conpsweeney I'll start working on that... #SocialCafe (And if there are any VA types out there who would like to help... Also, possible intern credit at colleges)
  107. I once interviewed a gal who set up her blog to have interns and they would get college credit. I think it is a great idea. Maybe we should add that to our topic list. What do you think? #SocialCafe
  108. @socialwebcafe Definitely! Could help us get traffic too! Hire someone with lots of friends & a high #klout score! #socialcafe
  109. @conpsweeney You are on a roll, Con! Good idea! I'll run an ad on Facebook :) First, the how-to from my friend. #SocialCafe
  110. Ok - well this has been a great chat and very insightful. Thanks, Con (and all you lurkers). See you next week and definitely in 2018! The "original" #SocialCafe (circa 2012)
  111. Night all! Thanks for joining! See everyone next week! #socialcafe
  112. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/MPHfZSnBla
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/MPHfZSnBla
  113. Another month! Thank you for your continued support! =D I really appreciate all of you! (And, if you haven't already, join our #SocialCafe
  114. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/6ZUdHlPCRj
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/6ZUdHlPCRj
  115. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/4peAAPL7VH
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/4peAAPL7VH
  116. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/Ol0QCHW6cl
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/Ol0QCHW6cl
  117. @socialwebcafe My goal this week is improve consistency on Twitter! Apologies for pulling a Houdini! I'm looking forward to this weeks #socialcafe !
  118. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/s2HvLaZJ9F
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/s2HvLaZJ9F
  119. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/UwLizSeYYQ
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/UwLizSeYYQ
  120. @deepthink5 Love the idea, @deepthink5 Thanks for doing this! I have a few lists, too, so if you need a return favor, just ask... #SocialCafe
  121. @conpsweeney Thank you for the thank you, Con :) It has been my intention, for how many weeks (years)? Hey, what is intention without action..? #LinkedInChat #SocialCafe
  122. Welcome to our #SocialCafe for this Tuesday night, one of the last of 2017 (but not for #SocialCafe :) )
  123. Shhh... Con doesn't know this yet, but I think we should put him on the spot tonight during #SocialCafe | Why? ...because he is one of the smartest, wisest guys out there!
  124. Seriously, though, anyone can answer this question, so we will add our "Q" to the tweet to open it up if someone else wants to add their wisdom #SocialCafe
  125. Q1 What social media predictions do you foresee or want to predict for 2018? #SocialCafe
  126. @conpsweeney Sure thing. I hope to do it more often. It is a great chat (referencing #LinkedInChat ) led by a great guy (referencing @conpsweeney ) No, Con did not pay me to say that #honestOpinion #SocialCafe
  127. @MAGAGunslinger @PMgeezer Apparently, Twitter wants to destroy itself with its censorship. Coming Dec. 18, 2017. HELLO gab.ai ... #SocialCafe next to be created?
  128. A1 I think we will see a few more social media platforms fall by the wayside... Don't ask which ones, lol.. but I don't think we are done #SocialCafe
  129. @socialwebcafe A1) Major changes arising from DC but who knows what the details will be; #twitter could go either way; #facebook may change its revenue model; #linkedin still has to leverage #Microsoft #socialcafe
  130. @Kathrynclang The idea of censorship is an interesting one.. I'm curious who decides on it and how far? I mean, we allow #fakenews and #cyberbullying but there could be #censorship in other areas? I wonder where the line is.. #SocialCafe
  131. A1: Audio and video will also be stronger platforms - but not sure how will make the most of them. #socialcafe
  132. @conpsweeney I agree. Unless someone has unlimited funds (or a desire for unlimited power), is there a need for another one? re: #socialMedia platform/network #SocialCafe
  133. Q2 What internet marketing predictions do you foresee or want to predict for 2018? #SocialCafe
  134. @Kathrynclang That's a good one, too, Kathryn. It is like, YouTube has been done.. Podcasts have been done... but that seems to mean we get hungrier for audio and video #SocialCafe
  135. @conpsweeney @socialwebcafe Right now - the platforms just block you or lock your account (and keep you from making an income). #socialcafe
  136. Related to what @Kathrynclang said about audio and video, I think we will see more Wordpress plugins and more affordable rates (or medium level) #SocialCafe
  137. @socialwebcafe A2) Ad revenues may decline because of Washington and questions about their effectiveness for business #socialcafe
  138. @Kathrynclang @conpsweeney So, a person can make someone cry or hurt them (i.e. #cyberbullying ) but don't make any money feeding your family... #SocialCafe (and then allow those who have to pick on those who have not... continuing the #bully cycle)
  139. @socialwebcafe @conpsweeney It's a crazy world - only made crazier through the ease and availability of social media :( #socialcafe - the best we can do is try to add positive from our side.
  140. @conpsweeney I wonder, if as a part of that, we see more rogue software with advertising hacks (no offense to the developers or the software ... a better word would be alternative ) #SocialCafe
  141. @Kathrynclang @conpsweeney Oh so true! I just wrote an article last night.. Someone wanted one on "alcoholism and self-care" and I got to thinking about how easy it is for people to accuse people of things like being an alcoholic because of the ease of use of #SocialMedia #SocialCafe
  142. @conpsweeney @socialwebcafe I think THEY know the answer - but they forget that the answer is ever shifting and the next best thing can change it all! #socialcafe
  143. Q3 What business predictions do you foresee or want to predict for 2018? #SocialCafe
  144. Weren't we talking last week about how whatever worked even five years ago, in making money online, doesn't work anymore.. Like @Kathrynclang says, with things changing... #SocialCafe
  145. A3: My top business prediction for 2018 is the new way to make your success will be different from anything out there right now! #socialcafe  https://twitter.com/socialwebcafe/status/938230764730138626 
  146. A3 Based on what we are seeing (and discussing) we would have to stay ahead-of-the-game business-wise in 2018 #SocialCafe
  147. @Kathrynclang Oooh.. That almost makes me feel excited, like what is behind door #2? Like, maybe there is something really cool out there. But, do you think we should fear it or embrace it? #SocialCafe
  148. @socialwebcafe I think we will shift back to traditional marketing, sales, and business basics - and stop relying on gimmicks and flashy signs #socialcafe
  149. @conpsweeney Con - please tell me you are not reading my mind... Either I write an awful lot of articles or you are psychic.. I just wrote about cryptocurrency a few nights ago #SocialCafe
  150. Q4 What internet (or online culture) predictions do you foresee or want to predict for 2018? #SocialCafe
  151. @socialwebcafe The only way to get there is to embrace it - and to embrace it in your own unique way. Key for 2018 - you can't do it like they did #socialcafe
  152. @Kathrynclang I like that! Choose your own path (i.e. whether to embrace or fear) as well as the "what" of that path (how to do it) #SocialCafe
  153. @socialwebcafe The tried and true - create lasting relationships and be relentlessly helpful - wrapped up in the unique you! That's what will make the way in 2018! #socialcafe
  154. @Kathrynclang Ok, @Kathrynclang - you need to make a poster out of that one :) I'll retweet it. That is a great way to describe it and encourage people #SocialCafe
  155. @conpsweeney @socialwebcafe That made me snort :) I have been told that I shoot rainbows out of my website - so just a little on the optimist spectrum ;) #socialcafe
  156. @conpsweeney ... ok, maybe not the cyberwarfare ... unless it is a new era of music (hopefully without violence) #SocialCafe
  157. @socialwebcafe You know what they say, give an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters with an infinite amount of time & one of them is bound to write #Shakespeare ! #socialcafe
  158. All of this optimism does remind me (and not sure why I didn't think of tweeting this previously in #SocialCafe ) .. If you want to be featured as a famous blogger, fill out this form (absolutely free...) >>  http://socialwebcafe.com/featured/ 
  159. Oh, an on the topic of building relationships, a helpful tool is @commun_it #SocialCafe
  160. @conpsweeney Sure am.. BTW - I don't like bragging, but... I actually hit #4 on the global Jazz charts this week (RN) #SocialCafe
  161. This has been such an enlightening 30 min that I can't believe it has flown by already! Great #SocialCafe Chat!
  162. #socialcafe Night all! Have to run! Thanks for joining! See everyone next week!
  163. @conpsweeney @socialwebcafe My husband does not always see the silver lining (like . . . total opposite) so I'm used to it. But even a little light makes a big difference ;) #socialcafe
  164. @Kathrynclang @conpsweeney Isn't it opposites attract? It adds some diversity to life :) Yes, I favor #optimism as a point of view :) #SocialCafe
  165. @socialwebcafe Thanks for hosting! Always great to get social on these social media platforms :) #socialcafe
  166. @Kathrynclang Yes! It is nice to get social in a positive way. Thanks for joining, @Kathrynclang #SocialCafe
  167. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/13LhLu9tz7
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/13LhLu9tz7
  168. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/e52RJut3LS
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/e52RJut3LS
  169. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/DZZX01WOGT
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/DZZX01WOGT
  170. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/wCQ5mpIubK
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/wCQ5mpIubK

Link to Complete Summary.
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