#SocialCafe 6.5 Chat Transcript

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#SocialCafe 01/24/17 & 01/31/17
  1. Collaboration - like most things - has to be unique to the persons involved #SocialCafe https://t.co/cSvE1CJerp
    Collaboration - like most things - has to be unique to the persons involved #SocialCafe pic.twitter.com/cSvE1CJerp
  2. Welcome, everyone to another #SocialCafe (weekly 30 min twitter chat on social media, tools, etc.) 9p EST
  3. Hey @conpsweeney - good to see you :) You have got me curious.. on the topic of #vitweet #SocialCafe
  4. So, how about we put @conpsweeney on the hot seat as "featured interviewee" to tell us a bit about #vitweet and what he thinks #SocialCafe
  5. Maybe we can reverse-engineer how #vitweet came to be a part of this discussion :) You know I love science #SocialCafe
  6. #Sidebar #offTopic Speaking of science, is a person supposed to list their Bachelor degree as a suffix to their name everywhere? #SocialCafe
  7. @conpsweeney Thank you, thank you, thank you, Con! (Deb virtually bows in thankfulness in this tweet) #SocialCafe
  8. @MrsPaznanski Welcome Janice! Good to have you join us in our informal chat time here at #SocialCafe Tonight we are discovering #vitweet
  9. @conpsweeney Really? Ok, U r not on trial. I promise! So, what tool did you use to schedule the tweet? Curiosity prevails :) #SocialCafe
  10. @MrsPaznanski Janice - have you ever heard of #vitweet ? We are trying to figure out if it is something we should use... #SocialCafe
  11. @socialwebcafe Thank you for the warm welcome. Excited to be here! I have never heard of #VitTweet #socialcafe
  12. @MrsPaznanski I hadn't heard of it either. I got curious & clicked on the link in @conpsweeney announcement tweet & saw it. #SocialCafe
  13. Hmmm... So, I need to look at the tweets I sent out that were scheduled in #tweetdeck and see if they have #vitweet #SocialCafe ... nope
  14. @conpsweeney And I thought that of you, Con. So glad we settled that with the help of @MrsPaznanski and #SocialCafe :)
  15. Ok - off to run a test with #hootsuite to see if that is the origin of #vitweet (could also #google it lol) #SocialCafe
  16. @socialwebcafe @conpsweeney I've got to go, but I'll see you next week. I followed you on Twitter. #socialcafe
  17. Ok - my #hootsuite tweet will say it was schedule a minute out from now, but I forgot the 5 min thing, so it should arrive at 25 #SocialCafe
  18. If my tweet via #hootsuite scheduled tweets comes through at 25 min after, with no #vitweet then I think it is something else #SocialCafe
  19. @conpsweeney I agree. That link you sent, on yahoo, didn't make it sound like something one would want (especially deletions) #SocialCafe
  20. If that is the case, I'm curious how it gets "triggered" or "connected" #SocialCafe
  21. According to their website, it was an offshoot of another service #SocialCafe
  22. "Vitweet is an app 4 ur Twitter acct allows u to convert ur text tweets w/ popular hashtags selected into marvelous quotecards" #SocialCafe
  23. This is my test message, sent via #hootsuite and scheduled a minute out ... stating how wonderful #SocialCafe is :) Hi all.
  24. That last tweet was a modified (for Twitter limitations) quote from  http://en.vitweet.com/faq  (click at your own risk) #SocialCafe
  25. Ok, now this tweet should say, the last tweet before the last tweet.... lol #SocialCafe
  26. @conpsweeney Sounds good. I do have one last question for you :) #SocialCafe Really quick, I promise.
  27. @conpsweeney If you were to check your Twitter Account > apps (like tomorrow) do you see a vitweet app there? #SocialCafe
  28. Thanks all, for joining us for this week's #SocialCafe We look forward to seeing you same time, same place next week ;)
  29. Another month! Thank you for your continued support! =D I really appreciate all of you! (And, if you haven't already, join our #SocialCafe
  30. #socialcafe Please give a shoutout and let us know you're there!
  31. #socialcafe @socialwebcafe Won't be joining us tonight so I'll try this by myself! (Sorry Deb!)
  32. @conpsweeney - I'm learning and trying to learn more every day. There is so much out there! #socialcafe
  33. @conpsweeney - Good question. Probably figuring out which platform serves which function the best. Not all SM is created equal. #socialcafe
  34. @conpsweeney - At the moment, I'm mostly building a network. I graduate with my Communication: New Media degree in May #socialcafe
  35. .@JoysOfMercy I'd recommend starting with @LinkedIn with content & engagement strategies #socialcafe
  36. @conpsweeney - That one I know! YES! I've make some connections via Twitter which seem promising. #socialcafe
  37. #socialcafe Heading off now! Thanks for joining! See everyone next week!

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