#SocialCafe 6.7 Chat Transcript

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#SocialCafe 02/14/17
  1. Collaboration - like most things - has to be unique to the persons involved #SocialCafe https://t.co/cSvE1CJerp
    Collaboration - like most things - has to be unique to the persons involved #SocialCafe pic.twitter.com/cSvE1CJerp
  2. I'm going to keep searching (and check with @conpsweeney until we find it ... next #SocialCafe !
  3. Until it is solved, for the sake of humanity and the global community, eh? #SocialCafe
  4. With that, see you next week, same time, same place at #SocialCafe
  5. Thank you so much @ZenYinger for sharing the time for our #SocialCafe twitter chat. Soooooo appreciated :) And, I followed you :)  https://twitter.com/ZenYinger/status/829063586974666752 
  6. ??????????? ????? ????? ? ??????? ? ??????????? ? ???????????. ?????? ? 14-00. #????????? #socialcafe...  http://fb.me/8BbDZXCXm 
  7. Had a very good time over a cup of coffee at #SocialCafe.
  8. @conpsweeney Yes! This is my first tweet chat, but I'm hoping it will be a fun experience! #socialcafe
  9. From hubby. I was going to say, "Does that count?" but I suppose that is whom I am suppose to get them from, eh? #SocialCafe
  10. @conpsweeney Ah.. I was going to ask you if you gave your wife one. That is so sweet. #SocialCafe
  11. @socialwebcafe Another thing I have noticed about V Day, & other holidays, is that adds on #socialmedia are targeted. #SocialCafe
  12. Welcome, Shannon! Tweetchats are a great way to have that open chat in a casual way (and still watch TV or anything else). #SocialCafe  https://twitter.com/ShanQuinn14/status/831686408570077184 
  13. @TiffanyDitto Good point. Yes, advertisers definitely take advantage of that. #SocialCafe
  14. @TiffanyDitto When you consider that the cost of ads (even targeted ads) is quite inexpensive in comparison to traditional.. #SocialCafe
  15. @conpsweeney That is so sweet. My husband is, too. He wanted to take me to dinner, but my tummy wasn't up to it. We postponed #SocialCafe
  16. A1 The ability to use #SocialMedia to greet others. Tho I see this more so (as far as usage) with other holidays #SocialCafe
  17. .@socialwebcafe We did too but only because I'm hanging out online tonight! #socialcafe
  18. @conpsweeney You know. I was wondering about that. Then I though, well, maybe they did it earlier since it is 8p ;) #SocialCafe
  19. A1: When you're single like me you don't celebrate! But V-day is a popular day to brag about a loved one and be super cheesy #socialcafe
  20. Q2 How has #ValentinesDay changed since #SocialMedia (or has it changed)? ...maybe this has been answered! #SocialCafe
  21. @ShanQuinn14 I love it, Shannon - the part about hearing people be super cheesy! Good phrase for it. #SocialCafe
  22. Q2: #ValentinesDay has changed b/c of #SocialMedia because people post photos online of what they got or did, creating (1/2) #SocialCafe
  23. A2: Social media is filled with pictures of couples and things about love on this day so singles might be more upset Lol #socialcafe
  24. Q2: (2/2) ... a sense of competition among friends for the sweetest relationship. #Socialcafe
  25. A2 Before #SocialMedia it was all about what is called "traditional" now.. the card.. the dinner #SocialCafe
  26. @ShanQuinn14 You know what.. I haven't even gone on Facebook today because of that. To me, it is just another day.. #SocialCafe
  27. @TiffanyDitto Oops (blush) I was thinking the 1/2 was the 1/2 of the posts.. I never thought of that, but yeah... #competition #SocialCafe
  28. @conpsweeney @ShanQuinn14 You guys don't want to know. I was watching #NCIS with hubby. Took the day off with the tummy #SocialCafe
  29. A3: I think the best solution is to unplug for the day if watching all the #ValentinesDay #SocialMedia posts make you sad. #Socialcafe
  30. A3: Like you said you did, stay away from SM. Otherwise, prepare yourself for the worst @socialcafechat #socialcafe
  31. @TiffanyDitto You know. I hate to see singles change their habits, but that is a good point since it is not likely to change #SocialCafe
  32. @TiffanyDitto @conpsweeney Yeah, Con! That is a good way to put yourself in the doghouse! lol #SocialCafe
  33. @socialwebcafe It was! I didn't have enough characters to put my response in one tweet. So, I was doing a two part tweet. #Socialcafe
  34. #socialcafe Night all! Have to run! Thanks for joining & see everyone next week!
  35. @TiffanyDitto Good way to do it. It is hard to fit all of it in 140 chars. #SocialCafe
  36. @conpsweeney Thanks, Con. No, we didn't scare him off... #SocialCafe is a 30 min Twitter Chat :)
  37. It's been fun. Thanks, all! I'm going to go nurse this tummy some more. Have a great evening! #SocialCafe
  38. @socialwebcafe Thank you all! This was neat. Have a good night and I hope you feel better! #SocialCafe
  39. #socialcafe Please give us a shoutout & let us know that you're there!
  40. Here to learn more about #socialcafe from Madison WI! @infamousmothers and I are learning how Twitter chats work!
  41. ... At our normal time, for our 30 min freestyle (somewhat) #SocialCafe Twitter Chat
  42. Hi @conpsweeney I was 2 min late because I got stopped by the gatekeeper at Twitter to re-authenticate that I am me. #SocialCafe Still me!
  43. Do you know my hubby is nicer than any one singular person should be at any given time? #SocialCafe
  44. Ok... I know... the Valentine's Day topic was last week... Just saying. #SocialCafe
  45. Of course... he (hubby) saw the tweet at the last minute and said, "Ah, Deb.." #shyness #SocialCafe
  46. @socialwebcafe That was a good one! I only put my foot in my mouth once! (I think!) #socialcafe
  47. Ok, speaking of #shyness (this is my weird brain...) if we were to draw a list of descriptors 4 the perfect #onlinemarketer .... #SocialCafe
  48. @conpsweeney Good one... you crack me up, Con! I know your wife is lovely. (I almost said to put up with u, but I wouldn't) #SocialCafe
  49. @INTLCTLratchet On my! I have to look that up to be sure. I think I stopped counting after 4 yrs, so this should be 5-6 yrs #SocialCafe
  50. @conpsweeney @INTLCTLratchet I can't believe it's been that long. Of course, I mean it in the sweetest way :D #bigSmile #SocialCafe
  51. How about 2. determined #SocialCafe (Now I'll give you all a chance...)
  52. @UneekDiva Ah, thnx. Yeah, I hit the jackpot (even tho I think it happened accidentally) on that one. I wish the same to others #SocialCafe
  53. @conpsweeney How about a really creative article? Just thinking out loud... :) #SocialCafe

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