#SocialCafe 7.12 Chat Transcript

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03/05 - 04/02/18 #SocialCafe

03/05 - 04/02/18 #SocialCafe

  1. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/wsggEcXrlv
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/wsggEcXrlv
  2. Hashtag: #SocialCafe
Topic: Social Media
Details:Weekly chat covering topics related to marketing, branding, social media, blogging, and more. Dual hashtags: Also uses hashtag #TBW.
Moderator: "@socialwebcafe
Date/Time: Tuesday 9:00 - 10:00 PM ET https://t.co/6IN3mO2F09
    Hashtag: #SocialCafe Topic: Social Media Details:Weekly chat covering topics related to marketing, branding, social media, blogging, and more. Dual hashtags: Also uses hashtag #TBW. Moderator: "@socialwebcafe Date/Time: Tuesday 9:00 - 10:00 PM ET pic.twitter.com/6IN3mO2F09
  3. Thank you sooo much Patty @ @hauteelitepr :) Oh, we can drop #TBW We only included that for a short time for our co-host at the time :) But, going strong, in our 6th year on #SocialCafe Thanks!  https://twitter.com/hauteelitepr/status/971200035500253186 
  4. Welcome everyone, to another #SocialCafe and chatting about social media for 30 min :)
  5. First, before we start, I just want to thank all of you for being a part of the #SocialCafe community! Thank you! Do you realize we have been together for SIX years?
  6. I know some of you may have joined us a little later than our originating year, but that's ok. You are no less a #SocialCafe community member and we thank you!
  7. @Kathrynclang @socialwebcafe Probably not, I've been trying to get Deb to give us her credit card number for years to no avail! #socialcafe
  8. @Kathrynclang Oh, that would be a great idea.. How about a block party? But, it'd have to be a large block that covers the span of the country and world :) #SocialCafe
  9. Ok, if I start calling you out, I may tear up and that will make it difficult to type the tweets, eh? I do want to thank @conpsweeney for hanging in there and helping me to host #SocialCafe Wouldn't make it without you!
  10. @conpsweeney @socialwebcafe Maybe she would give you part of them and me part of them and we could work together - but don't tell her our plan #SocialCafe
  11. @conpsweeney @Kathrynclang Yeah, good luck spending it if I did. It would be a very small cake :) How about virtual cake? #SocialCafe
  12. Ok, I interrupt my tweets of #gratitude to name the topic :) Our topic tonight is that of "Twitter Chat Tools" helping to make Twitter Chats easier. Especially our fave, #SocialCafe
  13. I do want to thank @YourLifeAfter25 (Da Vinci) for being such an awesome partner back in 2013-204. You rock, Da Vinci! #SocialCafe
  14. @Kathrynclang Hey - we could feed the hungry on the way... Yes, that would need to be a very large cake indeed! #SocialCafe
  15. @socialwebcafe My pleasure! (Do I now get your credit card number?) Thank you! #socialcafe
  16. Q1 Ok, let's take a moment to share a little bit about ourselves. If we are already well-known, how about a little-known factoid? #SocialCafe
  17. I'd like to introduce you all to another #SocialCafe team member. You are all team members, but she is here to help with strategy, hosting, content, like @conpsweeney and I have been doing for the #SocialCafe community :) Drumroll, please....
  18. Welcome, @SueAnnBubacz Yay, Sue-Ann! #SocialCafe Sue-Ann, do you want to tell us a bit about yourself?
  19. A1: Hey #SocialCafe, I'm Kathryn - hopesmith, dream instigator, and founder of the White Board of World Domination. Little known fact: I went out with a guy that years later confessed to being a serial killer. :D
  20. @Kathrynclang @conpsweeney I hear you... lol (Reminiscent of the kids "planning" something.. lol) #SocialCafe (Though, I think I found out about more "plans" after the fact, but don't tell them I didn't know : ))
  21. @Kathrynclang Oh I love your way with words! I like that "dream instigator" and "founder of the White Board of World Domination" >> #creativity #SocialCafe
  22. @Kathrynclang We should do an interview! We're you an unindicted co-conspirator? You squealed and got off easy while he got a needle in the arm? #socialcafe
  23. A1 I know how to do my own oil changes (But, that would ruin my French nails... ) #SocialCafe
  24. @conpsweeney @Kathrynclang Ok, Con - you need to write a murder mystery.. You have a way with words, too! (Almost said a word with ways..) #SocialCafe
  25. @conpsweeney I read about it years later and wrote a post about it "I Dated a Serial Killer" :D Cause, you have to write about it, right? #SocialCafe
  26. @Kathrynclang @conpsweeney Are you sure that isn't about Con? Oh, wait, that would mean you two dated.. Oops.. another story #SocialCafe
  27. Q2 What tool do you use to participate in the #SocialCafe twitter chat (or any twitter chat)? For example, maybe you tweet directly out of twitter(?).
  28. @socialwebcafe @Kathrynclang This sounds more like true crime! Kathryn may be the reason that #socialcafe finally goes viral!
  29. A1 I use TweetDeck - not very creative on my end, but I like the simplistic nature of TweetDeck - gets the job done #SocialCafe
  30. @socialwebcafe Thank you - I have always had a passion to help others find THEIR passion. But after I found my mom's artwork after she died I knew I couldn't let another dream die like hers had (she worked in an office all her life). #SocialCafe
  31. @Kathrynclang Without question! Do you ever ask yourself why he didn't think you were worth offing? #socialcafe
  32. @conpsweeney Nope, was fortunate enough to have had a double date so was never alone ;) #SocialCafe
  33. Be sure to check out the @commun_it tool and build those Twitter Relationships! #SocialCafe
  34. @Kathrynclang Really? Oh, I think we did mention this before... lol It just seems so non-glamourous, but I love it, too! Glad to know I'm not the only one ;) #SocialCafe
  35. Q3 What influenced your decision to use the particular Twitter Chat tool that you use for twitter chats? #SocialCafe
  36. @Kathrynclang What did they get picked up for or are the authorities still looking for them? #socialcafe
  37. @SueAnnBubacz Yep - you are in the right world of #SocialCafe and the right word of hashtag #SocialCafe
  38. A2: Also, a tool within the TweetDeck tool, I have a column opened for my favorite chats and rotate their order according to when they happen #SocialCafe
  39. @conpsweeney He was arrested for killing another girl a few weeks after our date, and in the interview he confessed to dozens of killings #SocialCafe
  40. @Kathrynclang @conpsweeney @SueAnnBubacz I agree! Sometimes I forget just how many years I've been at this (I know, how could I with all of those tweets reminded me and the world ;) ) #SocialCafe Re: "Serving you since 2012"
  41. @Kathrynclang That is a great idea! May I borrow it for a video demonstration for an article? #SocialCafe (If I do it soon enough, it will capture your tweet :) )
  42. Q4 What would you like to know about Twitter Chat tools, especially to participate in #SocialCafe ;)
  43. @socialwebcafe Absolutely :) Steal away. Let me know when you do it and I'll share it out. #SocialCafe
  44. @Kathrynclang @SueAnnBubacz @conpsweeney Good point! Yes, we have had some where you literally need multiple people to handle the feed and ensure that no one was missed (and I've been on some where I have felt invisible) #SocialCafe
  45. @conpsweeney @Kathrynclang I’m a business content creator with a passion for writing, marketing, anything business and #WordPress, and lately, I started a NEW podcast: MIX/SIZZLE&SHAKE Your Business and it’s so much fun. Also, seems I’ve been doing more and more writing #SocialMediaMarketing #socialcafe
  46. @Kathrynclang I'll bet your husband feels really good about your selection criteria! #socialcafe
  47. Many of the ideas that will be coming your way will be infused with the creativity that is the force of @SueAnnBubacz - she is a very talented lady and exceptional writer! #SocialCafe
  48. @SueAnnBubacz @conpsweeney I'm a WordPress fan as well (since 2004). I'm even one of the organizers for #wpyall in Birmingham, Alabama! #SocialCafe
  49. A3 I have chosen my Twitter Chat tool based on simplicity. I don't want to be bogged down with excess tools, no matter how fun. And, dependability. Con mentioned reliability in re: to @TweetDeck << Yes! #SocialCafe
  50. @conpsweeney Killers, stalkers, and more than one crazy :) So, he feels pretty special to be the cream of the crop :D #SocialCafe
  51. Q5 #Random : What guests (or topics) would you like to see covered on #SocialCafe (And, if you would like to join the team like @SueAnnBubacz - let us know! The more the merrier, right?)
  52. How am I not already following you #SocialCafe folks? Fixed that just now!
  53. One that I used to love is #Twubs But, they had a few outages that put me in a bad position and so I had to switch (and stop promoting a particular tool)  http://twubs.com/SocialCafe  #SocialCafe
  54. @Kathrynclang Well, when you put it that way... He'd have to work pretty hard to disappoint you! #socialcafe
  55. @conpsweeney @SueAnnBubacz Hey - it is simply the plural form of "you" - don't get bent out of shape :D #SocialCafe
  56. @Kathrynclang Oh my - thanks for catching that because I needed to, as well. Sometimes I miss that which I intend to do the most... #SocialCafe
  57. Ok - I feel like we just started, so this will have to continue in the summary article.. like my friend @seosmarty 's tool! #SocialCafe
  58. @conpsweeney @SueAnnBubacz As in, you'd like us to cater more to the blogger community, Con? #SocialCafe
  59. @Kathrynclang @conpsweeney @SueAnnBubacz Is Con picking on you? Oh, wait.. I think I'm stepping back on this. (I say Y'all and I was told to "go home Yankee" by my Texas friends) Like I said...stepping back on that ;) #SocialCafe
  60. @socialwebcafe @conpsweeney @SueAnnBubacz It doesn't bother me at all. I sound like a yankee compared to some of my family :) #SocialCafe
  61. And, saved by the bell... before we have y'all and yankee groups clashing on the internet ;) #SocialCafe I am peaceably from the politically correct faction of #LosAngeles ;) #SocialCafe
  62. Good night everyone! Thanks for joining! See y'all next week! #SocialCafe
  63. @Kathrynclang @conpsweeney @SueAnnBubacz That deserves an interview! Of course, my husband and I tease each other that my family is "Cold Case Files" and his is the "Jerry Springer Show" (Hope none of them are listening..) #SocialCafe
  64. And, with that.. back to the drawing board (but staying away from the dominated one. @Kathrynclang has that covered ;) #SocialCafe Thanks for joining and see y'all next week! :) Still #LuvLosAngeles
  65. @conpsweeney @socialwebcafe @SueAnnBubacz I really stir up the folks around here when I shout "home run" during the football games. It's WAY funnier to me ;) #SocialCafe
  66. Thanks for the mention! socialwebcafe: Thank you sooo much Patty @ @hauteelitepr :) Oh, we can drop #TBW We only included that for a short time for our co-host at the time :) But, going strong, in our 6th year on #SocialCafe Thanks!  http://bit.ly/2Fmehk8 
  67. @Kathrynclang Cool! Me too... that’s why I’m hopping in with #SocialCafe Chat Ups!! Haha... playing with words:)
  68. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/uOeXExRQ8r
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/uOeXExRQ8r
  69. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/0SzgqT7CnD
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/0SzgqT7CnD
  70. Hashtag: #SocialCafe
Topic: Social Media
Details:Weekly chat covering topics related to marketing, branding, social media, blogging, and more.
Moderator: "@socialwebcafe
Date/Time: Tuesday 9:00 - 10:00 PM ET https://t.co/Zc1G8qhNqd
    Hashtag: #SocialCafe Topic: Social Media Details:Weekly chat covering topics related to marketing, branding, social media, blogging, and more. Moderator: "@socialwebcafe Date/Time: Tuesday 9:00 - 10:00 PM ET pic.twitter.com/Zc1G8qhNqd
  71. Welcome to #SocialCafe the social media twitter chat (and blogging, too) since 2012. Glad to have you here :)
  72. Our chat tonight is an extension of last week's twitter chat #SocialCafe
  73. Last week we looked at different chat tools and it seems like @TweetDeck was the winner! So, tonight's #SocialCafe chat may all surround the use of #TweetDeck lol
  74. @Kathrynclang So true, but that is ok. Twitter Chats do that. Life does that ;) Glad to have it, too. #SocialCafe
  75. Q1 Do we like to use Twitter Chat tools? If so, which ones? #SocialCafe
  76. Oops... already had this question last week... I think the answer for many of us is #TweetDeck #SocialCafe
  77. @socialwebcafe A1 I like  http://Tweetchat.com  when it works. It occasionally & without warning fails to do its thing #SocialCafe
  78. Q2 How to Twitter Chat tools (or whatever we use) help us in Twitter Chats? #SocialCafe (including @TweetDeck )
  79. A2: TweetDeck makes it easy for me to monitor the chats, notifications, and other columns. It gives me more control #SocialCafe  https://twitter.com/socialwebcafe/status/973727994299559936 
  80. @socialwebcafe There's Tweetdeck, which I use for columns, and for chatting I use Tweetchat. I've done  http://tchat.io  but I find it clunky. #SocialCafe
  81. @Kathrynclang So true. And, it looks like @mojosarmy agrees. Those columns are sooooo handy in keeping us updated on what is happening #SocialCafe
  82. A2 Yes, I agree with the rest of you. Even though I've used many twitter chat tools, #TweetDeck seems the most stable and it is easy to organize with moving the columns around as needed #SocialCafe
  83. @socialwebcafe @Kathrynclang True story! This is columns in Tweetdeck, I use it for my top lists plus hashtags when I'm following a chat #SocialCafe https://t.co/LE6hvwg5yl
    @socialwebcafe @Kathrynclang True story! This is columns in Tweetdeck, I use it for my top lists plus hashtags when I'm following a chat #SocialCafe pic.twitter.com/LE6hvwg5yl
  84. @Kathrynclang @SueAnnBubacz I hope we didn't scare her off.. lol I don't think so. She is still tweeting with us tonight, right @SueAnnBubacz ? #SocialCafe
  85. @mojosarmy @Kathrynclang Oh I love it! Thanks for sharing the pic of the columns! @mojosarmy #SocialCafe That looks like it keeps you on track!
  86. Q3 What features do we wish we had available to us (no matter what tool we use)? #SocialCafe
  87. @socialwebcafe @Kathrynclang And this is Tweetchat, it's like a compartmentalized chat page from whatever hashtag you add #SocialCafe https://t.co/s0hVQdJjUT
    @socialwebcafe @Kathrynclang And this is Tweetchat, it's like a compartmentalized chat page from whatever hashtag you add #SocialCafe pic.twitter.com/s0hVQdJjUT
  88. @mojosarmy @socialwebcafe I've tried it . . . and it's great for adding the hashtag - but the columns make all the difference! #SocialCafe
  89. @Kathrynclang @mojosarmy Hey @Kathrynclang - get those creative juices flowing.. Twitter Lists is the topic for next week ;) It looks like @mojosarmy is already an expert! I hope @mojosarmy comes back next week and shares more visuals ;) #SocialCafe
  90. @socialwebcafe @Kathrynclang I pop in and out, it can be overwhelming if you follow a lot of busy people! But it lets you focus on the ppl you want to see most, which I like. #SocialCafe
  91. @socialwebcafe @Kathrynclang Thanks for the shout! I host my own music chat weekly called the #diymusicchat, learned from the best - @MadalynSklar :D #SocialCafe
  92. @socialwebcafe I think some of them automatically add the #SocialCafe hashtag and I think that mys be whey my replies don't seem like I'm here...not adding automatically...hmm
  93. @mojosarmy @socialwebcafe @Kathrynclang @MadalynSklar #SocialCafe Just noticed a couple cool things with @MadalynSklar lately...one a Twitter Chat and something to do with the marketing app , zest...
  94. @SueAnnBubacz That might be the reason. Yeah, good point. With @TweetDeck one has to remember to add the hashtag. For some of us, we have been doing it so long it becomes natural #SocialCafe
  95. @SueAnnBubacz And yes, most of the other twitter chat tools at the hashtag when you go to the twitter chat link. #SocialCafe
  96. @socialwebcafe @SueAnnBubacz @TweetDeck And make sure it's the RIGHT hashtag - one letter off and you are completely off ;) #SocialCafe
  97. @mojosarmy @Kathrynclang @MadalynSklar Cool! I'll have to add that to my list. I think we were on the chat together. I used to host for Mad on the Go Girls Chat ... years ago. She got me started, too :) #SocialCafe
  98. There is another tool, by my friend Ann called  http://twchat.com  It highlights the questions in orange, so that helps people to know which question has come out, to answer #SocialCafe
  99. Q4 What would we like to know about Twitter Chat strategies? What tips can we share? #SocialCafe
  100. A3 I agree with @SueAnnBubacz that maybe an option to automatically add a hashtag may be handy, but it may be confusing for some.. #SocialCafe
  101. @socialwebcafe A4. With Storify going away, I'd be interested in knowing how to easily archive chats for future reference! #SocialCafe
  102. Yeah, the gift that keeps giving @MadalynSklar inspired me to start #SocialCafe in 2012 and then I started the #MyBlogGuest for Ann (kept pestering her - sorry, Ann :) ) and she took it and is now doing #ViralContentBuzz Yay! We all move forward... cc @mojosarmy
  103. @socialwebcafe @SueAnnBubacz @TweetDeck That's the other thing I like about @TweetChat, it adds the hashtag for you. However - it hasn't bumped up to 240 characters yet! #SocialCafe
  104. @Kathrynclang @mojosarmy Oh, you and me both! I was just really starting to love Blab. I interviewed Ms. @Ileane on that, too... She brought out some very interesting points! #SocialCafe
  105. @SueAnnBubacz @socialwebcafe @MadalynSklar Yes she uses Twitter Cards, I never did that in my chat because I make the questions up on the fly most of the time. Keeps it organic and me on my toes! #SocialCafe
  106. @mojosarmy Oh, my goodness! Are you @mojosarmy and @Kathrynclang reading my mind! Yes, I have been searching for a replacement for #Storify for weeks. I used to archive Madalyn's chats there too. And, #SocialCafe 's are all there.
  107. @socialwebcafe @Kathrynclang I think Madalyn started turning her #TwitterSmarter chat into Twitter stories. I don't know whether that's easy or not... #SocialCafe
  108. @mojosarmy @SueAnnBubacz @MadalynSklar I love that she uses cards. I gave her the idea for the after chat video and we started the after chat hangouts back at the end of 2012. That is how we ended up with 30 min chats lol #SocialCafe
  109. @mojosarmy @Kathrynclang Actually @mojosarmy it is pretty doable. I was thinking of doing that too. It takes a lot more time to do it than Storify, but doable. Oh, and I love how you come up with questions on the fly :) #SocialCafe
  110. Ok - so I always hate the goodbye part of this gig, but we have arrived at that lovely :30 part, so #SocialCafe has left the building, but I have a question for you...
  111. @socialwebcafe @Kathrynclang It's not always easy but it keeps me & everyone engaged. I usually think of the topic minutes before also... because procrastination #SocialCafe
  112. Would any of you prefer that we switched back to the 60 min format for #SocialCafe ? Like I mentioned, we switched to 30 min to allow for a 30 min hangout and then just kept the 30 min.
  113. For some, it seems like 30 min is easier, but I feel like we just get our groove on when we hit that brick :30... I'd be curious what you all thought? #SocialCafe
  114. @mojosarmy @Kathrynclang Oh, you pegged it @mojosarmy Yes, I have "changed" the questions and then when I update the announcement on the site, I just update the questions to match, when it is ready for summary time :) #SocialCafe Oh, and procrastination... yes.. :)
  115. @Kathrynclang @SueAnnBubacz @TweetDeck You two crack me up... and speaking of which, @conpsweeney sends his regards.. He'll be back with us to egg all of you on, next week ;) #SocialCafe
  116. @socialwebcafe @SueAnnBubacz @TweetDeck @conpsweeney I was thinking of y'all this past weekend when I purchased the domain SnarkyRainbows . . . just thinking about all the fun I'm going to have with this one! :D #SocialCafe
  117. @Kathrynclang @socialwebcafe @SueAnnBubacz @TweetDeck Oh man, I did a search once on my chat hashtag with a letter missing and found a whole bunch of stuff I missed. Felt pretty bad. :( #SocialCafe
  118. Well, officially, a goodnight to our #SocialCafe community, but I will be checking the feed while finishing my last paper (hear that, professor? lol)
  119. @mojosarmy @Kathrynclang @SueAnnBubacz @TweetDeck I never thought of doing that... Don't feel bad, but that is brilliant to check that. Good for you for thinking of it! #SocialCafe #cuphalffull
  120. @mojosarmy @socialwebcafe @SueAnnBubacz @TweetDeck When you are leading a hashtag, it might be a good idea to follow those "off" tags? #SocialCafe
  121. @Kathrynclang @socialwebcafe @SueAnnBubacz @TweetDeck I have more problems with people forgetting the hashtag and just responding, so I follow notifications & the tag during chats. Not naming names though! Ahem #SocialCafe
  122. @mojosarmy @Kathrynclang @SueAnnBubacz @TweetDeck :) Yeah, I've done that a couple of times, as well, especially with newbies ;) #SocialCafe
  123. @socialwebcafe @SueAnnBubacz @TweetDeck @conpsweeney Thank you so much! I'm excited - trying to decide if I want to rebrand around it or just start a new website #SocialCafe
  124. @socialwebcafe Mine's an hour though sometimes it lags around the :30 mark & picks back up... recently it went on for 2 hours, that was crazy! #SocialCafe
  125. @socialwebcafe Thanks for hosting & thanks for letting me crash! Time to make dinner. Cheers #SocialCafe!
  126. @mojosarmy Wow - that is cool and crazy at the 2 hour mark! Yeah, I find that :15 to :45 the best, so I'm really leaning toward the 60 min again. I miss it! :) #SocialCafe
  127. @socialwebcafe When they're popular like #TwitterSmarter the first 15 minutes is all greetings anyway, so an hour seems about right. #SocialCafe
  128. @socialwebcafe @SueAnnBubacz @mojosarmy @TweetDeck I used to do three twitter chats at once AND see how much I could get written in that hour. I called it my Twitter Chat Multitasking Word War :D #SocialCafe
  129. @mojosarmy I figured you had to be on the West Coast like me @mojosarmy :) It is dinner time for us West Coasters... lol :) #SocialCafe
  130. @mojosarmy Good point. That is the way #ggchat was too.. I always planned the greetings for the first 15 min :) #SocialCafe
  131. @Kathrynclang @mojosarmy Ah... @Kathrynclang - I can't tell you how much that encourages me! I had a tough day (not worth repeating) and you just made my day! Also @mojosarmy and @SueAnnBubacz So, thank you! #SocialCafe
  132. @Kathrynclang @SueAnnBubacz @mojosarmy @TweetDeck I love it. You all have great ideas! Now, anyone for a scientific merit doctorate paper? I'm open to ideas.. Nah, rest up - better use of time (or making dinner or writing) #SocialCafe
  133. @socialwebcafe @SueAnnBubacz @mojosarmy @TweetDeck Y'all have a GREAT week - and see you next week . . . same bat time and same bat place! #SocialCafe
  134. - Hello #beautytalk & #socialcafe!! How are you all doing? I'm trying to sleep as it's 2am here in the UK but please leave me your links and I'll check out all of your blogs tomorrow morning.  http://www.alishavalerie.com  | All comments returned on my blog posts ??pic.twitter.com/DgMsV0zKnfhttps://t.co/DgMsV0zKnpic.twitter.com/DgMsV0zKnf
  135. Come join us, with featured guest @inspiretothrive Lisa Sicard for >> The Basics of Twitter Lists https://t.co/gSOicPkltY 3/20 6p PDT/9p EDT #SocialCafe via @SocialCafeChat https://t.co/O8ZLKcb1wD
    Come join us, with featured guest @InspireToThrive Lisa Sicard for >> The Basics of Twitter Lists  http://sw.bcafe.co/i9  3/20 6p PDT/9p EDT #SocialCafe via @socialcafechat pic.twitter.com/O8ZLKcb1wD
  136. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/ydqkicx1Mj
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/ydqkicx1Mj
  137. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/HpBM3UWtNE
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/HpBM3UWtNE
  138. Tonight, tonight... with Lisa r@InspireToThrive and a Twitter Lists discussion. ? Be there or be square. ????? #SocialCafe https://t.co/h8b3EXgSIA
    Tonight, tonight... with Lisa r@InspireToThrive and a Twitter Lists discussion. ? Be there or be square. ????? #SocialCafe pic.twitter.com/h8b3EXgSIA
  139. @Brianna_vela @KatieSpurgin @PRMktgSales Missed you! Thought I'd let you know @InspireToThrive is joining us to chat about Twitter Lists tonight on #SocialCafe 9p EDT!
  140. @RPetty22 @simonepjohnson @NaturallyGlamTV Missed you! Thought I'd let you know @InspireToThrive is joining us to chat about Twitter Lists tonight on #SocialCafe 9p EDT!
  141. @taylormdowns @KristiJAllen @ekclune14 Missed you! Thought I'd let you know @InspireToThrive is joining us to chat about Twitter Lists tonight on #SocialCafe 9p EDT!
  142. Come join us, with featured guest @InspireToThrive Lisa Sicard for >> The Basics of Twitter Lists https://t.co/gSOicPkltY 3/20 6p PDT/9p EDT #SocialCafe via @socialcafechat Yay! https://t.co/8mtMMAUAy2
    Come join us, with featured guest @InspireToThrive Lisa Sicard for >> The Basics of Twitter Lists  http://sw.bcafe.co/i9  3/20 6p PDT/9p EDT #SocialCafe via @socialcafechat Yay! pic.twitter.com/8mtMMAUAy2
  143. @CarlinDoeksen @anoopjacob @Writtent_Com Missed you! Thought I'd let you know @InspireToThrive is joining us to chat about Twitter Lists tonight on #SocialCafe 9p EDT!
  144. @CarlySvets @Allison_Roda @_mrs_b Missed you! Thought I'd let you know @InspireToThrive is joining us to chat about Twitter Lists tonight on #SocialCafe 9p EDT!
  145. And of course, looking forward to our wonderful #SocialCafe community joining us in a few - you know who you are - and much appreciated! Yay!
  146. Welcome to the #SocialCafe Chat at our weekly Tues 6pm PDT / 9p EDT slot.
  147. Always fun on #SocialCafe - join us now! We are inspiring to thrive tonight!
  148. @InspireToThrive @socialcafechat @CarlySvets @Allison_Roda @_mrs_b And Lisa - Big welcome! #SocialCafe Though, you are a part of our #SocialCafe community from back at the beginning, eh? Such an honor to have you with us :)
  149. So, last night we were listening to a tornado go by above us and tonight they are talking snow. Alabama really puts the challenge on the whole "changing weather" idea ;) #SocialCafe
  150. @Kathrynclang You seriously have some weather going on there... Any inspiration for blog posts, from the weather? :) #SocialCafe
  151. So, Lisa @InspireToThrive is our expert, but the #SocialCafe community is still welcome to answer the questions as well. We will just defer to Lisa as our true expert on Twitter Lists tonight ;)
  152. @socialwebcafe Working on one - but definitely got some inspiration from the tornadoes in 2011. #SocialCafe always looking for inspiration everywhere!
  153. Now others love #ShamelessPlug too! So, feel free to start composing those bragging tweets all about you! #SocialCafe
  154. @conpsweeney Live comes to a halt in Alabama when we get a foot of snow :) #SocialCafe
  155. @conpsweeney @Kathrynclang What is snow? She scratches her head while watching bits of sand drop to the ground.... :) #SocialCafe (I'm not really that mean, am I? #kindhearted
  156. @Kathrynclang This is weird, but I love tornados. I grew up in MN, so we had our fair share of tornado warnings, but not like I've seen in other places #SocialCafe
  157. Q1 How would we define Twitter Lists to someone who asked us what they were? #SocialCafe
  158. @Kathrynclang Doesn't exactly help up here either! But at least we have plows! #socialcafe
  159. @socialwebcafe No - not weird - not to me anyway (which may mean it IS weird). My husband and I stood out on the porch to watch the weather. Weather is cool. Just stay safe #SocialCafe
  160. @conpsweeney @Kathrynclang You know.. I was thinking about that, Con! Maybe I should invite everyone over for a beach party. Would that make up for it? #SocialCafe
  161. @socialcafechat #SocialCafe @InspireToThrive I keep a list of my go-to sources I know I can share even if I share first, read second...they're THAT good...
  162. A1: Twitter Lists are a way of organizing who you follow into categories that help you find the content you need. #SocialCafe  https://twitter.com/socialcafechat/status/976263955718070272 
  163. @conpsweeney @Kathrynclang I'm thinking I should zip it ;) #SocialCafe (Not the first time she has heard that advice - zipping it)
  164. A1b You can have more than one, public or private, and use them for different purposes #SocialCafe
  165. @socialcafechat A1 - Twitter Lists help us to organize people on Twitter. It's like building your own Twitter feed (S) . It can help you stay more focused.#SocialCafe
  166. Off-Topic Question for you >> Anyone interested in learning how to understand statistics and analysis (i.e. web stats)? #SocialCafe
  167. @socialwebcafe I use the private ones when I want to have a resource - like potential interviews for the podcast #SocialCafe
  168. @Kathrynclang Just stay indoors until after the spring thaw, you're more likely to survive! #socialcafe
  169. @Kathrynclang Yes - that organization factor, which can be used in so many different ways... #SocialCafe
  170. @socialwebcafe I love that you can make your Twitter lists private or public #socialcafe
  171. @conpsweeney I did back up from the edge of the porch when the hail started pelting me. Does that count? #SocialCafe
  172. #SocialCafe Welcome and thanks for joining us @Lisapatb ! Get Lisa’s ebook filled with Twitter tips you can use, everyday. She’s a wizard with #SMM  https://www.amazon.com/Learn-Tweet-Thrive-Twitter-Learning-ebook/dp/B0745XCMD3  THANKS so much, Lisa:) ? I’m getting a copy...
  173. A2b I don?t want to mix it up, so tracking Twitter by lists helps me personally. How about you Lisa? #SocialCafe
  174. Exactly! It would really be a bummer if we didn't have that option. Can you imagine planning a surprise party and your part list that is supposed to be private is public? Yeah, glad for both options on Twitter! #SocialCafe  https://twitter.com/InspireToThrive/status/976265399447715840 
  175. @socialcafechat A2. I have a weather Twitter list to keep up with these storms! LOL. It's a go to for weather events. You can have Twitter lists for many things including your business or hobbies #SocialCafe
  176. @Kathrynclang Makes me feel better about seeing you again next week! Do you have rocking chairs on your porch too? #socialcafe
  177. @socialwebcafe A2b Twitter Lists helps me with business too - I have 20+ different categories so I can find folks on Twitter fast with Twitter Lists #SocialCafe
  178. @conpsweeney @socialcafechat Ooooh... that luring effect, @conpsweeney So, using the lists to help you narrow that focus via topic and attract those followers? #SocialCafe
  179. @InspireToThrive Lisa - you are a kindred spirit indeed! When I heard "20+ different categories" I didn't feel so bad for having 46 blogs :) #kudos #SocialCafe
  180. @socialwebcafe The easiest way is just go to  http://www.KathrynLang.com  and look in the sidebar. The new episodes show up there as they are posted! #SocialCafe
  181. Oh hey - don't think I mentioned at the beginning that this is our 30 min #SocialCafe (soon to be reverting to 60 min) So, be sure to join in and catch what our expert @InspireToThrive has to share as well as the #SocialCafe community re: Twitter Lists #nowchatting
  182. @socialwebcafe A2b I also love having a local folks Twitter list, great for local events or local storms - I've met folks when we had an earthquake here on the East Coast years ago on Twitter. We now go to lunch a few times a year. #SocialCafe
  183. @conpsweeney @Kathrynclang I obviously tuned out to create the tweet.. I missed something... donkeys, mules, horses, and cats? #SocialCafe
  184. We can occasionally tweet them to others and bring awareness for a good cause? #altruism #self-sufficiency #marketing #SocialCafe
  185. @conpsweeney Interesting that you should say that . . . we are looking at getting chickens this summer :) #SocialCafe - but they won't be on the back porch.
  186. That is so helpful! So, if you have an event, you could tweet to everyone quickly to let them know of any changes.. That is great! #SocialCafe  https://twitter.com/InspireToThrive/status/976267068814356480 
  187. @socialwebcafe @conpsweeney We don't have horses - although I grew up with one and miss having them - but we have a cat that thinks he's a dog. #SocialCafe
  188. @socialwebcafe @InspireToThrive Not quite the same thing, Deb, I have 89 and not the same as multiple blogs! #socialcafe
  189. I would say that lists are a way to make utilizing Twitter easier and more efficient for you! #SocialCafe
  190. @InspireToThrive Me neither... it makes me want to roll back over in bed in the morning! And, believe it or not, I resisted the urge to start a 47th one last night! #SocialCafe
  191. @InspireToThrive @Kathrynclang @conpsweeney And, there swishy little tails... As long as I can walk around what departs from their .... #SocialCafe
  192. Lists can be decided by topic, location, business use, resources and for docial good #SocialCafe Miss amything, @InspireToThrive
  193. I am sort of wondering if my new "tweet feeder" (tweet scheduler) is on the fritz.... so we will go manual. #SocialCafe
  194. @conpsweeney @socialwebcafe When it comes down to me having to explain you know we are all in trouble! #SocialCafe
  195. Q3 Are there any ways that we could use Twitter Lists in an altruistic / helpful way (some have already been mentioned) #SocialCafe
  196. Q4 What tips or strategies can we suggest, as it relates to Twitter Lists? What would we like to know about Twitter Lists? #SocialCafe
  197. @SueAnnBubacz News is another great list and I have them by local, national, etc #SocialCafe
  198. Well, isn't that fun... Having Q3 and Q4 back-to-back like little buddies.. My new system needs some tweaking :) #SocialCafe
  199. Next week: Collaborating for Content Marketing Success  http://sw.bcafe.co/i6  Tues 6p PDT / 9p EDT here on #SocialCafe
  200. @socialwebcafe A new series will start on #GrowingHOPE next Monday! Perfect time to join in the podcast. #SocialCafe
  201. @InspireToThrive @SueAnnBubacz It sounds like there are many ways that we can help ourselves (i.e. #focus) and help others (local groups, weather warnings) using Twitter Lists #SocialCafe
  202. @socialwebcafe A3. You can help others in your lists by RT (ReTweeting) their tweets, and engage with them. You could have a list of (for example) blood centers, and other non-profits you like. #SocialCafe
  203. A4b Then promote the public, invite others, and invite others to use the list. #SocialCafe
  204. @socialcafechat I need tips for content marketing. I can do the content creation . . . I understand marketing. I have struggled to get the two together! #SocialCafe
  205. @socialwebcafe @SueAnnBubacz Also Twitter lists are great for connecting with others. When someone puts me in a list, I go and look at their profile and most likely will follow them. #SocialCafe It works both ways!
  206. Lisa @InspireToThrive - You have shared some wonderful ideas that I hadn't thought of previously. And, I tried a new scheduler and thanks for putting up with the roller coaster ride (abrupt automated tweets) :) You are awesome! #SocialCafe
  207. @socialwebcafe @InspireToThrive And thank you for putting up with us as well :D I got some new ideas for putting Twitter Lists to work! #SocialCafe
  208. Thank u for joining us for our 30 min #SocialCafe Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u!
  209. @conpsweeney Oh - don't get me started.. lol Yes, between the closing of #Storify and Twitter changes, things ARE a roller coaster.. temporarily #SocialCafe
  210. @socialwebcafe @InspireToThrive #SocialCafe @InspireToThrive Lisa has the tips of all tips tonight! I knew I recruited you for a good reason! lol
  211. #socialcafe Night all! Thanks for joining! See everyone next week!
  212. @Kathrynclang @socialwebcafe I just made a new list for Kathryn - Podcasters, which I'll be adding more folks to! Thanks. #SocialCafe
  213. @Kathrynclang @InspireToThrive I was thinking that (putting up with us... chatting about cows, goats, chickens...) Thanks for extending the kind words to Lisa @InspireToThrive #SocialCafe
  214. Thanks so much Lisa! We really enjoyed having you are our expert/featured guest on Twitter Lists! #SocialCafe @InspireToThrive
  215. Thanks, all! After a short dinner break (yes, West Coast), I'll hop to updating the summary at  http://sw.bcafe.co/i9  #SocialCafe
  216. Thanks for sharing your tips with us on #SocialCafe @InspireToThrive I look forward to connecting more with you!
  217. @CoriRams @InspireToThrive Thanks, @cori! #SocialCafe Great idea to have the business and hobbies in Twitter lists!
  218. INCYMI ----> Check out the chat we had with featured guest @InspireToThrive Lisa on The Basics of Twitter Lists  http://sw.bcafe.co/i9  #SocialCafe via @socialcafechat
  219. @socialwebcafe You will never understand how much you encourage and motivate me. I'm so glad @conpsweeney introduced me to #SocialCafe and to you :D
  220. Hello @CalebBHawkins It's been a while and thought of you for the topic tonight on #SocialCafe As a musician, I'm sure you can understand the concept of collaboration :) That is our topic and @staciewalker is joining us 9p EDT on #SocialCafe
  221. Did your Twitter profile pic @GTAmissions1 :) Are you able to join us for #SocialCafe tonight w/ @staciewalker ? Topic: Collaborating (and would love to hear the story of that pic!) 9p EDT
  222. @UneekDiva @RantsofBrit Calling all #socialMedia addicts - seriously, miss chatting on #SocialCafe! Please join us as @staciewalker shares insights on content collaboration Tonight 8p CDT / 3p HST #SocialCafe
  223. @DaringBlogger @thirtymommy @lydsrich Please join us as @staciewalker shares insights on content collaboration #SocialCafe ! Saw your names and it is like - Missed you! 9p EDT #SocialCafe
  224. Oh my, @PeaceLoveLoCarb I am literally getting hungry looking at your tweets :) I might skip #SocialCafe tonight ;) Seriously, though, would love to have you, and your tips.. Guest: @staciewalker Topic: Collaboration 6p PDT #SocialCafe
  225. @socialcafechat A4. Twitter lists are a powerful tool. It can help you see tweets in such an organized fashion. Organize them by specialties, work or even comedy #SocialCafe @socialcafechat
  226. Would love to chat again! & @staciewalker is featured 2nite > shares insights on content collaboration @kavita1010 @StephaniePags @CarlinDoeksen @NaturallyGlamTV #SocialCafe 9p EDT
  227. Welcome to the #SocialCafe Chat at our weekly Tues 6pm PDT / 9p EDT slot > We chat for 30 min (soon to be 60 min again) and enjoy the company of other #SocialCafe nuts like us. :)
  228. @staciewalker And remember the days of #epodcast ? I think we were doing them back to back .. or was it Thu.. You know what, it was crazy busy but fun! :) #SocialCafe
  229. #SocialCafe Collaborating is about building trust, relationships, and solving problems by balancing skills, I think. But, in researching, I likely need to add..."for a common goal or purpose." Anyone?
  230. @SueAnnBubacz I like that - especially the addition of the goal or purpose part. #Socialcafe
  231. My major business breakthroughs have been directly linked to implementing collaborative strategies into my business model. #socialcafe
  232. @staciewalker Seriously? Ok girl - we need to have that interview and have you tell us some stories on video! #SocialCafe Please feel free to share them via tweets :) We are listening..
  233. @staciewalker #SocialCafe Even when Not thinking of collaborating as a strategy, it has helped in business, many times!
  234. Did you know that I originated the #ShamelessPlug (according to authority Madalyn Sklar!) Now others love it, too! So, feel free to start composing those bragging tweets all about you! #SocialCafe #ShamelessPlug
  235. @conpsweeney Sure thing. My pleasure. I'd promise to join every week, but then it becomes a task.. As my husband tells me, "Take me off your checklist!" #SocialCafe #LinkedInChat
  236. @SueAnnBubacz Yes, it's definitely a strategy. I plan my entire year with collaboration projects. #socialcafe
  237. @SueAnnBubacz @staciewalker I wonder if it is better if we don't think of it as a strategy or do think of it as a strategy... What say ye #SocialCafe ? Stacie? @staciewalker
  238. Is collaboration a "soft skill" as this article calls it? The article also gives "7 elements for collaboration" and lists "skills for collaborating."  https://www.thebalance.com/collaboration-skills-with-examples-2059686  #SocialCafe
  239. @socialwebcafe @SueAnnBubacz @staciewalker Everything is better and stronger when we are in it together. THAT is the essence of collaboration! #SocialCafe
  240. Tonight: Collaborating for Content Marketing Success #SocialCafe 7.13 | Preview the questions at  http://sw.bcafe.co/i9 
  241. @socialwebcafe @SueAnnBubacz I can explain in more detail why I consider it a strategy when we have the interview. #socialcafe
  242. @staciewalker @SueAnnBubacz So, I ordered something from coachglue about planning the entire year for monetization.. You know I am a planner.. But, I think YOU @staciewalker should sell a package on how to do that (or do you and I missed it on the site?) #SocialCafe
  243. A1. It means for me working with one or more people to achieve a specific result or outcome. #socialcafe
  244. A1 It means working with people & a system that propels both of us forward win-win #SocialCafe
  245. RT @socialwebcafe A1 It means working with people & a system that propels both of us forward win-win #SocialCafe
  246. Q2 How can you use collaboration to help you in your success? #SocialCafe
  247. @staciewalker @conpsweeney @socialcafechat Is there some sort of saying like that, where two people can get 250-300% done instead of the normal math with 100% x 2? #SocialCafe #geek
  248. A2 I would like to do more round-up posts. Those are great fun! And, interesting! #SocialCafe Does that still count as collaboration?
  249. Thanks @commun_it helping us create #Twitter relationships  http://commun.it  please RT #SocialCafe #ad > Providing insight into collaboration @staciewalker - you use commun_it right?
  250. A2. You can join forces with success driven entrepreneurs to further accelerate the growth of your business. It's a win/win #socialcafe
  251. @socialcafechat A2: I just announced that I was going to invite others to submit their posts to my themed post. I would do a short paragraph about them and their content and share the link (like Carnivals - do you remember those). #socialcafe
  252. A2. It helps you build trusting relationships with your ideal clients or customers to build a dedicated following. #socialcafe
  253. @Kathrynclang @socialcafechat That is great...! She says as she scratches her had and the idea of carnivals slowly comes into view again #SocialCafe
  254. A2. Collaboration increases your credibility and authority as an expert to attract quality leads through social platforms. #socialcafe
  255. @Kathrynclang @socialcafechat I do but I'm older than you and may be thinking of something very different than you! #socialcafe
  256. @staciewalker So, you are suggesting collabs with clients, as a way of networking, and as you said, building trust. Great idea! #SocialCafe
  257. @conpsweeney @Kathrynclang @socialcafechat Way too much time with you two! I was thinking that, Con.. of you.. #justKidding But, I wasn't hearing voices yet - See, @Kathrynclang - I got it this time #sheClaps #SocialCafe
  258. @socialwebcafe @socialcafechat As I was doing a DEEP AUDIT of my website content, I came across a post from a blog carnival. It sparked the idea. #Socialcafe
  259. @socialwebcafe Exactly! I organized a video series and interviewed 7 of my clients to be featured experts to get more exposure #socialcafe
  260. @conpsweeney @socialwebcafe @socialcafechat Y'all help bring out the quick witted snark in me . . . cause I need encouragement in that area. #socialcafe
  261. #Warning #Random ... Couldn't wait until dinner on the West Coast.. My husband warned me about too-old Little Debbie pies.. I said that was impossible.. they r still good. #YUCK It is possible for a Little Debbie pie to be too old! Will wait for dinner time #SocialCafe
  262. @socialcafechat A3: What about a team podcast or livestream - where you rotate who creates the content? #socialcafe
  263. A3. I organize one major collaboration project per quarter. It's a free online summit with about 25-30 influencers. #socialcafe
  264. A3 Using Ann Smarty’s tools like @viralcontentbuz and @myblogu (No, she didn’t pay me to say that ;) ) #SocialCafe
  265. @Kathrynclang @conpsweeney @socialcafechat You, Kathryn? I always look forward to your quick witted snark :) #SocialCafe Oh, wait.. I just got it. Man, I'm slow 2nite. It must be the old Little Debbie pies...
  266. @Kathrynclang I'll send them too you :) I won't tell you how they got to the "tool old" state.. I would have eaten them much sooner ;) #SocialCafe
  267. Q4 What are you going to do this week? Do you have any collaboration tips? #SocialCafe
  268. @Kathrynclang @socialcafechat I love it! I miss the days of the quick #MyBlogGuest @myblogguest podcasts via phone.. like 15 min blurbs .. but collaboration is a great idea for a brand! #SocialCafe
  269. @socialwebcafe I have boys - I'm lucky if the groceries make it in from the car each week :) #SocialCafe
  270. @socialcafechat A4: A challenge . . . I'll take it. I'm going to do a podcast with my husband! #socialcafe
  271. @staciewalker Ok - we seriously need to talk :) Is that similar to what @YourLifeAfter25 did with the Blog Workshop? That was fun! Miss you Da Vinci! Come visit us anytime :) #SocialCafe
  272. A4 I’m going to more actively seek out collaborations and brainstorm some ideas #SocialCafe
  273. @Kathrynclang @socialcafechat Is he as quick-witted and snarky (you said it!) as you? That would be top of the charts! #SocialCafe
  274. @socialwebcafe @socialcafechat Actually, yes - and he does voices :) Not like the ones in my head . . . although that might explain a lot now that I think about it. #Socialcafe
  275. @socialwebcafe @staciewalker Hi all! The Blog Workshop was such a great time. I still have the videos available too. I definitely need to stop in soon :) #SocialCafe
  276. @Kathrynclang Ah.. the remember when... My husband loves brownies.. Oddly, I can't stand them, so I fed them all to the kids. The kids LOVED their mama.. Daddy not so much that day ;) #SocialCafe
  277. @YourLifeAfter25 @staciewalker Yay! Hey, feel free to send us a link so people can check them out :) #SocialCafe So great to see you :) hugs.
  278. Thank you for joining us, Stacie Walker @staciewalker for our #SocialCafe chat (In a few moments, we’ll have the summary ready at  http://sw.bcafe.co/i9  )
  279. @staciewalker @socialwebcafe I put together a writing conference March 2017 and I'm still recovering - but I did that alone. Maybe I need to get more collaboration for next time. :) #Socialcafe
  280. Oh hey.. for any of you #SocialCafe newbies.. @YourLifeAfter25 was the co-host at the beginning ;) She was/is responsible for the cool branding ;) .. and many other things!
  281. I have a 3 day video series launching tomorrow. I interviewed 7 of my clients for this event:  http://bit.ly/UYASeries  #socialcafe
  282. @Kathrynclang @staciewalker I think that is a great idea - more collaboration. We should really hear how @staciewalker is doing it quarterly! Also, it would be interesting to hear what @YourLifeAfter25 thinks, after the fact (i.e. tips moving forward) #SocialCafe
  283. #socialcafe Gotta run! Thanks for joining everyone! See you all next week!
  284. @staciewalker You are brilliant - and great design, too! Any other stuff we can buy from you and learn from you? @staciewalker #SocialCafe
  285. So sad to see another #SocialCafe 30 min twitter chat end... But, we will be moving to that 60 min soon.. Just a couple more checklist items (No, honey.. hubby.. you are not on that checklist.. Wait, maybe I should be quiet now ;) )
  286. @socialwebcafe @Kathrynclang I would love to share how I've been able to do it. I absolutely enjoy the projects. #socialcafe
  287. Ok - off to create the summary and eat something other than old Little Debbie pies (sorry Little Debbie - I guess there IS a shelf life!) ... I wonder how old they are.. maybe I don't want to know. ... #babbling #SocialCafe
  288. @socialwebcafe So sad to have missed it! Will be waiting for the next chat! #socialcafe
  289. @thirtymommy Hey @thirtymommy So glad to see you :) We will be going back to the 60 min #SocialCafe .. probably around a month from now, give or take. But, you made it, technically :) And, still so great to say hi [waving]
  290. @socialwebcafe @staciewalker Aww my pleasure! For anyone that wants to check out the videos from our 3 day online conference "The Blog Workshop" you can see them here  http://yourlifeafter25.com/blog-workshop/  #SocialCafe
  291. @staciewalker @socialwebcafe HI!!! It's been forever. So much has been happening but I love seeing everyone's progress. Congratulations on your online summit! #SocialCafe
  292. @BRO_Enterprise Hey, thanks for mentioning our #SocialCafe twitter chat. We really appreciate it! We've been conducting the #SocialCafe twitter chat since 2012 (our 7th year!) and always appreciate the tweets and mentions. Thank you!
  293. @mojosarmy @socialcafechat Yes, I do, @mojosarmy and I thought of sending you one last Tuesday (#SocialCafe) and I think I got distracted. So sorry about that. I've added you now :). Thank you! #SocialCafe. Please add me to yours, as well, if you send those out too.
  294. Another month! Thank you for your continued support! =D I really appreciate all of you! (And, if you haven't already, join our #SocialCafe to get free training and resources... Tues 6p PT/9p ET on Twitter.)
  295. Join me tomorrow to talk a little about Online Tools for Successful Collaborations w/ @SanaKnightly of @vcbuzz & @myblogu  http://sw.bcafe.co/id  #SocialCafe via @socialcafechat

Link to Complete Summary.
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