Tools 1.2 David Schneider of Ninja Outreach #SocialCafe 4.14

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#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Tools 1.2 David Schneider of Ninja Outreach

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Resources Mentioned In Chat/Show

Previous #SocialCafe Twitter Chat
Tools 1.1 Matthew Holden of MavSocial #SocialCafe 4.13

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Tools 1.3 Michael Cheng of #SocialCafe 4.15

  1. How much of your strategy involves outbound marketing?

  1. What tools do you currently use for outbound marketing?

  1. What challenges do you face with outbound marketing?

  1. What improvements do you see that could be made with your outbound marketing strategies and processes?

  1. What are some ways you could use a tool like Ninja Outreach (hint: not just sales)?

  1. What would you like to know about Ninja Outreach?

  1. What will you be adding to your strategy this week, after #SocialCafe (Hint: try Ninja Outreach :) )?

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

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