Understanding Engagement in the Online Social Arena #SocialCafe 7.35

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#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Understanding Engagement in the Online Social Arena

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  1. What does the term engagement mean to you?

So many great answers to this question! We just could not limit it to two!

...Oops. I guess a couple of them are mine, too. But, hey, share and share alike, eh? All in this together!

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  1. What are some ways that we can increase engagement in general?

Con brought out some really helpful structured points to consider >>

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  1. How would we encourage engagement/discussion/comments on our blog?

We had consensus on this one, just like the others. Being real/authentic. Sharing. Commenting. By doing so, setting a great example of building those wonderful relationships, wouldn't you say?

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  1. How about engagement on Facebook?

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  1. Is Twitter a great place for engagement? How so?

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  1. What about LinkedIn? When you think of LinkedIn, do you think of engaging with others?

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  1. Does Instagram provide opportunities for engagement? If so, how?

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  1. What about other networks? Where else should we be engaging?

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  1. Ok, now it is time to brag about what you do well! Your #ShamelessPlug is ...

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

You know we always have fun here at #SocialCafe :)

Oh and Kathryn does bring out an interesting point of view with offline, local events... in next tweet ...

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