#SocialCafe 7.8 Chat Transcript

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2/20 - 2/26/2018 #SocialCafe

2/20 - 2/26/2018 #SocialCafe

  1. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/TOPuz86lSN
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/TOPuz86lSN
  2. Welcome to #SocialCafe Chat! Glad to have you here for the 30 min check-in on all things social media related (and blogging).
  3. Tonight's topic is about how you approach branding on Twitter (or other social platforms). #SocialCafe
  4. @socialwebcafe HA . . . branding seems to be my running theme for the week :) #SocialCafe
  5. Hey #socialcafe I am Hillary Kent a marketing student @ChamplainEdu joining this #TwitterChat for fun and to show my class #ccc410mkt
  6. Q1 Do you ensure that you are representing your brand on Twitter? Please explain :) #SocialCafe
  7. @socialwebcafe By being authentic in my engagements. No #humblebrags #selfpromos. It's a privilege to be able to connect with smart people on the #socialweb. #socialcafe
  8. @Kathrynclang Thanks, @Kathrynclang Yeah, it is amazing... it does go by fast, like faster than half of 60 min should.. lol #SocialCafe
  9. A1: I try to remember that if I wouldn't write it on my website (homebase) then I don't need to write it on my social media. AND if I wouldn't say it in person then I don't need to say it online #SocialCafe  https://twitter.com/socialwebcafe/status/966131862035890177 
  10. @conpsweeney @socialwebcafe I know all I need to know about the #darkweb - it's when you turn off the webcam so THEY can't see you, right? #SocialCafe
  11. @BilalJaffery I love that, @BilalJaffery - being authentic in your engagements. Great way to describe it! #SocialCafe
  12. @socialwebcafe Thank you - I'm trying to practice better brand representation ;) #SocialCafe
  13. Q1 To ensure that you are representing your brand it is very important to put yourself out there and not be anything your not! Make sure you engage in your brand with good values and make sure your brand is ethically responsible! #socialcafe #TwitterChat #makinggood
  14. @Kathrynclang I wouldn't imagine you needing any practice. But, then practice is always a good thing, even when we are experts #SocialCafe
  15. Q2 In what ways to you ensure that you are sticking to your brand representation on Twitter? Is it only the profile... your tweets... #SocialCafe
  16. A1 Ensuring my Twitter Profile represents my brand is a first step.... #SocialCafe
  17. @socialwebcafe For a while there, I let THEY tell me how to act and what to do. I lost my authentic voice. #SocialCafe
  18. @HillaryKent13 Good point, @HillaryKent13 Or, good points! I especially love the part about ethically responsible! Some people miss that one and I'm glad you pointed it out here ;) #SocialCafe
  19. @Kathrynclang I'm curious on the rest of the story... I think you found your authentic voice, eh? #SocialCafe
  20. A2: Ensure your brand by: 1. DEFINING your brand (in writing where you can see); 2. hold all tweets and shares up to that standard before hitting send/tweet/share #SocialCafe  https://twitter.com/socialwebcafe/status/966133120385912834 
  21. @socialwebcafe I refound my voice . . . and when I refound it then it became easier to engage with people, find my target, and really enjoy what I was doing. #SocialCafe
  22. A2 I do have a couple of other brands, if you will (like my music brand). I don't isolate the brands, but I ensure I am in the frame of mind for the correct brand. Like not going on and on about Jazz music on this Twitter profile ;) #SocialCafe
  23. @socialwebcafe A2. Our brand is collective representation of how we interact with others. The positive and the negative. So all times. Not profile imagery. #socialcafe
  24. @Kathrynclang I can see that. In fact, before I got to the word "easier" in your tweet, I was picturing that... True to yourself ;) #SocialCafe
  25. Don't forget to socialize with tools like @commun_it - helping you to build relationships on Twitter #SocialCafe
  26. @BilalJaffery Good point. It is so easy to think in terms of the singular, but of course that is not the case and certainly not always the case. Yes, collective representation. Makes sense. #SocialCafe
  27. Q3 What challenges do you face when it comes to your branding on Twitter (or other social platforms)? #SocialCafe
  28. @conpsweeney I am, too. Prefer that. But, tonight I seem to be babbling to the full tweet constraints :) #SocialCafe
  29. A3: I have to be careful with the snark :) Although it is part of my brand, it doesn't always translate well #SocialCafe  https://twitter.com/socialwebcafe/status/966134630649798657 
  30. @HillaryKent13 Thanks - I've said it so much that my sons don't even want to have social media accounts :D #SocialCafe
  31. @socialwebcafe A3) Still struggling with organic growth #Twitter is changing and we're all playing catchup! #socialcafe
  32. @Kathrynclang I like your snark, @Kathrynclang ! I wish I had more snark. Tho, if you asked my kids.. They have been known to ask me to tone it down before meeting bf parents... #SocialCafe
  33. Q2 It is not just your profile and your tweets that matters to your brand on #Twitter ... It is everything! What you like, who you are following, who is following you, what you post, what you retweet, what you comment on. Every engagement counts! #EEC #Socialcafe #TwitterChat
  34. @conpsweeney Are you finding any answers to organic growth or finding explanations for the changes? As in what they are... #SocialCafe
  35. @socialwebcafe Thank you . . . it's a blessing - and a curse (especially when your kids inherit the skill and team up on you) #SocialCafe
  36. Q4 What successes (or validations) have you experienced when it comes to representing your brand on Twitter? #SocialCafe (Or, what successes or validations would you like to experience?)
  37. @socialwebcafe Nope to both questions! I think the political situation is affecting them #socialcafe
  38. @Kathrynclang Oh, but isn't that fun? I just dish it back and then my daughter and I do that to my husband... But, he just walks away and picks up the guitar... one of them.. lol #SocialCafe
  39. @conpsweeney @socialwebcafe Oh no no no - no Siri in this house. Even the Google voice that gives me directions lies to me and we argue about that. She is more than enough for me to deal with #SocialCafe
  40. @conpsweeney I wonder if that will ever just pass and normal life (whatever that is) will return. #SocialCafe
  41. @socialwebcafe I have a house FULL of them . . . and they love word play, quoting movies and music randomly, and accents - my house is a daily stage show #SocialCafe
  42. @Kathrynclang @conpsweeney Ok, please forgive me... I started laughing out loud. I was picturing you getting after Google voice in a conversation with it. Not that I haven't done that (wink) #SocialCafe
  43. @conpsweeney It is definitely part of my brand, and I am okay with that now. #SocialCafe You have to be okay with your brand because not everyone else will be!
  44. @socialwebcafe It is but at the same time every social media platform has a good amount to handle when it comes to making sure your brand represents you in the best way possible! #SocialCafe #TwitterChat
  45. @socialwebcafe A4) Still trying to figure out how to monetize #Twitter Also, trying to find anyone who is making money there! #socialcafe
  46. @Kathrynclang Oh, the days... Yes, we had that... I told my daughter yesterday that I missed her and her siblings.. even their fights! #SocialCafe
  47. A4: Comments from others that I have engaged with have been the best confirmation that I am representing my brand well. #SocialCafe  https://twitter.com/socialwebcafe/status/966135888706023425 
  48. @HillaryKent13 So true! When I began, I was trying to be everything to every social platform. Then, when I realized the definition of "every" I realized balance was advisable and to stick with the main ones. #SocialCafe
  49. Q5 Any tips or suggestions you could offer to people wondering about keeping true to their brand on Twitter? #SocialCafe
  50. A5: Take time to really define your brand. You have to be secure and confident so that you know how to act and respond in that brand. #SocialCafe  https://twitter.com/socialwebcafe/status/966136895154544640 
  51. @conpsweeney That is a good question.. one I think I have been seeking all my life, which is why I decided to NOT be normal :) #SocialCafe
  52. @socialwebcafe Not just sticking with the main ones but stick with the social media platforms that is right for your brand! It is very important to make sure that your brand is on the right platforms to ensure the most success! #SocialCafe
  53. A5 Inspired by @conpsweeney mention of normal... Find your own normal, who you are... go with that for your brand and how you set up your profile and engagements #SocialCafe
  54. @conpsweeney @socialwebcafe I made cleaning and cooking a fun thing and now they do that for me (sometimes anyway ;) ) #SocialCafe
  55. @HillaryKent13 Oh, I stand corrected. You are absolutely right, @HillaryKent13 In actuality, I stuck with the ones that fit the brand, but you make a very good point and one that needs to be stated so people don't just go for the main ones (like I suggested) and miss the others #SocialCafe
  56. @socialwebcafe A5) Keep it simple, tweet consistently and often, and engage with others #socialcafe
  57. @Kathrynclang @conpsweeney Isn't that fun? I love it when my daughter makes crepes. When she comes home, she takes over the kitchen and cooks and bakes for us :) #SocialCafe
  58. Thank you so much for joining us! I look forward to chatting next week... same time, same place for #SocialCafe
  59. Have to run! Thanks for joining all! See everyone next week! Stay safe! #socialcafe
  60. @socialwebcafe @conpsweeney My middle son makes EVERYTHING - from salmon to sweets. LOVE that he's willing to try! #SocialCafe
  61. Q5 Tips: Always be true to your brand and make sure what you are portraying out on the internet is what you want the world to see! #SocialCafe #TwitterChat #branding
  62. Thank you everyone for some great conversation! See you next time! #SocialCafe
  63. @socialwebcafe @conpsweeney And speaking of my amazing middle son . . . the chef . . . he got up before dawn this morning to make a breakfast casserole. :) I AM BLESSED! #SocialCafe
  64. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/doeq2aDn4G
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/doeq2aDn4G
  65. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/2REwrOJlvc
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/2REwrOJlvc
  66. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/mVFoHNByyJ
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/mVFoHNByyJ
  67. A2. Engaging with your audience is key for brand representation on #twitter, and also participating in #TwitterChat that shows expertise in your brands industry. #socialcafe #smm #content #marketing  https://twitter.com/socialwebcafe/status/966133120385912834 
  68. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/MBXQa4kKam
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/MBXQa4kKam
  69. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/BH02eU84Xq
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/BH02eU84Xq

Link to Complete Summary.
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