Backyard Farming Book (Summary) #SocialCafe 1.19

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Resources Mentioned In Chat/Show

Get Angela’s Book for Yourself!
Backyard Farming on an Acre (More or Less) (affiliate link)

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  1. Do you find the growing costs of groceries impacting your budget? Ever think about backyard farming?

With the economy the way it is, prices seem to only go up and many people find themselves compromising by spending more (and spending less somewhere else), or spending less money and sacrificing taste. It seems, with some backyard farming techniques, that possibly neither taste nor money needs to be sacrificed.

  1. Can you think of other cost saving methods to help defray rising costs?

There are many ways to save money, not just in the farming, but, as Angela says, in the repurposing and changing the thinking patter. Some great ideas here. Be sure to review the slideshow, above, for more ideas.

  1. What do you grow (i.e. house plants, corn fields, dustable plastic plants)?

Ok, some of us go for the plastic plants that need dusting. However, why not try for the real ones and make an effort to grow something. It results in time with the kids, education, and, as Angela says, HUGE savings.

  1. What does “backyard farming” bring to your mind?

Many things come to mind with the phrase, "backyard farming," even with the author, herself. It would seem maybe you would need to read her book to take in the effects of her journey and what she is ready to teach you.

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

With the concept of saving money, while still giving gifts, this book by Angela England seems to make perfect sense (pun intended).

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