Email Marketing / How Do I Build My List (Summary) #SocialCafe 2.39

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#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Email Marketing / How Do I Build My List

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Resources Mentioned In Chat/Show

How to Add 10,000 People to Your List in 90 Days

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Email Marketing: Managing Your Growing Audience #SocialCafe 2.40

  1. What methods are you using now to build your email list?

Da Vinci brought out some good points about paying attention to the objectives and the definition of your audience. Great advice!

  1. What methods have you found effective?

Marisa mention that she love freebies! That is often used in building a list, called lead magnets.

  1. What challenges have you overcome?

The challenges seem to be consistent, along with the keepin on keepin on challenges we face in our entrepreneurship. But, you are never alone!

  1. What will you be doing to enhance your list building methods?

Be encouraged and find things like the Listapalooza or other groups, where you can discuss your strategies

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

Great chat and great tips that we can apply to our list building endeavors!

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