PPC Through the World of Social Media 2: Twitter (Summary) #SocialCafe 2.38

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#SocialCafe Chat Topic: PPC Through the World of Social Media 2: Twitter

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  1. What is your experience with Twitter advertising?

Some of us are new to Twitter advertising. And, though Twitter may not have started with a good interface, they are working on it.

  1. What challenges do you face with setting up Twitter ad campaign(s)?

Some of us, in spite of the ups and downs, view Twitter as an easier platform for the newbie. Again, the advantage over other platforms is found in the continuous improvement by Twitter.

  1. Which Twitter ad options have provided the most success?

We like Twitter, and are curious about where Twitter is going with PPC, but it is also nice to think outside the box, too.

  1. After this chat, which Twitter ad methods (if any) do you think you will try?

We realize we are discussing Twitter, but hey, #SocialCafe is about getting new ideas, right? Why not!

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

Now it is time to make our decision on what we want to do with Twitter advertising (or another type of advertising). Let’s go out and try some (especially if we can get those free coupons to try them!).

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