Email Marketing: What Are My Options? (Summary) #SocialCafe 2.41

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#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Email Marketing: What Are My Options?

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Email Marketing: Managing Your Growing Audience #SocialCafe 2.40

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Email Marketing: Creating An Effective Newsletter #SocialCafe 2.42

  1. What platforms have you had the most success with and why? (i.e. aweber, mailchimp, constant contact, etc.)

We have used different email service providers, including aweber and mailchimp. I personally use GetResponse now (but mailchimp at the time of this chat). All good providers and very popular!

  1. What features/options do you find most useful when it comes to email marketing?

Templates help, but the key thing, as we discovered, is being able to send the email that caters to our audience, whether text, html, or whatever.

  1. What obstacles have you encountered when choosing your email marketing platform?

We have agreement that those Mailchimp templates rock! Also, Marisa brought out a good point that we need to ensure we are coming up with engaging content. We have our jobs cut out for us, eh?!

  1. After tonight’s chat, do you have any plans for changes? Please do share.

There is a consensus that we will get down and actually DO IT!

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

And, another consensus is that there is some that we need to learn. A continual learning process as we improve ourselevs.

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