Groups: A Benefit to Our Community #SocialCafe 7.33

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#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Groups: A Benefit to Our Community

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Groups: How We Help the World #SocialCafe 7.32

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Building Our Community Above and Beyond Our Dreams #SocialCafe 7.34

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  1. What are social groups online? Let’s brainstorm!

Pretty much, if it is somewhere where you can socialize and it is online, in the form of more than one person, it is an online social group. Oops, there goes my psychology student thinking ;) . You already knew that, eh?

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  1. Off the top of my head, what are some ways we could benefit with social groups?

Great ideas for how we can help people with online groups! We can encourage, influence (in a positive way), challenge, brainstorm... Hey, a lot like what we are doing here, right?

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  1. What are some good reasons to join Pin groups?

There are many great places to gather for our online socializing, including the #SocialCafe Twitter Chat! But, Pinterest does offer some uniqueness all its own (yes, redundant definition) - doesn't it? It acts as a social group, directory, online visual list, and so much more.

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  1. How many groups should I have on Facebook? What about joining?

For this question, the consensus is that the choice is up to us. I think more so we are asking how we should decide on that quantity. One way to look at it is to be permissive and not the guilt trip. Allow ourselves to join more groups than expected but also allow ourselves to limit the quantity of groups, as needed.

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  1. What are some benefits of running a LinkedIn group? Joining one?

There is always that benefit with leading any group. I mean, you are in charge, right? Well... From my psychology background, and especially in our current course (another story, eh?) on motivation and performance, one isn't in charge if they want to be a good leader. Instead, they have the opportunity to encourage their team and community. But, for some, it is easier and less stressful to join a group than to lead a group.

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  1. Now for the good stuff... How can we help our online community with social groups?

We have covered some great ideas, already, in our chat this evening. Here again, if it is something you can do offline, you can find a way to do it online. Another area that we could delve in deeper is that area of crowd-funding, event planning and many more ideas. We have only scratched the surface!

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  1. How can we help our offline community with social groups?

Oops, we mentioned some of these ;) . Again, if you can do it online, you can do it offline. If you can do it offline, you can do it online. How's that? :D

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  1. What are some creative ways to use social groups? Tips? Resources?

I love what Sharda suggested, ensuring that there is focus and direction for the group. It is also helpful if you have a home base for your group, where you can post the notes, such as a definition of your objective and purpose for your group. Of course, a short version can be posted on the social profile where your group meets, in some cases.

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  1. Ok, now it is time to brag about what you do well! Your #ShamelessPlug is ...

We love this spot where we can brag, without guilt. Oh, wait, you can always do that here at #SocialCafe We want to encourage you to share. Share who you are and what you are about, as you are among friends and the #SocialCafe family here!

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

We are always sad to say goodbye. But, it is not goodbye forever. It is only until next week and we shall meet again, eh? :)

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