Groups: How We Help the World #SocialCafe 7.32

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#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Groups: How We Help the World

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Groups: A Benefit to Our Community #SocialCafe 7.33

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  1. What is the best way to network with other bloggers?

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  1. What about masterminds? Do they work?

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  1. How does one create or join a mastermind?

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  1. What about blog sharing groups? Are they effective?

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  1. How does a person join a blog sharing group or start one? Where?

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  1. What is shiny object syndrome? Is that something that people should guard against when helping the world?

Kat has an interesting and helpful way to look at combatting Shiny Object Syndrome. What do you think?

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  1. How does a person become a guest blogger?

It seems that this week Deborah is too passionate about the topic and missed a couple of letters, enough to cause a typo (or two)! But, that is no reason to stop progress and we look forward to responding to Ms. Lisa's initiative in requesting to be a guest on an upcoming SocialWebCafe podcast (which has been on a bit of a hiatus while Deborah has been working on her PhD). Thanks, Lisa, for the great example of how and when to take the initiative of becoming a guest (whether author, featured guest, or the like).

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  1. How about joint ventures, crowdfunding, trade shows, and conferences?

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  1. Ok, now it is time to brag about what you do well! Your #ShamelessPlug is ...

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

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