Monetizing My Blog – Is It Worth It? #SocialCafe 7.30

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Blog Monetization (SocialWebCafe)

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  1. What are different ways to monetize a blog or site?

While there are many different ways one could monetize their blog, Con brings up an interesting point about continuing with those that work. On the flip side, one has to try some to know what works and what doesn’t work.

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  1. Is ad revenue dead or a bad idea? It has been said that it sometimes annoys readers. What do you think?

There is that concern with the ROI on any effort that you use for blog monetization. You also need to do what is right for you because it is impossible to please all of the people all of the time.

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  1. How do I decide what my audience is willing to buy? How about services to offer or recommend?

Ask and Listen. Two points that have their perks. Which one works best for you, or is it a combination?

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  1. Do you do affiliate marketing on your site, including reviews? Why or why not?

Some will find some efforts worth doing and others not so much. The question is, have you tried it enough to say it isn’t working? But the only one who needs to answer that is you.

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  1. What about developing and promoting your own products on your site or blog?

The consensus is that it is a great idea to create our own products. Now, for a #SocialCafe twitter chat on that ;)

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  1. What is a sales funnel, and how can you implement one that is successful for your blog or site?

Sales funnels can be tricky for the novice (and maybe even confusing!) but helpful for those interested in really turning an ROI on their blog monetization efforts.

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  1. What platform is recommended for selling? WooCommerce? Any other platforms?

We have some takers for WooCommerce as well as Easy Digital Downloads (EDD). Both are great products/platforms for ecommerce. What do you think?

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  1. What are some recommended resources for those who are getting ready to launch their own product or service? Tips?

As we mentioned, we are putting together some resources for you at YourContent.Today. Yes, it is mostly paid content but I promise that we will do everything we can to ensure higher quality than what you pay - YOU matter and the quality matters!

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  1. Ok, now it is time to brag about what you do well! Your #ShamelessPlug is ...

Great idea, Kat! Check out the way that Kat is using and has implemented Easy Digital Downloads with her excellent collection of ebooks that you can buy!

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

As always, we love having you join us here. So thank you and thanks to those who join us in sharing the tweets the next day! We love you all!

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