#SocialCafe: Freelancing and Keeping it Positive SocialwebcafeB2CTweet Chatting About Freelancing Today's #B2CTweet Chat was about Freelancing. What are some of joys of being a freelancer? What are t... --------------- Featuring: --------------- --------------- Your Host --------------- --------------- The Chat: --------------- Welcome to the Chat (new hashtag for ) at our normal 3pm EDT slot every Wednesday. My pleasure thanks for the opportunity to spread my positive messages with some new folks. During our 3p EDT Chat hour we will discussing Freelancing, sharing ways we can succeed & drawing for prizes! Welcome ! We are glad to have you here! I love the emphasis on "positive messages" Please share about YOU ;) I am a working in the area. I facilitate networking opportunities for both existing talent and upcoming artists. I have developed a network of over... Listening in while coding So you are an in the area of helping "freelancers" and you are one yourself, correct? Q1 What are some of joys of being a freelancer? What are the challenges? ... 70K+ fans that get reg. messages, & I e-mail a tailored following of 100K industry-savvy trendsetters monthly Cool Tony. Thanks :) Oh, and got your message on the share buttons - always appreciate :) My experiences have allowed me to work with a variety of professionals in acting Hi, sorry I'm a little late @socalwebcafe MT : During our 3p EDT Chat hr we will discuss Freelancing, sharing ways we can succeed & prizes! RT : Welcome to the Chat (new hashtag for ) at our normal 3pm EDT slot every Wednesday. Yes I am an expert in home based businesses and starting "something from nothing". Its epic to experience. RT : Q1 What are some of joys of being a freelancer? What are the challenges? Thanks for joining us Scherrie! No such thing as "late" :) has to be one of the most rewarding yet scary experiences 1 can choose yet I recommend 1ce in life! A1 One of the "joys" is managing your own time, including time with family. Do you find that, too, ? A1. I like being able to work at my own pace but it can also be a setback Well put! rewarding/scary. I love the reference to "something from nothing." I find that I need "checklists" to keep me on track. My husband says I'm ADD... So easy to get distracted by stuff So, ... on the topic of pace, how do you structure your day? Do you have a system or go with the flow? A1: I like working at my own pace, but it is imperative I set tasks and deadlines for myself for everything. The page Social Media and Technology News ...got an overall PageSpeed Score of 92(out of 100). - woohoo! Q2 How can you, as a freelancer, promote yourself online? I try to use checklists on post-it's daily to keep me on track but things still get backed up In mode 1 realizes that @ times work get out of there control like if a company 1 works 4 downsizes has allowed me 2 not only speed up flow but go with better 1s by network targetting Hey Justin. You are like one of the most organized bloggers I know, with all you balance. Ah, deadlines, yes. Excellent Tony! You are like doing the same thing I was doing this morning! same wave-length! Even though I can wake up & do w/e whenever. I choose to work in normal ppls work schedule at pace I want payment We want to thank the wonderful team. They help us create relationships with http://commun.it ease RT #Soc did you notice the Google pagespeed tools update? So the more aligned I get with what I want to do the more systematic everything is in flow of workday Oh my! PostIts! Yes, in my role as CTO, I used PostIts all the time! Now, I use notes on iPad. Still luv PostIts RT : Q2 How can you, as a freelancer, promote yourself online? RT : Q2 How can you, as a freelancer, promote yourself online? A2: Every single service/program/social media outlet you can find. There is no limit to what to add your profile to. you ever used Evernote for keeping track of things ? That makes sense. So, you find what works and tweak that and shave off what doesn't, eh? I find that I need a physical reminder...I don't utilize my gadget apps much Shame on me. No. I will need to look it up. I use Evernote occasionally for tracking across multiple systems. A2 Inspired by what said, find what works and work it. But, like said, add profiles everywhere Find what works too, I tried EmpireAvenue for a while, but didn't see ROI (time wise) so not active there anymore RT : Chat () w/special guest 3p EDT TODAY I just started to use with , especially Twitter and doesn't work with Twitter anymore Right w/ no boss directly over 1 in 1 has 2 optimize time 2 max b/c it might not be on bosses clock I might need to pull out those notes again... :) b/c I work online mostly it can be especially distracting w/ Email TY God for no more pop ups! I was wondering about that: . I think I did it for 2 days or so and didn't see the ROI either Q3 What kind of information should you publish online to generate more sales? Oh my goodness! Had to "schedule" FB time! I'd be off looking at something and wonder where time went. yea..they cut it off...Pooh RT Chat () w/special guest 3p EDT TODAY While I hear what says having mass profiles can leave site owners askin u why u on there rarely A2. I try to update, tweet, like as much as I can to stay active I use EmpireAvenue on occasion but have noticed alot of thievery lately and slacked off it just when I was getting "hooked." Having a profile doesn't mean you have to use the service, look how many business have profiles unused. You want the profile to "reserve" your brand name, so nobody else can take it, even if you don't plan to use it. Hmmm.. comes to mind. I think it has been months since I logged in. cc: I have dragonblogger everywhere, except somebody else got dragonblogger on myspace first. Sign up to win a fully paid conference ticket to The Blog Workshop. Details here: http://b2ct.me/PSGan3 3 e how do you stop your blog from "multi-posting" to all the platforms? I'll do a post and my twitter feed explodes Do you find you pick your favorite networks and work those? I tend to use FB and Twitter the most. Pinterest? Stop platforms from cross chatter, my facebook posts to Twitter but not vice versa, so I only need to post to FB For what they call "evergreen" stuff I'll use Buffer...lately it's been lagging though Many times I initiate a conversation on Facebook, but get answers and responses on Twitter. I don't have to post same question I prefer Twitter & pinterest Facebook is #1 traffic referrer for me, FB and Twitter are the only major two I use. Google Plus distant third. right which then defeats the purpose of even getting on the site. Which usually is to network. unused=timewaster I hear you on that yet most main sites are allowing Brands to claim page even if a person claimed it yet ur right I just tried to log in to and got a "Twitter Rate Error" Knew it was coming, but hoped not yet when people answer on Twitter, I have to reply on Twitter can't reply from FB to someone who responds on Twitter Is it trademarked copyrighted n protected by u This is why I use Hootsuite, I manage all social media accounts via streams/tabs from 1 console. I have to get better with using my Facebook No, which is why it is first come first serve, until I turn it into an LLC and copyright it. RT : Q3 What kind of information should you publish online to generate more sales? Right yet one has to ask themselves where r the most ppl b/c thats where one might want 2 focus efforts resources It didn't take long for FB to explode more traffic than Twitter, at 1/2 the following FB has better time ROI Right, but with beta items, it is good to try to be ahead of the curve before programs explode. Great point... Nice I am using hootesuite now myself. I saw how you made a desktop console out of Hootsuite..thanks for the tip Jugnoo and SocialInbox look different Q4 How does the freelancer keep on 'keepin on?' Right about the beta yet these days 100 betas come out everyday. Have to be selective or info is in matrix how has the "auto-scheduling" worked for you on hootsuite? Join us on a special chat tomorrow 3p EDT talking about 's CashDonator plugin. has become essential to tracking what is where. I also like for handling the relationship end Yep, I use it exclusively that way all the time for a long time now. A4 One the "keeping on" end, efficiency is good, but so is attitude. Keep the positive self-talk going and turn off negative :) I would think, with all that you balance, that the scheduling in is very A: I never approach anything negatively and always have professionalism, you need thick skin and don't let things get you down. I do most of my scheduling with Gremln and BufferApp, only my poetry calls are with Hootsuite scheduling. A4. Be positive & challenge ourselves! I like the "challenge" ;) RT : A4. Be positive & challenge ourselves! RT : Join us on a special chat tomorrow 3p EDT talking about 's CashDonator plugin. RT : Q4 How does the freelancer keep on 'keepin on?' Yeah, hard to know which will be the next foursquare, tumblr...etc have to kind of have your finger on the pulse Right even online attract attracts like so BE positive and get that back Ah. Haven't checked out Gremln yet. Thnx. RT : A4. Be positive & challenge ourselves! &, if skin isn't thick, keep it away from professional output. Husband, wife, bestie, significant other helps. RT : Right even online attract attracts like so BE positive and get that back Hi. Deborah: Can you send me the link to the chat room please? Yes look at some of the sites Ive joined here that I may use at times http://ht.ly/ensru S Great. Just found it now. Thanks. I didn't get notice of the chat. Where are the alerts posted? Next week, on we will talk to DaVinci about the exciting workshop! Wed 3p EDT On that note... I'm curious how people like to be alerted. email, twitter, FB, Google? cc: Missed the chat? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. Great chat! Thanks for all the great tips! Great. Thanks, will bookmark the calendar. Ok, getting ready to announce our winners today! :) RT : Great. Thanks, will bookmark the calendar. RT : Great chat! Thanks for all the great tips! ok...gotta run too..bus is coming @ 4:25 RT : Next week, on we will talk to DaVinci about the exciting workshop! Wed 3p EDT RT : Missed the chat? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. Correction... the 'winners' in the Raffle were not able to make this chat. We'll put the prizes back in for another chat. :) So sorry I did not make the chat today (was driving). Looks like it was fascinating! Cool tweeps on the chat : ) Thank you for joining us for this week's Twitter Chat.