#SocialCafe 1.13 Chat Transcript

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#SocialCafe: ViralContentBuzz.com Social Sharing Platform

#SocialCafe: ViralContentBuzz.com Social Sharing Platform

Q&A Discussing the *new* ViralContentBuzz.com. Special Guests: Ann Smarty (@seosmarty) and Gerald Weber (@the_gman). Host: @SocialwebCafe

  1. --------------- Featuring: ---------------
  2. --------------- Also visit these wonderful services! ---------------
  3. --------------- Your Hosts ---------------
  4. --------------- The Chat: ---------------
  5. Welcome to the #SocialCafe Chat at our normal 3pm EDT slot every Wednesday.
  6. If you are following along on today's #SocialCafe chat questions, you can find them here:  http://sw.bcafe.co/WvjU5H vjU5H
  7. Today we have special guests, @seosmarty and @the_gman to tell us about @viralcontentbuz sharing platform. Welcome! #socialcafe
  8. Enter to win 100 sharing credits from @viralcontentbuz for the #SocialCafe Twitter chat. I did!  http://www.socialwebcafe.com/contest/viral-content-buzz-on-socialcafe-twitter-chat/ cafe.com/contest/viral-content-buzz-on-socialcafe-twitter-chat/
  9. @avgjoegeek Sharing tips about "social sharing" and talking about Viral Content Buzz ... What tools do you use now? #socialcafe
  10. Please join #SocialCafe Twitter chat NOW to see us speak about social media and viral marketing!
  11. @ATLHappyHr Welcome :) I always feel happy when I see you. Great handle! #socialcafe
  12. RT @seosmarty: Please join #SocialCafe Twitter chat NOW to see us speak about social media and viral marketing! #socialcafe
  13. RT @seosmarty: Please join #SocialCafe Twitter chat NOW to see us speak about social media and viral marketing! #socialcafe
  14. RT @seosmarty: Please join #SocialCafe Twitter chat NOW to see us speak about social media and viral marketing!
  15. RT @socialwebcafe: Welcome to the #SocialCafe Chat at our normal 3pm EDT slot every Wednesday.
  16. RT @the_gman: RT @seosmarty: Please join #SocialCafe Twitter chat NOW to see us speak about social media and viral marketing! #socialcafe
  17. RT @the_gman: RT @seosmarty: Please join #SocialCafe Twitter chat NOW to see us speak about social media and viral marketing! #socialcafe
  18. RT @the_gman: RT @seosmarty: Please join #SocialCafe Twitter chat NOW to see us speak about social media and viral marketing! #socialcafe
  19. RT @the_gman: RT @seosmarty: Please join #SocialCafe Twitter chat NOW to see us speak about social media and viral marketing! #socialcafe
  20. @tonygreene113 Hey Tony. Did you post an article on your performance enhancement findings? Would love to read it. #socialcafe
  21. RT @socialwebcafe: @ATLHappyHr Welcome :) I always feel happy when I see you. Great handle! <<Hey there!!! #socialcafe
  22. @pyapyafrank Hi Liza. Welcome! Thanks for getting up in the middle of the night for this chat ;) #socialcafe
  23. Enter to win 100 sharing credits from @viralcontentbuz for the #SocialCafe Twitter chat. I did!  http://www.socialwebcafe.com/contest/viral-content-buzz-on-socialcafe-twitter-chat/ cafe.com/contest/viral-content-buzz-on-socialcafe-twitter-chat/
  24. @socialwebcafe Doing well today! Just getting ready for Halloween fun! hope you're well! #socialcafe
  25. Enter to win 100 sharing credits from @viralcontentbuz for the #SocialCafe Twitter chat. I did!  http://www.socialwebcafe.com/contest/viral-content-buzz-on-socialcafe-twitter-chat/ cafe.com/contest/viral-content-buzz-on-socialcafe-twitter-chat/
  26. @avgjoegeek @viralcontentbuz is about helping you get more social shares. We aren't a management tool per se #socialcafe
  27. @q1 @viralcontentbuz is the free social media HELP place that makes it easy to get promoted for promoting others #Socialcafe
  28. @avgjoegeek I also use Hootsuite! to manage multiple Twitter accounts. #socialcafe
  29. RT @seosmarty: @q1 @viralcontentbuz is the free social media HELP place that makes it easy to get promoted for promoting others #socialcafe
  30. #q1 At viral Content Buzz you earn credits for tweeting and liking other people's stories #SocialCafe
  31. Q1 .. you can then spend your credits by letting people share your articles #SocialCafe
  32. A1 A platform that utilizes a crowd-sourcing model to facilitate the generation of REAL “social buzz” on quality content #socialcafe
  33. @the_gman #SocialBro is fantastic for managing large lists! And it will tell you the best time to #Tweet to your followers! #socialcafe
  34. @socialwebcafe A1: New to me, but looks like an awesome way to get some buzz about your content!! :) #socialcafe
  35. Yep RT @ATLHappyHr: A1 A platform that utilizes a crowd-sourcing model to facilitate the generation of REAL “social buzz” #socialcafe
  36. #SocialCafe is social media marketing the new way to do viral? Viral marketing used to be, email sharing something u like
  37. Yes... I'm currently doing research on Viral Buzz. I'm new to this one! Lol #socialcafe
  38. RT @ATLHappyHr: A1 A platform that utilizes a crowd-sourcing model to facilitate the generation of REAL “social buzz” <<LIKE! #socialcafe
  39. I like the idea of being able to essentially publish and share articles with larger audiences #socialcafe
  40. Been using ViralContentBuzz for a few sessions. One post approved, standing by for results #socialcafe
  41. @ATLHappyHr That tweet description was soooo quotable! (Sometimes I wish Twitter also had a LIKE button) lol #socialcafe
  42. Cool! -> RT @tonygreene113: Been using ViralContentBuzz for a few sessions. One post approved, standing by for results #socialcafe
  43. How many times do I write really awesome articles and only 100 ppl see it! Yes, I WANT MORE! :) #socialcafe
  44. Yes, that's what we do :) RT @ATLHappyHr: I like the idea of being able to publish and share articles with larger audiences #socialcafe
  45. RT @tonygreene113: Been using ViralContentBuzz for a few sessions. One post approved, standing by for results #socialcafe
  46. Has anyone written a review on @viralcontentbuz that they'd like to share? I wrote one last night>>  http://ht.ly/eVgqM sosocialcafe
  47. Mine: "Announcing Viral Content Buzz, the Free Social Media Promotion Platform"  http://bit.ly/Qz3iDZ  #socialcafe
  48. @seosmarty For those who may be new to a social sharing platform, how would you describe @viralcontentbuz ? i.e. credits #socialcafe
  49. @socialwebcafe I usually like to add 50 to 100 credits for each of my submissions. #socialcafe
  50. RT @seosmarty: Mine: "Announcing Viral Content Buzz, the Free Social Media Promotion Platform"  http://bit.ly/Qz3iDZ  #socialcafe
  51. Please explain the approval process for VIral Buzz. What gets you approved after you submit your article? Judging criteria? #socialcafe
  52. Clever RT @seosmarty: Mine: "Announcing Viral Content Buzz, the Free Social Media Promotion Platform"  http://bit.ly/Qz3iDZ  #socialcafe
  53. Viral Content Buzz = scratch my back and I'll scratch yours :) #socialcafe cc @socialwebcafe
  54. RT @seosmarty: Viral Content Buzz = scratch my back and I'll scratch yours :) #socialcafe cc @socialwebcafe
  55. We'll have some reading after the chat :) How many of you use a social sharing platform? i.e. @Easy_retweet @justretweet #socialcafe
  56. RT @seosmarty: Viral Content Buzz = scratch my back and Ill scratch yours :) <-- Great description! #socialcafe
  57. #Q2 Viral Content Buzz is ALL about quality. we pre-moderate everything and accept only *real* social profiles #socialcafe
  58. A1 @viralcontentbuz doesn't insist that I NOT use other platforms. It can be used in conjunction with current promotion efforts #socialcafe
  59. Stay tuned for details about our topic and guest(s) next week… (Hint: @seosmarty) #socialcafe
  60. Q2 our selling point = focus on promoting *only* content with viral potential that gets shared by profiles with *real* following #socialcafe
  61. A1 And, @viralcontentbuz is free :) Plus, it is #easytouse so it does not take a lot of extra time #socialcafe
  62. RT @socialwebcafe: A1 And, @viralcontentbuz is free :) Plus, it is #easytouse so it does not take a lot of extra time #socialcafe
  63. We thank the wonderful @commun_it team- helping us create relationships with #Twitter  http://commun.it ease RT #SociSocialCafe
  64. RT @socialwebcafe: A1 And, @viralcontentbuz is free :) Plus, it is #easytouse so it does not take a lot of extra time #socialcafe
  65. @lydsrich I like those types (FB and Skype groups), as it is very relational and personable. I like using both. #socialcafe
  66. RT @seosmarty: Q2 our selling point = focus on promoting *only* content with viral potential .. #socialcafe
  67. The good thing about VCB versus private groups is that new peeps almost join = variety #socialcafe cc @lydsrich @seosmarty
  68. @SheWritesaLot someone is testing ViralContentBuzz right now :) good job! #socialcafe
  69. RT @socialwebcafe: Stay tuned for details about our topic and guest(s) next weekÉ (Hint: @seosmarty) #socialcafe
  70. Deborah's "ideal world" --> Connect in a community (FB, MBG) and then content on VCB, ER, to "find" content of those friends #socialcafe
  71. @avgjoegeek ours is pre-moderated (no fluff or spam) and we are also adding Pinterest and Google Plus soon :) #socialcafe
  72. @sergiuliano :) That's what I'm doing right now. Didn't have time to check it out B4 the chat. #socialcafe
  73. Getting there ;) -> RT @socialwebcafe: Deborah's "ideal world" #socialcafe (If you could contribute some ideas how it'll work, pls email)
  74. Q3 What makes Viral Content Buzz different and unique? #SocialCafe
  75. @avgjoegeek Maybe "different" would be a description. I love using @Easy_retweet as well. I use both. #socialcafe
  76. @the_gman i've exhausted all of the daily promo stuff for the service. Trying to space out the posts from Facebook and twitter #socialcafe
  77. @SheWritesaLot You know I love ALL your writing, Donna :) I got excited :) #socialcafe
  78. #Q our credit system: we reward you more credits of you have more followers #socialcafe
  79. #q3 Thus you are not paying the same for tweets with 100 and 1000 following #socialcafe
  80. @seosmarty I'm new to the VCB world. Are there options for bloggers? Or is it mostly for business? #socialcafe
  81. A3 I like the part about the quality aspect, so there are more than one set of eyes watching for spammy articles. #socialcafe
  82. US Supreme Court To Argue Use Of K9 Search Outside Your Home #socialcafe
  83. @lydsrich I'd say it's *only* for bloggers as we only accept genuine articles (no home pages, no reviews, no press releases..) #socialcafe
  84. @lydsrich Viral Content Buzz is primarily for bloggers. Not sure what you mean by "options for bloggers" #socialcafe
  85. @sergiuliano -> What is the title of your article on VCB? I'll go look. #socialcafe
  86. @lydsrich Can you please clarify what you mean by "options for bloggers"? #socialcafe
  87. @seosmarty I noticed a youtube video as a project. Hadn't even though of submitting that on @viralcontentbuz cool. #socialcafe
  88. I like that you can see the blurbs under the titles. Nice, clean, easy-to-use interface, too. #socialcafe
  89. @socialwebcafe if it's a nice one, why not. If we let a crappy one go, please report it :) #socialcafe
  90. A3 Maybe it's because I know @seosmarty & @the_gman, but the quality control is big, when it comes to #timesavings #buildstrust #socialcafe
  91. 1 All submissions are moderated 2 Users are granted credit based on the strength of their social accounts #socialcafe
  92. RT @SheWritesaLot: I like that you can see the blurbs under the titles. Nice, clean, easy-to-use interface, too. #socialcafe
  93. RT @socialwebcafe: @seosmarty I noticed a youtube video as a project. Hadn't even though of submitting that on @viralcontentbuz #socialcafe
  94. RT @socialwebcafe: @seosmarty I noticed a youtube video as a project. Hadn't even though of submitting that on @viralcontentbuz #socialcafe
  95. RT @socialwebcafe: @seosmarty I noticed a youtube video as a project. Hadn't even though of submitting that on @viralcontentbuz #socialcafe
  96. @the_gman I guess I mean that on first glance, it looks like it's primarily for businesses. #socialcafe sorry - new!!
  97. @SheWritesaLot yes, I just approved yours from the moderation panel during this chat :) #socialcafe
  98. Q4 What makes Viral Content Buzz different and unique? #SocialCafe
  99. @seosmarty just wondering why you thought it was for businesses. what made you think so? #usabilitytesting #socialcafe
  100. @lydsrich No problem. We really had primarily bloggers in mind when we created  http://viralcontentbuzz.com/ uzsocialcafecialcafe
  101. You seem to have more variety than JustRetweet. JRT is primarily make money online stuff. Not good for my followers #socialcafe
  102. @lydsrich no apologies :) I needed to go back and look. You got me curious.. #socialcafe
  103. #q4 The fact that we are not for raw numbers of votes - we *really* help to get the word out (credit evaluation and moderation) #socialcafe
  104. @the_gman *BLUSHING* I was on the wrong website! Hit the wrong link. Sorry! Just registered for my VCB account!! #socialcafe
  105. Let's try again... Q4: How do I use Viral Content Buzz most effectively? #socialcafe
  106. @SheWritesaLot we are trying to cover more niches but we are stronger in tech for now #socialcafe
  107. Cool I could replying the same question forever :) RT @socialwebcafe: Let's try again... Q4: How do I use VCB? #socialcafe
  108. Q4 - Get in there and share! Rack up some points and build some relationships #socialcafe
  109. Q4 Earn more credits to put more into your project #socialcafe
  110. Q4 - If you just put 5 credits, it will be shared 1-2 times #socialcafe
  111. A4 1) Set aside 5-15 min daily; 2) click on category for niche 3) share Then, at least weekly, add projects #socialcafe
  112. LOL You crack me up. #luvIt RT @SheWritesaLot: Q4 - Get in there and share! Rack up some points and build some relationships #socialcafe
  113. Q4 - In "Edit profile" section choose your favorite categories to customize your dashboard #socialcafe
  114. RT @socialwebcafe: A4 1) Set aside 5-15 min daily; 2) click on category for niche 3) share Then, at least weekly, add projects #socialcafe
  115. RT @ATLHappyHr: Please explain the approval process for VIral Buzz. What gets you approved after you submit your article? #socialcafe
  116. Q4 This way you'll see your most relevant stories first #socialcafe #savetime
  117. RT @seosmarty: Q4 - In "Edit profile" section choose your favorite categories to customize your dashboard #socialcafe
  118. @SheWritesaLot @socialwebcafe 1) Set aside 5-15 min daily; 2) click on category for niche 3) share, at least weekly add projects #socialcafe
  119. We basically need something that people would LOVE to share trendy, with images, with sm buttons, etc cc @ATLHappyHr #socialcafe
  120. @the_gman Wondering if my registration is lost in cyberspace? Help? #socialcafe
  121. Ok, all... the winner of the 100 @viralcontentbuz sharing credits coming up... (drum roll) #socialcafe
  122. @the_gman I like that it doesn't allow reviews - I got into reviews and giveaways which is fun, but I want to focus on my blog #socialcafe
  123. RT @socialwebcafe: Ok, all... the winner of the 100 @viralcontentbuz sharing credits coming up... (drum roll) #socialcafe
  124. @seosmarty You are the bomb!! :) that worked! thanks & very excited to try and to share with my networks! #socialcafe
  125. You seem to have more variety than JustRetweet. Jis primarily make money online stuff. Not good for my followers #socialcafe
  126. #socialcafe pls register there and DM your username. I'll add your free credits! #socialcafe
  127. You seem to have more variety than JustRetweet. Jis primarily make money online stuff. Not good for my followers #socialcafe
  128. So just submitted my first test post! @viralcontentbuz @seosmarty hopefully it makes the cut :) #socialcafe
  129. RT @egehipit: You seem to have more variety than JustRetweet. Jis primarily make money online stuff. #socialcafe#socialcafe
  130. RT @egehipit: You seem to have more variety than JustRetweet. Jis primarily make money online stuff. Not good for my followers #socialcafe
  131. @egehipit That is why our emphasis is on quality. So people will want to share. not just to get credit #socialcafe
  132. @lydsrich Tweet me your article and I'll find it on VCB and share. If you don't see it, tweet me again #iSometimesNeedReminders #socialcafe
  133. @egehipit #socialcafe - Congratulations, the platform looks excellent - idea was great!
  134. RT @egehipit: You seem to have more variety than JustRetweet. Jis primarily make money online stuff. #socialcafe#socialcafe
  135. Next week, we are talking makeup on the #SocialCafe chat Wed 3p EST 11/7
  136. My post has been sitting there waiting for a share with 150 credit balance for a few days - guest post #socialcafe
  137. @avgjoegeek You got your 100 credits! #socialcafe (Your project is also approved!)
  138. Missed the #SocialCafe chat? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready.
  139. Further explanation on the #makeup topic. I know, like all bloggers everywhere are "huh?" ... #socialcafe
  140. RT @socialwebcafe: Next week, we are talking makeup on the #SocialCafe chat Wed 3p EST 11/7 <- see you then #socialcafe
  141. Thank you for joining us for this week's #SocialCafe Twitter Chat.
  142. SocialWebCafe is "giving back" during the holiday season and promoting smaller companies and their products, for #giftideas #socialcafe
  143. @socialwebcafe Of course! As soon as it's moderated and approved, I'll tweet ya! Thanks!! #socialcafe
  144. @socialwebcafe Thanks for having us! #socialcafe (waiting for the summary to tweet it!)
  145. @seosmarty Thanks again! Glad I could join the chat today! Check it out under #SEOandSocial #socialcafe
  146. So, don't worry, bloggers. The "normal" topics will return, but in the meantime, if you are looking for a gift for #motherinlaw #socialcafe
  147. RT @socialwebcafe: Missed the #SocialCafe chat? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready.
  148. @SheWritesaLot I have a Hollywood makeup artist that will answer the holiday makeup questions. more on the side of #partyprep #socialcafe
  149. RT @socialwebcafe: Missed the #SocialCafe chat? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready.
  150. @viralcontentbuz I noticed this chat even though I didn't join, I sent you an email via contact form and I want to review. #socialcafe
  151. RT @socialwebcafe: Next week, we are talking makeup on the #SocialCafe chat Wed 3p EST 11/7
  152. Thanks for joining the Twitter chat everyone. For Q & A about  http://goo.gl/ZQDmS add me on Skype: searchengineguy #ssocialcafe
  153. RT @AngEngland: Planning an #ebookwrimo? Pick the right topic! I discuss topic selection in-depth in this #socialcafe interview http://ow.ly/eVd1g #30days
  154. Time to get back to work! Happy Halloween and thanks again all! #socialcafe

Link to Complete Summary.
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