#SocialCafe 1.9 Chat Transcript

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#B2CTweet eCommerce for Bloggers Intro

#B2CTweet eCommerce for Bloggers Intro

Q&A introductory discussion on eCommerce for Bloggers. Host: @SocialwebCafe

  1. --------------- Featuring: ---------------
  2. --------------- Your Host ---------------
  3. --------------- The Chat: ---------------
  4. Welcome to another #B2CTweet Chat, at our normal 3pm EDT slot every Wednesday.
  5. During our 3p EDT Chat hour we will be introduction to eCommerce for bloggers. #B2CTweet
  6. RT @b2ctweet: Welcome to another #B2CTweet Chat, at our normal 3pm EDT slot every Wednesday.
  7. If you are following along on the #B2CTweet questions, you can find them here:  http://b2ct.me/PSGdzn n
  8. RT @b2ctweet: Welcome to another #B2CTweet Chat, at our normal 3pm EDT slot every Wednesday.
  9. Sorry I'm late. My sites were down due to expired CC date. Had to update info. Oops .. rookie mistake. ;) #b2ctweet
  10. @Brad_Harmon It's ok. I believe there is no such thing as "late." :) So sorry about the CC problems! #b2ctweet
  11. Q1 Do you collect money (or want to) on your blog/site? (i.e. PayPal buttons) #B2CTweet
  12. @socialwebcafe Kind of ironic w/ today's topic of eCommerce for Bloggers. Or perhaps, it's very apropos. ;) #B2CTweet
  13. A1 I collect money on some of my blogs, but not all. I'm going to change that :) #b2ctweet
  14. RT @b2ctweet: Q1 Do you collect money (or want to) on your blog/site? (i.e. PayPal buttons) //thought about it, but decided not to #B2CTweet
  15. A1 When I had my CPA firm I was interested in pursuing online payment as an option, but not as much w/ my consulting work. #B2CTweet
  16. A friend of mine, @sunraysheryl successfully implemented ecommerce on her blog/art site, showing that the two can go together #b2ctweet
  17. Q2 What is most important to you in a payment option on your site? Cost? Design? #B2CTweet
  18. ecommerce, to me, means something different than it does today. I come from the days before PayPal, where you had to do it urself #b2ctweet
  19. But, then, I am a coder, so I actually worked on the code for my own shopping cart system. Now, we have PayPal and other options #b2ctweet
  20. @Brad_Harmon Do you find, that with your consulting, it is more of an online advertising, than a site for ordering? #b2ctweet
  21. That's what it's becoming. Originally, I wanted to create a resource center for clients, but along the way that mission expanded. #B2CTweet
  22. A2 Cost & Design 4 important, but I think time savings is most important to me. I tire of logging into PayPal to create buttons #b2ctweet
  23. MT @Brad_Harmon: Originally, I wanted to create a resource center for clients, but along the way that mission expanded. #b2ctweet
  24. Q3 Do bloggers need robust payment solutions? Why or why not? #B2CTweet
  25. A2: Security for my clients, then ease of use. Of course, cost is always a concern. It's just a distant 3rd for me. #B2CTweet
  26. A1 I think it depends on what they are doing. Many that have robust systems, have a blog. Does it go the other way? #b2ctweet
  27. A3 Depends on the volume & types of transactions. Heavy volume would need a robust solution. #B2CTweet
  28. @Brad_Harmon Oh definitely! Thnx! I remember the days that owners would have cc on secure site, and then email..not secure #b2ctweet
  29. @socialwebcafe I recently threw together a quick PayPal Buy Now button to promote a brand new product I have.. silk scarves..! #b2ctweet
  30. @socialwebcafe It was stories like that which made me decide not to accept online payments for my CPA firm 8 years ago. #B2CTweet
  31. Q4 What payment processing, merchant solutions are there for bloggers? PayPal is example. #B2CTweet
  32. @sunraysheryl "Threw together" makes it sound pretty easy. Was it? Are you glad you added the PayPal button to your site? #B2CTweet
  33. @sunraysheryl Great to see you! You had a shopping cart system before that. Are you going to still use that one? #b2ctweet
  34. @Brad_Harmon Yeah. The problem was that I don't believe owners *knew* what they were doing. That's when I became an SSL expert #b2ctweet
  35. @socialwebcafe So much has changed in the realm of online payment in 8 years. What solutions do you recommend now? #B2CTweet
  36. @socialwebcafe The shopping cart system I have currently no longer supports all my needs, so we are doing a gradual upgrade. #b2ctweet
  37. @sunraysheryl What shopping cart system have you decided to use, in your upgrade? #b2ctweet
  38. @socialwebcafe In the meantime, I was able to do a quick PayPal Buy Now button with my level of tech expertise lol! #b2ctweet
  39. @Brad_Harmon I actually prefer PayPal. The costs of the standard merchant account, and the time involved reduce the ROI. #b2ctweet
  40. @Brad_Harmon PayPal gives a better ROI when you balance, cost, time, resources, and management. May not be for everyone. #b2ctweet
  41. @sunraysheryl That is so cool. And, BTW - I'm very impressed that you did it yourself! #b2ctweet
  42. @Brad_Harmon Haha, I had done it once or twice before, so that helped. It really is laid out step by step on Merchant Services. #b2ctweet
  43. There are so many cool plugins that help #Wordpress users add PayPal buttons. My favorite is @enstine 's CashDonator #b2ctweet
  44. @Brad_Harmon Also, I just added the PayPal button to a blog post, not to a tab. So it's a temporary resource that comes in handy. #b2ctweet
  45. Ah, thnx :) @socialwebcafe You have been a great help to me in getting some Twitter stuff coordinated with Hootsuite & Facebook! #b2ctweet
  46. @sunraysheryl lol .. I figured "thrown together" was based on some solid experience behind it. ;) #B2CTweet
  47. @sunraysheryl That's an interesting approach. It only shows up where you want it, but not on every page of your blog. I like that. #B2CTweet
  48. @socialwebcafe We were using something Google related (I think!), but my web experts have found something that will work better. #b2ctweet
  49. Join us on a special chat next Thu 3p EDT talking about @enstine 's CashDonator plugin. Watch for hashtag. #b2ctweet
  50. @socialwebcafe PayPal is a known player now. I've never experienced any issues w/ purchasing from a site with them. Good security. #B2CTweet
  51. @sunraysheryl Better than Google? Sorry, #Google, but that just hit my funny bone! ROFL #b2ctweet
  52. @Brad_Harmon Exactly. I used to worry, but when I see a PayPal, I know the money is going through them... #b2ctweet
  53. @socialwebcafe My web team is taking care of that, so I forgot..! The beauty of delegation ;D #b2ctweet
  54. RT @socialwebcafe: @sunraysheryl Better than Google? Sorry, #Google, but that just hit my funny bone! ROFL //playing w/ fire ;) #B2CTweet
  55. RT @sunraysheryl: @socialwebcafe My web team is taking care of that, so I forgot..! The beauty of delegation ;D #b2ctweet
  56. Missed the #B2CTweet chat? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the #B2CTweet archive/summary is ready.
  57. MT @socialwebcafe: Join us on a special chat next Thu 3p EDT talking about @enstine s CashDonator plugin. //That'll be a good chat #B2CTweet
  58. Watch the #b2ctweet hash tag for announcements of the Social Web Cafe Premium Twitter Chats coming back.. just in time for holiday #b2ctweet
  59. @Brad_Harmon LOL! I do enjoy a lot of Google products, but in the art gallery world, there may be other needs ;D #b2ctweet
  60. @Brad_Harmon Yes, I am really excited since I LOVE the plugin (not getting paid to say that, btw). I'll tweet u the #hashtag #b2ctweet
  61. @socialwebcafe All compliments accepted! But seriously, I was so excited to get my silk scarf offer out there that day..! #b2ctweet
  62. RT @b2ctweet: Thank you @Brad_Harmon and @sunraysheryl! Have a great day! // My pleasure. See you next week! #B2CTweet
  63. RT @b2ctweet: Thank you @Brad_Harmon and @sunraysheryl! Have a great day! #b2ctweet (Great learning experience with Twitter Chat too!)
  64. Thank you for joining us for this week's #B2CTweet Twitter Chat.

Link to Complete Summary.
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