#SocialCafe 2.13 Chat Transcript

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How and Where Do You Get Social #SocialCafe #TBW

How and Where Do You Get Social #SocialCafe #TBW

Topic: How and Where Do You Get Social. Hosts: Deborah @SocialWebCafe and Da Vinci @TheBlogWorkshop

  1. Ready-made pin:   sw.bcafe.co/p0326s

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  2. --------------- The Chat: ---------------

  3. Join us for our Twitter Chat NOW: "How and Where Do You Get Social?" Join with #SocialCafe & #TBW 9pm EDT :)
  4. This #SocialCafe Chat hour we will chat with easy_promos_usa about Running an Effective Contest On Facebook #chattingNow #TBW
  5. Hi all! Welcome to the #SocialCafe #TBW Chat at our weekly Tues 9pm EDT slot :)
  6. @thirtymommy Hi Scherrie! Looking forward to seeing you at our conference in May :) #SocialCafe #TBW
  7. Want your pics to show up for #SocialCafe ? Check  http://hashtag.ly/#SocialCafe  Your image could appear there! Just tweet it. ;) #TBW
  8. Want your pics to show up for #TBW ? Check  http://hashtag.ly/#TBW  Your image could appear there! Just tweet it. ;) #SocialCafe #TBW
  9. Q1 What social platforms appeal to you the most and why? #SocialCafe #TBW
  10. @socialwebcafe Q1. I like them all --Twitter, FB, IG--I try to stay current on all ;) #TBW
  11. A1. This is definitely a hard one for me. I'm more comfortable on Twitter, but we do have a FB, Pinterest, G+ #SocialCafe #TBW
  12. A1. We haven't quite make the IG plunge because we already had Pinterest #SocialCafe #TBW
  13. @YourLifeAfter25 I love Pinterest, but could seriously spend the whole day there. #SocialCafe
  14. RT @YourLifeAfter25: A1. We havent quite make the IG plunge because we already had Pinterest #SocialCafe #TBW
  15. A1. We have Twitter, FB, G+, Youtube, Pinterest. Each platform really has it's own unique way of interacting. #SocialCafe #TBW
  16. Good question RT @TheBlogWorkshop: @MommyT3aches How are you liking using Instagram with your blogging efforts? #TBW #SocialCafe
  17. @TheBlogWorkshop I have a lot of interaction--I prefer Twitter and FB though #TBW
  18. Social Web Cafe TV is launching 4/2 during our #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter Chat please RT
  19. @MommyT3aches It's interesting, a lot of people are really visually stimulated so IG and Pinterest are definitely winners #SocialCafe #TBW
  20. RT @socialwebcafe: Social Web Cafe TV is launching 4/2 during our #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter Chat please RT #socialcafe
  21. @FleurdeB Hi Belinda! I always pictured it warm in the Bayou State. Shows how much I know! Welcome ;) #TBW #SocialCafe
  22. @TheBlogWorkshop I have to agree with you. Humans have always been a very visual race. Reading words doesn't stimulate as much. #socialcafe
  23. @iriechic1 That's definitely a major reason I gravitate to Twitter, in general it's like texting the world! #SocialCafe #TBW
  24. @socialwebcafe Instagram is easier to focus on the single share. Pinterest is like a room full of pictures. #socialcafe
  25. @MommyT3aches LOL, that's so funny! I have that same feeling for Instagram. What do you prefer about IG vs. Pinterest? #SocialCafe #TBW
  26. Good pt RT @FleurdeB: Instagram is easier to focus on the single share. Pinterest is like a room full of pictures #TBW #SocialCafe
  27. @FleurdeB It feels like Pinterest is easier to pin and pin and pin, but that is what contributes to the "roomful of pics" #TBW #SocialCafe
  28. RT @TheBlogWorkshop: Social Web Cafe TV is launching 4/2 during our #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter Chat please RT #TBW
  29. @socialwebcafe @FleurdeB Ah! That's definitely true. I think it says a lot about the different learning styles actually #SocialCafe #TBW
  30. RT @socialwebcafe: Social Web Cafe TV is launching 4/2 during our #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter Chat please RT
  31. A2 Those that require extra effort to post. I like it quick & easy. #SocialCafe #TBW
  32. @TheBlogWorkshop LOVE IG for the visuals and all I have to do is click like and leave a comment--hahah #TBW
  33. From what I'm seeing, IG gives you more of a chance to get invested in the content. Pinterest is instant gratification #SocialCafe #TBW
  34. RT @TheBlogWorkshop: IG gives you more of a chance to get invested in the content. Pinterest is instant gratification #TBW #SocialCafe
  35. A2: Tumblr is my challenge at the moment, still don't know how to do more than like, repost and follow. #socialcafe
  36. A2: Facebook & StumbleUpon require complete original addresses, while everything else allows shorteners. #socialcafe
  37. A2. For us FB has been challenging, Fan Pages don't really promote building relationships. It's harder to connect properly #SocialCafe #TBW
  38. A2. Also with FB, they've made it so you have to pay to reach your full fan base. #SocialCafe #TBW
  39. RT @YourLifeAfter25: A2. Also with FB, theyve made it so you have to pay to reach your full fan base. #SocialCafe #TBW
  40. @YourLifeAfter25 When does the pay part kick in? I obviously haven't got that many likes on my fan page yet. #socialcafe
  41. @YourLifeAfter25 When does the pay part kick in? I obviously haven't got that many likes on my fan page yet. #socialcafe
  42. @YourLifeAfter25 I post first on my fan page then share to my personal, where most of my base is located. #socialcafe
  43. @MommyT3aches It definitely ALMOST defeats the purpose of even building your fanpage. LOL #SocialCafe #TBW
  44. Good point @FleurdeB: It does seem like extra steps and need to weigh the ROI #SocialCafe
  45. @Plot_LouieSosa If you have a fanpage and share content, it doesn't get shown to all your fans unless you pay to promote #SocialCafe #TBW
  46. In any platform I use I try and build relationships- that's the most important thing to me ...interacting #TBW
  47. @thirtymommy I like how Twitter is like a 24/7 chat room (without an obligation to be there 24/7, but the availability) #TBW #SocialCafe
  48. and also supporting---it's easy to talk the talk but NOT walk the walk #TBW
  49. FB tip I learned from @MadalynSklar : If u remove the preview image, it reaches more people #TBW #SocialCafe
  50. @YourLifeAfter25 Then how is it that I have 79 fans on the page and 500+ views per post and haven't paid a cent? #socialcafe
  51. A2. I would say with FB because they do make you promote to reach all your fans, it reminds you to build your community #SocialCafe #TBW
  52. --> RT @FleurdeB: A2: Facebook & StumbleUpon require complete original addresses, while everything else allows shorteners. #TBW #SocialCafe
  53. @socialwebcafe @FleurdeB I posted a shortened address to my fan page on facebook today with no problems. #socialcafe
  54. Why do we here tonight prefer Tweetchats to G+ hangouts? Just curious. #socialcafe
  55. Q3 How do you determine which social platforms are the most effective? #SocialCafe #TBW
  56. Luv that question! RT @FleurdeB: Why do we here tonight prefer Tweetchats to G+ hangouts? Just curious. #TBW #SocialCafe
  57. @upliftingfam I must do these things more often than you or something. It calls me promotional, which I am, when I post shortys. #socialcafe
  58. RT @upliftingfam: @socialwebcafe @FleurdeB I posted a shortened address to my fan page on facebook today with no problems. #TBW #SocialCafe
  59. Q3 How do you determine which social platforms are the most effective? #SocialCafe #TBW
  60. @FleurdeB My guess is most people have a higher reach on twitter and its easy to use. #socialcafe
  61. @TheBlogWorkshop exactly!!! lol---and they will come up with a rule about that #TBW
  62. RT @TheBlogWorkshop: Q3 How do you determine which social platforms are the most effective? #SocialCafe #TBW
  63. @socialwebcafe I use my google analytics, pinterest analytics, and other tools like klout, kred, pinreach. #socialcafe
  64. RT @socialwebcafe: Q3 How do you determine which social platforms are the most effective? #SocialCafe #TBW
  65. Yes, Twitter is easier to use than many other apps. RT @upliftingfam: @FleurdeB My guess is ..twitter and its easy to use. #TBW #SocialCafe
  66. @FleurdeB I only posted one article with a shortner, so not sure how it works for multiple shortened addresses. #socialcafe
  67. @upliftingfam Twitter is my smallest audience, other than Tumblr, at the moment. It's growing, but hasn't exploded yet. #socialcafe
  68. A3. It's important to know where your audience likes to get social and then try to stay active there #SocialCafe #TBW
  69. RT @upliftingfam: @socialwebcafe I use my google analytics, pinterest analytics, and other tools like klout, kred, pinreach #TBW #SocialCafe
  70. Pay attention to the analytics, interactions and see what's working for you most. This allows you to split time effectively #SocialCafe #TBW
  71. RT @aprilinspired: @TheBlogWorkshop whichever yields the most feedback I like the directness of twitter. #TBW #SocialCafe
  72. A3: My strongest response is Google at the moment. This comprises G+ audience, hashtags, keywords, SEO, etc. #socialcafe
  73. @TheBlogWorkshop I am trying to diversify so that I don't miss any opportunities, however, i am twitter heavy. I like to chat :) #socialcafe
  74. change of outfit---Twitter jail with @MommyT3aches--you know which social outlet I LOVE the most--hahahah #TBW
  75. That is awesome RT @FleurdeB: A3: My strongest response is Google at the moment. This comprises G+ audience, hashtags... #TBW #SocialCafe
  76. @aprilinspired I agree with you, because of the character limite Twitter forces you to be direct & to the point #SocialCafe #TBW
  77. @upliftingfam Sounds good, you definitely want to be present in many platforms but all within reason, so you don't burnout #SocialCafe #TBW
  78. @TheBlogWorkshop Definitely inspires creativity (limited to the 140, of course). #TBW #SocialCafe
  79. @socialwebcafe And it is much easier to chat on twitter than the other platforms. :) #socialcafe
  80. @socialwebcafe witter reminds me of a huge chat room with smaller ones being under hashtags. #socialcafe
  81. How could arts organizations use Twitter to increase attendance at fundraisers? Besides local hashtags & reminders. #socialcafe
  82. @socialwebcafe @FleurdeB We Love G+ also definitely alot of growth potential there too. Good points! #SocialCafe #TBW
  83. @FleurdeB Ah, I was just going to say, "Hashtags!" and then you said "besides hashtags" ;) #TBW #SocialCafe
  84. Q4 What are some of your goals for getting more social? #SocialCafe #TBW
  85. The Social platforms appeal to different types of people, so it's important to notice that and share content accordingly #SocialCafe #TBW
  86. @FleurdeB I think the hashtags, at functions, when properly encouraged help to build curiosity for the next yr #TBW #SocialCafe
  87. @socialwebcafe @FleurdeB keywords in your tweets might make it appear in google search. local events are easier to rank for. #socialcafe
  88. When someone asks me why I tweet, I say it's like getting to text message the world or the mordern day message board! LOL #SocialCafe #TBW
  89. Don't forget that next week you get to watch Da Vinci (@TheBlogWorkshop) & me juggle G+ Hangout & Twitter ;) 4/2 9p EDT #TBW #SocialCafe
  90. @socialwebcafe I am going to keep doing what i have been doing for the last few months. :) social is the way to go. #socialcafe
  91. @EileenCCampos Thank you ma'am, have a wonderful night! Thanks for joining we'll chat soon :) #SocialCafe #TBW
  92. @socialwebcafe I was thinking live social media interactions prior to events. Thoughts? #socialcafe
  93. A4 No more how consistent, there is room for more consistency. #SocialCafe #TBW
  94. A6: Improving skills on what I've got, adding more platforms #socialcafe
  95. Let me try that again.. A4 no matter how consistent, there is room for more consistency #TBW #SocialCafe
  96. Nicely put! RT @FleurdeB: A6: Improving skills on what Ive got, adding more platforms #TBW #SocialCafe
  97. Excuse me, that would have been a4, not a6. I'm on Day 2 of a cold. #socialcafe
  98. A4. We always have a goal to try to show our fans/followers/etc as much appreciation as possible. #SocialCafe #TBW
  99. A4. We'd like to say more thank yous, do more follow sharing, and just make sure to connect with people on a new level #SocialCafe #TBW
  100. @FleurdeB It's alot of work to grow your followers, never ever pay for followers. #socialcafe
  101. A4. On twitter we would like to try to be more organized and use lists & connect with people as much as possible #SocialCafe #TBW
  102. @socialwebcafe At the moment, I'm naked where SMM platforms are concerned. Hoping to cover myself properly soon. #socialcafe
  103. @upliftingfam It's nice that there is more focus on building quality vs quantity. Building community :) Good to add, too #TBW #SocialCafe
  104. @socialwebcafe @FleurdeB ah, yeah that's definitely another good one! Utilizing the tools on platforms more too. #SocialCafe #TBW
  105. @socialwebcafe Yes, fake followers are dead weight, they can't help you by sharing. #socialcafe
  106. @FleurdeB That is good, it has taken me a year to get near 2k followers. #socialcafe
  107. Excellent! RT @FleurdeB: Ive got over 5k followers and theyre all quality. #TBW #SocialCafe
  108. @FleurdeB aww, get plenty of rest and fluids. Thanks for joining us despite feeling down :) #SocialCafe #TBW
  109. @socialwebcafe I forget which I was using before, but they changed and I haven't had time to shop around till now. #socialcafe
  110. Tonight was another awesome chat! Definitely want to thank everyone for joining us :) #SocialCafe #TBW
  111. I've done the do's and don'ts on all my platforms, run into the walls and error msgs and lived to tell the tales. #socialcafe
  112. Tonight was another awesome chat! Definitely want to thank everyone for joining us :) #SocialCafe #TBW
  113. Definitely a constantly changing sea. Follow @IamStevenT's example & learn to SUP. #socialcafe
  114. That last part is key :) MT @FleurdeB: Ive done the dos and donts on all my platforms, .. and lived to tell the tales. #TBW #SocialCafe
  115. Missed the #SocialCafe ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. #TBW
  116. RT @TheBlogWorkshop: Tonight was another awesome chat! Definitely want to thank everyone for joining us :) #socialcafe
  117. RT @TheBlogWorkshop: Tonight was another awesome chat! Definitely want to thank everyone for joining us :) #TBW #SocialCafe
  118. Thank u for joining us for #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u!

Link to Complete Summary.
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