Infographics: What Are They & How Can I Use Them? #SocialCafe #TBW--------------- Please visit these wonderful services! ---------------
--------------- The Chat: --------------- Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 9pm EDT slot Whooo hooo we're chatting INFOGRAPHICS now! Join in with and :) I am here! How about you? RT : Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 9pm EDT slot I am here! How about you? RT : Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 9pm EDT slot I am here! How about you? RT : Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 9pm EDT slot This Chat hour we will chat with about Infographics: What Are They & How Can I Use Them? RT : This Chat hour we will chat with about Infographics: What Are They & How Can I Use Them? Hello everyone, how are you this evening? Today our topic is: Infographics: What Are They & How Can I Use Them? Hey there! thanks for joining us tonight Last week we talked about QR codes & came up with awesome uses for them. Check the summary at: C Great topic! RT : Today our topic is: Infographics: What Are They & How Can I Use Them? Hey James, thanks for joining us tonight :) Q1 What is your experience with infographics? My first time here...I'm sure that it will be informative. Q1: What is your experience with infographics? Hi Todd! RT : Hello everyone, how are you this evening? Q1 They get spread on Pinterest as crazy => Means more traffic to your site! Hello James! RT : checking out A1. I actually identified some sites where I can create them A1. It's funny because in the beginning our only infographic experience came from what we saw on Pinterest Q1 For some reason people make the VERY long. Any reason? (like old ugly landing pages that work!) . A1: many resources avail for creating - some good, some not so good Welcome! Glad to have you here ;) RT : My first time here...I'm sure that it will be infor A1. Now we've been able to work more on getting infographics that fit our site & information we want to get out there A1 I use them on at least 2 of my blogs. I am thinking of using them more regularly. A1: I do like quality with meaningful visual data Hey and - glad I ran across your hashtag ;) RT : Q1 They get spread on Pinterest as crazy => Means more traffic to your site! At times infographics can be slightly intimidating for newbies, BUT they're excellent traffic drivers and quick reads too :) RT : Hey and - glad I ran across your hashtag ;) Just stopping by to ay HI---sorry been MIA!!! . the most effective we've used were ones that were interactive and dynamic The really long infographics? That is an interesting point. How long does an infographic have to be? The key to infographics is they make it easy to find, sort, arrange and present information Yes, interactive and dynamic is good. I also love color, personally. . I am not sure how long but many of them take like 3-4 scrolls! I don't get why make them so huge? RT : The key to infographics is they make it easy to find, sort, arrange and present information join with us ( ) for hangout during the chat next week on the topic of When thinking about making your own infographics consider the types; statistical, geographical, educational, etc I wonder if they think it will be missed. Like longer is better. I like the shorter, concise ones. Me too, and they make better job making information easier to consume unlike ling ones : I like the shorter I agree, the best infographics are always easy to glace at with minimal scroll Hi Eileen, thanks for joining us tonight! Do you use infographics much? I'm all for your self-plugs, Ann Friends, this lady knows her stuff (more than I could list in a tweet)... I don't and I want to start! Thanks so much==sorry I've been MIA :( Awesome! You're in the right place tonight :), did you check out the new site? is the founder of with gallery Also, co-founder of to share them I see--nope---must check out ;) BusyBee I have been hoping you're ok tonight! You're missed :) Hey, speakin truth :) RT : aw thanks a lot Deb :) Ah, no worries! You were missed but we're glad you're here tonight :) Q2 What are some effective ways you’ve seen infographics used? Q2 What are some effective ways you’ve seen infographics used? So you can list it in 1 tweet ;) RT : with gallery+co-founder of Are you doing a Hangout now as well? Howdy, gang. What's the word for tonight? ;-) thanks so much sweetie ;) Q2 What are some effective ways you’ve seen infographics used? A1 I like re-packaging my research into infographics. It's like giving your article the second life A2 For the research-based, 400-600 word article that accompanies the infographic is nice. LOL!!! Not at all, this is a snippet Hey there. Good to see you ;) Hey hey hey! Tonight's about infographics, care to weigh in? ;) I think are excellent to present research RT : Hey hey hey! Tonights about infographics, care to weigh in? ;) I need to use more infographics I love them on pinterest A2. We definitely love when an infographic is used in conjunction with an article or summary. I remember the first time I saw [INFOGRAPHIC] in a tweet, I was wondering why they stated the obvious. Da Vinci, are you reading my mind? lol A2. Use Infographics in presentations or reference pieces for videos & articles. When doing so incorportate your branding The benefit of an infographic in conjunction with an article is that it can appeal to two types of readers That's what we require in our Infographics Gallery at RT : A2. an infographic +an article +Search engine :) RT : The benefit of an infographic+an article is that it can appeal to two types of readers Oh, I didn't tell you I read minds in my "spare" time? LOL A2 I had a colleague make an infographic outbid his resume....outstanding! I always thought of Infographics as only for delivering research, but it is more. Yes, we love , have used on and A2 I have also seen some sports teams statistics in infographic form re: MBG The nice thing, is that there is an opportunity to suggest your own version of the article portion too. I enjoyed our Pinterest Chat. And that just scratched the surface. Really? That is cool. Do you have a link, by chance? Love to see it. <3 infographx. Downloaded a program last yr, turns out I'm pretty lousy at it. LOL Think of what message you want to tell & create a story board, like comics... that's an easy way to tackle infographics Thx! Good to see you, too! :-) I did, too. And, I noticed we just scratched the surface... so much more there. & we d/n even get to SEO Awesome! RT : Yes, we love , have used on and RT : The benefit of an infographic in conjunction with an article is that it can appeal to two types of readers That's AWESOME! Such an innovative use, shows how endless the possibilities are. I try to use an infographic everytime a "graph" seems logical. that makes sense---storybooks RT : Thats AWESOME! Such an innovative use, shows how endless the possibilities are. RT ? "A2 I had a colleague make an infographic outbid his resume....outstanding!" That's a pretty good rule of thumb I love that infographics used to be thought of in such a stuffy way as "data" deliverers but with tools like Pinterest A2 My client uses infographics to visualize and promote 6-month event schedule (they are into sports) A2 My client uses infographics to visualize and promote 6-month event schedule (they are into sports) people are definitely expanding the usage of an infographics and many niches are using them creatively Q3 What are some helpful tools and resources for creating infographics? I've been trying to figure out how to create one for my niche...I'll find a way. RT : Q3 What are some helpful tools and resources for creating infographics? Looks good! Thanks for sharing It's amazing to see how much social media has made it's way into the mainstream, seeing it used on , etc Q3 What are some helpful tools and resources for creating infographics? Q3 What are some helpful tools and resources for creating infographics? Q3 What are some helpful tools and resources for creating infographics? RT : Q3 What are some helpful tools and resources for creating infographics? I drew it on paper and had a graphics guy put it together. I don't have time for that myself. I would love to know where to get infographics for blog posts. A3 I use MyBlogGuest to find infographics :) There are excellent tools out there, like the one in the article just tweeted No worries, glad you made it back ok! How are you? Ohhh SOOOOO many options! is an awesome resource for infographics in many categories :) THIS! RT : A3 I use MyBlogGuest to find infographics :) Wow - I'm going to have my work cut out for me :) Great links in chat! Summary may take a bit, but will include links Jumping the gun for show and tell LOL At least you have time to draw it :) : I don't have time for that myself. A3 I like it's very easy to use and effective Hi Pam :) I like to use MyBlogGuest because it also gives u an easy way to reach author/designer You are too awesome! RT : is an awesome resource for infographics There's always room for more GREAT infographics, don't be afraid to make one if you don't find what you need Then it is good I wasn't calling it that. lol Thanks, Dan, for feedback. A3: I'm still trying to master Tableau Public A3: I'm still trying to master Tableau Public I have spent many hrs perusing there. RT : A3 I like it's very easy to use and effective What are your thoughts are using that have been used elsewhere. Is there an "overuse" point? Make sure if you make your own infographics to share on the web, you brand them well :) Make sure if you make your own infographics to share on the web, you brand them well :) I say there's always a way to create AWESOME context and wrap it there RT : Is there an "overuse" point? Thanks for sharing that info!! Great resource I agree, we all have our own unique voice and ways to add glitter to information I agree, we all have our own unique voice and ways to add glitter to information Q4 Please share some of your favorite inforgraphics. You know, that is excellent way to start 1 MT : I drew it on paper Q4 Please share some of your favorite infographics. RT : I say there's always a way to create AWESOME context and wrap it there Re: Is there an "overuse" point? A4 the hard part is remembering the REALLY good ones LOL! Isn't it funny how that happens? What did you fall under? LOL Always happens that way! RT : LOL! Isnt it funny how that happens? It's official... (like we NEEDED an infographic to tell us this) I'm a Nerd ;) Me too :) RT : It's official... (like we NEEDED an infographic to tell us this) I'm a Nerd ;) I hear ya I started a pinterest board to track them Great way to "bookmark" them Did you just call yourself a nerd? ROFL You're the MyBlogGuest lady? That's cool. I like that site. Does anyone have a pinterest board dedicated to infographics? Please do share so we can follow RT : Does anyone have a pinterest board dedicated to infographics? Please do share so we can follow Yep, stay tuned as we are introducing elite content level! RT : You're the MyBlogGuest lady? I like that site. Yes ma'am *pushes glasses up, takes puff from inhaler & dabs eyes from allergies,sinuses are in check today* I'm excited to meet you! :) So, ROFL, Dan..In good way. RT : You're the MyBlogGuest lady? That's cool. I like that site. Yes! RT : Dan is hilarious! Thank you for joining us, We appreciate you sharing about the infographic gallery! :) Yeah, like he said, we only scratched the surface the other day RT : Dan is hilarious! Next Week’s Twitter Chat & Hangout: Are You Pinterested? Share your experiences: the good, the bad, the ugly That said, U r coming to the MyBlogGuest hangout at end of May, eh? thanks for having me! Calendar and reminders will be soon at TwChat, so I won't miss any cool chats! I'll be there! RT : That said, hangout at end of May, eh? Missed the ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. Oops (major blush) ... should be not sport lol Another AWESOME chat! Thank you for joining us to discuss Infographics, hope you all learned something new :) Cool! Majorly looking forward to it. I'll try not to put you on the spot more than Phil. lol Thank u for joining us for Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u! Next Week’s Twitter Chat & Hangout: Are You Pinterested? Share your experiences: the good, the bad, the ugly yeah you'll change your mind when you hear me speak :) RT : Next Week’s Twitter Chat & Hangout: Are You Pinterested? RT : Next Week’s Twitter Chat & Hangout: Are You Pinterested? Thx SO much! Good chat, as always, All! Nitey-nite :-) I'm sure he doesn't mind being on the Sport Night night! See ya next week :) I'm good for occassionally being on the sport. :) Impossible. You are too sweet :) After hangouts, I start talking Western Canada & Phil starts talking American Yup! If the Lord says the same, you surely will! :-) Night night! See ya next week :) I Love the new site. awesome job G'night. Thanks for joining us ;) Works for me! RT : I'm good for occassionally being on the sport. :) Ayiiieee! My pleasure! It helps that you're all good peeps! :-) lol RT : After hangouts, I start talking Western Canada & Phil starts talking American Ah ;) U2 RT : Ayiiieee! My pleasure! It helps that youre all good peeps! :-)