Blogging Business and Balance #SocialCafe #TBW--- Our products / services ---
--- Please visit these wonderful services! (affiliate or compensated) --- Social Web Cafe TV * Blogging Business and Balance --------------- The Chat: --------------- Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 9pm EDT slot. And tonight is a hangout, too! 30 min from now. This Chat hour we will chat about Blogging Business and Balance RT : This Chat hour we will chat about Blogging Business and Balance Get ready for some more blog tweets! Stopping by to chat with Get ready for some more blog tweets! Stopping by to chat with Our topic today: “Blogging Business and Balance” Hi everyone! Looking forward to this chat! Hello ALL my fellow online Socialites :) WoooHooo! Ready for another great evening with Hi Autumn! How are you? RT : Hi everyone! Looking forward to this chat! Hi Marisa :) good to see you Fantastic! You? RT : Hey Todd, how are you? RT : Hey, Hello everyone!! Hi Todd, good to see you again :) Hey Krystal. Love your announcement to your tweeps :) MT : Get ready for blog tweets! Stopping by to chat with Q1 In what ways do you struggle with finding balance in blogging, business, and personal life? Q1 In what ways do you struggle with finding balance in blogging, business, and personal life? Q1 In what ways do you struggle with finding balance in blogging, business, and personal life? And you as well! RT : Hi Todd, good to see you again :) Hey there. Welcome! RT : Hello everyone! I'm wonderful! Thanks for asking! Thanks, happy to be here. =) Hey Autumn! Thanks for joining us tonight :) MT : Q1 In what ways do you struggle w/ finding balance in blogging, business, and personal life? Q1 In what ways do you struggle with finding balance in blogging, business, and personal life? Q1 In what ways do you struggle with finding balance in blogging, business, and personal life? A1 With all the social media, 2-4 tweetchats a night and the rest of it all, the only thing I struggle with is my blog RT : Q1 In what ways do you struggle with finding balance in blogging, business, and personal life? Awesome! We're here every tuesday so we'd love to see you :) A1: There are not enough hours! It can be difficult working full time, trying to start a side gig, & managing a household. A1 I’m an efficiency expert. When I free up time (w/automation) I fill it again! A1 I’m an efficiency expert. When I free up time (w/automation) I fill it again! A1. It's been said that I can be a bit of s "workaholic" ;), I've been working to make sure I have a personal life LOL, you know I'm the same way! *hangs head low* ;) A1: it sometimes can be a struggle to balance between choosing to write/edit posts and spending time w/ friends/family A1: My struggle is shutting down at night when everything is complete. I still obsessively check my platforms. MT : A1: My struggle is shutting down at night. I still obsessively check my platforms. I hear ya. I do the same thing. RT : A1: My struggle is shutting down at night when everything is complete Cool 2-4 tweetchats a night? You must do several at a time, with multiple windows. I need to try that ;) Q2 What are some of effective ways you are balancing your blogging and business life? RT : Q2 What are some of effective ways you are balancing your blogging and business life? A2 I combine activities.. re-purposing content and strategizing 2 right now and all in tweetdeck Q2 What are some of effective ways you are balancing your blogging and business life? Q2 What are some of effective ways you are balancing your blogging and business life? Q2 What are some of effective ways you are balancing your blogging and business life? A2: Using tools like Buffer + scheduling blogs is the only way I get through the week! Keeping a detailed calendar helps 2. A2: Scheduling {& sticking to said schedule} and staying on top of new apps and such to make everything more seamless. Yeah, tweetdeck is great. Good for you! Makes it very easy RT : Yeah, tweetdeck is great. Good for you! RT : A2: Scheduling and staying on top of new apps and such to make everything more seamless. A2 does anybody use hootsuite? I have used Buffer and Tweetdeck I like it a lot. RT : A2 does anybody use hootsuite? I have used Buffer and Tweetdeck A2: sometimes i'll write several posts in day, & save them for later so i can publish them on a day when I'm really busy We love to use a lot, I know many do love hootsuite We love to use a lot, I know many do love hootsuite do you use an automatic scheduling service/app?
I like as well RT : We love to use a lot, I know many do love hootsuite Q3 What tips, tricks, and tools can you recommend to others facing struggles in balance? Q3 What tips, tricks, and tools can you recommend to others facing struggles in balance? RT : Q3 What tips, tricks, and tools can you recommend to others facing struggles in balance? Q3. What tips, tricks, and tools can you recommend to others facing struggles in balance? A3 Other than using all of the previously mentioned scheduling/organization apps? haha RT : Q3. What tips, tricks, and tools can you recommend to others facing struggles in balance? A3 Many organization apps, such as are helpful. A3: Stay organized. Plan/Schedule in advance. Don't let it consume you and live your life too. ;) I use Workflowy to keep my life organized, Pocket to save articles to reference later, and have two planners! A3 Astrid is pretty good too A3 Tip? Checklists! (It also helps if you are sleepy and you can just refer to your checklist) A3 Tip? Checklists! (It also helps if you are sleepy and you can just refer to your checklist) Help Da Vinci out! What is another word for "control freak?" Help Da Vinci out! What is another word for "control freak?" LOL! I have a greenscreen also How about Dictator RT : Help Da Vinci out! What is another word for "control freak?" How about Dictator RT : Help Da Vinci out! What is another word for "control freak?" A1: not enough hours in my day! Social media and emails alone are half my day! I created a set schedule for handling my tasks. All about scheduling and creating boundaries! Just another person that tells people what to do and doesnt care about their opinions haha A3. Planning is key! Always use google calendar and carry my notebook so I don't forget anything! Q4 What strategies have you learned today, that you will implement in the future? nice word for control freak = Sarge nice word for control freak = Sarge nice word for control freak = Sarge Congrats to for being the winner of 's makeover giveaway!!! RT : Q4 What strategies have you learned today, that you will implement in the future? A4 Live a little... and live some more :) Just staying on top of things is something I need to learn -- haven't learned yet! =] A4: Learn to delegate tasks, let go and, don't be a "control freak" hehe A4: Learn to delegate tasks, let go and, don't be a "control freak" hehe A4: Learn to delegate tasks, let go and, don't be a "control freak" hehe A4: Learn to delegate tasks, let go and, don't be a "control freak" hehe A4: Learn to delegate tasks, let go and, don't be a "control freak" hehe yep. my answer completely! Q4 What strategies have you learned today, that you will implement in the future? A4 Scheduled disengagement haha Sometimes you just gotta turn it off A4 Scheduled disengagement haha Sometimes you just gotta turn it off A4 Scheduled disengagement haha Sometimes you just gotta turn it off A4 Scheduled disengagement haha Sometimes you just gotta turn it off Yup, totally learn so much great advice on these chats, don't we? hehe I look for systems that integrate with outlook, without a gazillion options. I Agree with what you're saying. I look for systems that integrate with outlook, without a gazillion options. I Agree with what you're saying. Ballroom Dancing for my wife and I. Ballroom Dancing for my wife and I. RT : Ballroom Dancing for my wife and I. Had a wonderful time tonight! I'll be back next week! Had a wonderful time tonight! I'll be back next week! Missed the ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. Missed the ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. Thank u for joining us for Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u! Hey everyone thanks for another fantastic chat! Have a great night! Thanks everyone! Had a great time chatting with you all! Bye =) You are both very good together. Thank you all for joining us tonight! I'm thinking we may go with Sarge over control freak LOL ;) See you Next Tuesday! TY all. U had such awesome feedback, tips, ideas and I was retweeting them, but didn't get the chance to say-U all rock! Aww thank you, btw I think it's awesome that you and your wife get to do the ballroom dancing :) Why, thank you, Charles. ;) RT : You are both very good together. Social Web Cafe TV * Blogging Business and Balance