Facebook: Understanding Personal Profiles versus Fan Pages #SocialCafe #TBW Groups -http://theblogworkshop.com/groups/twitter-chats/forum/
--- Please visit these wonderful services (sponsored/affiliates)! --- --------------- The Chat: --------------- Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 9pm EDT / 6p PDT slot. Getting ready to chat with at the - what is the difference between personal and fan pages? ! This Chat hour we will chat with about Facebook: Understanding Personal Profiles versus Fan Pages This is a dual hashtag chat. Thank you for using both hashtags: Hello fellow and online socialites! Tonight we're chatting about ! Hi everyone! I'm Ashley :) Hi Krystal. How are you this week? Another busy yet rewarding week ;) You? Hey Ashley! Thanks for joining use tonight :) Pam! How are you? Sure enjoyed chatting with you yesterday :) Hi Krystal! Great to see you tonight :) Our topic today: “Facebook: Understanding Personal Profiles versus Fan Pages” Hi Pam :) Great to see you tonight, you excited about tomorrow's workshop? Doing GREAT! I enjoyed it so much too! Thanks for taking the time. Last week we chatted about SEO. Check out the summary at: http://sw.bcafe.co/5O time to sign up for #TBW Worp) #SocialC Yes I am and after the first day of work at the new ebay job! Oh yes!! Already told my family I need quiet time during the workshop! Q1 What do you view as differences between personal profiles and fan pages? Finished my first day at the new ebay job, life is great! Hey Joanne! Great to see you again Q1 What do you view as differences between personal profiles and fan pages? My personal page is more for friends and family while my fan page is for networking. Sure thing. U got me so jazzed that I mentioned U on a hangout today. Don't worry. Didn't mention by name. :) A1 the most obvious is how you interact with the pages. Personal pages allow you to interact differently than fan pages do A1 tonight is so important because I know many people who wonder which to use for their business/blogs or if it matters personal page is for sharing personal thoughts/family; fan page is for topics relevant to your brand Congrats! It's always beautiful to do something you're enjoying :) It totally DOES matter! You're right! I use my personal page more for family/friend stuff and on my fan page everything else- blog posts I do not have a FB page for my blog yet I think it's very important to have one :) A1 Profile represents person; Page represents Brand (or service, etc.) Never too early to start one! ;) By choice? If you have ?s feel free to ask :) MT I do not have a FB page for my blog yet LO wow- thats awesome! Love it! I also bragged about you guys too to a couple of my blogging friends LOL! my blog is only about 6 weeks old so I just have not gotten around to making one yet but I want one! Going to piggyback & reiterate that if YOU are your brand you should have a separate fan page for business Ah, thnx ;) MT I also bragged about u guys to to a couple of my blogging friends Awesome, you're on the right track. I know there is a lot to be done, just take it 1 day at a time. I never thought about that! Yup! MT ...if YOU are your brand you should have a separate fan page for business I answered Q2- SMH! Personal Page=Family/Friends and Fan Page=Brand/Blog I didn't realize you started blogging recently. You have really dived in! Good for you! As pointed out, even if you don't plan to use your social page yet GRAB the name and protect your brand We just signed up to Myspace AGAIN, lol to protect & ! Branding is key :) Funny how the cycle works isn't it? Haha Thanks I have been working really hard on it! I love to write! I find that I am pretty much neglecting my personal pages now that I have business pages that need tending! LOL! Don't get me started, I feel like they should have hired us for the relaunch... ugh I just rejoined myspace too so I wouldn't lose my stuff ... VERY good point, protecting the brand is GREATLY important. I keep forgetting about myspace's existence (oops) lol Buffer helps me schedule content to all my FB pages and is a huge help! Hahaha I know the feeling! I use Buffer as well and I absolutely love it! Automation is very helpful but always remember to set aside some time to remain organically social Q2 In what ways do use your personal profile versus your fan page? Same? Different? I hear ya! MT I find I pretty much neglect my personal pages now that I have biz pages that need tending I find that I post more fan page than personal page I don't want to bomb my family with my blog posts LOL! Oh my goodness... there are too many social media outlets! :) VERY different. Personal page is private. Blog fan page is very much public! Q2 In what ways do use your personal profile versus your fan page? Same? Different? A2 I have more than one page and keep content relevant to that page Q2 Very different. I rarely use my personal page now. I post fun links to my fan page and my blog posts. I save my personal page for kiddo photo. A2 Somewhat the same, I engage the same way but the personal page is just that..personal Slap me, Da Vinci lol I thought I was already following. I am now ;) follow -> A2. As far as Facebook, I have a personal page PURELY because you have to have one to have fanpages and it's private LOL.... A2 On the biz page I keep it more to what I think my fans would find interesting and helpful I rarely use my personal page as well. I update family photos but that's about it. Good point, Todd. So, do you find that those engaging on your profile see a little bit more of who you are? I use personal page 4 pics and posts about kids and fan page 4 blog posts, blog events, share others info Share your Facebook fan page with me so I can make sure I like it! A2 You don't put personal "talk" on a fan page....it's for fans/brand supportsers I don't know if FB had it from the beginning, but now there is the option to sign up just to have a page. It's good to have the separation because fans are there FOR that content so give it to them rather than bombarding friends I'll do NO such thing, LOL but we're glad you're following :) Yes, please do share your FB Fan Page if you'd like likes and Profile if you'd like friends. I'll add to summary. Trust me they didn't LOL... they shut down my other page for that reason -_- Yes and no, depends on if they KNOW me haha. I said don't mix personal with branding/business, unless needed I think of FB Pages as more "broadcast" like. One way (with some engagement) interaction. U R so sweet. At first, I was like, do no what? Ah, gotcha. Thanks, sweetie ;) Another reason the separation is good is sometimes you just want to VENT... your fan/branded page is NOT the place for it YES YES YES MT : Another reason the separation is good is sometimes you just want to VENT totally agree - business should be uplifting and positive - which is what people gravitate towards! Good point. Yes, please do not "vent" on your brand page. It doesn't really make sense to vent on a brand page. I doubt the fans really care about whatever problems you're having Q3 What are your expectations or goals in using Facebook (i.e. relationship, promotion)? Something to keep in mind is that BRANDS speak with other brands, your venting session can go viral within their group Hi there! Thanks for joining us :) I hope to get better traction on some of my posts. Q3 What are your expectations or goals in using Facebook (i.e. relationship, promotion)? A3: Build a base of followers and deliver them interesting content - whether its mine or sharing others! I'm trying to play nice w/ FB so more people see my posts in their feed. I'm finding straight text is best. That, uh, may not be your desired result I'm excited to be here! I love Twitter chats! :) this is something I would like to know when considering making my brand page Are any of you using the advertising tools on Facebook? What are your thoughts or experiences with it? A3: We use our brand page to bring fans more info about our products, and job opportunities mainly. Sure, what would you like help with? I'd love for it to drive traffic to my blog, but it seems it only does if you pay for sponsored posts :( A3 Brand awareness; relationship/community building I find that the new updates/requirements make advertising a bit difficult on FB Facebook has a tricky way they distribute content, lol it's different for profiles vs. fan pages. just what are the pros of starting a FB page? haven't tried the ad tools yet - interested in hearing others experiences! On profiles images do better, whereas on pages they say imageless posts gain more traction. Hi Jessica. I interviewed a guy that successfully gets traction with FB ads at $6 per post. $24/mo. Timing. Facebook is a GREAT example of why it's important to draw your community back to your blog/business, they limit you a lot How much more reach does that have do you think? A fanpage on Facebook should be a stepping stone for building your fan base & relationship...it should NOT be the end point You really have to READ FB's ad rules, there are things that can get you into trouble if you don't I don't remember the stats, except that I thought, "Wow! great ROI" He got quite a bit of traffic off of it. AND its even harder to get your ads into Newsfeeds If Facebook shutdown today, you shouldn't be in jeopardy of losing your fans/relationships "food for thought" Good to know! I'm trying to talk my company into spending some $ on our social media. Hey Todd. Are you referring to the concept of getting them back to your site? (in re: FB rules) I wish I could offer you stats. I'll have to do my own case study :) I appreciate the info either way. :) I'll look into it a little. Thanks! Q4 After today’s chat, what changes do you think you will implement on your FB approach? MT If Facebook shutdown 2day, u shouldn't be in jeopardy of losing ur fans/relationships No, advertising within FB itself, and by trouble I mostly mean kicked off. Q4 After today’s chat, what changes do you think you will implement on your FB approach? Getting them back to your site is REALLY what you want I need to remember to interact more with my followers on my fan page. Checking my FB stats - out of 200 followers only 30-50 see my posts in newsfeeds - need to figure out how to increase that! A4: Ask more questions to increase more interaction! A4 I always strive for more consistency; managing expectations. No time like the present! If you have time after this chat take that first step :) I've been experimenting. Try just status updates/straight text or links with no preview. All about balance, work time into your day for it & then the more receptive they become the easier it will be Call to action is important , keep things dynamic, use videos/images and text. Using "Likes" in certain ways can get you kicked off for example. They're very specific That is exactly what recommends. I tried it and did confirm more views. What abt engagement? I wont have time tonight but I will try to fill it this week before my vacation friday Many missed it but FB took fanpage updates out of the sidebar feed a few weeks ago, keep in mind when your fans are on Good that they are specific, so people know where the line is. Awesome! Be sure to let us know when you do so we can show our "Like" MT FB took fanpage updates out of the sidebar feed a few weeks ago, keep in mind when your fans are on Give me a week or two and I'll let you know the "perfect" FB newsfeed plan haha All fans interact differently, so some of it is trail and error... what works for someone else may not work for you. Agreed but again the rules need to be more than skimmed As with anything really LOL Next week we are talking about getting that vacation and still keeping up on blogging http://sw.bcafe.co/5P C MT Fans interact differently, so some of it is trial & error... what works for someone may not work for u. MT All fans interact differently, what works for someone else may not work for you. Missed the chat? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. Thank you for your wonderful feedback & chatting with us tonight! It's always a pleasure. Be sure to join us next week :) And don't forget to STAY social with us during the week ;) Thank u for joining us for Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u! I will be on vacation as of friday so I will miss the chat on vacations lol Thanks everyone for the FANTASTIC chat! Have a great night! Thank you Todd! Congrats again on your new gig and keep up the good work :) luckily I figured out how to schedule my blogs so that I will still have content while I am away! Thank YOU and I will, as always, do my best! Yes! Great job, you're well on your way :), are you attending the workshop tomorrow?