Blogging for the Holidays (Hangout) #SocialCafe #TBW Groups - --- Please visit these wonderful services (sponsored/affiliates)! --- --------------- The Chat: --------------- Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 6pm PDT / 9p EDT slot. This is a dual hashtag chat. Please use both Hello Fellow and online Socialites! Hey guys! I almost forgot! Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 6pm PDT / 9p EDT slot. Our topic today: Blogging for the Holidays (Hangout) Q1 What ways do you keep your audience engaged during a holiday? Our topic today: Blogging for the Holidays (Hangout) Hey hun, love the new avi! Q1 What ways do you keep your audience engaged during a holiday? Participate in holiday themed link ups or blog topics A1. Planning is KEY, we make sure we have a few scheduled posts so that there is fresh content. A1 Personally? I tend to not completely disengage. A1. Holidays are a great time to do a giveaway, plan right before the holiday so that the traffic carries through the lull LOL, fellow "workaholic" ;) by posting holiday related post and giveaways Some holidays go by unnoticed in our household so I'm usually still connected. Hi Krystal! Good to see u Aaaaaaand I work July 5th so this particular July 4th won't be a complete party. A1. make the interaction with your audience easy; try a linkup, add a fave pin, video, etc. The key is to do something that makes it easy for you to be away while you're on vacation, after all, we DO need breaks ;) Aww, you can still enjoy a cocktail or 2, lol... RT A1. make the interaction with your audience easy; try a linkup, add a fave pin, video, etc. Hi there ;) RT by posting holiday related post and giveaways I'm hosting a linkup tomorrow for the holiday and it's an "easy" one so I hope I get some participants! Yep. Definitely :) RT LOL, fellow "workaholic" ;) Probably five. That's my limit... ;) I'm making jello shots! (I know, totally acting 21 again) RT I'm hosting a linkup tomorrow for the holiday and it's an "easy" 1 so I hope I get some participants! Awesome! Be sure to post the link and let me know so we can help spread the word on TBW too :) LOL! I cannot judge... we won't discuss my limit for fear of being labeled a lush ;) Just thinking about this convo is making me thirsty lol RT Just thinking about this convo is making me thirsty Q2 How do you make sure to keep balance during holidays? Q2 How do you make sure to keep balance during holidays? A1: Guest posts and scheduled tweets, Facebook statuses, and blog posts. A2 I rest more than I do on non-vacation time. Make it a point to disengage some of the time ;) I try to get everything done early in the AM so it doesn't interfere with my holiday! Good idea. U must be a morning person You know, that is true for me too I think. I get more done on vacation days. I'm lazy during the work week. So what is your secret? Does coffee help? :) I agree Waking up early to work is key to efficiency anyway Funny you ask, I'm drinking coffee right now! Trying to power through some projects. So sleepy. Trying to be a morning person is my constant uphill battle!!!! A2. Keeping up with things on your phone or tablet is good too, just as long as it doesn't interfere with family time I'm reading this great book What Successful People Do Before Breakfast. I recommend it! I've been setting my alarm for 530am. I don't usually get up but I at least try. I had that earlier... Had to walk around to wake up. LOL! I understand, you have to find a schedule that works for you. We're hanging out NOW, while we chat: "Blogging For The Holidays" & - View the Hangout here: Q3 Tips and tricks to blogging on holiday? Q3 Tips and tricks to blogging on holiday? Oh my! When I say 'early' I'm thinking more like 8:00am ;D Sleeping in to 8am would be like a VACATION!! Stay consistent with your blog yet have fun! I love seeing more personal holiday posts like photos! A3 I use Hootsuite Pro to schedule my social media sharing and I schedule my blog posts in self-hosted WP says "effective automation" Yeah! Q4 What are your plans for the 4th of July (or your next holiday)? A3 Use automated services like Buffer and schedule posts in advance through blogging platform. :) A4 Hanging out with family and going to the baseball stadium to watch the fireworks! Yes, consistency is good. And, having fun is always good! A4 Working (a little) and spending time with family (a lot) We will be heading to the baseball field tomorrow night for early fireworks! It's like a series - there's a What Successful People Do On the Weekend + one for work too! Thanks for a great chat and an entertaining hangout! I'm off to bed. ZzzzzZzzz Thanks for a great chat and an entertaining hangout! I'm off to bed. ZzzzzZzzz Thanks, Krystal for the great recommendations! Have a great night! Thanks for joining us Missed the ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. Thank u for joining us for Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u!