Are You On The Vine? #SocialCafe #TBW Hangout TrainingDear Friend, So many times, I hear people talk about doing hangouts. I even see them attempt. So, what is it that is holding them back fr... Twitter SubscribeWould you like to receive the Social Web Cafe newsletter that includes emails on Tuesdays to remind you of the #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter C...
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Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 6pm PDT / 9p EDT slot. what are we talking about tonight? Hi Mary! So great to have met u yesterday :) Talking "Vine." RT what are we talking about tonight? This Chat hour we will chat: Are You On The Vine? This Chat hour we will chat: Are You On The Vine? Hey hey hey! Good evening everyone! nice to meet you too :) woohoo Vine This is a dual hashtag chat. Thank you for using both I have vine on my phone and ipad Hey Todd! How is it going? Hi there. How are you this week? Are You On The Vine? Are you ? Im on, but dont use it for business RT Are You On The Vine? Are you ? Actually was "sweatin in" to get all my vine vids up to show you all.. I am too quality-oriented. That is a real challenge. It is fun and I love watching the goofy ones. I'm using it for biz... I am great! I don't use vine at the moment. A little late but I'm here! I do have a Vine account but haven't posted too much. ... but will do it by capturing quotes, etc. from the shows. I use Vine mainly for videos of my kiddo but I should utilize it more since it's so fast/easy! Q1 How are you using Vine to enhance your blogging? Hey Krystal. Welcome. No such thing as late ;) is there a way to do it with the laptop Go figure. I had to make it complicated (for biz) music stand, monopod, Sound engineering.. A1 Yes.....of and on. I like vine, its a great tool. Didn't know about !! I just wrote a guest blog post on Instagram vs Vine! Too soon to share? Hahahaha perfection can go eithre way! Not that I have found. I create them; upload to YT; capture from ipad-to-iphone So can spelling apparently Hi Kavita. Welcome! Yes, please do. We love to learn :) It would be awesome if I did one Vine a day to show a peek into my life. Yeah, I'm learning to "kick back" and appreciate the value of a ad lib vine vid ;) Oooooor do a Vine every hour for 8 hours or so ... ! Might be boring, haha, but I think it sounds fun! A1 I’m using Vine to enhance my video offerings. I have a whole system for creating micro vids (coming soon) They have their well as disadvantages. sounds exciting I just dont get video yet :( RT Oooooor do a Vine every hour for 8 hours or so ... ! Might be boring, haha, but I think it sounds fun! I dont know what to vine in my life That sounds great! Do you have any examples you could share? I just mean, other than me, what can I vine? maybe stuff on the ipad? suggestions? & I were being goofy on the hangout & I captured part where she mimicked my dog's thoughts Hey all - please do share your vine username so we can find you and connect on Vine how do u get it from hangout to vine though? good evening everyone sorry im late. Hows your night going RT Hey all - please do share your vine username so we can find you and connect on Vine Hey there. How are you? Are you using Vine at all? RT Hellooooooo everyone!!! Q2 How is the shift in visual content affecting how you blog? Q2 How is the shift in visual content affecting how you blog? I was using it but now I find myself using more this may sound ridiculous but im here to learn- can someone tell me what tbe vine is or will do for ur social media? Hi Ashley. Welcome! No worries. We are glad you are here ;) Are u using Vine? A2 Im trying to do more visual includes It's easier when you snap a pic and the option is offered to you right there ;) It's like a constant reminder RT A2 Im trying to do more visual includes A2 Almost all content is going visual. Its very easy and convienent for users to view and have time for. I saw one with a guy eating gummy worms (Editor's pick). I have to say, it was pretty entertaining. RT RT A2 Im trying to do more visual includes I had a goal for August to start a vlogging series. Maybe Vine can be the first step! Very true. MT easier when u snap a pic & the option is offered right there ;) It's like a constant reminder RT I had a goal for August to start a vlogging series. Maybe Vine can be the first step! thanks!! Im not sure what vine is. I was hoping to learn A2 I’m creating more video content than written content. A2 I love . I love posting my makeup and nail art Hey, if you want tips and want to share tips, get in touch with me. We can maximize together ;) Let's collaborate in coming up with the greatest tips for use of microvlogging for Deborah :) Hey Todd. I was wondering about that. If it is just my addiction to video, or the world.. sorry had to run but I am back Also with people at a rush to consume knowlede (or the lack thereof) at the speed of light, video has made it easier No kidding. I "think" that, but don't do it! Good to know about video & it isn't just me in a box. lol We're more likely to consume a pic or vid vs text. Glad u r back :) RT sorry had to run but I am back Audio, too. I used to do a lot of reading. Now I get books on audible and listen while biking 2-for-1 timewise And thats how the majority of people are unplug? So that is the secret to your wisdom, eh? RT We're more likely to consume a pic or vid vs text. Makes me sad. Words are awesome! Wisdom......hahahaha if thats what you want to call it. I agree RT Makes me sad. Words are awesome! They have their own special place, more of a lost art now and I definitely agree you are a digital marketer, right? So, you work with this all the time, eh? Q3 Instagram recently added video. What pros and cons have you experienced so far with the change? I heard the same with music. Reading music is becoming a lost art, with technology to scan it. A3: I like the length, lack of auto-play & looping, & filters. Also, easy to embed in WP. Cons? Hmm, have to think. Cool! Even before I read it, I was thinking Nice job! I always look on youtube. I was just learning how to do water marble nail art! Oh, man I didn't think about that. So true. I learned to read music as a kid - totally lost it :( MT A3: I like the length, lack of auto-play & looping, & filters. easy to embed in WP. I've only tried to Instagram a video once and it just took foreverrrr so used to Vine's speediness! A3 I love the quick short videos. less blabbing like on YouTube, but youtube is easier to find content. Good link. Thanks for sharing A3 Definitely easier with 15 sec, versus 7 sec. It was a great article, I like the subtlety a little more time allows Yes! But as a blogger, I love words :) My daughter tried that and enjoyed it. I use to do nail art at a spa. That's interesting. Really? You mean, in processing it, within the app? I hear ya. While I love audio/video, writing is still a passion The eternal search for balance. Exactly!! Balance is key. Lots of my fave nailart igers started posting videos on instagram, a quick way to learn Q4 In what ways do you plan to use these changes to maximize your readers’ social experience? A4: I blog about marketing strategy, so I'm going to incorporate brands' Vines and Instagram vids. That does seem like a good length, versus the 7 sec. And, u can view it via web and share Do you find Vine more "fun" than Instagram, do you think? Ah, like! RT A4: I blog about marketing strategy, so I'm going to incorporate brands' Vines and Instagram vids. A4 Now that I have my system (and it works), I plan to regularly microvlog I plan to make short videos soon of my nail art! (Hopefully) Vine is actually 6 seconds. Even shorter!! Ok, that explains it! I thought it seemed shorter. Where did I get the 7 from, I wonder. Wishful thinking?? Haha :) I do not use either. Should I? Sorry I gotta jump off early everyone, had a great chat and everyone have a great week! Talk to you all soon! Good question. Group, what do you think? more... RT I do not use either. Should I? My 2 cents.. I think u should if 1) it fits ur objective and/or 2) u find it personally fun Thanks, Todd. Have a good one! Like all the social platforms, difficult to be on all of them, so u pick what works. Yes, it could be just my phone, but it took forever to make the video, upload, and then view it on my feed! I think Vine is more vibrant. I'm an impatient person. Vine seems faster with playing back the videos. I also never load any videos on Instagram's news feed. I'm there for images not videos! Crazy, I know. That is a good point. Now that you mention it, it was faster. Hey everyone from our , I'd like to thank for holding down the fort! Looks like I missed a good one! Da Vinci! We missed you! There is always the archive and look forward to seeing u tomorrow ;) Next week we are talking about “Buzz” followed by specific platforms the following weeks C Missed the ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. Thank u for joining us for Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u!