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--------------- The Chat: --------------- So looking forward to chatting about tonight @ 9p EDT Woohoo! Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 6pm PDT / 9p EDT slot. It's on! RT : Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 6pm PDT / 9p EDT slot. Our topic Chat hour: Viral Content Buzz RT It's on! RT : Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 6pm PDT / 9p EDT slot. Hi Everyone! I'm new but SO READY for this chat :) This is a dual hashtag chat. Thank you for using both This week we're continuing our BUZZ series and have a few special guests :) - Join us for Viral Content Buzz Hey Marisa! Good to have you back :) Thanks, Marisa! Glad to be here. Hello everyone :) Tuning in to Hi Erika! Lovely to have you joining us :) RT 2m It's on! RT : Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 6pm PDT / 9p EDT slot. Looking forward to tonight's chat! Hello everyone! Thanks! Glad to be here :) Thanks! Really excited to be here. Hi Shannon, thanks for joining our chat tonight :) Hi Ty! Great to have you join us :) Q1 How familiar are you with Viral Content Buzz? Q1 How familiar are you with Viral Content Buzz? RT Q1 How familiar are you with Viral Content Buzz? Q1 How familiar are you with Viral Content Buzz? Q1 How familiar are you with Viral Content Buzz? A1: I had never heard of it but I am on the site checking it out now. Thank you! Glad to be here! A1 Pretty familiar and love promoting the use of VCB :) RT : Q1 How familiar are you with Viral Content Buzz? A1 I am co-founder, so I know a bit :) A1: Just signed up about a hour ago. Love it so far I'm with you - just discovering it. , can you explain a little bit? I just signed up but yes, I want to know about how it works. I just signed up but yes, I want to know about how it works. A1: Very familiar with and have been using it for several months now. very happy with it! A1: Very familiar with and have been using it for several months now. very happy with it! we'll have a Google Hangout to explain it in 10 minutes. So far: You share and get credits! Q2 What are the unique aspects you have found using Viral Content Buzz? A2 Quality. Quality. Quality. A2 Quality. Quality. Quality. Okay. Do you have to pay to share? Okay. Do you have to pay to share? Q2 What are the unique aspects you have found using Viral Content Buzz? Everything is absolutely free! You earn credits by sharing ... Everything is absolutely free! You earn credits by sharing ... ... and use those credits to have your posts shared RT Q2 What are the unique aspects you have found using Viral Content Buzz? Hello...I'm a college student in a social media class...this tweetchat is a school assignment A2: Far more successful than just posting to a soc media acct and hoping for shares. Though article still must be quality. Hey Shannon.. you have a success story about a cat post, don't you? A2. So many people are always trying to find new ways to get likes and tweets, I love with ease of using His Sarah, thanks for joining us again :) A2: Well, I've found it to be rewarding. I don't just hope I can get someone to share my article. I go out and earn it. Q3 What challenges do you face creating organic buzz? Cool! RT Hello...I'm a college student in a social media class...this tweetchat is a school assignment RT Q3 What challenges do you face creating organic buzz? Q3 What challenges do you face creating organic buzz? Q3 What challenges do you face creating organic buzz? I just find that I have great content that doesn't give discovered until a few days after I pos! I just find that I have great content that doesn't give discovered until a few days after I pos! It is very worth it imo. The price is right, too :D A3: It's hard to know if something will be buzzy when you're creating it. Also, will it generate positive buzz or negative?? TBW Yeah that can happens, that's why I love plugins like Tweet old posts, etc A3 Probably have to say targeting A3 Probably have to say targeting Ah, that's definitely a big one! Especially when you think about ways that you monetize your buzz A3: As with everything for me, time! lol. I'd love to be able to schedule shares through the VCB system too. A3: As with everything for me, time! lol. I'd love to be able to schedule shares through the VCB system too. RT A1: Very familiar with and have been using it for several months now. very happy with it! If you're new to , we're getting awesome tips from about the best way to use it! MT A3: It's hard 2 know if something will be buzzy when creating. Will it generate positive buzz or negative? Q4 What changes would you like to make to create buzz? RT Q4 What changes would you like to make to create buzz? I love all the new social media platforms... Congrats! :) RT A1: Just signed up about a hour ago. Love it so far Hey if you just signed up, how about giving a shoult out, via Twitter ;) I'm a little slow tonight because I'm using hoot suite on my phone... Awesome point! I think that goes back to creating content for your audience and if others like it great! Q4 What changes would you like to make to create buzz? I think promoting yourself and self branding will creat buzz... Wonderful! Would u say you have a favorite social media platform? Also networking...networking...networking is key RT Also networking...networking...networking is key A4 Spend more time with content promotion, including A4 Spend more time with content promotion, including A4: network w/ others, and use my newfound fav app; Viral Content Buzz (and I'm not just saying that! lol) A4: network w/ others, and use my newfound fav app; Viral Content Buzz (and I'm not just saying that! lol) A4: network w/ others, and use my newfound fav app; Viral Content Buzz (and I'm not just saying that! lol) Good point, Sarah. What do you think is the most successful way to do that? Definitely :-) Branding and building buzz go hand in hand. The important part is controlling your buzz RT A4: network w/ others, and use my newfound fav app; Viral Content Buzz (and I'm not just saying that! lol) For those that heard mention article ideas. Stay tuned. Will link that incredible article in the summary ;) Missed the ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. For those of you who haven't met Ann (). Founder of ; author on Mashable; internet marketing ninjas Thank you! I really enjoyed this chat! Loving Ann's tips about "Loving what you publish. and being everywhere." Great ideas Thank you all for a great chat! Had a great time! I agree! Also, that tip about grabbing hold of what you dream to do and do it! Inspiring, eh? TY for joining us ;) RT Thank you! I really enjoyed this chat! Thank you all for joining us tonight! It was a GREAT chat and hangout. Special thanks to for joining us :) Thank u for joining us for Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u!