Email Marketing: Creating An Effective Newsletter #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter SubscribeWould you like to receive the Social Web Cafe newsletter that includes emails on Tuesdays to remind you of the #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter C...
--- Please visit these wonderful services (sponsored/affiliates)! --- --------------- The Chat: --------------- Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 6pm PDT / 9p EDT slot. RT Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 6pm PDT / 9p EDT slot. Our topic Chat hour: Email Marketing: Creating An Effective Newsletter We're discussing "E-mail Marketing: Creating An Effective Newsletter": Use hashtags to Join the Chat now! :) We're discussing "E-mail Marketing: Creating An Effective Newsletter": Use hashtags to Join the Chat now! :) Hi, Pam how you doing? Welcome to the chat! Hey there! Thanks for joining us tonight Tonight: Email Marketing: Creating An Effective Newsletter Q1 How do you format your newsletters (i.e. template, html, feed, text)? What about timing? Hi Joanne! Welcome to Chat! How you doing? I have used all methods (Well, Mailchimp automatically converts it). I haven't worried much about timing though. Hey Scherrie, welcome to the chat! Q1 How do you format your newsletters (i.e. template, html, feed, text)? What about timing? RT Q1 How do you format your newsletters (i.e. template, html, feed, text)? What about timing? A1. Still working on that A1 I’m using the creative templates available in MailChimp Though I don't have a newsletter, looking forward to the answers in 's hour on Email Marketing: Creating an Effective Newsletter! Hello Jeevan! Welcome! How is the blogging going now that u have a bit of time? RT Hello everyone! It's good :) I am mostly commenting. Planning to launch the new blog by Dec. A1. I think how you format your newsletter should be based on the news you're delivering. HTML with a text only option. A1: I like templates. & include videos or snippets of articles to entice those on my email list to come & visit the site. Hey Joanne. How r u? Love ur background.. feeling like I'm flying :) MT Joanne from Hi Monique! How are u? RT Hello everyone! Hey Scherrie! Good to see u :) RT Hello! A1. feed templates are ok as long as your list knows that's what they'll get. But to keep them interested, offer more :) Pam! Yeah! Are things becoming more restful with the Fall? MT RT : Welcome to the Glad you could join us tonight! Glad you joined us. Welcome! Have you been thinking of having a newsletter? Hey Btw saw the new post on ur blog, congrats on the countdown to the babymoon! blog commenting is good, though. Way to get back in the swing of it. Our upcoming Twitter Chat series is all about video! RT It's good :) I am mostly commenting. Planning to launch the new blog by Dec. I just got home so glad you are here :) Which templates do you like to work with? Q2 What successes have you had with the presentation and/or timing & delivery of your newsletter? (Any case studies?) Yes...getting into a schedule now and life is good. Parent meetings fall on Tues nights now so that sucks. Yea I am really into eating these days!! Yes, I have been thinking of having a newsletter, but not sure I've enough time to maintain it... Hmmm... Hey Tamara, Glad you could join us. How are you? Good and thanks how are you doing? Hi Tamara, welcome to the chat! Glad to have you here! Well, I planned to do a case study, but my list didn't 'survive' my blog I get more opens Wed. early afternoon RT Yes, I have been thinking of having a newsletter, but not sure I've enough time to maintain it... Hmmm... RT Yea I am really into eating these days!! I like your A1 answer- good point. I like your A1 answer- good point. Chat With Us NOW! :) "E-mail Marketing: Creating An Effective Newsletter": Q2 What successes have you had with the presentation and/or timing & delivery of your newsletter? (Any case studies?) A2 I used Vertical Response and they are great, but it was a lot of work. I need something time efficient A2 I used Vertical Response and they are great, but it was a lot of work. I need something time efficient Routine is good. Parent mtgs are important, too, and shows what a good mama u r! ;) I would love to know when is a good time to send the newsletter and weekly or monthly? PRWeb has some great templates Thank you ma'am, what templates do you usually use? A1 *sorry its late* I do HTML and text that way they have a choice on how they get it Talking about newsletters with the tonight Yeah, that is the struggle. Automation is good, but there needs to be balance, for personal touch MT Q2 What successes have you had with the presentation and/or timing delivery of your newsletter? No apologies :) Good to see you! Hello Hannah! RT Talking about newsletters with the tonight Wow! I didn't know that, I'll have to check that out! Sending newsletters in the morning was always beneficial when I sent newsletters for volunteer recruitment I think weekly is good, so u r remembered. Maybe a biggie once a month, and updates the rest of month RT " PRWeb has some great templates " Hey girly, good to see ya Hello! Welcome to the chat, glad to have you join us! hey thanks for welcoming me. I don't have a newsletter for LH yet but happy to chat! RT Sending newsletters in the morning was always beneficial when I sent newsletters for volunteer recruitment I think it also depends on your target market I don't automate anything on social media. As a blogger, I think human touch in interaction is vital.
I've been working with mailchimp templates-This has been my goal for this month is get a Newsletter OUT! My favorite case study: (2012 Top 10 Social Media Blogs by Social Media Examiner) grew his 10k in 1 yr .. Thanks helping us create relationships please RT I do think that for my target Wed was good but others its different days depending on their lifestyle absolutely. Older population and I was trying to get them to commit hours. AM = scheduling. A2. When sending your newsletters out, consider where your receiver lives and time zone. ...cont 50% of his revenue through email marketing cc: But, automation can save time. Well, scheduling can :) A2. I like to send out newsletters in the morning when I know people will check their email at work ;) A2. I like to send out newsletters in the morning when I know people will check their email at work ;) Awesome! I know these chats will help :) Agreed! RT : A2. When sending your newsletters out, consider where your receiver lives and time zone. what is vertical response? I don't send out newsletters but I think I should... Q3 What challenges do you have in putting together your newsletter? Q3 What challenges do you have in putting together your newsletter? I would recommend it, you could send special tips for your email subs and also deals for them Yup. I use for all my scheduling needs. Then I go back and interact with the replies/comments A3. Getting started & creating a potential list I hear you. I try to do teasers, to create the click.. hmm.... I don't really sell things but I guess it's a good way to advertise giveaways etc Also presentation wise, keep it short and sweet, just the highlights! Don't bore ur readers. Leave them wanting more! I have read that weekends are generally bad for email marketing (bcoz people tend to relax during weekends!) RT Yup. I use for all my scheduling needs. Then I go back and interact with the replies/comments Tip: be concise, like you said (good one!). Then, come back in 2 days and read fresh, then send Tip: be concise, like you said (good one!). Then, come back in 2 days and read fresh, then send Will have to check this out ;) Try bullet points. It has helped me to control the length of my emails RT Yup. I use for all my scheduling needs. Then I go back and interact with the replies/comments For my target market weekends are out because of family time buffer is cool. I use hootsuite more, but buffer is great! RT Will have to check this out That works too. Teasers within blog posts/SM etc. RT Tip: be concise, like you said (good one!). Then, come back in 2 days and read fresh, then send What to put in there- I know sounds silly but I get stressed on what I want people to read. don't have to sell anything, but if you're an affiliate for any gyms or health products you can always add that Great advice! I like to outline, too :) RT Try bullet points. It has helped me to control the length RT Try bullet points. It has helped me to control the length of my emails I forget about my affiliate stuff bc I don't get a lot of sales. Guess this would help duh :) u might be right. Perhaps some people might want to read their newsletter, during their lunch break... Start with what you had on your sign up form like is it tips for cooking then go from there Start with what you had on your sign up form like is it tips for cooking then go from there Hoot suite is great too. I try to use tools for specific Tweet deck for all my searches like! RT Start with what you had on your sign up form like is it tips for cooking then go from there A3. Also understand that what works for one list may not work for another. Sometimes it's trial and error RT Hoot suite is great too. I try to use tools for specific Tweet deck for all my searches Think about what gets the most readership on your blog and then give extra snippets in the emails :) I hear u. I don't do affiliate marketing, like mainstay, but for related products, Excel sheet w/links helps so true! Managing lists and adding groups within lists can really help with newsletters That is so true. With any kind of marketing you need to do know what works for them I use Twitter searches to find questions to answer. I love ! I use both... each has it's benefits :) A3: Writer’s block, I can be difficult to come up with new material. That is a start on content alot of places that you can affiliate for have stuff to send to your list A3: not overwhelming readers, keeping lists clean and managing groups properly (mailchimp) drink more caffeine ;) Seriously, though, I'm sure has better health advice :) Q4 What is your “to do” list for the future of your newsletter? Q4 What is your “to do” list for the future of your newsletter? Thank you Tamara... i don't have to reinvent the wheel. I like that Nice to hear :) I have a window with the app open for after the chat to look in to more haha! Some days are better than others! No judgements here! Q4 What is your “to do” list for the future of your newsletter? Q4 What is your “to do” list for the future of your newsletter? Q4 What is your “to do” list for the future of your newsletter? Also I’m constantly pondering how my audience is going to respond, are they going to be bored, confused... Create one! haha! RT : Q4 What is your “to do” list for the future of your newsletter? Right now holiday stuff. in terms of content. As far as management and things idk RT Q4 What is your “to do” list for the future of your newsletter? RT Thank you Tamara... i don't have to reinvent the wheel. I like that I working mainly on my presentation - the design, format, my tone, style, the words I use etc Social Web Cafe TV: Marketing Momentum w/Charles & Deborah: new episode Thu Social Web Cafe TV: Marketing Momentum w/Charles & Deborah: new episode Thu A4. Start it...hoping to launch for January 2014 LOL right there with you!!! A4! Create one and SEND IT! A4: brainstorm… keep the newsletters short sweet and informative, leave them curious and wanting more. A4: brainstorm… keep the newsletters short sweet and informative, leave them curious and wanting more. A4: brainstorm… keep the newsletters short sweet and informative, leave them curious and wanting more. RT Social Web Cafe TV: Marketing Momentum w/Charles & Deborah: new episode Thu RT haha! Some days are better than others! No judgements here! RT A3. Also understand that what works for 1 list may not work for another. Sometimes it's trial & error RT A3: not overwhelming readers, keeping lists clean and managing groups properly (mailchimp) A4: becoming more organized so that each issue isn't a struggle! Better editorial calendar Excellent! RT A4. Start it...hoping to launch for January 2014 A4: before starting my newsletter, I'm going to make a list of ideas and a schedule. Develop enough content for a 2 months. RT Think about what gets most readership on ur blog & then give extra snippets in emails :) Remember there is no time like the present to start! Remember there is no time like the present to start! Yes, the editorial calendar is so helpful. Now, if time would stop flying! lol Yes, the editorial calendar is so helpful. Now, if time would stop flying! lol MT A4: b4 starting my newsletter, I'm going 2 make a list of ideas & a schedule. Develop enough content for 2 months. That is what we do for this chat and it is sooo helpful! (Hi Da Vinci ;) ) That is what we do for this chat and it is sooo helpful! (Hi Da Vinci ;) ) RT A4: becoming more organized so that each issue isn't a struggle! Better editorial calendar RT A4: becoming more organized so that each issue isn't a struggle! Better editorial calendar It must be hashtag night! RT Remember there is no time like the present to start! RT Remember there is no time like the present to start! ...but it's so scary to start! A4 To create a repeatable process (always top of my project lists) A4 To create a repeatable process (always top of my project lists) A4 To create a repeatable process (always top of my project lists) lol RT It must be hashtag night! Q5 In what way has this series helped you? What other series would you like to see on ? A4: get a list! Or write before you have a list. Basically consider where to start. RT Social Web Cafe TV: Marketing Momentum w/Charles and Deborah: new episode Thu LOL, prolonging it won't make it any less scary ;)... sometimes you just gotta jump in head 1st! so who is going to check in and see if I did a NEWSLETTER LOL! Just kidding. I will do it! Ooops, I brought out your alter ego :) RT Hi all! pretty new to newsletters loved that I saw others at diff stages. Brilliant. Love to know more about twitter! You brought out my main ego, LOL ;) I definitely needed a reminder about email marketing ;) Plus, I did learn a few things :D U know u DO have a point. even I forget sometimes RT prolonging it won't make it any less scary RT LOL, prolonging it won't make it any less scary ;)... sometimes you just gotta jump in head 1st! When you starting? *plans to check* LOL Excellent! MT I definitely needed a reminder about email marketing ;) +, I did learn a few things if you want ill remind ya U crack me up, Pam. Good one! yes i totally need to use an editorial calender too! Success needs major organization! lol yes i totally need to use an editorial calender too! Success needs major organization! lol Love it! RT if you want ill remind ya Thanks, Tamara :) And good luck with your email marketing efforts :D did u put it on a calendar? :) RT When you starting? *plans to check* LOL Something I learned Jump in and do it. Don't wait for a big list to start. Its quality subscribers not quanity Something I learned Jump in and do it. Don't wait for a big list to start. Its quality subscribers not quanity RT I working mainly on my presentation - the design, format, my tone, style, the words I use etc So happy we could help! We're always here if you have questions :) RT Something I learned Jump in and do it. Don't wait for a big list to start. Its quality subscribers not quanity Thanks, tomorrow is my 'list' day soooo we shall see Ok. Tis my bedtime now! Thanks so h for all the info. I'll try to be back for next week. Thanks for being friendly the calendar in my head- LOL! Oh wait thats why I don't get things done! Newsletter #1 be yourself, the same way you are here on your blog/site and the FB page that is what people want RT RT : A4 To create a repeatable process (always top of my project lists) I am gonna go too. Thank you all for the tips :) Hope you have a wonderful week.See you all next Tue. I hope everyone has a great productive week Yeah, I think.. no way I could forget.. then, what was I supposed to remember? LOL! I'll be asking for the eep link next week :) Have a good 1 RT I am gonna go too. Thank you all for the tips :) Hope you have a wonderful week.See you all next Tue. U, too, Tamara :) RT I hope everyone has a great productive week u too, have a great week. =) RT I am gonna go too. Thank you all for the tips :) Hope you have a wonderful week.See you all next Tue. Y'all are awesome! Thanks for all your insight! RT Y'all are awesome! Thanks for all your insight! Thanks for joining us, Hannah :) looking forward to chatting more ;) MT Tis my bedtime now! Thnx all the info. Thank YOU, Monique :) RT Y'all are awesome! Thanks for all your insight! Embed related episode in an article on YOUR blog. free code: Embed related episode in an article on YOUR blog. free code: RT So happy we could help! We're always here if you have questions :) Next week we we will start our new series: Video! Next week we we will start our new series: Video! Thank you all for joining us tonight! We're here all week, if you have any questions ;) Be sure to join us next tueday too Missed the ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. RT RT : Next week we we will start our new series: Video! Thank u for joining us for Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u! RT Me + Video = Scary stuff Don't worry, hopefully we can make it less scary next week :) Many options for video :) Like TheBlogWorkshop said, we'll make it less scary :) RT Me + Video = Scary stuff