#SocialCafe 2.7 Chat Transcript
Author: Deborah
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Click Here to view entire Twitter Chat Summary.More Social Media Infographics #SocialCafe--------------- Please visit these wonderful services! --------------- --------------- Your Host --------------- --------------- The Chat: --------------- Welcome to another chat at This Chat hour we be chatting about favorite infographics on . First, some exciting news! Hi everyone! I'm here and ready to chat! RT : This Chat hour we be chatting about favorite infographics on . Announcement 1: We hinted at this and now we can share... chats will officially move to 9p Tues starting 3/5 Why? Because... Announcement 2: chats will accompany the new Social Web Cafe TV show that will start on 4/2 I am really excited (thrilled) to partner with Da Vinci as co-hosts of the Social Web Cafe TV show! Can't wait to see the see the first episode of Social Web Cafe TV! MT : chats will accompany the new Social Web Cafe TV show that will start on 4/2 So, we are going to have some kick-back chatter over next couple weeks on this Wed time slot, anticipating the upcoming change RT : Can't wait to see the see the first episode of Social Web Cafe TV! Yes i like the part about Googling a person before a first date. Very interesting. So true! I heard a story about someone who had a criminal background (available via Googling) & the gal didn't Google Yes Google is so helpful, in time like that! 750 tweets per second! Shocking! Very, very surprising. Would not have guessed that either. Yes like really liked the graphics too. RT : We have our contest chat (how to run contests on FB) coming up on 3/12. Stay tuned. http://sw.bcafe.co/chat haafe It is amazing how color and layout play into appeal (and viewing of infographic) Missed the chat? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. Thank u for joining us for Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u! Thanks for another great chat!
Link to Complete Summary.