#SocialCafe 2.9 Chat Transcript

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#PinitParties Format #SocialCafe

#PinitParties Format #SocialCafe

Pinning pics during the kick-back #SocialCafe in the #pinitparties format. Host: Deborah * Social Web Cafe @SocialWebCafe

  1. --------------- Please visit these wonderful services! ---------------
  2. --------------- Your Host ---------------
  3. --------------- The Chat: ---------------

  4. Welcome to our final chat at this time on Wed. Today we are having another #pinitparties here on #socialcafe
  5. Mark your calendars for Tues 3/5 9p EST for our new #socialcafe
  6. Interesting color in this infographic. Helpful info MT @moppetmissy: Colour Psychology in Logo Design  http://pinterest.com/pin/116108496615396724/ insocialcafe615396724/ #socialcafe
  7. @moppetmissy So, what do you like most about this infographic. The color, layout, icons, or all of the above? #socialcafe
  8. Well i like the color. Also really like the font that they used. #socialcafe
  9. @moppetmissy I need to go look at the font. Thanks for pointing that out. #socialcafe
  10. @moppetmissy I love the color, the texture, the graphic... def grabs me, no matter what topic they had on the #infographic You? #socialcafe
  11. Really love the bright, colors. The cute cartoons caught my attention right way too. #socialcafe
  12. @moppetmissy I think that is key for #infographic designers, to find what draws people visually. content is good, but graphics #socialcafe
  13. Yes when an #infographic is visually appealing at a first glance, I makes me want to continue to to read the content. #socialcafe
  14. That is an appealing background color & the image of the woman draws u MT @moppetmissy: Women in business  http://pinterest.com/pin/116108496615396883/ insocialcafe615396883/ #socialcafe
  15. Maroon is not my 1st choice, bt definitely 4 brandng 4 Dr. Seuss MT @moppetmissy: 10 Facts Abt Dr S Books  http://pinterest.com/pin/116108496615396954/ insocialcafe615396954/ #socialcafe
  16. That is a great list, @moppetmissy Thanks for tweeting those. We have the makings for an article on what works and doesn't work #socialcafe
  17. Ok, all. See you in 6 days, 9p EST as @TheBlogWorkshop and I launch the new and improved Twitter Chat at #TBW and #socialcafe

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