Blog Security Wrap-Up #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter SubscribeWould you like to receive the Social Web Cafe newsletter that includes emails on Tuesdays to remind you of the #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter C...
--- Please visit these wonderful services (sponsored/affiliates)! --- --------------- The Chat: --------------- Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 9p EST slot. Our topic Chat hour: Blog/Site Security Wrap-up We're Chatting Now! Join us for our & twitter chat! We're doing our blog security/backups wrap up! Howdy from Louisiana, y'all! :-) ltns So, what has been going on in our world lately? Love for you to get us caught up Hey Marisa! Ready for these two cold nights to pass, so we can get on with Spring. :-) And you? Past wk has been garden cleanup & planning. Getting ready to write again tonight. Q1 What have you learned and/or implemented during this series on blog security and backups? I am doing great! Can't wait for warm, spring weather too! I like the name, "Confessions of a Red Hot Veggie Lover". Very memorable name :) A1 Wasn't here, so I can't comment. Sounds like an important topic. Thanks, Marisa. I like my food and books spicy. lol A1 It has reenforced the desire to be consistent. Q1 What have you learned and/or implemented during this series on blog security and backups? Any questions/comments that you would have had.. that you would like included in the slideshare? A1 I'll be checking out last wk's transcript for ways to protect my blog. A1. This series has reinforced that there is ALWAYS something more we can do to protect our sites :) A1: I've learned that that one needs to be proactive in protecting their site, & that there are tools to help u keep it secure. It would be a shame to lose something you've slaved over to a virus or hacker for no good reason. I am working on a Carrot Week for my blog. Today I asked for giveaway donations on the theme. Carrot week? Really? Cool.. so recipes, facts. love to hear more.. link? Asked for a pound of carrots, juice, soup, recipe, cake... Ahhh the sweet love of FOOD! Q2 What resources have you found helpful? What resources are you still looking to find? A2 Question: What is YOUR favorite tip? (I may include it in a slideshare :) ) Q2 What resources have you found helpful? What resources are you still looking to find? I just backed up some blog content source files to both my Yahoo & Google email accounts. I didn't know did backups. I thought they were just domain sales. A2: Security/ protection resources, like I think would be super helpful. so glad to have learned about it! :) MT A2: Security/ protection resources, like are helpful. so glad to have learned about it! :) I personally love :) I have used them for hosting for years, with no problems MT : A2: Security/ protection, like would be super helpful. so glad to have learned about it! :) Yeah we have their managed backup service with our VPS, worth it! How do you do "semimanual"? The backup plugin I use has an auto option, for cost, but I click the button manually ;) With all my different ex jobs, healthcare, education, foodservice, you'd think I'd have a policy in place Automatic and easy are both important. Q3 What questions do you have about blog security and backups? A3: Nope, not at the moment. Feel that we have covered a lot in these chats ;) If Blogger/Blogspot/Google failed on me right now, I would fuh.reak.out.! There's a lot to think about, it's easy to forget... it's good we can encourage each other Q3 What questions do you have about blog security and backups? Yes, the backup plugin is worth the extra $$ for the auto.. I still feel lost when I log into WP and just sit there looking blankly at the screen. A3 None right now. But, am wondering what series YOU would like to see in 2014.. I think backups are like movie directors always doing two takes minimum, just in case. Remember Tootsie? Agreed. Always better safe, not sorry! :) Remember Tootsie, when they had to reshoot the day's episode b/c of spilt celery juice on the original? RT : I think backups are like movie directors always doing two takes minimum, just in case. Really - oh, do tell more! Q4 Have any tips, articles, posts, pins you want to share? That is good way of looking at. I've not seen Tootsie before, think I'll search for that on Netflixs tonight. lol It's a Dustin Hoffman movie. Q4. Have any tips, articles, posts, pins you want to share? Another great reason to backup: extreme weather and acts of war affecting servers. RT : Another great reason to backup: extreme weather and acts of war affecting servers. A former blog platform was hosted in Russia. Now they no longer have the records. Blog gone. A former blog platform was hosted in Russia. Now they no longer have the records. Blog gone. A4 Yes - starting a series that includes and ... starting next week... I also use a website called to keep up to date with all the blogs I follow So, the next 11 Twitter Chats will cover 10 tools (plus wrap-up). What tool do u want covered? Stopping in to say HI….all kinds of busy today This sounds like it would be a great series… I'm excited to read it When Hurr. Katrina soaked NOLA, hard copy vital records were stored there. Long wait 2 replace bcert after. RT So, the next 11 Twitter Chats will cover 10 tools (plus wrap-up). What tool do u want covered? I forgot about ! Thank you for the reminder! RT I forgot about ! Thank you for the reminder! Oh my! Did that impact you, too? Good point for backup! 911 was another one.. MT RT ..the next 11 Twitter Chats will cover 10 tools (plus wrap-up). What tool do u want covered? No problem I just found it and use it everyday! Bank servers in BR & NOLA were out after Katrina, meaning lots of people had no access to money. RT A4 Yes - starting a series that includes and ... starting next week... Hi Pam! > Hey what tool would u like covered in next series? RT : Stopping in to say HI….all kinds of busy today The message of the 2005 Hurricane Season: backup backup backup! RT : The message of the 2005 Hurricane Season: backup backup backup! The next 11 Twitter Chats will cover 10 tools (plus wrap-up). What tool do u want covered? I always wanted to know how to use to Evernote. I would love if you cover I love to use it but find difficulties in some areas I always wanted to know how to use to Evernote. RT I would love if you cover I love to use it but find difficulties in some areas Ooh -- added! RT : I always wanted to know how to use to Evernote. RT I always wanted to know how to use to Evernote. I agree is one platform I would like to know more about. I looove LinkedIN and am clueless about Evernote. Got invites today for GaggleAMP. I looove LinkedIN and am clueless about Evernote. Got invites today for GaggleAMP. I agree is one platform I would like to know more about. Good one! I think I'll ask abt doing a series on that for He is the pro on LI! I'd like to learn how to do those fancy G+ posts with so much content in them. Yes Evernote. I keep hearing people talk about it. So curious to know more! Great topic suggestions coming from everyone! Keep them coming so we can make sure to get them lined up :) I don't do anything that costs money yet. Next week: Starting “Tools” series.. For me, G+ is my best connection rate, strongest relationships, best interaction. RT Next week: Starting “Tools” series.. maybe some Photo Editor (pic monkey), An Editorial Calendar, twitter lists- just throwing ideas out there But I know I'm not getting the most out of the G+ experience. I only just found the emoticon button. lol I'll be sure to check it out! Missed the ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. RT maybe some Photo Editor (pic monkey), An Editorial Calendar, twitter lists- just throwing ideas out there RT Missed the ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. I agree those would be great! Right…me too. Then I look at at and I'm lost! LOL! Thank u for joining us for Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u! For a chat that started out slow, this one turned out to be pretty juicy. Right back at you guys! Thanks for everything you do!! RT : For a chat that started out slow, this one turned out to be pretty juicy. Just cleaned my Twitter follows of a lot of peeps who weren't following me back. I'll be sure to keep you posted ;) RT : I'll be sure to check it out! Good one.. maybe a series on just Image tools (freebies on the web... ) And I definitely need more social media automation tools, preferably freebies. RT Good one.. maybe a series on just Image tools (freebies on the web... ) And more places to find free images for commercial and modification use. I don't currently have a smart phone or camera, so I'm leaning heavily on Flickr. I asked the blogger what topic she wanted, she found out my bday was two days later and assigned me ageism. OK, have a great nite y'all. :-) RT : maybe some Photo Editor (pic monkey), An Editorial Calendar, twitter lists- just throwing ideas out there Thnx for sharing ;) MT : Upcoming guest blogs: Thu 3.13 Seniors Don't Sit Well: Writing & Ageism