#SocialCafe 3.17 Chat Transcript

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Tools 7 * Buffer #SocialCafe #TBW

Tools 7 * Buffer #SocialCafe #TBW

Topic: Tools 7 * Buffer. Hosts: Deborah @SocialWebCafe and Da Vinci @TheBlogWorkshop

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  2. --------------- The Chat: ---------------

  3. You know you have a teeny tiny chihuahua when pouring ice cubes into a glass scares him #SocialCafe #TBW
  4. Hi everyone in #SocialCafe! I'm a #UNT journalism student who has been asked to join a #TweetChat. Can I join yours? :) #socialmedia
  5. And for anyone new to #SocialCafe #TBW my name is Deborah and Da Vinci (@TheBlogWorkshop) and I co-host this super fun group every Tues Yay!
  6. @Brianna_Vela Oh, absolutely, Brianna! Everyone is always welcome :) We are in our "tools" series, on #7 tonight #SocialCafe #TBW
  7. i'm not too familiar with @buffer can you give some detail on what they do? #socialcafe #untj4270
  8. Thank you @MoppetMissy glad to join! @socialwebcafe I have never used @buffer before but I am interested in learning about it! #SocialCafe
  9. @CatlynnTownley Sometimes people use @buffer & don't realize it. 3rd party apps that give options to send later or buffer #SocialCafe #TBW
  10. i looked into them but it is still not very clear on how they earn a revenue base of their #twitter #socialcafe
  11. @socialwebcafe @buffer A1: very. I use it for this account and we’ve been using it for @WGIRLS_Atlanta as well. #SocialCafe #TBW
  12. @ShavonnBrown @socialwebcafe Hey ladies! Girl I'm so TIRED too lol... I did get a facial and my hair done earlier though #SocialCafe #TBW
  13. if you want to send out 20 tweets tomorrow, but not all at once, @buffer helps spread them out for you #SocialCafe #TBW @CatlynnTownley
  14. if you want to send out 20 tweets tomorrow, but not all at once, @buffer helps spread them out for you #SocialCafe #TBW @CatlynnTownley
  15. if you want to send out 20 tweets tomorrow, but not all at once, @buffer helps spread them out for you #SocialCafe #TBW @CatlynnTownley
  16. @MacT615 Hi MacKenzie, glad to have u join us as we learn more about @buffer. :) #SocialCafe
  17. RT @socialwebcafe "If you want to send out 20 tweets tomorrow, but not all at once, @buffer helps spread them out for you #SocialCafe"
  18. @ShavonnBrown I think I almost am tired all the time. But, that's what I get for not stopping! I wish u wonderful rest ;) #SocialCafe #TBW
  19. Kavita! Thanks for joining us and sharing your expertise ;) RT @kavita1010: Hi everyone! I love @buffer! #SocialCafe #TBW
  20. @MoppetMissy @buffer thanks im really interested in how i can use it to better my social media game #socialcafe
  21. No such thing as late ;) Welcome Katie! RT @KatieSpurgin: hi @socialwebcafe jumping in a little late! #socialcafe #Tbw
  22. @MacT615 @MoppetMissy @buffer is helpful for planning tweets, you could use it for tweet chats/parties, etc #SocialCafe #TBW
  23. A1 @socialwebcafe Buffer is completely new to me, but sounds extremely useful #socialcafe
  24. A1: I use Buffer for my personal accounts as well as work ones. Huge help! #SocialCafe #TBW
  25. A1: I use Buffer for my personal accounts as well as work ones. Huge help! #SocialCafe #TBW
  26. MT @TheBlogWorkshop @buffer is helpful for planning tweets, you could use it for tweet chats/parties, etc #SocialCafe #TBW
  27. Totally agree! ;) RT @KatieSpurgin A1 @socialwebcafe Buffer is completely new to me, but sounds extremely useful #socialcafe
  28. @socialwebcafe @buffer A1. Haven't used it. I heard you mention it before. Curious about it. #socialcafe #TBW
  29. I just looked it up the @buffer app. Will be downloading it to test it out! I'll be scheduling some tweets for #untj4270 #SocialCafe
  30. I just looked it up the @buffer app. Will be downloading it to test it out! I'll be scheduling some tweets for #untj4270 #SocialCafe
  31. RT @kavita1010 A1: I use Buffer for my personal accounts as well as work ones. Huge help! #SocialCafe #TBW
  32. Q2 How do you use @buffer? If you don’t use it, what would you like to know about it? #SocialCafe #TBW
  33. Q2 How do you use @buffer? If you don’t use it, what would you like to know about it? #SocialCafe #TBW
  34. RT @Brianna_Vela Will be downloading it to test it out! I'll be scheduling some tweets for #untj4270 #SocialCafe
  35. Thanks for having us! getting a lot of great info #socialcafe
  36. RT @kavita1010: A1: I use Buffer for my personal accounts as well as work ones. Huge help! #SocialCafe #TBW
  37. Q2 I thought the idea of using @buffer to send out multiple tweets at different times was a good way to use it #SocialCafe #untj4270
  38. @socialwebcafe A2 I use it to share articles I like with my followers without bombarding them as I plow through my @feedly #SocialCafe #TBW
  39. Absolutely! RT @TheBlogWorkshop: Loving the LOVE from #untj4270 tonight! Thanks for joining out #SocialCafe #TBW Chat :)
  40. A1 Does it provide quick and easy access? Is it easy to use? #SocialCafe
  41. Deborah smile :D RT @MacT615: Thanks for having us! getting a lot of great info #socialcafe #tbw
  42. A2. We have quite a few giveaways going on @YourLifeAfter25 right now, I schedule tweets in Buffer to remind followers #SocialCafe #TBW
  43. @KatieSpurgin Yes and yes! I have a bookmarklet on my browser that lets me “buffer” posts quickly. #SocialCafe #TBW
  44. i think it would have helped to have had @buffer this entire semester for #untj4270 to schedule our daily tweets! #socialcafe
  45. RT @MacT615 i think it would have helped to have had @buffer this entire semester for #untj4270 to schedule our daily tweets! #socialcafe
  46. RT @MacT615 i think it would have helped to have had @buffer this entire semester for #untj4270 to schedule our daily tweets! #socialcafe
  47. RT @MacT615 i think it would have helped to have had @buffer this entire semester for #untj4270 to schedule our daily tweets! #socialcafe
  48. RT @MacT615 i think it would have helped to have had @buffer this entire semester for #untj4270 to schedule our daily tweets! #socialcafe
  49. what makes @buffer better than other tweet scheduling sites? #socialcafe
  50. @Brianna_Vela I think it depends on how you use it, but it works great for all the platforms @buffer #SocialCafe #TBW
  51. @MacT615 One thing I like better about @buffer is I don't have to think :) vs having to pick a time #SocialCafe #TBW
  52. Thank you @TheBlogWorkshop! "@buffer I use it for Twitter or FB, but only because I use my @Vocus for other updates also #SocialCafe #TBW"
  53. like.. Before @hootsuite added their autoschedule (similar to b), I would have to wonder "when" I should schedule out.. #socialcafe #tbw
  54. @MacT615 @buffer You can have it generate times or choose custom times. You can also set up schedules for each day #SocialCafe #TBW
  55. @TheBlogWorkshop well im all for user friendly, if i have to spend more than 30mins figuring it out..im out! #socialcafe
  56. RT @socialwebcafe @MacT615 One thing I like better about @buffer is I don't have to think :) vs having to pick a time #SocialCafe #TBW
  57. @socialwebcafe @buffer @hootsuite LOL! just a tad ;) but that's what makes us great we have different perspectives #SocialCafe #TBW
  58. @MacT615 I'm all for user friendly too, makes using the service not a chore, but a fun little task ;) #SocialCafe
  59. @MoppetMissy agree for sure with that one. if it becomes a hassle then i find something else, good to know @buffer is fun to use #socialcafe
  60. Q3 What are some ideas for using @buffer to help you be more productive (i.e. automated)? #SocialCafe #TBW
  61. Q3 What are some ideas for using @buffer to help you be more productive (i.e. automated)? #SocialCafe #TBW
  62. For the record my business partner LOVES @hootsuite and I LOVE @buffer! LOL So we use both in conjunction with @Vocus #SocialCafe #TBW
  63. For the record my business partner LOVES @hootsuite and I LOVE @buffer! LOL So we use both in conjunction with @Vocus #SocialCafe #TBW
  64. For the record my business partner LOVES @hootsuite and I LOVE @buffer! LOL So we use both in conjunction with @Vocus #SocialCafe #TBW
  65. @buffer could help with out reach with a small business that i work with, get us out there in the twitter world more! #socialcafe
  66. Q3 answer for #SocialCafe: Schedule week worth of posts on Monday can help you get better organized. @buffer
  67. A3 Putting in the time to type up tweets/posts when you actually have the time, not when you're in a rush and need to post #socialcafe
  68. A3 Putting in the time to type up tweets/posts when you actually have the time, not when you're in a rush and need to post #socialcafe
  69. A3 Putting in the time to type up tweets/posts when you actually have the time, not when you're in a rush and need to post #socialcafe
  70. Q3 What are some ideas for using @buffer to help you be more productive (i.e. automated)? #SocialCafe #TBW
  71. A3 #SocialCafe Schedule posts on Monday to get the week started off right/get better organized @buffer
  72. @MacT615 @buffer YES! It's perfect for accounts of all sizes and the plans make it scalable #SocialCafe #TBW
  73. Yes! RT @Brianna_Vela: Q3 answer for #SocialCafe: Schedule week worth of posts on Monday can help you get better organized. @buffer
  74. I love @buffer- use it everyday to repost old posts and reminders of giveaways #buffer #socialcafe #tbw
  75. I love @buffer- use it everyday to repost old posts and reminders of giveaways #buffer #socialcafe #tbw
  76. I love @buffer- use it everyday to repost old posts and reminders of giveaways #buffer #socialcafe #tbw
  77. I love @buffer- use it everyday to repost old posts and reminders of giveaways #buffer #socialcafe #tbw
  78. MT @MacT615: @buffer could help with outreach w/ a small business that i work with, get us out there in the twitter world more! #socialcafe
  79. @socialwebcafe @buffer A3 Like Da Vinci said, using it to remind followers or auto-sharing so you can work on other things #SocialCafe #TBW
  80. @socialwebcafe @buffer A3 Like Da Vinci said, using it to remind followers or auto-sharing so you can work on other things #SocialCafe #TBW
  81. @socialwebcafe @buffer A3 Like Da Vinci said, using it to remind followers or auto-sharing so you can work on other things #SocialCafe #TBW
  82. Pam! Hi! RT @PinkMama68: I love @buffer- use it everyday to repost old posts and reminders of giveaways #buffer #socialcafe #tbw
  83. Another thing to consider is Tweet Old Posts isn't working... so you can use @buffer to schedule tweets for old posts too #SocialCafe #TBW
  84. Another thing to consider is Tweet Old Posts isn't working... so you can use @buffer to schedule tweets for old posts too #SocialCafe #TBW
  85. @MoppetMissy Thank you LOL its all about the lighting LOL-HI!!! Miss you guys. #socialcafe #tbw
  86. MT @ShavonnBrown: @buffer A3 Like Da Vinci said, using it to remind followers or auto-sharing so you can work other things #SocialCafe #TBW
  87. A3: I like the option to buffer a retweet, I always want to share other's stuff, but I'd rather space it out. l#SocialCafe #SocialCafe
  88. @MoppetMissy i think that is a great tool with @buffer, i would use it for that as well. #socialcafe
  89. @TheBlogWorkshop LOL awww I was having withdrawals from you guys LOL Hope all is well! #socialcafe #tbw
  90. I love that @commun_it has @buffer built-in. It lets me take 15 min breaks to respond to every1 and buffer them #SocialCafe #TBW
  91. @MoppetMissy That’s one of the reasons I use it! Esp if I don’t want to do a classic RT, b/c you can’t sched regular RTs on HT #SocialCafe
  92. Couldn't live w/o it! "@PinkMama68: I love @buffer- use it everyday to repost old posts and reminders of giveaways #buffer #socialcafe #tbw"
  93. Couldn't live w/o it! "@PinkMama68: I love @buffer- use it everyday to repost old posts and reminders of giveaways #buffer #socialcafe #tbw"
  94. MT @SMMagic: Couldn't live w/o it! "@PinkMama68: I love @buffer- use it everyday to repost old posts... #buffer #socialcafe #tbw"
  95. @PRMktgSales It is! another tool that does the thinking for me -> @commun_it @buffer Both tools let me work half asleep :D #SocialCafe #TBW
  96. @PRMktgSales It is! another tool that does the thinking for me -> @commun_it @buffer Both tools let me work half asleep :D #SocialCafe #TBW
  97. @socialwebcafe buffer sounds incredibly useful! i'm going to have to look into this ap. #SocialCafe
  98. @socialwebcafe buffer sounds incredibly useful! i'm going to have to look into this ap. #SocialCafe
  99. Q4 If you decide to use @buffer, how do you think you will use the tool? #SocialCafe #TBW
  100. @socialwebcafe A4. I’ll continue to use it with @IFTTT. It’s the best way for me to keep the queue full. #SocialCafe #TBW
  101. Q4 If you decide to use @buffer, how do you think you will use the tool? #SocialCafe #TBW
  102. I also tend to @buffer other people stuff more than retweet #SocialCafe because it can be scheduled #tbw
  103. I also tend to @buffer other people stuff more than retweet #SocialCafe because it can be scheduled #tbw
  104. A4 Definitely with Twitter: scheduling tweets because I'm always rushing to get some posted #socialcafe
  105. A4 Definitely with Twitter: scheduling tweets because I'm always rushing to get some posted #socialcafe
  106. RT @KatieSpurgin: A4 Definitely with Twitter: scheduling tweets because I'm always rushing to get some posted #socialcafe
  107. A4 also with LinkedIn. I really need to keep up my activity, but I don't spend enough time on it #socialcafe
  108. A4 also with LinkedIn. I really need to keep up my activity, but I don't spend enough time on it #socialcafe
  109. RT @KatieSpurgin A4 Definitely with Twitter: scheduling tweets because I'm always rushing to get some posted #socialcafe
  110. @PinkMama68 Yeah, @IFTTT is user friendly, in picture, etc., but sometimes takes a bit to figure out what u want to do #SocialCafe #TBW
  111. @PinkMama68 Yeah, @IFTTT is user friendly, in picture, etc., but sometimes takes a bit to figure out what u want to do #SocialCafe #TBW
  112. @KatieSpurgin It is so hard to have enough time for all networks. That is where these tools, like @buffer, come in handy #SocialCafe #TBW
  113. A4: Well, I didn't know there was an option to use @buffer to share old posts, so that is something I'd be interested to try #socialcafe
  114. @socialwebcafe I just haven't spent that much time on there. @IFTTT #tbw #SocialCafe but I've been seeing it more and more.
  115. @KatieSpurgin I think that's another great way to use it. Linked in can get left out at times lol #SocialCafe #TBW
  116. RT @TheBlogWorkshop @KatieSpurgin I think that's another great way to use it. Linked in can get left out at times lol #SocialCafe #TBW
  117. @MoppetMissy Hey Marisa, another cool tool/plugin: "Tweet Old Post" (I saw @TheBlogWorkshop use it and hunted it down lol #SocialCafe #TBW)
  118. i know that after this tweetchat i am for sure getting in on some @buffer action! #socialcafe
  119. i know that after this tweetchat i am for sure getting in on some @buffer action! #socialcafe
  120. i know that after this tweetchat i am for sure getting in on some @buffer action! #socialcafe
  121. @MoppetMissy I just go on my blog and buffer older posts- its not on their site. #SocialCafe
  122. @MoppetMissy I just go on my blog and buffer older posts- its not on their site. #SocialCafe
  123. RT @MacT615 i know that after this tweetchat i am for sure getting in on some @buffer action! #socialcafe
  124. Yay! RT @MacT615: i know that after this tweetchat i am for sure getting in on some @buffer action! #socialcafe #tbw
  125. RT @MacT615 i know that after this tweetchat i am for sure getting in on some @buffer action! #socialcafe
  126. lol RT @PinkMama68 RT @MacT615 i know that after this tweetchat i am for sure getting in on some @buffer action! #socialcafe
  127. Even if u use other tools, U can augment your tweets by adding @buffer #SocialCafe #TBW
  128. I create all my tabs, with all my tools, as my "home page" in my browser so when I open, I systematically go through em all #SocialCafe #TBW
  129. @socialwebcafe I was a little peeved when I had to pay for the upgrade but I did and I still love it lol #SocialCafe #TBW
  130. @ShavonnBrown I'm trying to remember if I paid. Was it like $3 or so? @tweetbot, right? It is "cute" for an app #SocialCafe #TBW
  131. Be sure to Join Us for our Beamly Chat Party! Where Social Tv Just Got More Exciting! - #SocialCafe #TBW - sign up:  http://buff.ly/1hbUjF8 
  132. Missed the #SocialCafe #TBW chat? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready.
  133. Missed the #SocialCafe #TBW chat? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready.
  134. Thank you all for another AWESOME #SocialCafe #TBW Chat! You all are amazing and make these chats worth doing! :)
  135. Thank u for joining us for #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u!
  136. @ShavonnBrown yeah, come to think of it, I do remember feeling ur pain.. but I agree w/u, it is worth it @tweetbot #SocialCafe #TBW
  137. Cool! :D can't wait. So curious to know more about Trello! RT @socialwebcafe Next week: Trello ! #SocialCafe #TBW
  138. RT @TheBlogWorkshop Thank you all for another AWESOME #SocialCafe #TBW Chat! You all are amazing and make these chats worth doing! :)
  139. RT @TheBlogWorkshop: Thank you all for another AWESOME #SocialCafe #TBW Chat! You all are amazing and make these chats worth doing! :)
  140. RT @TheBlogWorkshop: Thank you all for another AWESOME #SocialCafe #TBW Chat! You all are amazing and make these chats worth doing! :)
  141. @FleurdeB Hi Belinda. I mentioned it, but didn't focus a whole #SocialCafe #TBW chat... yet. It IS awesome! @TheBlogWorkshop @TwitonomyApp
  142. @BetaTwentyOne @commun.it has been VERY helpful. I haven't found another software that fills the gap that @commun.it fills. #SocialCafe

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