Tools 7 * Buffer #SocialCafe #TBW
Tools 7 * Buffer #SocialCafe #TBW (Summary) This SocialWebCafe Twitter Event is about Tools 7 * Buffer. Buffer is an indispensable tool that some of us may be using without even noticing it. For example, there are many services, like and Viral Content Buzz that use it as a part of their service, to allow you to create tweets and schedule (buffer) them for later.
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--------------- The Chat: ---------------
All right I am ready for my first
Cool! Welcome! RT : All right I am ready for my first
Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 9p EST slot.
Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 9p EST slot.
ready for my first tweetchat! Tweetchat #3 for
Our topic Chat hour: Blogging & Social Media Tools:
Our topic Chat hour: Blogging & Social Media Tools:
Welcome# RT : ready for my first tweetchat! Tweetchat #3 for
Welcome# RT : ready for my first tweetchat! Tweetchat #3 for
Welcome to our Chat hour: Tonight's Blogging & Social Media Tool is
Welcome to our Chat hour: Tonight's Blogging & Social Media Tool is
You know you have a teeny tiny chihuahua when pouring ice cubes into a glass scares him
Hey Lisa! How's it going?
Hey Shavonn How 4 u this week? RT : hey hey hey!!
Tonight: Blogging & Social Media Tools:
Hi everyone in ! I'm a journalism student who has been asked to join a . Can I join yours? :)
And for anyone new to my name is Deborah and Da Vinci () and I co-host this super fun group every Tues Yay!
Q1 How familiar are you with the ?
Oh, absolutely, Brianna! Everyone is always welcome :) We are in our "tools" series, on #7 tonight
Deborah, it's good! How are you? Good to join the tonight.
Q1 How familiar are you with the ?
Hi Brianna! Welcome to the chat. Glad to have u join! :)
Q1 This is the first I am hearing of
Q1 This is the first I am hearing of
i'm not too familiar with can you give some detail on what they do?
Thank you glad to join! I have never used before but I am interested in learning about it!
Hi Brianna! Please do :) Thanks for joining us tonight!
A1 I use mostly through other 3rd party apps ... and love it!
A1 I use mostly through other 3rd party apps ... and love it!
great. TIRED!!! Lol how are you?
Sometimes people use & don't realize it. 3rd party apps that give options to send later or buffer
i looked into them but it is still not very clear on how they earn a revenue base of their
A1. is one of our favorite hidden gems :) we use it on here, for and !
A1: very. I use it for this account and we’ve been using it for as well.
Hey ladies! Girl I'm so TIRED too lol... I did get a facial and my hair done earlier though
if you want to send out 20 tweets tomorrow, but not all at once, helps spread them out for you
if you want to send out 20 tweets tomorrow, but not all at once, helps spread them out for you
if you want to send out 20 tweets tomorrow, but not all at once, helps spread them out for you
Hi MacKenzie, glad to have u join us as we learn more about . :)
RT "If you want to send out 20 tweets tomorrow, but not all at once, helps spread them out for you "
I think I almost am tired all the time. But, that's what I get for not stopping! I wish u wonderful rest ;)
oh! Nice!!! I’m jealous!!!
hi jumping in a little late!
lol same here. I need this semester to end!!!
Kavita! Thanks for joining us and sharing your expertise ;) RT : Hi everyone! I love !
Hey hey Shavonn! Glad to see u tonight! :D
thanks im really interested in how i can use it to better my social media game
No such thing as late ;) Welcome Katie! RT : hi jumping in a little late!
Welcome! Better late than never :) Thanks for joining us!
Hi there, Katie, so happy to have u join the chat ;)
hey Marisa!!! ? got drinks? Lol #Soc
Sounds like a very handy tool
love this explanation, i get it now! i can totally use this!
I needed it! I won a $100 Spa Sydell GC from , so that was a blessing
Hey ! Glad to see we are doing the same for
@MoppettMissy thanks guys!
for sure i think there are a few of us from in on it today
is helpful for planning tweets, you could use it for tweet chats/parties, etc
also allows you to keep up with the analytics of the tweets you send out
A1 Buffer is completely new to me, but sounds extremely useful
hey! sorry for being late whats up ? anyone from here?
Hi Maris! :) Always a pleasure chatting with you
A1: I use Buffer for my personal accounts as well as work ones. Huge help!
A1: I use Buffer for my personal accounts as well as work ones. Huge help!
Hey Anna! Happy to have u join!
MT is helpful for planning tweets, you could use it for tweet chats/parties, etc
Totally agree! ;) RT A1 Buffer is completely new to me, but sounds extremely useful
Lots of us on tonight! RT me! hey lol
Hey Anna! Thank you for joining us :)
A1. Haven't used it. I heard you mention it before. Curious about it.
RT Lots of us on tonight! RT me! hey lol
I just looked it up the app. Will be downloading it to test it out! I'll be scheduling some tweets for
I just looked it up the app. Will be downloading it to test it out! I'll be scheduling some tweets for
RT A1: I use Buffer for my personal accounts as well as work ones. Huge help!
Q2 How do you use ? If you don’t use it, what would you like to know about it?
Loving the LOVE from tonight! Thanks for joining out Chat :)
RT Loving the LOVE from tonight! Thanks for joining out Chat :)
Awesome! Be sure to let us know how you like it :)
Q2 How do you use ? If you don’t use it, what would you like to know about it?
Good idea, Kavita, thanks for sharing! :)
RT Will be downloading it to test it out! I'll be scheduling some tweets for
Thanks for having us! getting a lot of great info
RT : A1: I use Buffer for my personal accounts as well as work ones. Huge help!
Q2 I thought the idea of using to send out multiple tweets at different times was a good way to use it
Hi Anna! Glad to have you join us :)
A2 I use it to share articles I like with my followers without bombarding them as I plow through my
, so you can use across multiple social media platforms? ? ? and ?
Absolutely! RT : Loving the LOVE from tonight! Thanks for joining out Chat :)
A1 Does it provide quick and easy access? Is it easy to use?
Deborah smile :D RT : Thanks for having us! getting a lot of great info
A2. We have quite a few giveaways going on right now, I schedule tweets in Buffer to remind followers
Yes and yes! I have a bookmarklet on my browser that lets me “buffer” posts quickly.
i think it would have helped to have had this entire semester for to schedule our daily tweets!
RT i think it would have helped to have had this entire semester for to schedule our daily tweets!
RT i think it would have helped to have had this entire semester for to schedule our daily tweets!
RT i think it would have helped to have had this entire semester for to schedule our daily tweets!
RT i think it would have helped to have had this entire semester for to schedule our daily tweets!
A2. can be great for scheduling your 's also :)
A2. can be great for scheduling your 's also :)
what makes better than other tweet scheduling sites?
seriously, I wish I would have had it then!
I think it depends on how you use it, but it works great for all the platforms
I’ve been meaning to do that, but keep forgetting!
RT seriously, I wish I would have had it then!
One thing I like better about is I don't have to think :) vs having to pick a time
I use it for Twitter or FB, but only because I use my for other updates also
Thank you ! " I use it for Twitter or FB, but only because I use my for other updates also "
like.. Before added their autoschedule (similar to b), I would have to wonder "when" I should schedule out..
You can have it generate times or choose custom times. You can also set up schedules for each day
well im all for user friendly, if i have to spend more than 30mins figuring it out!
RT One thing I like better about is I don't have to think :) vs having to pick a time
LOL! Sounds like is a great option for you then :)
Good to know. Sounds useful.
RT LOL! Sounds like is a great option for you then :)
is really great combined with recipes on
is really great combined with recipes on
would you say is one of the more/most user friendly? cc:
LOL! just a tad ;) but that's what makes us great we have different perspectives
I'm all for user friendly too, makes using the service not a chore, but a fun little task ;)
Yes! Personally, I think is very user-friendly. Simpler than HootSuite.
agree for sure with that one. if it becomes a hassle then i find something else, good to know is fun to use
RT user friendly trumps all
Q3 What are some ideas for using to help you be more productive (i.e. automated)?
Q3 What are some ideas for using to help you be more productive (i.e. automated)?
Got home tonight to get the last part of
Yes. Was thrilled to find . I used Hootsuite for awhile but it was too complex
U gave me a giggle. True! No offense to @hootsute, but it is not easiest!
RT : RT user friendly trumps all
For the record my business partner LOVES and I LOVE ! LOL So we use both in conjunction with
For the record my business partner LOVES and I LOVE ! LOL So we use both in conjunction with
For the record my business partner LOVES and I LOVE ! LOL So we use both in conjunction with
could help with out reach with a small business that i work with, get us out there in the twitter world more!
Q3 answer for : Schedule week worth of posts on Monday can help you get better organized.
A3 Putting in the time to type up tweets/posts when you actually have the time, not when you're in a rush and need to post
A3 Putting in the time to type up tweets/posts when you actually have the time, not when you're in a rush and need to post
A3 Putting in the time to type up tweets/posts when you actually have the time, not when you're in a rush and need to post
Whooooo hooo was missing my LOL
Q3 What are some ideas for using to help you be more productive (i.e. automated)?
Happy to provide giggles ? @hooefcc
Hi Pam. Happy to see u. Love the new pic ;)
RT : Happy to provide giggles ? @hooefcc
A3 Schedule posts on Monday to get the week started off right/get better organized
YES! It's perfect for accounts of all sizes and the plans make it scalable
Yes! RT : Q3 answer for : Schedule week worth of posts on Monday can help you get better organized.
I love - use it everyday to repost old posts and reminders of giveaways
I love - use it everyday to repost old posts and reminders of giveaways
I love - use it everyday to repost old posts and reminders of giveaways
I love - use it everyday to repost old posts and reminders of giveaways
MT : could help with outreach w/ a small business that i work with, get us out there in the twitter world more!
A3 Like Da Vinci said, using it to remind followers or auto-sharing so you can work on other things
A3 Like Da Vinci said, using it to remind followers or auto-sharing so you can work on other things
A3 Like Da Vinci said, using it to remind followers or auto-sharing so you can work on other things
Pam! Hi! RT : I love - use it everyday to repost old posts and reminders of giveaways
A3 Put a more proactive effort to scheduling posts
Another thing to consider is Tweet Old Posts isn't working... so you can use to schedule tweets for old posts too
Another thing to consider is Tweet Old Posts isn't working... so you can use to schedule tweets for old posts too
Thank you LOL its all about the lighting LOL-HI!!! Miss you guys.
MT : A3 Like Da Vinci said, using it to remind followers or auto-sharing so you can work other things
A3: I like the option to buffer a retweet, I always want to share other's stuff, but I'd rather space it out. l#SocialCafe
i think that is a great tool with , i would use it for that as well.
LOL awww I was having withdrawals from you guys LOL Hope all is well!
I love that has built-in. It lets me take 15 min breaks to respond to every1 and buffer them
That’s one of the reasons I use it! Esp if I don’t want to do a classic RT, b/c you can’t sched regular RTs on HT
Couldn't live w/o it! ": I love - use it everyday to repost old posts and reminders of giveaways "
Couldn't live w/o it! ": I love - use it everyday to repost old posts and reminders of giveaways "
I just gotta say I luv you guys here on the Tues :) (hugs)
I just gotta say I luv you guys here on the Tues :) (hugs)
I think Buffer is easier than Hootsuite
MT : Couldn't live w/o it! ": I love - use it everyday to repost old posts... "
That does sounds useful, Deborah.
ditto RT : I think Buffer is easier than Hootsuite cc
It is! another tool that does the thinking for me -> Both tools let me work half asleep :D
It is! another tool that does the thinking for me -> Both tools let me work half asleep :D
We love you right back! I've learned a lot.
RT LOL awww I was having withdrawals from you guys LOL Hope all is well!
RT LOL awww I was having withdrawals from you guys LOL Hope all is well!
I would say easier than Hootsuite but Tweetdeck can be used for other things
buffer sounds incredibly useful! i'm going to have to look into this ap.
buffer sounds incredibly useful! i'm going to have to look into this ap.
Q4 If you decide to use , how do you think you will use the tool?
A4. I’ll continue to use it with . It’s the best way for me to keep the queue full.
Q4 If you decide to use , how do you think you will use the tool?
I also tend to other people stuff more than retweet because it can be scheduled
I also tend to other people stuff more than retweet because it can be scheduled
A4 Definitely with Twitter: scheduling tweets because I'm always rushing to get some posted
A4 Definitely with Twitter: scheduling tweets because I'm always rushing to get some posted
Ah, I need to do that! (combine and )
no is a site I really need to figure out!
RT : A4 Definitely with Twitter: scheduling tweets because I'm always rushing to get some posted
A4 also with LinkedIn. I really need to keep up my activity, but I don't spend enough time on it
A4 also with LinkedIn. I really need to keep up my activity, but I don't spend enough time on it
RT A4 Definitely with Twitter: scheduling tweets because I'm always rushing to get some posted
Yeah, is user friendly, in picture, etc., but sometimes takes a bit to figure out what u want to do
Yeah, is user friendly, in picture, etc., but sometimes takes a bit to figure out what u want to do
Thanks! That's a helpful answer. @socialwebcafe
It is so hard to have enough time for all networks. That is where these tools, like , come in handy
A4: Well, I didn't know there was an option to use to share old posts, so that is something I'd be interested to try
A4 Make a task note on my calendar to go load em up (w/)
exactly! There isn't enough time in the day
I just haven't spent that much time on there. but I've been seeing it more and more.
I think that's another great way to use it. Linked in can get left out at times lol
RT I think that's another great way to use it. Linked in can get left out at times lol
Hey Marisa, another cool tool/plugin: "Tweet Old Post" (I saw use it and hunted it down lol )
i know that after this tweetchat i am for sure getting in on some action!
i know that after this tweetchat i am for sure getting in on some action!
i know that after this tweetchat i am for sure getting in on some action!
I just go on my blog and buffer older posts- its not on their site.
I just go on my blog and buffer older posts- its not on their site.
RT i know that after this tweetchat i am for sure getting in on some action!
Yay! RT : i know that after this tweetchat i am for sure getting in on some action!
RT i know that after this tweetchat i am for sure getting in on some action!
cool, thanks for the tip :D
lol RT RT i know that after this tweetchat i am for sure getting in on some action!
what tool do you like best for your phone?
what tool do you like best for your phone?
Even if u use other tools, U can augment your tweets by adding
I create all my tabs, with all my tools, as my "home page" in my browser so when I open, I systematically go through em all
I love the and on my phone!
I love the and on my phone!
I love the and on my phone!
I use Buffer on my phone too!
I use Buffer on my phone too!
RT I love the and on my phone!
I need to try on my phone!
I love , too! (Thnx for the reminder ;) )
oh I'm going to have to checkout ! Thanks : )
I only dowloaded it a few weeks ago, but like it so far!
I was a little peeved when I had to pay for the upgrade but I did and I still love it lol
RT : I only dowloaded it a few weeks ago, but like it so far!
I'm trying to remember if I paid. Was it like $3 or so? , right? It is "cute" for an app
Be sure to Join Us for our Beamly Chat Party! Where Social Tv Just Got More Exciting! - - sign up:
Missed the chat? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready.
I think it has cute little sounds, too -->
Missed the chat? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready.
I need to check out those apps. TY, Shavonn.
Thank you all for another AWESOME Chat! You all are amazing and make these chats worth doing! :)
Thank u for joining us for Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u!
yeah, come to think of it, I do remember feeling ur pain.. but I agree w/u, it is worth it
Cool! :D can't wait. So curious to know more about Trello! RT Next week: Trello !
Anything happening this week that i should know about LOL!
Thankyou for the tweetchat! Learned alot! :)
RT Thank you all for another AWESOME Chat! You all are amazing and make these chats worth doing! :)
Thank you! RT : Thankyou for the tweetchat! Learned alot! :)
U2 & get some rest, Shavonn! :D RT : thanks, Deborah!!
oh wow, thanks for sharing
RT : Thank you all for another AWESOME Chat! You all are amazing and make these chats worth doing! :)
RT : Thank you all for another AWESOME Chat! You all are amazing and make these chats worth doing! :)
T YOU, Kavita! RT : Thanks for a great chat!
glad u had good time, have a wonderful night.
Another informative and fun with and and all of the other tweeters.
TY :) MT : Another informative & fun w/ & & all of the tweeters.
TY :) RT : , : marketing, branding, social media, blogging. 9pm ET Mod:
Hi Belinda. I mentioned it, but didn't focus a whole chat... yet. It IS awesome!
.it has been VERY helpful. I haven't found another software that fills the gap that .it fills.
Quotable! RT : exactly! There isn't enough time in the day