Tools 10 * Twitter Chat Tools #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter SubscribeWould you like to receive the Social Web Cafe newsletter that includes emails on Tuesdays to remind you of the #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter C...
--- Please visit these wonderful services (sponsored/affiliates)! --- --------------- The Chat: --------------- Join us for our & twitter chat! /Social Media Tools! Tonight's chat "Twitter Tools" 9pm EST Join the & twitter chat! in 30 mins! /Social Media Tools! Tonight's chat "Twitter Tools" 9pm EST Join the & twitter chat! in 15 mins! /Social Media Tools! Tonight's chat "Twitter Tools" 9pm EST Join the & twitter chat! in 15 mins! /Social Media Tools! Tonight's chat "Twitter Tools" 9pm EST , : marketing, branding, social media, blogging. 9pm ET Mod: RT : Join the & twitter chat! in 15 mins! /Social Media Tools! Tonight's chat "Twitter Tools" … Join the & twitter chat! in 5 mins! /Social Media Tools! Tonight's chat "Twitter Tools" 9pm EST Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 9p EDT slot. Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 9p EDT slot. TY RT : , : marketing, branding, social media, blogging. 9pm ET Mod: Hi EVERYONE! Who's ready to chat about "Twitter Tools"? Our topic this Chat hour: Blogging & Social Media Tools: Twitter Chat Tools Hi Missy! RT : hi guys! =) hiya da Vinci, I am ready! =D Hey Shavonn How are you this week? What have you been up to? hey hey, Shavonn, how r u this week? Tonight: Blogging & Social Media Tools: Twitter Chat Tools Tonight: Blogging & Social Media Tools: Twitter Chat Tools I'll stop in and say "hi" shy as I am I might lurk :) - & twitter chat! /Social Media Tools! Tonight's topic "Twitter Tools" Join in :) Aww! Thanks for the love :) Don't be shy... feel free to contribute hey, welcome! Glad to have u join us tonight. hey, welcome! Glad to have u join us tonight. RT I'll stop in and say "hi" shy as I am I might lurk :) RT Aww! Thanks for the love :) Don't be shy... feel free to contribute Thank you. RT : Aww! Thanks for the love :) Don't be shy... feel free to contribute Thank you. RT : Aww! Thanks for the love :) Don't be shy... feel free to contribute Q1 What sorts of tools do you use for Twitter Chats? Last week: Blogging & Social Media Tools: Google Hangouts A1 I have actually been using A1 I have actually been using A2: well twubs of course, also sometimes I use tweetdeck, RT Q1 What sorts of tools do you use for Twitter Chats? How has been working for you? That was my recommended, but then it started hanging on me Have you led Twitter Chats or Parties? Q1 What sorts of tools do you use for Twitter Chats? has been great. Love how it does not just feel like a tool, but instead like a whole social platform A1. I've been using Buffer and I also use my dashboard too! :) pretty good! A bit busy... you?? great! In need of a glass! LOL Trying to start my blog again! *sigh lol You? We have the wine, but not the opener.. haven't found since the move! Q2 What tips can you offer, as far as tools for Twitter Chats or Twitter Parties? Q2 What tips can you offer, as far as tools for Twitter Chats or Twitter Parties? What would help u pull the trigger? RT : Trying to start my blog again! *sigh lol You? A2 If you are running them, plan out your topics ahead of time :) RT Q2 What tips can you offer, as far as tools for Twitter Chats or Twitter Parties? Q2 What tips can you offer, as far as tools for Twitter Chats or Twitter Parties? Aww! How's that coming along? more time and something to blog about. I'll have a few this week. Stuff I have up now is mostly advisory Anyone else using ? got me going on it last week :) Anyone else using ? got me going on it last week :) hmmm I'll have to look for that ;) I'll check it out after the chat :) - & twitter chat! /Social Media Tools! Tonight's topic "Twitter Tools" Join us :) A2. With chats and parties you HAVE to be organized! I recommend an events calendar if they're on going... plan ahead too - & twitter chat! /Social Media Tools! Tonight's topic "Twitter Tools" Join us :) That sounds fascinating and fun! Thanks for sharing with the crowd, Gemma ;) That's a start :) I found that brainstorming a list ahead of time helped to pick topics. Tweetdeck. I used to use it but it had several "issues" that I got tired of dealing with. I'm sure it's better RT : more time and something to blog about. I'll have a few this week. Stuff I have up now... A2: if u find a great article, u can schedule to share it later, then in the chat u can save time & focus on interacting Yes! I have a list written in the right column of my to-do list LOL LOL I'm in this chat and doing my party for ! Don't feel bad Shavonn, I've been working on my cookbook more , SUPER Busy! Howdy from Louisiana, y'all! Sorry I'm late. What's tonite's topic? I think I like creating processes more than following them :) I'm using to plan out my writing MT A2. With chats and parties you HAVE to be organized! I recommend an events calendar... Okay. I have a few old posts up. Will try to add a few this week/weekend. :) RT I think I like creating processes more than following them :) I'm using to plan out my writing RT I think I like creating processes more than following them :) I'm using to plan out my writing Just thinking of you :) Welcome! We are talking about Twitter tools .. helping with Twitter Chats, etc. RT MT A2. With chats and parties you HAVE to be organized! I recommend an events calendar... I have fallen hopelessly in love with ! Hi! Glad you could make it :) "Twitter Tools" Howdy! Welcome from NY. How u doing this evening, Belinda? I am so surprised more people don't know about it. It is great! --> So, Belinda, how do you use ? Analytics? You'll get it done, starting is the hard part LOL... the 2nd hardest is keeping it going haha Hey ladies! Love my social tweeps! looks pretty cool, thanks for sharing with us :) So far, I've cleaned out my non-follower follows and followed back followers. -> So far, I've cleaned out my non-follower follows and followed back followers. -> I just learned to use the filter button to isolate followers with the most followers! Yippee! RT I think I like creating processes more than following them :) I'm using to plan out my writing Q3 Any ideas that have helped you to be more productive in tracking and participating in Twitter Chats? awww thanks :) soo glad to be chatting with u tonight RT Q3 Any ideas that have helped you to be more productive in tracking and participating in Twitter Chats? BUT-no matter if I click up or down button, it always gives me lo to hi first & hafta reclick. RT Q3 Any ideas that have helped you to be more productive in tracking and participating in Twitter Chats? That would be very useful! Q3 Any ideas that have helped you to be more productive in tracking and participating in Twitter Chats? That is cool, Belinda! I was only thinking analytics for analytics sake, but those are great ideas! Hey Lisa! RT : That would be very useful! So I've still got plenty left to learn. I think I clicked analytics once and my followers pretty much share my profile. - & twitter chat! /Social Media Tools! Tonight's topic "Twitter Tools" :) Hey, if yu'd like to get a list, I'll put it in & then u could use it in a blog post re: Age, interests, hours online. Near 50/50 split on gender in favor of females. A3. I've been using , which recommended awhile back! That's be awesome! Thanks, Deb. :-) Ah :) RT : A3. I've been using , which recommended awhile back! A3 When storify works, it is a great tool for archiving your chats. I am also looking at a couple of custom tools. RT : A3. I've been using , which recommended awhile back! MT A3 is a great tool for archiving your chats. I am also looking at a couple of custom tools. RT - & twitter chat! /Social Media Tools! Tonight's topic "Twitter Tools" :) I also found another one, - I've been working on a way to present it I also found another one, - I've been working on a way to present it I also found another one, - I've been working on a way to present it A3 I rely on Tweetchat as a Twitter chat participant. Haven't begun running my own chats yet, but won't be long. A3 I rely on Tweetchat as a Twitter chat participant. Haven't begun running my own chats yet, but won't be long. RT : I also found another one, - I've been working on a way to present it Any particular events calendar, Marisa? Good for you! Look forward to Belinda the Twitter Chat host ;) RT Tweetdeck. I used to use it but it had several "issues" that I got tired of dealing with. I'm sure it's better RT That's a start :) I found that brainstorming a list ahead of time helped to pick topics. RT RT : Q2 What tips can you offer, as far as tools for Twitter Chats or Twitter Parties? A3: well u all have probably heard of , that helps to pinpoint u top engaging followers, & helps u stay organized A3: well u all have probably heard of , that helps to pinpoint u top engaging followers, & helps u stay organized The great thing about are that I always learn something new. Time well spent on Tuesdays! Q4 What will you add to your repertoire of Twitter Chat tools and tips? A2: Get your links, questions, drinks and snacks ready in advance. As a participant, Twitter chats can make time fly! A2: Get your links, questions, drinks and snacks ready in advance. As a participant, Twitter chats can make time fly! Q4. What will you add to your repertoire of Twitter Chat tools and tips? RT A2 If you are running them, plan out your topics ahead of time :) MT What would help u pull the trigger? RT Trying to start my blog again! *sigh lol You? RT : Hi Sharyn It is a fun learning trip :) free hangout tips at… RT A1. I've been using Buffer and I also use my dashboard too! :) RT has been great. Love how it does not just feel like a tool, but instead like a whole social platform RT RT Q1 What sorts of tools do you use for Twitter Chats? RT A1 I have actually been using We're - & twitter chat! /Social Media Tools! Tonight's topic "Twitter Tools" Join in :) RT Q4. What will you add to your repertoire of Twitter Chat tools and tips? RT A3: , that helps to pinpoint u top engaging followers, & helps u stay organized A4 Finishing my custom Twitter Chat archive tool :) A4: Will prob ckout and look back into . A4: Will prob ckout and look back into . A4. Looks like I gotta check out Tweet Archivist and ! RT A4 Finishing my custom Twitter Chat archive tool :) RT A4. Looks like I gotta check out Tweet Archivist and ! RT RT A4. Looks like I gotta check out Tweet Archivist and ! potty, too :) RT : A2: Get your links, questions, drinks and snacks ready in advance. As a participant... potty, too :) RT : A2: Get your links, questions, drinks and snacks ready in advance. As a participant... I'm really falling in love with that mouse! RT : A4 , too! I'm really falling in love with that mouse! RT : A4 , too! A4: well I sure am looking to learn more about Tweet Archivist. Sounds interesting and very useful Not to mention ACTUALLY starting my very own Twitter chat(s). I use "The Events Calendar" plugin :) RT I'm really falling in love with that mouse! RT : A4 , too! I'm satisfied with , and just discovered . I think my first on my own may be about . I'm satisfied with , and just discovered . I think my first on my own may be about . Thanks, I'll check it out. :) RT I use "The Events Calendar" plugin :) I need to check it out. I always feel like this chat gives me homework! I need to check it out. I always feel like this chat gives me homework! RT I always feel like this chat gives me homework! lol, yes always something new to research and learn more about, every week ;) LOL! We always plot homework ;) How do you find Twitter chat sponsors? What agreements do you use? How do you set your rates? RT I always feel like this chat gives me homework! Me, too! ": A4. Looks like I gotta check out Tweet Archivist and ! " Me, too! ": A4. Looks like I gotta check out Tweet Archivist and ! " Next week: Tools Wrap-Up ! A whole bunch of them in this chat, eh? Now, to compile them. Missed the ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. RT Next week: Tools Wrap-Up ! For me, it has been on relationship building. has some great ideas on that, too! For me, it has been on relationship building. has some great ideas on that, too! RT Next week: Tools Wrap-Up ! RT Missed the ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. Another Awesome Chat tonight Ya'll! If you're watching The Voice join our party here: <- Thank u for joining us for Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u! Thank u for joining us for Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u! Thank u for joining us for Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u! Thanks moderators and friends for a fab chat this evening! You know I'll be back for more. Thanks moderators and friends for a fab chat this evening! You know I'll be back for more. Always good to see y'all! :-) You, too. Terrific contributions to the chat tonight, Belinda. thanks always great to chat with u guys ;) hey thanks for sharing, look fascinating! Bummed that I missed this week. Looking forward to chatting about Twitter Tools next week! ^CD Thanks, Deborah, for another informative chat and to all those who participated. TY :) RT : Thanks, Deborah, for another informative chat and to all those who participated. Yes - always next week :) MT : Bummed I missed this week. Looking forward to chatting abt Twitter Tools next week!