#SocialCafe 3.24 Chat Transcript

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#SEO: What Should We Be Doing? #SocialCafe #TBW

#SEO: What Should We Be Doing? #SocialCafe #TBW

Topic: #SEO: What Should We Be Doing? Hosts: Deborah @SocialWebCafe and Da Vinci @TheBlogWorkshop

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  2. --------------- The Chat: ---------------
  3. Join us for our #SocialCafe & #TBW twitter chat! #Blogging/Social Media Tools! Tonight's chat "SEO" Part 3 #bloggers 9pm EST
  4. Well, what would be your 1st question? RT @BusyBeingJenn: @socialwebcafe PLEASE!!! Tell me what to do!! I suck at SEO #tbw #socialcafe
  5. @BusyBeingJenn And, Hi! Great to see you, Jenn :) #SocialCafe #TBW (Great job double-tweeting :) )
  6. @socialwebcafe HA! I'm trying! tweet deck on one side, twubs on the other_ lets see if I can keep the hashtags straight :D #SocialCafe #TBW
  7. @socialwebcafe pretend I know nothing... cause really... have you met me?? Where do I start? #SocialCafe #TBW
  8. @BusyBeingJenn Well, for starters, #SEO ain't what it used to be.. just when 1 technique worked, then it didn't #SocialCafe #TBW
  9. @BusyBeingJenn Well, for starters, #SEO ain't what it used to be.. just when 1 technique worked, then it didn't #SocialCafe #TBW
  10. Q1 We know the acronym, but what is the #SEO of today.. what does it mean to you? #SocialCafe #TBW
  11. Q1 We know the acronym, but what is the #SEO of today.. what does it mean to you? #SocialCafe #TBW
  12. @BusyBeingJenn Good point! Nice thing is, you don't get manual penalties.. well, not the same.. with Facebook #SocialCafe #TBW
  13. A1. To me, #SEO today means, who can write the catchiest headline? #socialcafe #TBW
  14. @socialwebcafe A1: Creating unique language 2 attract those within ur target demographic. Encrypted yet free communication #socialcafe
  15. I feel like I should give a spoiler alert.. But really, one of the best things for your #SEO, is working the social media #SocialCafe #TBW
  16. I feel like I should give a spoiler alert.. But really, one of the best things for your #SEO, is working the social media #SocialCafe #TBW
  17. MT @LeavUrImge2FDP: A1: Creating unique language 2 attract those within ur target demographic. Encrypted yet free communication #socialcafe
  18. A1 A balance between the basics of #SEO and infusion of social media (#Relationships!) #SocialCafe #TBW
  19. A1 A balance between the basics of #SEO and infusion of social media (#Relationships!) #SocialCafe #TBW
  20. Hello and thanks 4 the warm welcome! RT “@socialwebcafe: @LeavUrImge2FDP Hi Farrah :) Beautiful explanation! re: A1 #SocialCafe #TBW
  21. @BusyBeingJenn Well, I used social media exclusively to grab 8 out of 10 first page spots in SERPs. #SocialCafe #TBW
  22. RT @socialwebcafe Q1 We know the acronym, but what is the #SEO of today.. what does it mean to you? #SocialCafe #TBW
  23. I have to admit I haven't been socializing as much, so I have dropped to 4 out of 10 spots. Keyword: "Deborah E" #SocialCafe #TBW
  24. :) MT @LeavUrImge2FDP: Hello & thanks 4 the warm welcome! RT “@LeavUrImge2FDP Hi Farrah :) Beautiful explanation! re: A1 #SocialCafe #TBW
  25. Glad to see u when u can :) MT @PinkMama68: @socialwebcafe Hi! Sorry I missed last week- too much last week of school events #SocialCafe
  26. Hi Everyone! #TBW #SocialCafe so #seo tonight! I'm still looking for a good SEO 30 Day Challenge!
  27. I think we should create 1! RT @PinkMama68: Hi Everyone! #TBW #SocialCafe so #seo tonight! I'm still looking for a good SEO 30 Day Challenge
  28. A1 SEO means to me finding smart ways to get your content shared and viewed by the most people possible #SocialCafe
  29. RT @PinkMama68 RT @socialwebcafe Q1 We know the acronym, but what is the #SEO of today.. what does it mean to you? #SocialCafe #TBW
  30. Great idea @PinkMama68: Hi Everyone! #TBW #SocialCafe so #seo tonight! I'm still looking for a good SEO 30 Day Challenge!
  31. @MoppetMissy That is an effective way to get listed on SERPs (Search Engine Results Page). SEO-Search Engine Optimization #SocialCafe #TBW
  32. Feels that way! RT @byjensangalang A1. To me, #SEO today means, who can write the catchiest headline? #socialcafe #TBW
  33. RT @socialwebcafe A1 A balance between the basics of #SEO and infusion of social media (#Relationships!) #SocialCafe #TBW
  34. Doing well. And, you Bree? How are you today? :) RT @breeabroad: Hi! Sorry Im late, hows everyone this #traveltuesday #SocialCafe
  35. RT @PinkMama68: Feels that way! RT @byjensangalang A1. To me, #SEO today means, who can write the catchiest headline? #socialcafe #TBW
  36. Q2 What can we focus on, that is easy and enough #SEO to help us rank? #SocialCafe #TBW
  37. Q2 What can we focus on, that is easy and enough #SEO to help us rank? #SocialCafe #TBW
  38. Q2 What can we focus on, that is easy and enough #SEO to help us rank? #SocialCafe #TBW
  39. A2 I have found that when I focus on social media, I rank better. #SEO benefits with the fun of social media! #SocialCafe #TBW
  40. A2 I have found that when I focus on social media, I rank better. #SEO benefits with the fun of social media! #SocialCafe #TBW
  41. RT @PinkMama68 Feels that way! RT @byjensangalang A1. To me, #SEO today means, who can write the catchiest headline? #socialcafe #TBW
  42. Yes! (And, hi Dante :) ) RT @DanteTrimble101: I think social media is easy for most to focus on for #SEO. #socialcafe #tbw
  43. @socialwebcafe 30 days of tasks for Keywords, Pictures, headline, categories, tags, something for every day! #SocialCafe #tbw
  44. @socialwebcafe 30 days of tasks for Keywords, Pictures, headline, categories, tags, something for every day! #SocialCafe #tbw
  45. RT @socialwebcafe A2 I've found that when I focus on social media, I rank better. #SEO benefits w/ the fun of social media! #SocialCafe #TBW
  46. RT @socialwebcafe A2 I've found that when I focus on social media, I rank better. #SEO benefits w/ the fun of social media! #SocialCafe #TBW
  47. RT @socialwebcafe A2 I've found that when I focus on social media, I rank better. #SEO benefits w/ the fun of social media! #SocialCafe #TBW
  48. Luv It! RT @PinkMama68: 30 days of tasks for Keywords, Pictures, headline, categories, tags, something for every day! #SocialCafe #tbw
  49. @DanteTrimble101 Dante.. do u think people over-think #SEO and don't realize that they r doin' it even with social media? #SocialCafe #TBW
  50. Search Engine Optimization's goal -> get listed on SERPs --> when people search for u, find u #SocialCafe #TBW Social Posts help do that!
  51. Search Engine Optimization's goal -> get listed on SERPs --> when people search for u, find u #SocialCafe #TBW Social Posts help do that!
  52. Search Engine Optimization's goal -> get listed on SERPs --> when people search for u, find u #SocialCafe #TBW Social Posts help do that!
  53. #SocialCafe you know who we can ask too…Dan! he is all about SEO!
  54. While I have not been doing my thing for "Deborah E" #SEO, 2 of the 10 on page one are social posts.. #SocialCafe #TBW (depends on settings)
  55. Yes, I think people try to do to much at one time and then get confused about #SEO #socialcafe #tbw
  56. Yes, I think people try to do to much at one time and then get confused about #SEO #socialcafe #tbw
  57. Was thinking that too :) RT @PinkMama68: #SocialCafe you know who we can ask too…Dan! he is all about SEO!
  58. @DanteTrimble101 I agree! The nitty gritty.. get out there and do you thing.. relate to people, socialize :) #SocialCafe #TBW
  59. Hey Lisa! Good to see you :) New profile pic, eh? Like it ;) #branding RT @PRMktgSales: Hello. I'm late, but I'm here. #socialcafe #TBW
  60. Q3 Are there any #SEO tips/articles that we have found helpful? #SocialCafe #TBW
  61. There is the "ugly side" .. penalties or traffic drops, but generally, if u weren't doing naughty #SEO, u have less worry #SocialCafe #TBW
  62. A3. Make sure your content is valuable and meets a need. #SEOtips #socialcafe
  63. Thanks, Mark! Yes, agree. & Welcome :) RT @Mark_Markets: A3. Make sure your content is valuable and meets a need. #SEOtips #socialcafe
  64. A3 If u want to dig into basics of #SEO, as it stands now, check out this -->  http://sewat.ch/1kXJf46  via @sewatch #SocialCafe #TBW
  65. RT @Mark_Markets A3. Make sure your content is valuable and meets a need. #SEOtips #socialcafe
  66. @BusyBeingJenn #naughty SEO changes.. like, link building used to be the thing... guest blogging used to be the thing #SocialCafe #TBW
  67. People may have done acceptable link building & now Google is penalizing them & they need to ask for links to be removed. #SocialCafe #TBW
  68. @socialwebcafe @BusyBeingJenn Google put the kibosh on guest bloggers using that as a way to build back links. #socialcafe
  69. What used to be an acceptable way of showing up on first page of Google isn't necessarily acceptable anymore. #SocialCafe #TBW
  70. @socialwebcafe A3: Incorporate key words tht ppl actual use. Fancy vocab means little if nobody uses those terms 2 find u. #socialcafe
  71. RT @Mark_Markets: @socialwebcafe @BusyBeingJenn Google put the kibosh on guest bloggers using that as a way to build back links. #socialcafe
  72. MT @LeavUrImge2FDP: A3: Incorporate key words tht ppl actual use. Fancy vocab means little if nobody uses those terms 2 find u. #socialcafe
  73. A2: social media, I think that it is all about who you know and who you interact with that helps get you to the top #SocialCafe
  74. @PRMktgSales That is where if you just do what you do (i.e. relevant social sharing and building relationships)... #SocialCafe #TBW
  75. @Mark_Markets Mark, how would you sum up a simple way of looking at #SEO these days? #SocialCafe #TBW
  76. Never try and cheat Google they always come back to bite you. #SocialCafe #TBW
  77. Q4 What will we be adding to our list for future #SEO endeavors (training, tips, etc.)? #SocialCafe #TBW
  78. True! Good one, Dante :) RT @DanteTrimble101: Never try and cheat Google they always come back to bite you. #SocialCafe #TBW
  79. @socialwebcafe It still is important. You can't ignore it despite it being more of a challenge than in the past. #socialcafe
  80. MT @Mark_Markets: @socialwebcafe It still is important. U can't ignore it despite it being more of a challenge than in the past. #socialcafe
  81. A4. It's not something that can be done in afternoon. Great SEO/SEM is a true investment. #socialcafe
  82. A4. It's not something that can be done in afternoon. Great SEO/SEM is a true investment. #socialcafe
  83. For those who have rec'd penalties, cut urself slack. It is not a reflection on who u r if u r trying to correct it ;) #SocialCafe #TBW
  84. True. RT @Mark_Markets: A4. It's not something that can be done in afternoon. Great SEO/SEM is a true investment. #socialcafe #tbw
  85. @Mark_Markets I have found that it gets easier, as the #SEO thinking permeates thinking.. but then, I've been doing it.. #SocialCafe #TBW
  86. the twitter gods seem to hate me... everything is sloooowwwww..... #TBW #Socialcafe #TXWBchat
  87. A4: leverage your resources and use trends to your advantage. Everyone should be using #google alerts, adwords, analytics etc! #SocialCafe
  88. A4: leverage your resources and use trends to your advantage. Everyone should be using #google alerts, adwords, analytics etc! #SocialCafe
  89. #verytrue RT @Mark_Markets A4. It's not something that can be done in afternoon. Great SEO/SEM is a true investment. #socialcafe
  90. @BusyBeingJenn Really? Maybe it is by region. Twitter is speedier than normal for me :) #SocialCafe #TBW Sending well wishes for speed! :)
  91. A4 Continue to build relationships and social(ize).. reap #SEO benefits :) #SocialCafe #TBW
  92. A4 Continue to build relationships and social(ize).. reap #SEO benefits :) #SocialCafe #TBW
  93. @socialwebcafe Sure enough. Its just like any other skill. As its developed it becomes more natural to you. #socialcafe
  94. @breeabroad Good one, Bree! With the Google alerts, adwords, GWMT, analytics.. #SocialCafe #TBW
  95. So true because some times you get hit with out knowing you did anything wrong. #SocialCafe #TBW
  96. Speaking of what @breeabroad said.. Google Webmaster Tools & Google Analytics aren't as scary as they look.. #babySteps #SocialCafe #TBW
  97. Speaking of what @breeabroad said.. Google Webmaster Tools & Google Analytics aren't as scary as they look.. #babySteps #SocialCafe #TBW
  98. Exactly! RT @DanteTrimble101: So true because some times you get hit with out knowing you did anything wrong. #SocialCafe #TBW
  99. RT @Mark_Markets: @socialwebcafe Sure enough. Its just like any other skill. As its developed it becomes more natural to you. #socialcafe
  100. RT @socialwebcafe A4 Continue to build relationships and social(ize).. reap #SEO benefits :) #SocialCafe #TBW
  101. Does anyone have some recommended #SEO courses, online guides that they would recommend? #SocialCafe #TBW cc: @Mark_Markets
  102. Does anyone have some recommended #SEO courses, online guides that they would recommend? #SocialCafe #TBW cc: @Mark_Markets
  103. RT @socialwebcafe A4 Continue to build relationships and social(ize).. reap #SEO benefits :) #SocialCafe #TBW
  104. RT @socialwebcafe anyone have some recommended #SEO courses, online guides that they would recommend? #SocialCafe #TBW cc: @Mark_Markets
  105. The best way to get around #SEO is to make sure your building your mailing list. search engines cant touch that. #SocialCafe #TBW
  106. @DanteTrimble101 Good point, Dante! Don't put all your eggs in one #SEO basket.. Diversify that marketing! #SocialCafe #TBW
  107. RT @breeabroad #verytrue RT @Mark_Markets A4. It's not something that can be done in afternoon. Great SEO/SEM is true investment #socialcafe
  108. RT @socialwebcafe @DanteTrimble101 Good point, Dante! Don't put all ur eggs in one #SEO basket.. Diversify that marketing! #SocialCafe #TBW
  109. Have any specific #SEO questions/topics burning on your mind? 2 more weeks of #SEO ;) #SocialCafe #TBW
  110. Next week: Continuing the series on #SEO (3)! #SocialCafe #TBW --> Bring your questions!
  111. Also - we are percolating on that 30 day #SEO challenge that @PinkMama68 & #SocialCafe #TBW community so brilliantly came up with!
  112. Thanks for all the great tips, Mark! RT @Mark_Markets: Enjoyed the discussion ... until we meet again. #socialcafe #tbw
  113. Missed the #SocialCafe ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. #TBW
  114. Thank u for joining us for #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u!
  115. Thank u for joining us for #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u!
  116. Looking 4ward to it ;) RT @KristiJAllen: Hey guys! Sorry I couldn't make tonight's chat...catch ya next time? @socialwebcafe #SocialCafe
  117. @FleurdeB Ah, we missed you, too, Belinda. Have a great week and we'll catch ya on the next one ;) #SocialCafe #TBW
  118. Vine Video: Finding Stuie (from #SocialCafe #TBW Episode 1.4) This was one of the first attempts at secondary...  http://fb.me/6xagCUmmn 
  119. @socialwebcafe Hey Deborah! Thanks for the follow! Can you tell me more about #socialcafe in 140 characters or less? ")

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