Connecting & Building Your Audience Goals #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter SubscribeWould you like to receive the Social Web Cafe newsletter that includes emails on Tuesdays to remind you of the #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter C...
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--------------- The Chat: --------------- , : marketing, branding, social media, blogging. 9pm ET Mod: I'll be doing some MAJOR multitasking tonight, but I'm going to try and participate! :) , : Hey Jenn, glad to have you join us for as long as u can be here! Glad to see ya this evening :) I wouldn't miss it :) Tuesday night is my favorite!! , : I luv tuesdays chats too. Glad to have you join us :) RT I wouldn't miss it :) Tuesday night is my favorite!! , : Hi Scherrie, wish you feel better soon. Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 9p EST slot. Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 9p EST slot. Hey guys! Who's ready for another Chat? :) Hey guys! Who's ready for another Chat? :) Our topic Chat hour: Connecting & Building Your Community Goals U r so good at it, Jenn :) Tonight's topic for our Chat hour is "Connecting & Building Your Community Goals" Popping into for a bit if coverage will allow it :) Hi everyone, long time no chat!
Hi Jenn! LOL I know you can do it :) LOL are you a fellow peach? Hi Liz. Welcome! And, was just mention a few min ago Neighboring state...Heart of Dixie. The Gulf Coast isn't used to snow. Hurricanes: yes. Snow: We can't even. :) So... in GA we're going crazy with our lol Hey Pam! Glad to see you as always :) : Thanks for having me! Hope y'all are safe and warm :)
No kidding. Welcome! I was just thinking of u this eve.. RT @jlegalresearch: Hi everyone, long time no chat!
I'm running an instagram sale, trying to buy something in an auction and chatting with ya'll!! All the eggs and milk gone? LOL Q1 Have you figured out your 2014 community building and audience targeting goals? If so, what are they? Q1 Have you figured out your 2014 community building and audience targeting goals? If so, what are they? Q1 Have you figured out your 2014 community building and audience targeting goals? If so, what are they? Stores are wiped clean. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. We are wall-to-wall news Hey brilliant tweet! Whole story in 140 char & even while RT Our topic Chat hour: Connecting & Building Your Community Goals thanks Deborah! thats good to hear :) Super Jenn! To the rescue ;) new to the chat tonight, but excited & ready! Aww thank you :) You stay warm and safe too! Welcome! Thank you for joining us :) Thanks :) I do what I can! *Kayne shrug* Q1 Have you figured out your 2014 community building and audience targeting goals? If so, what are they? Q1 Have you figured out your 2014 community building and audience targeting goals? If so, what are they? I'm curious if anyone has any favorite books for community-building.. Viral Loop is good I'm curious if anyone has any favorite books for community-building.. Viral Loop is good Engage! Engage! Engage! Know the audience and make genuine connections A1 My main goal is consistency, which is tricky with the added balls in my juggling act ;) Yes! RT : Engage! Engage! Engage! Know the audience and make genuine connections I totally agree Deborah, consistency is tough especially when you get busy. Pam! Good to see u! Sorry I missed ur tweet last week. Caught it tonight ;) MT : Hi everyone! A1. I'm trying to grow my non Texas blogging community. I've got awesome local people, but I'd like to expand nationally A1. I'm trying to grow my non Texas blogging community. I've got awesome local people, but I'd like to expand nationally A1 I need to step up my blogging game. A1. Although we have a national/global audience we've been looking into which cities we have the most response from A1. When you can target one place effectively, you can grow from there. The key is consistency in all efforts & engagement @jlegalresearch Trying to learn.. "forgive myself" & pick up & strive for it each day :) We can be our own worst critics. : Use commonalities and key words.
You're on the right track :) Look at where your FB fans are coming from, email subs, etc. Then you can tackle each one A1: To build a bigger "readership" And of course discover what readers want to read. Then give the people what they want! =D Cool idea! RT : Use commonalities and key words.
Great idea! RT : Engage! Engage! Engage! Know the audience and make genuine connections Great idea! RT : Engage! Engage! Engage! Know the audience and make genuine connections Yeah, that is the key: And, people know when u r fake, so don't :) Side Note: I TOTALLY love the new feature that's pops up like an IM when you're mentioned :) haha! "Fake it till you make it" definitely shouldn't apply here. I have that on my Mac, but u are talking the web, eh? Not unless there really is a fake engagement that fools the masses ;) @jlegalresearch Hi welcome! Glad to have u join us! :) Q2 What process did you use, to come up with the goals (course, advice)? What do you think you may add to that list? Oh, hey - would love your ideas on upcoming Twitter Chat series. The upcoming one is Blog Security. Any requests? Oh, hey - would love your ideas on upcoming Twitter Chat series. The upcoming one is Blog Security. Any requests? When they find out...YIKES! Yeah it's on the actually site. Kinda like notifications for Mac, but not lol... A1 I'm trying to build a bloggers network. Helping each other out. Also a local followers A1 I'm trying to build a bloggers network. Helping each other out. Also a local followers Q2 What process did you use, to come up with the goals (course, advice)? What do you think you may add to that list? Love it Pam! All awesome elements U will do fabulous! A2. We looked at all our stats and built a goal for more interaction, then asked HOW! lol ... with social, email, site, etc Do you have plans for growing your community? (i.e. advertising; events)? Do you have plans for growing your community? (i.e. advertising; events)? A2. Something I wish I had done in the beginning was add the location question for our email subscribers. Look at your demographics. Don't be afraid to ask them what they want and :) No haven't got to that but I'm sure I need to. I agree, I'm always a firm believer of POLLS! Ask them in posts, on social, in email, etc lol When considering your growth, make sure you're prepared for the growth you're planning. When considering your growth, make sure you're prepared for the growth you're planning. Not only that, ask them to provide photos, videos, posts..It keeps them engaged, interested, and feeling needed Great. I get that with Facebook notifications on my PC. I'd love that with Twitter. I wish I could prepare by adding more hours to the day! I wish I could prepare by adding more hours to the day! If you figure it out, share ;)RT I wish I could prepare by adding more hours to the day! If you figure it out, share ;)RT I wish I could prepare by adding more hours to the day! I love that you mentioned a genuine connection. Connecting is key. Yep! We do a lot of that on RT : Look at your demographics. Don't be afraid to ask them what they want and :) haha u and me both! lol RT I wish I could prepare by adding more hours to the day! Q3 How do you plan to measure your community building and targeting efforts to see if you are attaining those goals? hey guys! Super late but I brought wine! Q3 How do you plan to measure your community building and targeting efforts to see if you are attaining those goals? Brilliant! MT : Not only that, ask them to provide photos, videos, posts..keeps them engaged.. feeling needed Brilliant! MT : Not only that, ask them to provide photos, videos, posts..keeps them engaged.. feeling needed @jlegalresearch Me, too. 2014 is the year for me to get into blogging. This is the place to learn. @jlegalresearch Me, too. 2014 is the year for me to get into blogging. This is the place to learn. Cool, eh? Good to see u, Lisa ;) Good 4 u! MT : 2014 is the year for me to get into blogging. This is the place to learn. A1. I caught myself targeting audiences I wasn’t even a member of so I’m changing that this year!
A2 I asked my family and friends to see what they wanted to see on my blog. LOL Hi Marisa! Thanks for the welcome. :) I am so ready 4 that. More importantly, Hi! :) RT : hey guys! Super late but I brought wine! Metrics is the starting point, but don't just look at increased likes/fans/followers--look at interaction Metrics is the starting point, but don't just look at increased likes/fans/followers--look at interaction Hey girl! Staying Warm? And please share LOL unless your family and friends already read it, I wouldn't start with them LOL MT @jlegalresearch 2014 is the year for me to get into blogging. This is the place to learn. A3 I track it, same as the other goals, in my custom database. A3 I track it, same as the other goals, in my custom database. Good to see you, Deborah! Fun chat tonight. Did someone say wine? Ugh, my weakness! If I ask politely, will you share? :) I heard someone say that building a community starts with one person. I agree , not only numbers I heard someone say that building a community starts with one person. I agree , not only numbers I heard someone say that building a community starts with one person. I agree , not only numbers A3 I'm hoping my numbers keep growing and I can monitor that. I try not to get discouraged when my numbers are low A3 I'm hoping my numbers keep growing and I can monitor that. I try not to get discouraged when my numbers are low I am. The rest of my family just made it in a hour ago! Yep! That's what we do . We're analytic junkies :) Plus we love to connect with readers So... did you bring enough for the class? LOL A3 I check my stats monthly when I update my media kit so I'm able to see if I'm experiencing growth A3 I check my stats monthly when I update my media kit so I'm able to see if I'm experiencing growth My new :) RT I always share! ??? Pam, does it help if you look at the engagement. So, even one interaction is 1 more than none Pam that is good idea, family and friends can have fresh new ideas that could make a good post! :) Thanks. I'm ready to commit... to my blog. ;-) A3. I love checking my interactions and mentions through !! Makes it super easy! A3. I love checking my interactions and mentions through !! Makes it super easy! Oh goodie :) RT : I always share! ??? Oh goodie :) RT : I always share! ??? A2. It was actually more of a revelation. I was trying to make a vision board from magazines I subscribe to… RIGHT! I know! Thats why I'm building my blogger community because family isn't who I'm trying to reach Keep in mind solid growth is steady growth... it won't happen overnight. This is a MARATHON not a sprint lol Hey Jonna! Great point - the media kit! Anyone else maintain their media kit? Hey Jonna! Great point - the media kit! Anyone else maintain their media kit? I love socialsprout. It's a one stop shop and SO user friendly A2 cont… And I realized I didn’t want anything in those magazines and I really didn’t have much to do with them! Hey Jonna! Great stuff. How often do you update? Social Web Cafe TV: Marketing Momentum w/Charles & Deborah: new episode Thu I haven't tried Heard good things, tho. What would u say is their best feature? Thanks I needed that reminder! I need to do that like yesterday! Q4 After this chat, what do you think you will be implementing into your 2014 community building & targeting efforts? I think non-bloggers d/n realize how much work it takes to maintain. Goals help us identify what works Now I'm thinking I should take a peek! I like .. RT : A3. ! Solid advice and definitely doable. Keeps the kit fresh and up-to-date and professional. Solid advice and definitely doable. Keeps the kit fresh and up-to-date and professional. They are cost effective and all inclusive: engagement, metrics, publishing, monitoring. It won't always be like that. But it's like anything young... it take nurturing I'll have to look into it for sure! you're welcome, glad to have u join. :) hey!! How are you tonight? Q4 After this chat, what do you think you will be implementing into your 2014 community building & targeting efforts? A4. Reading and responding more to others. I haven’t seen my in weeks! ! Yes, me too! a lot of work I'm looking at the big picture that this is something I want to do A4 Going to go find some great content to share ;) already got it on my calendar! A3: hmmm perhaps focus not so much on the # of view or followers, but the # of comments and interactions. A3: hmmm perhaps focus not so much on the # of view or followers, but the # of comments and interactions. I really want to focus on building my Pinterest community A4- I've been thinking not being on FB so much and focus on other SM outlets. Seems to be time wasted lately A4- I've been thinking not being on FB so much and focus on other SM outlets. Seems to be time wasted lately I wonder how that stacks up against some of the monitoring tools. Better price, eh? haha u make me giggle! =D RT hey guys! Super late but I brought wine! Whooo hooo! We're excited :) it's gonna be a blast! Go for it! I always say pick 1 or 2 to focus on more and once that takes off, focus a bit more on another Amazing how fun AND beneficial Pinterest is. And, it seems like it would work great for your brand, eh? Amazing how fun AND beneficial Pinterest is. And, it seems like it would work great for your brand, eh? Also keep in mind where your target audience plays and gets social... maybe you're focusing on the wrong ones :) Also keep in mind where your target audience plays and gets social... maybe you're focusing on the wrong ones :) Also keep in mind where your target audience plays and gets social... maybe you're focusing on the wrong ones :) For , visuals get more views. You have to make your audience want to share it by emotionally connecting interesting that non-visual did better in newsfeed, but I agree, emotionally-connected visual great point! with 6800 followers and maybe 10 see it it just gets sad! : For me and most I talk to, visuals (photos videos) are doing better, but each audience is different And, not our fault, eh? Just think, 7 out of 10 LIKEs or comments, 70% engage TY :) RT : subscribed and Lord knows I LOVE podcasts lol Agreed! MT A4: Connect & interact w/others more often. sometimes u have be the first person to interact ;) Missed the ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. Missed the ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. Missed the ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. Tonight has been ANOTHER wonderful Chat! We appreciate you sticking with us even through the lol Tonight has been ANOTHER wonderful Chat! We appreciate you sticking with us even through the lol yessss! I always find myself trying to get folks in on things and letting them stop me! Not anymore! Thank u for joining us for Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u! I’m going to start this week! I have to get going on this!!! Thank you both for the ! Much appreciated. Most articles I read r from . The pictures gabs me before the content. Picture is worth 1000 wrds.. Go for it! We'd love for you to give us a whirl. :) :) RT Thank you both for the ! Much appreciated. Great advice I need to take! page is bookmarked -I'm starting tomorrow (maybe even tonight) thanks for doing this every week- you ROCK and keep us thinking and striving thanks for doing this every week- you ROCK and keep us thinking and striving fantastic!! Send me a link to your first day! Yes, and a great way to draw traffic to my blog I will- thanks for asking! would love to see yours too. RT thanks for doing this every week- you ROCK and keep us thinking and striving 'Cheap, effective, targeted'! ": Udemy Course about Maximizing Your Facebook Ads " Now that I'm blogging, I have new respect for bloggers. It IS a lot of work. Wow! Any advice for offline? I'd love to hear it, Deborah. Focusing on interaction and making connections. It's not a numbers game. Jan. 30th :) ": Social Web Cafe TV: Marketing Momentum w/Charles & Deborah: new episode Thu "