Tools 1.4 Ted Coiné of #SocialCafe 4.16
Tools 1.4 Ted Coine of #SocialCafe 4.16 This SocialWebCafe Twitter Event is about: Tools 1.4 Ted Coine of This event sponsored, in part, by our wonderful friends at: We recommend them because we love them (and their tool) and not just because we are compensated. Try it for free! fills a gap that some people don't realize exists.
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--------------- The Chat: ---------------
See you on in 20 minutes!!
Looking forward to it! agenda: 1st 30 min Twitter Chat; 2nd 30 min Hangout featuring Ted Coine!
RT : Looking forward to it! agenda: 1st 30 min Twitter Chat; 2nd 30 min Hangout featuring Ted Coine!
: marketing, branding, social media tools. 9pm ET Mod: socialwebcafe
Only 5 minutes to go 'til the chat. .
Thanks Deb !! what are todays plan
Welcome to the Chat at our weekly Tues 6p PDT / 9p EDT slot.
Our topic Chat hour: Ted Coiné of 4.16
Tonight: Ted Coiné of and “Sharing Your Ingenuity and Innovation”
Q1 How much of your marketing strategy involves sharing the unique thought leadership of your employees?
If you are a consultant or small business, you can answer the questions that relate to "employees" as your team or partners.
A1 Personally, I do share. However, I haven’t seen that as widespread as it could be, with “Corporate America”
Q2 What tools do you currently use to build your personal brand?
. Great to see you on Con!
A2) LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, my blog
A2 Most of my tools are related to social media marketing (which, in turn, provides SEO advantages, too)
Q3 What challenges do you face with time and access for creating compelling content each day/week?
A3) The tradeoff for me is always between creating content & selling
A3 Challenges? Definitely time! I am an “efficiency addict” but the more time I save, the more I use it!
Ok, lurkers. I know you are dying to know more about and we aim to please. will be sharing in 14 min :)
A3 For me, creating content I can be proud of, from scratch, is very time-consuming.
Q4 How are you leveraging the trust your employees have built in their networks, to build your company's brand?
Got questions for ? You can tweet them now, or ....
A3 5 hours for one blog post isn't unusual. That's why I got hooked so quickly on
A4) By working through the various degrees of connections that I have on
When I heard people talk about 4-6 hrs on a blog post, I thought "no way!" Then, I timed myself. It's true!
A4 One of the ways we leveraged it was through hiring the PR firm who were able to get our experts on TV
RT : A4) /Smart use of trusted connections!
Yeah, has really been working it on LI. I could learn from him!
RT : When I heard people talk about 4-6 hrs on a blog post, I thought "no way!" Then, I timed myself. It's true!
Hey Michael. How are you? We are chatting about on ;)
Q5 What are some ways you could use a tool like to build your firm's brand?
A5 much more feasible and easier to do than what we have done in the past for tens of thousands of $$
. A winning combo is to identify a company's leaders on LI, then converse w/ them on Twitter.
Q6 What would you like to know about
A6 I am looking forward to speaking to Ted Coine in just a couple moments, about :)
Q7 What will you be adding to your strategy this week, after (Hint: try :) )?
Hey! Im good! Thanks for asking. I'm getting ready for a friend's surprise party :) But otherwise is where id be
Missed the ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready.
A7 I am going to strategize HOW I will be using more, after chatting with Mr. Coine.
. A2 Most of my tools are related to social media marketing (which, in turn, provides SEO advantages, too)
Hi Deb :) I just made it home ha ah ha. I'm good. How are you doing?
I just zoomed through the chat and sounds very interesting :)
Hello everyone! Glad to be a part of tonights !
A2: It can be challenging to find ways to engage. A good way is to find a common ground like humor. Meme's anyone?
Doing well. You? It is like 3p (if I am doing my time zone thing correctly), right? I miss Kailua beach, sun, ocean
Join us next Tues on as we chat with Dennis Kashkin, founder of Pinterest tools (and...