#SocialCafe 4.20 Chat Transcript

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Tools 1.8 The New Face of smqueue #SocialCafe 4.20

Tools 1.8 The New Face of smqueue #SocialCafe 4.20

Hosted by Deborah @SocialWebCafe & the #SocialCafe Team

  1. --- Please visit these wonderful services (sponsored/affiliates)! ---
  2. --------------- The Chat: ---------------
  3. Welcome to the #SocialCafe Chat at our weekly Tues 6p PDT / 9p EDT slot. (Note: This time slot will be changing mid-June)
  4. Welcome Greg Wilson! @smqueue So excited to interview you live in 30 min! #SocialCafe
  5. Q1 What do you consider a recurring tweet or status update in social media marketing? #SocialCafe
  6. That is the hard thing. Recurring too frequently can be considered *spam* especially when it is automated. #SocialCafe
  7. @conpsweeney How do you determine balance, Con? Is there like an 80/20 formula, or common sense? #SocialCafe
  8. @socialwebcafe #socialcafe I go with common sense No more than twice an hour for the same tweet I'm within the ToS
  9. Q2 What strategy do you use to manage recurring posts (i.e. manual, upload, a tool)? #SocialCafe
  10. A2 I used to do it manually, but then looked for a more automated. I used to upload to @hootsuite #SocialCafe
  11. 05/19/2015 21:21Q3 What challenges do you face with managing recurring updates? #SocialCafe
  12. A3 The uploads to hootsuite could not include duplicate tweets. I think a duplicate tweet a week out is fine. #SocialCafe
  13. @socialwebcafe #socialcafe As long as they're not at the same time or consecutive (I think) there is no problem
  14. Q4 What are some ways you could use a tool like @smqueue to curate your recurring updates? #SocialCafe
  15. @socialwebcafe I didn't know that! I do mine manually. I thought upload it wouldn't matter. #SocialCafe
  16. A4 Announcements for upcoming #SocialCafe chats :) I use different tweets and different images.
  17. @UneekDiva Yeah, with some apps. I'm trying to remember if @buffer allows the same status or not (scheduled) #SocialCafe
  18. @UneekDiva The beauty is that @smqueue and @socialoomph both allow recurring/scheduled. #SocialCafe Many allow one or the other.
  19. @conpsweeney Are you looking for an automated way to do that, like auto-added or would suggested work, too? #SocialCafe
  20. @socialwebcafe #socialcafe Manual would suffice but wouldn't look an auto solution in the mouth!
  21. @conpsweeney Yeah, that is the hard balance. I know people who refuse to automate, for ethics, and I respect that... #SocialCafe
  22. Q6 What will you be adding to your strategy this week, after #SocialCafe (Hint: try @smqueue :) )? #SocialCafe
  23. Thank u for joining us for #SocialCafe Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u!
  24. @laroyal06 Glad you like it! We will be adding some more exciting features to the free version soon #SocialCafe
  25. A las 19h tremendo plan en @waycoideas para conocer el proyecto #Artedepartir en el #SocialCafe de @socialnest_org ¡Nos vemos en breve!
  26. @RebelMouse Hey team - I'd love to feature you on Web Tools TV ;) Are you up for a video interview? #SocialCafe
  27. #socialcafe Receive Western Union Money transfers on First Bank and Diamond Bank using Quickteller  http://ln.is/dlvr.it/1wMDQ  #blogchat

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