#SocialCafe 4.21 Chat Transcript

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Tools 1.9 Brian Cervino of Trello #SocialCafe 4.21

Tools 1.9 Brian Cervino of Trello #SocialCafe 4.21

Hosted by Deborah @SocialWebCafe & the #SocialCafe Team including Con @conpsweeney

  1. --- Please visit these wonderful services (sponsored/affiliates)! ---
  2. --------------- The Chat: ---------------
  3. Welcome to the #SocialCafe Chat at our weekly Tues 6p PDT / 9p EDT slot. (Note: This time slot will be changing mid-June)
  4. Q1 How much of your strategy includes project management or even task management? #SocialCafe
  5. Hi Deb @socialwebcafe Hi Brian @trello I still want to show you the fancy ways I'm using Trello now. #SocialCafe
  6. Apologies for the high tweet alert! Dual chats tonight #socialcafe & #collegechat. Take your pick and join me on one of them! ?
  7. @GrowMap Gail - feel free to join us in our panel discussion -- the live part of #SocialCafe (in 25 min) @trello :: Nice to see you :)
  8. @ultrasoundangie Angela - you are so talented! I need to do the multi chat at one time -- it is always fun ;) #SocialCafe
  9. @GrowMap Yes Deb! We need to chat. I have to bug my colleague about that tomorrow! :-P @socialwebcafe @trello #socialcafe
  10. Greetings! First #socialcafe, and I've experimented w/ @trello so this should be interesting
  11. A1 I use @trello daily to manage content and social promotion projects and to collaborate with influencers and VA @socialwebcafe #SocialCafe
  12. @GrowMap Gail - you are like the @trello - queen ! How many boards do you manage now? #SocialCafe
  13. Q2 What tools or methods do you currently use to keep organized? #SocialCafe
  14. @socialwebcafe @GrowMap @trello If we had the data, I would wager that Gail might be one of our #1 users! #socialcafe
  15. sellfreeclicks.blog.lcThanks commun_it helping us create #Twitter relationships  http://commun.it  please RT #SocialCafe
  16. The problem for me w using @trello is that i haven't many uses for it. A simple blogger here #socialcafe
  17. Q3 What challenges do you face with keeping organized? #SocialCafe
  18. @socialwebcafe #socialcafe A3) Capturing all the details & updates for my project plans
  19. @briancervino @trello Good point, though I am not that prolific yet. This is why I tuned into #socialcafe though!
  20. @GrowMap It is almost like a light bulb going off when it clicks.. just how much you can use @trello @RealMattEaton #SocialCafe
  21. A3 Not enough time! I’m an #efficiencyAddict I free time, than use it up again ;) #SocialCafe
  22. Q4 How have you used @trello (or envision using a management tool like @trello)? #SocialCafe
  23. A4 I use @trello to manage my writing, other content production, video, book writing, and so much more! #collaboration #SocialCafe
  24. A4 I use @trello to manage teams of writers; manage social promotion projects; let my VA know what I to do in what order #SocialCafe
  25. Q5 What are some ways you could use a tool like @trello to streamline your business? #SocialCafe
  26. @socialwebcafe A5 The thing about @trello is the visual simplicity that let's you see everything in a glance. #streamlined #socialcafe
  27. A3 I am a recovering workaholic so I load my schedule really heavy. Working on it. #SocialCafe
  28. Hey all - keep forgetting to remind you .> 9 different giveaways with web tools:  http://socialcafechat.com/giveaway  Good chance to win! #SocialCafe
  29. A5 I use @trello for content management, editorial calendar, party/meal planning, organizing articles to read and more #SocialCafe
  30. A5 I could show you :-) #Socialcafe I should write some ebooks and give away @trello templates
  31. @conpsweeney @socialwebcafe We actually do not have any user groups or forums at this time, but I am going to share that w/ team #socialcafe
  32. A6 I’m looking forward to chatting with Brian in just a few moments :) #SocialCafe
  33. Q7 What will you be adding to your strategy this week, after #SocialCafe (Hint: try @trello :) )? #SocialCafe
  34. @ultrasoundangie I am using Todoist to get me in line and on track. I see @trello as a great project management source #socialcafe
  35. @UneekDiva @trello i wouldn't have thought to use it for meal planning, that's a good one! #socialcafe
  36. If you want to host any of the giveaways, for yet another chance to win, you can get code at  http://socialcafechat.com/code  #SocialCafe
  37. .@ultrasoundangie I just started paying for the premium because I ? it so much. I use Todoist for personal, work and blogging #SocialCafe
  38. Thank u for joining us for #SocialCafe Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting as you watch live  http://www.socialwebcafe.tv/live 
  39. Be sure to join us in 2 weeks for a special giveaway compliments of @trello ! You won't want to miss it - everybody wins! #SocialCafe
  40. That's the great thing about @trello You can do anything with it in a visual, simple manner @ultrasoundangie @UneekDiva #SocialCafe
  41. Hey all - just loaded the live feed at  http://socialwebcafe.tv/live  (You may need to refresh/reload the page ;) #SocialCafe
  42. Sounds like @UneekDiva is too. If you have strategies in your head you can bring them to life on @trello boards @ultrasoundangie #SocialCafe
  43. @ultrasoundangie I did ;) There are 9 giveaways (with about 1 winner each), but everybody wins the @trello prize in 2 weeks at #SocialCafe
  44. I love it! you r so cute (love the smile!) I forgot to wear mine.. Will have to snap a pic, too. :) #SocialCafe  https://twitter.com/UneekDiva/status/603373112659292160 

Link to Complete Summary.
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