#SocialCafe 6.37 Chat Transcript

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Twitter Monetization - Intro #SocialCafe 6.37

Twitter Monetization - Intro #SocialCafe 6.37

Hosted by Deborah @SocialWebCafe & Con @ConPSweeney & the #SocialCafe Community!

  1. --- Please visit these wonderful services (sponsored/affiliates)! ---
  2. --------------- The Chat: ---------------
  3. Hey #SocialCafe community - Welcome to this week's 30 min Twitter Chat!
  4. This week, we will be starting our series of #SocialCafe Twitter Chats on the topic of #monetizing #Twitter Thanks, @conpsweeney !
  5. And, since the idea of #Monetizing #Twitter (as a topic) is @conpsweeney 's idea, let's give him the round of applause! #SocialCafe
  6. @conpsweeney Hey @conpsweeney - no kidding. Conversations about money? Yep.. that'll do it.. lol #SocialCafe
  7. You mentioned some research on the topic, @conpsweeney - anything you would like to share? #SocialCafe ( #Monetizing #Twitter)
  8. Q1 Can anyone make money on Twitter? Scale of 1 to 10? What are your thoughts about #Twitter #Monetization? #SocialCafe
  9. @conpsweeney Oh, and I would expect you to do that? ROFL #SocialCafe Though, that is an idea.. lol
  10. @socialcafechat A1) Not sure yet, still looking to find someone who has materiallly and consistently #socialcafe
  11. @conpsweeney That is a very logical flow of thinking. "I have accomplished A, now for B.." I'm thinking transitive property now.. lol #SocialCafe
  12. One of Deb's favorite properties: Transitive Property >> If A = B and B = C then A = C | Why do I like it? | #Geek | #SocialCafe
  13. @conpsweeney That makes sense. There is a lot of information and things have changed so much that it could go defunct overnight these days #SocialCafe
  14. @socialwebcafe But, I'm not finding a lot of good current material but it's still early #socialcafe
  15. @socialcafechat A2) Lots of folks have talked about it but no one seems to have done it themselves Maybe this is why #twitter has problems too #socialcafe
  16. @conpsweeney Oooh... do tell us more.. What would you define as the current #Twitter problems? Usage? Poor reviews? #SocialCafe
  17. A2 @conpsweeney makes a good point about a lot of talk about #Twitter #Monetization ... Where is the secret sauce formula? #SocialCafe
  18. @conpsweeney @socialcafechat I always wondered that from Day 1... How do they profit with free mini-blogs by way of tweets? Even #LinkedIn has a $$$ plan #SocialCafe
  19. @conpsweeney That's the tricky thing. Yeah, if someone has found that secret sauce, just let us know it is possible so they can search, too. #SocialCafe
  20. @conpsweeney It must be a tightly held secret, eh? Maybe during this #SocialCafe Twitter Chat series, we can chip away at it.. #Twitter #Monetization
  21. #socialcafe Thanks for joining! have to go now! See everyone next week!
  22. Thanks for joining us at #SocialCafe See you next week; same time, same place (continuing the discussion on #Monetizing #Twitter )
  23. Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012.  Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! https://t.co/nM5ibHymrr
    Proudly serving the #SocialCafe community since August 8, 2012. Join us on Tuesdays 9p EST for our 30 min Twitter Chat! pic.twitter.com/nM5ibHymrr

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