New #SocialCafe Chat Format for the New Year!

Ok, it isn’t entirely new.  It was something #SocialCafe pioneered with the Twitter Chat / Hangout combination back three years ago! However, we have changed it up a bit.

We are going to have the #SocialCafe Twitter Chat, as usual, starting at 6p PST/9p EST and chat for 30 min.  Then, we are going to hop on over to the hangout to chat about what we learned, ask questions, and more, via the #SocialCafe hangout!  That way, if you are camera shy, you can watch, or continue tweeting (or gain another 30 min of your day 🙂 ).  If you are not into the Twitter Chat thing, you can join us for just the second half.  It is something for everyone!

Also, stay tuned to meet our new #SocialCafe Core Team!

NOTE: Do not click on the “Join” for the hangout until about 15 minutes before the time. Or, you may end up arriving in no particular place 😉

About the author: Deborah has been the source of many successful Twitter Chats, hiding in the background, sharing her vast knowledge, and masquerading as the forefront “expert,” when she is the actual SME and knowledge source. Take advantage of her knowledge, including the download of a non-Twitter-Chat “Boost Your Energy” ebook (absolutely free!).

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