Talking About Twitter Parties With Kelli Miller (Summary) #SocialCafe 1.3
#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Talking About Twitter Parties With Kelli Miller
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Today's #B2CTweet (#SocialCafe) Chat was about Twitter Parties with special guest, Kelli Miller @momof3boys3702.
Think TWITTER PARTIES for your next promotion!
Tonight, we have a special guest, Kelli Miller. She is here to tell us about how she offers services as a Twitter Party host.
Kelli's Twitter Party for Old London had 5200+ tweets in two hours - that's 43 tweets a minute! Kelli @momof3boys3702 is our guest #b2ctweet
— Gail Gardner (@GrowMap) August 22, 2012
Resources Mentioned In Chat/Show
Deborah Talks About Twitter Chats
Twitter Chats and Twitter Parties: What Is The Difference?
Gail Gardner Talks About Twitter Parties
Twitter Chats and Twitter Parties: All About Parties
An Example From Kelli:
100 Dollar Giveaway and a Twitter Chat with Prizes!
Kelli's Ad Option Idea:
Blogging Basics: How To Offer A Twitter Party as Part of Your Ad Options
Previous #SocialCafe Twitter Chat
Twitter Hashtags, Tracking and Trending #SocialCafe 1.2
Next Week's Twitter Announcement
Blog Commenting and CommentLuv Giveaway Party #SocialCafe 1.4
- What are Twitter Parties?
While they are very similar and similar functionality, there are differences between the Twitter Party and Twitter Chat. Twitter Chat is what we had tonight, with a conversation with Kelly and a Twitter Party is the party version, with giveaways and a lot of activity! See the links, above, for a breakdown of the differences.
- How Are Twitter Chats different from Twitter Parties?
Chats provide a different, but similar opportunity for the brand (company/client).
- What kind of businesses can benefit from having a Twitter Party?
It is pretty clear to see that no matter what brand you are, a Twitter Party (done right) can provide benefits and growth opportunities.
- How important is it to have experienced Twitter Party Hosts?
It would seem obvious that a business would want an experienced host. What drives that concept home are things like the management of many, many tweets... all at once!
- What is the role of Twitter Party Host/Hostess?
The role of the Twitter Party or Twitter Chat Host/Hostess (Service Provider) varies and is negotiated with the client. Some clients want the host/hostess to "do it all" and others want to actively participate. That needs to be decided before-hand, during the negotiation.
- What are some of the tasks that the Host/Hostess provides?
And, "Knowing Your Audience" is key - which is why you want to consider a professional for your next promotional event: Twitter Parties and Twitter Events. Here, Kelli shares some of her tips/strategies that help her to be successful.
- What other ideas do you have?
Any other ideas that are floating around? Yes, and here are two tips for you.
Final Thoughts and Action Steps
Thank you all, for joining this chat! And, thank you, Kelli, for being our guest of honor, in chatting about Twitter Parties. (Everyone, be sure to click on her tweets and twitter handle to start engaging with her!) Thanks, Gail, for the kind words :) Also, some sage advice from Kath Penney.
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