Tools 5 * IFTTT (Summary) #SocialCafe 3.15

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#SocialCafe Chat Topic: Tools 5 * IFTTT

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This Week’s Tool

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Tools 6 * Evernote #SocialCafe 3.16

  1. How familiar are you with @IFTTT?

Based on our responses in our #SocialCafe chat, it appears that many of us are familiar with IFTTT. But, it also appears that we are hungry for more IFTTT recipes, too :)

  1. How do you use @IFTTT? If you don’t use it, what would you like to know about it?

I love how Stacie put it. I mean, isn’t that the name of the game? A mission of figuring out the “best way ... to get the most out of [IFTTT]?” Yes!

  1. What are some ideas for recipes that you would like to see @IFTTT?

There are so many terrific recipes already on IFTTT. Sometimes it is tricky to find them, but then often we hear about them through word-of-mouth. Some of us geeks go out and create them, too. Fortunately, IFTTT does provide a nice interface that walks you through the process of creating your own recipe(s), for those daring enough to try it. :)

  1. If you decide to use @IFTTT, how do you think you will use the tool?

For those of us who use IFTTT, we will likely dig deeper to find even more recipes. For those of us new to IFTTT? Hey, jump on in and get your feet wet!

Final Thoughts and Action Steps

Thanks for sharing your content, Stephanie! Looking forward to seeing what you have. And, to all of our #SocialCafe community, thanks for joining in tonight and always :)

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