#B2CTweet How To Make #Twitter Easy
Twitter Chat and Party Schedule Twitter Chat and Party Schedule All times shown in Eastern Daylight Savings Time (EDT), the same as New York, NY, US. This will change to...
--------------- Featuring: ---------------
--------------- About Us: ---------------
--------------- The Chat: ---------------
Welcome to chat. So glad you could make it! DO feel free to tweet at any time by adding to your tweet or use TweetChat
I want to Introduce my co-host for Deborah Anderson of also known for her Jazz Musical Talent as
If you want to introduce yourself or say a quick HI I'm here go right ahead.
Hello. Looking forward to today's chat.
Hi there. Glad to be here! Thanks, :D
I'm a parenting blogger and believe in connecting on social networks
Hey Jeevan - glad to see you here :D
Hello everyone! This is my 1st time here :D Deb TY for the invitation!
RT : If you want to introduce yourself or say a quick HI I'm here go right ahead.
Hey Deborah, how are you? Good to be here :)
Hi everyone, Brian Hawkins here
First time to join in. Excited to learn more
Joining us will be Enstine Muki, founder and developer of . Deb and I have partnered with EasyRetweet.
Hey Brian. Good to see you here. How are you?
Sana! Hi! Very welcome. And glad to see you :D
Hi Connie. thanks for introducing yourself to us. Glad to have you here.
Hi Brian. What is going on in the HotBLogTips world?
Good to be here and learn
RT : Joining us will be Enstine Muki, founder and developer of .
Thank you for noticing Thanks too Deb for that Press Release. 's also won a community award
Hi Deborah, just enjoying a day of learning :)
Thank you Jeevan And welcome everyone. We love it when everyone just jumps right in with questions or replies.
Yeah, ! RT : TY for noticing .. 's also won a community award
The great thing about collaborating is that we can more quickly learn what works and find the VERY best tools and strategies
Always good to do that (learn) and apply :D
Then we share them with our collaborators - and YOU decide if you want to be a collaborator by making yourself known to us.
No problem, Gail :) So, how is the chat formatted?
Today Deb & I are thrilled to have as regular sponsors of these WEEKLY chats and
Today Deb & I are thrilled to have as regular sponsors of these WEEKLY chats and
Happy to be part of the Community :) RT : We are very pleased to have at Chat :)
Unlike chats many of you have been in before, today we don't have 4 questions with answers This is for information
Hi While those may seem to be just sponsor messages, they are actually core to doing Twitter effectively. We'll elaborate
RT congrats to and for setting this up
So we just discuss right? Okay :)
Hello friends, happy to be here and represent Commun.it :)
The reason we highlighted these particular sponsors is they ARE what we use to do Twitter more effectively, faster, and easier.
RT : Today Deb & I are thrilled to have as regular sponsors of these WEEKLY chats and htracking #b2ctweet
RT you are welcome and be sure to catch the excitement
RT hello everyone, I'm here and looking forward to this chat
Twitter relationships are key and is the best tool I've ever seen for developing relationships on Twitter
Good to have you here, Sharel :)
. I find that Parent and Mom bloggers aren't represented in some twitter tools. Which tools would u recommend?
.it is a great tool - I haven't used it that much, but I can see how it can be of help.
We mention because ANYONE without experience or a huge Twitter following can get influential Twitter users to RT them
Can you elaborate on what you mean by "represented" Connie?
Actually, Connie, allows you to build the community that fits your niche, like mom blogging
Thanks pal! happy to be here, share the vibe & learn :)
hey everyone, Enstine Muki here
As mentions is a tool that highlights who is talking to you on Twitter who RTs or shares so you respond
Yes, highlights YOUR influencers, YOUR supporters, and you can track YOUR keywords in it
Woohoo! Glad to see you! And, I mean, I can see you now.
What too many have focused on is numbers instead of revelance - what you need is to reach YOUR target audience interested in YOU!
we will love to have you on borad :) it's free and really help to build relationships and save time.
Yes helps us to identify the people with whom we can build a good relationship
Very true. I poked in to the tool and said, cool. Then, I dug in and WOW!
If you haven't seen these Twitter tools before you'll have to look at them to really grasp how much they add to what we do online.
RT : What too many have focused on is numbers instead of revelance - need to reach YOUR target audience interested in U!
thanks and I'm so excited
and thanks for the info on
We also focus you on who to follow/unfollow and which important mentions you missed...
But they ARE easy to learn and we will be teaching on these regular chats how best to use them, doing videos & writing how-tos up
Have you guys thought about developing it for Facebook? I was looking for a tool for my fan page.
While Hootsuite is the leading Twitter Tool - has been for years, only highlights WHO to interact with and know online.
I started looking into last week and I can say it's an interesting platform
Does anyone have any specific questions about using Twitter, these particular tools or other tools or strategies?
helps to 1) find followers and 2) RTs You can join for free and have people RT or pay for a plan
I agree w/ ur comment focusing on relevance instead of , but an overuse of tools may make social media less personal.
.. continued helps to 1) analyze what is working and 2) build meaningful Twitter relationships They work hand-in-hand
That is what fixed - it alllows us to know who to interact with and not let relationships fall by the wayside
What about more than one account, do you recommend just one Twitter ID?
hadn't seen before - thanks
How many times have we failed to see tweets about us or someone reaching out asking for more information?
allows you to pay for a plan-so that you are paying for RT's? Why would you want to do that?
Another tool I would like to share is InboxQ (allows us to keep track of questions asked by twitter users on specific keywords).
RT : helps to 1) find followers and 2) RTs You can join for free and have people RT or pay for a pln
What do all think about Klout? (louded question)
Important to vet tools, then use most relevant that don't usurp relationship mgmt. :)
Or to thank those who support our efforts or not interacting on Twitter w influencers? I know I'm guilty of that one!
I think t is hard to manage more than one account (effectively), Brian, don't you think?
Never, because I always check my and by using the search feature.
You don't have to pay for Those with more time than money can earn credits to use for their own promotions
Excellent point, ! "an overuse of tools.. less personal" I enjoy the personal and helps me identify that.
Ah, Klout! I don't like it. But, I check it sometimes.
While those who have more money than time can buy credits inexpensively. IF what they do is of value get RTs from others
on , you actually don't pay for retweets. It's an option to buy credits.
We will love to have you with us :)
Speaking from experience. Major challenge to manage more than one account! Very true!
I agree, my other accounts sit and collect dust for the most part.
I think peerindex is a much better indicator of Twitter - but, we shouldn't worry much about that (the numbers).
What I use for most is to manage multiple Twitter accounts smoothly, Jeevan, w/o logging in & out
same here. I question its accuracy
was interesting experiment. I used it a lot at first but arbitrariness of metrics ran me away.
When I first started w/Twitter, I'd stare at the screen and say, "I want to share" but who? what? changed that.
:) Thanks. Will surely check it out.
I prefer because it is less volatile than and because it shows TWO metrics - not only one.
I had created extra one in the past (this one is brand oriented, I wanted one with my personal name)
With I can log in & see my friends & see what they r promoting & help them out. That is how I use it relationally.
April realized that her Klout went WAY UP because she plays games on Facebook that can't be seen except by members there!
lol "interesting experiment" RT : was interesting experiment. I used it a lot at first but..
If I chat with someone with a very high Klout mine skyrockets and then drops like a rock when I stop. It is a FAME meter.
, I'd like to offer free credits to everyone here on board
RT : on , you actually dont pay for retweets. Its an option to buy credits.
Wow - a fame meter. Anyone else experience something similar?
RT : We also focus you on who to follow/unfollow + important mentions you missed...
lol have those, too RT : I agree, my other accounts sit and collect dust for the most part.
While I also use Twitter search for GrowMap & my What does is show you how MANY interactions
I was a member, but found myself retweeting non-niche tweets. It felt impersonal. Any advice?
RT : , Id like to offer free credits to everyone here on board << Thanks!
You can see in that a user RTed you X times, responded to you Y times & it highlights supporters, influencers
Thank U so much for sharing :) this kind of value to make relationship personal is passion :)
Agree, Klout is indeed a fame meter. Only thing I got from Klout? Well, a perk (a hair gel) and some ego boost!
The plan is to make tweets findable by category so yu can more easily build community & find relevance
"fame meter" haha Yep, that sums it up nicely - Numerous posts last year attest
RT : , Id like to offer free credits to everyone here on board ~ Enstine is GENEROUS
we have updated . You can now sort by category/keyword to locate targeted contents
Also, allows you to see, right away, who u have not responded to, helping u to build relationship
http:// b2ct.me/NGsANy yt
RT Agree, Klout is indeed a fame meter. Only thing I got from Klout? Well, a perk (a hair gel) and some ego boost!
RT : we have updated . You can now sort by category/keyword to locate targeted contents
That sounds like just what I need. I'll be checking it out again. TY!
Very helpful, indeed, (re: categories) If you have a niche, you can go straight there with a pull-down.
Enstine is continually improving it based on OUR feedback - what WE need - and he supports & Bloggers.
And, as you use to help identify those relationships, and encourage them to you gain
Founders Sharel & Mike also listen to us and they're developing a Widget we can use to further support our comunities.
RT : Enstine is continually improving it based on OUR feedback & he supports & Bloggers.
Join the chat in session. Our topic today is How to use and @Easyretwee cc
Yap, we are super excited about the widget...should give a lot of value to any blogger :)
I know we all have widgets and widgets, but from what I saw in , u can thank ur tweeps right from your site!
So is what you use to identify and build relationships & is what you use to grow your reach & following.
RT : So is what you use to identify and build relationships & is what you use to grow
For those who don't know me, I only promote what I am thrilled about - and is a Twitter Tool with HUGE benefits for us.
Just so you know, neither nor is a PAID sponsor. We ASKED THEM to let us feature them as our sponsors!
How many of your guys have used ThinkUp? Another social media analytics tool (it's great!).
Thank you, I'm looking forward to putting it to good use.
make sure to contact for your free credits. Include your Twitter Handle in the mail. Go to contact page
Just joined - Question: when adding hashtags, do we need the # sign?
RT : hadnt heard of ThinkUp
It is an open source tool which you can install through FTP :) Great tool with great details (for FB, G+ and Twitter).
RT : For those who dont know me I only promote what I am thrilled about: is a Twitter Tool w HUGE benefits 4 us
Please tweet if you have any questions or just want to say hello and introduce yourself.
TIP: add in commun.it as monitored item "" - U will see who U don't follow & should + engagements u misse.. it work gr8
Where do you mean re: hashtags Vernessa? In a tool or on Twitter directly or ?
Very happy to have you with us! excited to give you value :)
I encourage & bloggers to check out and Their founders are VERY interested in interacting.
RT : TIP: add in commun.it as monitored item "" - U will see who U don't follow & should + engagements u misse.. it work gr8 #b2ctweet
Last tab on the right Says Contact Us
Signed up for free account.
Just joined - Question: when adding hashtags, do we need the # sign?
Ah I see the issue - only see it when I'm logged out Enstine you need to add a contact INSIDE, too.
Thanks Gail, I see it now. You need to be on the index page
Contact Us tab shows up when you log out. ;)
Look 4 the contact page from the main/index page.
Looking in mine there are no hashtags so I'd say no but let's ask to confirm
updates coming soon, contact will be available inside. Thanks for pointing it out
Great thing about people like @EnstineMuki of & & is they listen to us!
Of course, make sure that the content is awesome ;)
So if you have feedback or ideas for improvement on or tell them or tell or
Anyone have any questions?
Stay tuned to hashtag for how-to articles and summary article for this chat as well as storify slideshow
Thanks for the chat! I'm signing up and reusing some of the tools mentioned here. Have a great day!
Thanks for the chat! I'm signing up and reusing some of the tools mentioned here. Have a great day!
Great information, I'm glad I attended. Thank you Gail, the sponsors and everyone here today. :)
It was a great chat, guys :) Thank you all. And thank you and :)
I'll be doing more how-to posts about how to set up keywords and urls as alerts within and how to use
Feel free to ask me about either of them directly or in our Blogging Mastermind group
Thank you everyone for being here. Even though is over for today, feel free to contact me or Deb
Stay tuned to hashtag for how-to articles and summary article for this chat as well as storify slideshow
#B2CTweet How To Make #Twitter Easy
Twitter Chat and Party Schedule Twitter Chat and Party Schedule All times shown in Eastern Daylight Savings Time (EDT), the same as New York, NY, US. This will change to...
--------------- Featuring: ---------------
--------------- About Us: ---------------
--------------- The Chat: ---------------
Welcome to chat. So glad you could make it! DO feel free to tweet at any time by adding to your tweet or use TweetChat
I want to Introduce my co-host for Deborah Anderson of also known for her Jazz Musical Talent as
If you want to introduce yourself or say a quick HI I'm here go right ahead.
Hello. Looking forward to today's chat.
Hi there. Glad to be here! Thanks, :D
I'm a parenting blogger and believe in connecting on social networks
Hey Jeevan - glad to see you here :D
Hello everyone! This is my 1st time here :D Deb TY for the invitation!
RT : If you want to introduce yourself or say a quick HI I'm here go right ahead.
Hey Deborah, how are you? Good to be here :)
Hi everyone, Brian Hawkins here
First time to join in. Excited to learn more
Joining us will be Enstine Muki, founder and developer of . Deb and I have partnered with EasyRetweet.
Hey Brian. Good to see you here. How are you?
Sana! Hi! Very welcome. And glad to see you :D
Hi Connie. thanks for introducing yourself to us. Glad to have you here.
Hi Brian. What is going on in the HotBLogTips world?
Good to be here and learn
RT : Joining us will be Enstine Muki, founder and developer of .
Thank you for noticing Thanks too Deb for that Press Release. 's also won a community award
Hi Deborah, just enjoying a day of learning :)
Thank you Jeevan And welcome everyone. We love it when everyone just jumps right in with questions or replies.
Yeah, ! RT : TY for noticing .. 's also won a community award
The great thing about collaborating is that we can more quickly learn what works and find the VERY best tools and strategies
Always good to do that (learn) and apply :D
Then we share them with our collaborators - and YOU decide if you want to be a collaborator by making yourself known to us.
No problem, Gail :) So, how is the chat formatted?
Today Deb & I are thrilled to have as regular sponsors of these WEEKLY chats and
Today Deb & I are thrilled to have as regular sponsors of these WEEKLY chats and
Happy to be part of the Community :) RT : We are very pleased to have at Chat :)
Unlike chats many of you have been in before, today we don't have 4 questions with answers This is for information
Hi While those may seem to be just sponsor messages, they are actually core to doing Twitter effectively. We'll elaborate
RT congrats to and for setting this up
So we just discuss right? Okay :)
Hello friends, happy to be here and represent Commun.it :)
The reason we highlighted these particular sponsors is they ARE what we use to do Twitter more effectively, faster, and easier.
RT : Today Deb & I are thrilled to have as regular sponsors of these WEEKLY chats and htracking #b2ctweet
RT you are welcome and be sure to catch the excitement
RT hello everyone, I'm here and looking forward to this chat
Twitter relationships are key and is the best tool I've ever seen for developing relationships on Twitter
Good to have you here, Sharel :)
. I find that Parent and Mom bloggers aren't represented in some twitter tools. Which tools would u recommend?
.it is a great tool - I haven't used it that much, but I can see how it can be of help.
We mention because ANYONE without experience or a huge Twitter following can get influential Twitter users to RT them
Can you elaborate on what you mean by "represented" Connie?
Actually, Connie, allows you to build the community that fits your niche, like mom blogging
Thanks pal! happy to be here, share the vibe & learn :)
hey everyone, Enstine Muki here
As mentions is a tool that highlights who is talking to you on Twitter who RTs or shares so you respond
Yes, highlights YOUR influencers, YOUR supporters, and you can track YOUR keywords in it
Woohoo! Glad to see you! And, I mean, I can see you now.
What too many have focused on is numbers instead of revelance - what you need is to reach YOUR target audience interested in YOU!
we will love to have you on borad :) it's free and really help to build relationships and save time.
Yes helps us to identify the people with whom we can build a good relationship
Very true. I poked in to the tool and said, cool. Then, I dug in and WOW!
If you haven't seen these Twitter tools before you'll have to look at them to really grasp how much they add to what we do online.
RT : What too many have focused on is numbers instead of revelance - need to reach YOUR target audience interested in U!
thanks and I'm so excited
and thanks for the info on
We also focus you on who to follow/unfollow and which important mentions you missed...
But they ARE easy to learn and we will be teaching on these regular chats how best to use them, doing videos & writing how-tos up
Have you guys thought about developing it for Facebook? I was looking for a tool for my fan page.
While Hootsuite is the leading Twitter Tool - has been for years, only highlights WHO to interact with and know online.
I started looking into last week and I can say it's an interesting platform
Does anyone have any specific questions about using Twitter, these particular tools or other tools or strategies?
helps to 1) find followers and 2) RTs You can join for free and have people RT or pay for a plan
I agree w/ ur comment focusing on relevance instead of , but an overuse of tools may make social media less personal.
.. continued helps to 1) analyze what is working and 2) build meaningful Twitter relationships They work hand-in-hand
That is what fixed - it alllows us to know who to interact with and not let relationships fall by the wayside
What about more than one account, do you recommend just one Twitter ID?
hadn't seen before - thanks
How many times have we failed to see tweets about us or someone reaching out asking for more information?
allows you to pay for a plan-so that you are paying for RT's? Why would you want to do that?
Another tool I would like to share is InboxQ (allows us to keep track of questions asked by twitter users on specific keywords).
RT : helps to 1) find followers and 2) RTs You can join for free and have people RT or pay for a pln
What do all think about Klout? (louded question)
Important to vet tools, then use most relevant that don't usurp relationship mgmt. :)
Or to thank those who support our efforts or not interacting on Twitter w influencers? I know I'm guilty of that one!
I think t is hard to manage more than one account (effectively), Brian, don't you think?
Never, because I always check my and by using the search feature.
You don't have to pay for Those with more time than money can earn credits to use for their own promotions
Excellent point, ! "an overuse of tools.. less personal" I enjoy the personal and helps me identify that.
Ah, Klout! I don't like it. But, I check it sometimes.
While those who have more money than time can buy credits inexpensively. IF what they do is of value get RTs from others
on , you actually don't pay for retweets. It's an option to buy credits.
We will love to have you with us :)
Speaking from experience. Major challenge to manage more than one account! Very true!
I agree, my other accounts sit and collect dust for the most part.
I think peerindex is a much better indicator of Twitter - but, we shouldn't worry much about that (the numbers).
What I use for most is to manage multiple Twitter accounts smoothly, Jeevan, w/o logging in & out
same here. I question its accuracy
was interesting experiment. I used it a lot at first but arbitrariness of metrics ran me away.
When I first started w/Twitter, I'd stare at the screen and say, "I want to share" but who? what? changed that.
:) Thanks. Will surely check it out.
I prefer because it is less volatile than and because it shows TWO metrics - not only one.
I had created extra one in the past (this one is brand oriented, I wanted one with my personal name)
With I can log in & see my friends & see what they r promoting & help them out. That is how I use it relationally.
April realized that her Klout went WAY UP because she plays games on Facebook that can't be seen except by members there!
lol "interesting experiment" RT : was interesting experiment. I used it a lot at first but..
If I chat with someone with a very high Klout mine skyrockets and then drops like a rock when I stop. It is a FAME meter.
, I'd like to offer free credits to everyone here on board
RT : on , you actually dont pay for retweets. Its an option to buy credits.
Wow - a fame meter. Anyone else experience something similar?
RT : We also focus you on who to follow/unfollow + important mentions you missed...
lol have those, too RT : I agree, my other accounts sit and collect dust for the most part.
While I also use Twitter search for GrowMap & my What does is show you how MANY interactions
I was a member, but found myself retweeting non-niche tweets. It felt impersonal. Any advice?
RT : , Id like to offer free credits to everyone here on board << Thanks!
You can see in that a user RTed you X times, responded to you Y times & it highlights supporters, influencers
Thank U so much for sharing :) this kind of value to make relationship personal is passion :)
Agree, Klout is indeed a fame meter. Only thing I got from Klout? Well, a perk (a hair gel) and some ego boost!
The plan is to make tweets findable by category so yu can more easily build community & find relevance
"fame meter" haha Yep, that sums it up nicely - Numerous posts last year attest
RT : , Id like to offer free credits to everyone here on board ~ Enstine is GENEROUS
we have updated . You can now sort by category/keyword to locate targeted contents
Also, allows you to see, right away, who u have not responded to, helping u to build relationship
http:// b2ct.me/NGsANy yt
RT Agree, Klout is indeed a fame meter. Only thing I got from Klout? Well, a perk (a hair gel) and some ego boost!
RT : we have updated . You can now sort by category/keyword to locate targeted contents
That sounds like just what I need. I'll be checking it out again. TY!
Very helpful, indeed, (re: categories) If you have a niche, you can go straight there with a pull-down.
Enstine is continually improving it based on OUR feedback - what WE need - and he supports & Bloggers.
And, as you use to help identify those relationships, and encourage them to you gain
Founders Sharel & Mike also listen to us and they're developing a Widget we can use to further support our comunities.
RT : Enstine is continually improving it based on OUR feedback & he supports & Bloggers.
Join the chat in session. Our topic today is How to use and @Easyretwee cc
Yap, we are super excited about the widget...should give a lot of value to any blogger :)
I know we all have widgets and widgets, but from what I saw in , u can thank ur tweeps right from your site!
So is what you use to identify and build relationships & is what you use to grow your reach & following.
RT : So is what you use to identify and build relationships & is what you use to grow
For those who don't know me, I only promote what I am thrilled about - and is a Twitter Tool with HUGE benefits for us.
Just so you know, neither nor is a PAID sponsor. We ASKED THEM to let us feature them as our sponsors!
How many of your guys have used ThinkUp? Another social media analytics tool (it's great!).
Thank you, I'm looking forward to putting it to good use.
make sure to contact for your free credits. Include your Twitter Handle in the mail. Go to contact page
Just joined - Question: when adding hashtags, do we need the # sign?
RT : hadnt heard of ThinkUp
It is an open source tool which you can install through FTP :) Great tool with great details (for FB, G+ and Twitter).
RT : For those who dont know me I only promote what I am thrilled about: is a Twitter Tool w HUGE benefits 4 us
Please tweet if you have any questions or just want to say hello and introduce yourself.
TIP: add in commun.it as monitored item "" - U will see who U don't follow & should + engagements u misse.. it work gr8
Where do you mean re: hashtags Vernessa? In a tool or on Twitter directly or ?
Very happy to have you with us! excited to give you value :)
I encourage & bloggers to check out and Their founders are VERY interested in interacting.