#SocialCafe 1.11 Chat Transcript

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#TBW: Blogging & Bloggerpreneurs (#SocialCafe Chat)

#TBW: Blogging & Bloggerpreneurs (#SocialCafe Chat)

Q&A Discussing the challenges and joys of Blogging. Special Guest: Da Vinci (@theBlogWorkshop @YourLifeAfter25) Host: @SocialwebCafe

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  4. --------------- The Chat: ---------------
  5. Welcome to the #SocialCafe Chat at our normal 3pm EDT slot every Wednesday. #TBW
  6. Hey fellow #bloggers Join us as we discuss #TBW with @socialwebcafe! We'll also be doing a #giveaway! Use #TBW to join in :) RT
  7. For anyone following the #SocialCafe hashtag, pop over to follow #TBW for today to catch all the tweets  http://sw.bcafe.co/T9jT6E 9jT6E
  8. We have a special guest, Da Vinci @TheBlogWorkshop The creative genius behind this awesome workshop. Welcome Da Vinci! #tbw
  9. RT @socialwebcafe: If you are following along on today's #TBW chat questions, you can find them here:  http://sw.bcafe.co/PgUSoT gUSocialCafelCafe
  10. Learn about: Da Vinci and The Blog Workshop (Social Web Cafe Interviews)  http://youtu.be/TMJQ7MuXD-Q 7MuXD-YouTubeyoTBWbe #TBW
  11. Da Vinci and The Blog Workshop (Social Web Cafe Interviews)
  12. RT @socialwebcafe: Welcome to the #SocialCafe Chat at our normal 3pm EDT slot every Wednesday. #TB@
  13. Howdy to all. I can join in for a solid 30 minutes. How is everyone? #tbw
  14. BLOGGERS feel free to jump in and answer questions or just say hi - you need to tweet during the chat to be eligible to win #TBW
  15. Q1 - to me blogging is about connecting with a specific niche and audience online. #tbw
  16. A1 A blog is basically a website that features all posts in chronological order. #tbw
  17. Blogging is a hybrid of journalING and journalISM. Half personal, half professional. #tbw
  18. A1 I think of blogging as writing and having that opp to share content and possibly a bit of yourself, too. #tbw
  19. @SuperBlogga Missy! Glad to see you! And 30 min of Missy is wonderful :) #tbw
  20. Nice view. RT @shgmclicious: Blogging is a hybrid of journalING and journalISM. Half personal, half professional. #tbw
  21. MT @socialwebcafe: For anyone following the #SocialCafe hashtag,follow #TBW for today to catch all the tweets  http://sw.bcafe.co/T9jT6E 9jT6E
  22. Excellent RT @pyapyafrank: @socialwebcafe blog or blogging is posting your opinions on line #tbw
  23. RT @SuperBlogga: Nice view. RT @shgmclicious: Blogging is a hybrid of journalING and journalISM. Half personal, half professional. #tbw
  24. Hey guys, this is my first tweet chat! I'm excited! #TBW #tbw
  25. I think blogging is evolving. Used to be about opinions. moving more toward substantiated content now - and that's a good thing #TBW
  26. #TBW Blogging is sharing info & knowledge with others to help them achieve a goal, improve themselves (or something else), learn, etc. #TBW
  27. A1. I'm amazed to see all the ways that people are micro-blogging more also with twitter, facebook, etc. #tbw
  28. Welcome! RT @getbackzack: Hey guys, this is my first tweet chat! Im excited! #TBW #tbw
  29. Welcome Amy @getbackzack If you're using TweetChat it will add the hashtag for you. Click on person icon to highlight mods & guests #TBW
  30. @SheWritesaLot I would definitely agree, because of this evolution bloggers must be more educated in using their voice effectively #tbw
  31. @SheWritesaLot Exactly right! I'd like to see blogging gain more credibility. Just like with journalism, there are all levels. #tbw
  32. RT @chachafance: #TBW Blogging is sharing info & knowledge with others to help them achieve a goal, improve themselves (or something else), learn, etc. #TBW
  33. Bloggers need to understand they lack credibility simply because they're bloggers and they need to make up for that in their content #TBW
  34. I think we're seeing that gradual change and respect developing but as bloggers we have to maintain a professionalism & WANT to grow #tbw
  35. @shgmclicious Interesting definition! I think that blogs allow for both TYPES of blogging, that they aren't all necessarily hybrids. #tbw
  36. RT @shgmclicious: Blogging is a hybrid of journalING and journalISM. Half personal, half professional. #tbw
  37. Blogging is presenting your corner of the world to society in a way that everyone can learn and grow from! #tbw
  38. @SheWritesaLot I think there will come a time when the word "blogger" will not be seen as a dirty word. #tbw
  39. @alaskakristina Welcome. It is like a structured, yet random chat via Twitter :) Glad you could join us :) #tbw
  40. Thanks Brian @nowsourcing and Alaina @AlainaFrederick for popping in. I hope you win the free pass to The Blog Workshop virtual event #TBW
  41. @SheWritesaLot That's a good point, though I think that bloggers should retain a different sort of credibility than other sources #tbw
  42. @socialwebcafe Q1: Blog is a weblog - like an online diary. Blogging is just barfing on the keyboard - with words of course #socialcafe #tbw
  43. @notlikeacat Welcome! The party is just getting started... feel free to chime in #TBW
  44. @brittneymemphis But then aren't you talking more about "blogs" on news websites? I was more describing the writing style and form. #tbw
  45. @shgmclicious Agreed. Otherwise they're boring sell-outs, not trustable. I think a key aspect of bloggers is authenticity and trust. #tbw
  46. @SuperBlogga I think you're right...especially if Google has anything to say about it :) #TBW
  47. RT @getbackzack: Blogging is presenting your corner of the world to society in a way that everyone can learn and grow from! #tbw
  48. Blogs are the newspapers of 21st century. The Internet is like the invention of the printing press, but more affordable, accessible #TBW
  49. @socialwebcafe Q2 So many types! Personal, marketing, pundits, rants... #tbw
  50. We're excited to see a lot of bloggers who are taking their craft seriously. There is room for us all to have fun but be professional #tbw
  51. A1 There are different kinds of blogs with different objectives. Some may be diaries & others news sites, but mine are resources. #TBW
  52. @getbackzack Hi Amy! Glad you could join us and we could be your first. Twitter chats are quite fun :) #tbw
  53. .@socialwebcafe Q2: casual and business. Casual for those of us doing it on the side, business for those making a living #socialcafe #tbw
  54. The dynamics of tech & the web, have created this new field. We are all just along for the ride. #tbw
  55. @lydsrich Hello there. Welcome! Glad to have you joining the chat ;) #tbw
  56. A2. All of them. Isn't that like asking "what types of books are there?" lol #tbw
  57. A2. This question is important because How MANY times have you been asked what you do? Our audience needs to know as much as we do #tbw
  58. A2. If you post to your FB timeline often you're micro blogging, same with twitter #tbw
  59. Professional Bloggers - much like journalists. Casual Bloggers - do it for fun, blog about life & personal. Oh & Gossip Bloggers.... #TBW
  60. A2 Business blogs that support an ecommerce or service business. News blogs. How-to blogs. Alternative research sites. #TBW
  61. What do you guys think about niche blogs to promote affiliate products? I don't seem to see as many these days. Are they dying? #TBW
  62. @pyapyafrank Yes! some view it as an "other" and also as "less than". #tbw
  63. #A2 Lifestyle, Gossip, Fashion, Beauty, Health, Fitness the list goes on and the sky is the limit #tbw
  64. I know one blogger who claims niche affiliate blogs are still making him a major income so some have died, others making money. #TBW
  65. @SuperBlogga thanks, guess i'm gonna learn a lot from here. first to do this :) #tbw
  66. Q2 niche blogs, information blogs, promotional blogs #TBW
  67. RT @TheBlogWorkshop: A2. If you post to your FB timeline often youre micro blogging, same with twitter (yes, forgot about that one) #TBW
  68. @SheWritesaLot I think niche blogs have to convert into brand blogs. Kind of the same, but not. #tbw
  69. @SheWritesaLot I'll be doing a post ion GrowMap about what that blogger says still works to make him a full time income #TBW
  70. @SuperBlogga Makes sense. Never thought of that but I bet that's what a lot are doing. #TBW
  71. Hey Tony RT @tonygreene113: Wie geht es ihnen? BTW - either you or @stejules wanna translate ;) #tbw
  72. @SheWritesaLot I think they're still around, but I don't think they're as lucrative as they used to be or popular. #TBW
  73. @shgmclicious I just think that blogs are completely customizable. I can see what you're talking about with the style though. #tbw
  74. haven't done any blogging yet, just heard about it in the net #tbw
  75. Q2 - There have always been lots of different types of blogs. Business, Personal and Hobby. #tbw
  76. RT @chachafance: @SheWritesaLot I think they're still around, but I don't think they're as lucrative as they used to be or popular. #TBW
  77. @notlikeacat No such thing as "late," Julia :) Welcome all and glad you could make it. #tbw
  78. A2 other answer: lots of blogs (and their associated themes and styles) come out of the zine tradition #tbw
  79. @GrowMap A brand blog is one that is not focused on SEO but instead on a brand name. I think niche blogs are all about seo. #tbw
  80. Ahh, good point! MT @TheBlogWorkshop: A2. If you post to your FB timeline, often you're micro blogging #tbw
  81. I think it's hardto separate personal & business blogging sometimes #Tbw
  82. A2 Blogs can be about anything and everything. But the two types of blogging I'm familiar with are blogging and micro-blogging. #tbw
  83. Right, but do you mean the blog's brand that may sell a range of brands or a specific merchant's brand? @SuperBlogga #TBW
  84. @tonygreene113 dad was in air force. we were stationed in wiesbaden for 3. :) i only know a little. #tbw
  85. RT @SuperBlogga: @GrowMap A brand blog is one not focused on SEO but instead on a brand name. I think niche blogs are all about seo. #TBW
  86. RT @thirtymommy: I think it's hardto separate personal & business blogging sometimes #Tbw
  87. @GrowMap I think the blog should have a brand and promote different products where appropriate and relevant #TBW
  88. RT @shgmclicious: Ahh, good point! MT @TheBlogWorkshop: A2. If you post to your FB timeline, often you're micro blogging #tbw
  89. @GrowMap Well am mostly referring to how the blog itself it presented. Domain name, content, marketed, etc. #tbw
  90. @lydsrich Stuttgart for me - really good times, now in Florida...blecchh!! #TBW
  91. @thirtymommy Really? For me it's easy to separate the two. I feel like the personal niche does not fit into the professional category. #TBW
  92. A2. With knowing your purpose for your blog it will help you develop your brand. #tbw
  93. MT @shadesofsolveig: Blogs r newspapers of 21st century. The Internet is like invention of printing press, but affordable, accessible #tbw
  94. @SuperBlogga You mean the blog should have its own brand instead of being promoted as a keyword phrase? #TBW
  95. @socialwebcafe A3: I blogged at first for creative catharsis. Now I blog at an attempt to be famous. :) #tbw #socialcafe
  96. LOLOL PERKS?! Yeah - I wanna hear that answer, too! #TBW
  97. Lots of blogging for me these days is for pt income and promotion #TBW
  98. @socialwebcafe @shadesofsolveig I agree! I taught Journalism in high school (newspaper) and required that they also keep up w a blog #tbw
  99. Many blog to make money, but they don't realize that you have to work hard to make decent money. It takes time. #TBW
  100. Most welcome, looking forward to the chat! RT @socialwebcafe: @Blog_Trends Hey there. Thank you for joining us. ;) #tbw
  101. I think one should blog if they like sharing with others and have a passion for what they're blogging about. #TBW
  102. I think one should blog if they like sharing with others and have a passion for what they're blogging about. #TBW
  103. RT @chachafance: Many blog to make money, but they don't realize that you have to work hard to make decent money. It takes time. #TBW
  104. A3 Blogging is a great PR/advertising tool for companies. Develop relationships and keep your target audiences in the loop. #tbw
  105. RT @chachafance: I think one should blog if they like sharing with others and have a passion for what they're blogging about. #TBW
  106. Loving all your input #bloggers! Don't forget we'll be giving away a FULL ticket to The Blog Workshop ONLINE Conference! #tbw
  107. I've been blogging with WordPress since 2006 and have had hit and misses for income gowth #TBW
  108. RT @chachafance: I think one should blog if they like sharing with others and have a passion for what they're blogging about. #TBW
  109. A3 Blogging is also great on a personal level. It can be rewarding, and you can find people with common interests. #tbw
  110. @GrowMap Yes! Your blog for example is what I would consider a brand blog because it's all about traffic and the name fits the message. #tbw
  111. RT @chachafance: I think one should blog if they like sharing with others and have a passion for what they're blogging about. #TBW
  112. Brands are getting into the blogging arena as a way to expand their footprint #TBW
  113. @Lisapatb Ah, yes. If you want to get away from "real life drama" blog (or blog about it). #tbw
  114. Sign up to win a fully paid conference ticket to The Blog Workshop #TBW. Details here:  http://sw.bcafe.co/PgVta0 gVSocialCafelCafe
  115. A3 If you're looking to be a professional writer, it's a great way to get practice in a variety of writing styles and subject areas #tbw
  116. I don't see blogging as having perks - very lonely at first #TBW
  117. Engagement. Love meeting people! Good 1 MT @brittneymemphis: A3 It can be rewarding, and you can find people with common interests. #tbw
  118. @TheBlogWorkshop Q3: I didn't intend to but I have received lots of free stuff. I also have made some really great friends! #tbw
  119. A3. There are many reasons to blog; journaling, hobby, wanting to share your expertise. Blog with passion and people will feel it. #tbw
  120. People blog because they get something out of it, usually money or recognition. #TBW
  121. Agree totally. RT @brittneymemphis: A3 Blogging is a great PR/advert tool for companies. #tbw
  122. Constantly watching stats and wondering how to grow traffic can be a hair puller #TBW
  123. RT @brittneymemphis: A3 Blogging is also great on a personal level. It can be rewarding, and you can find people with common interests. #tbw
  124. RT @tonygreene113: Brands are getting into the blogging arena as a way to expand their footprint #TBW
  125. RT @chachafance: I think one should blog if they like sharing with others and have a passion for what they're blogging about. #TBW
  126. What is a good resource for someone wanting to create a new blog? #TBW
  127. Yes, must say we're doing something right, eh? MT @tonygreene113: Brands r getting into blogging arena as way to expand their footprint #tbw
  128. They sure are. RT @tonygreene113: Brands are getting into the blogging arena as a way to expand their footprint #tbw
  129. Wow! Great question. RT @alaskakristina: What is a good resource for someone wanting to create a new blog? #tbw
  130. A3. I think many of us fell into our first blogging ventures almost accidentally... I would agree that a perk is meeting GREAT people #tbw
  131. A3 I blog because I enjoy the interaction with people. I also love designing my content and website.The rest of the perks are great too #TBW
  132. RT @SuperBlogga: Agree totally. RT @brittneymemphis: A3 Blogging is a great PR/advert tool for companies. #tbw
  133. Perks of blogging: Meeting lots of great people, growing an online following. Also helping others and learning so much in the process. #TBW
  134. @TheBlogWorkshop Q3: You can express yourself, it makes you feel good, you learn new things. But gotta admit, getting free stuff is ace #TBW
  135. @TheBlogWorkshop As a creative + sociable person I love the online community that comes from having a blog + sharing ideas with others #TBW
  136. A3 I used to blog when it made you a geek though,I started with AOL page builder when I was about 12, 13+ years later a lot has changed #TBW
  137. A3 Many blog to share research, educate others, and create a better world. #TBW
  138. A3 - I think it changes over time. Because when I started it was just to share my vegetarian journey. No money, just wanted to share. #tbw
  139. As your traffic and notoriety grow it's really good to know how to give "value" to your work #TBW
  140. @DigitalKaitlyn Hi Kaitlyn! I agree with the "interaction with people." Great perk! #tbw
  141. RT @LizzumsBB: Q3: You can express yourself, it makes you feel good, you learn new things. But gotta admit, getting free stuff is ace #TBW
  142. A3 Having a blog is also great to add to your resume if it relates to your field. #gradstudent #tbw
  143. A3. Blogging is a great sense of personal therapy too... plus another great way to connect with people globally on a personal level #tbw
  144. "Yor always talking bout yor crazy nights. One of these days you're gonna get it right. Don't bring me down, whoohoo" #ELO #tbw
  145. Yay! RT @GrowMap: A3 Many blog to share research, educate others, and create a better world. #tbw
  146. LOL re:free stuff ;) MT @LizzumsBB: A3: But gotta admit, getting free stuff is ace #tbw
  147. RT @GrowMap: A3 Many blog to share research, educate others, and create a better world. #tbw
  148. A thousand times yes RT @brittneymemphis: A3 Having a blog is also great to add to your resume if it relates to your field #gradstudent #tbw
  149. @brittneymemphis Very true! re:resume Great way to build up a writing portfolio. #tbw
  150. RT @brittneymemphis: A3 Having a blog is also great to add to your resume if it relates to your field. #gradstudent - very true! #TBW
  151. @TheBlogWorkshop #TBW Blogging is a creative outlet, therapy, and a lucrative business depending on how you use it.
  152. @DigitalKaitlyn LOL I did too! I remember blogging on Myspace, Yuwie, AOL, etc #tbw MY how we've grown!
  153. @socialwebcafe Small perk :') #TBW I never imagine I'd ever get free stuff, It's not why I started to blog or continue to, but alas...
  154. RT @GrowMap: A3 Many blog to share research, educate others, and create a better world. that's good #tbw
  155. Yeah. I guess if I really really had to sum up blogging in one word, it would be: sharing. #tbw
  156. Hi Elena! @randomly_happy Love the sharing part, for the sake of relationship and engagement and getting to know people... #tbw
  157. I got you all beat - I had a page on Web TV! LOLOL Oops - now you know how old I am! #TBW
  158. RT @chachafance: @brittneymemphis: A3 Having a blog is also great to add to your resume if it relates to your field. #tbw
  159. @LizzumsBB Hey, if it brings a smile to us, we can share that happiness with others and it is contagious #freeStuffRocks #tbw
  160. RT @SuperBlogga: Yeah. I guess if I really really had to sum up blogging in one word, it would be: sharing. #tbw
  161. What is web TV? Lol. Just kidding. RT @SheWritesaLot: I got you all beat - I had a page on Web TV. #tbw
  162. Donna, we only know how old you are if we know what WebTV is (wink) :) MT @SheWritesaLot: LOLOL Oops - now you know how old I am! #tbw
  163. Before blogs I saved my research in Front Page and published it for reference @brittneymemphis Older than you Donna @SheWritesaLot :-) #TBW
  164. Q4 As a blogger, what do you wish you could learn more about? #SocialCafe #TBW
  165. @DigitalKaitlyn I use to love designing my AOL page builder websites! It's how I realized at 14, I wanted to be a web/graphic designer #TBW
  166. @TheBlogWorkshop yea it's nuts! I've been building websites for what feels like forever. When blogging became "cool" it was amazing lol #tbw
  167. Hi there! ;) Good 1 MT @YBBG_Blog: Blogging is a creative outlet, therapy, and a lucrative business depending on how you use it. #tbw
  168. I still use Yahoo for search. Lol. #confessionsofablogger No - just kidding. I use Alta Vista. #tbw
  169. A4. I would love to learn how to balance my "work" with my personal life #Tbw
  170. #TBW #blogging is a genius marketing tool. The huge thing about blogging is it connects consumers with the product in a meaningful way
  171. @P_N_F it's pretty awesome to find something like that so young, I made lots of friends doing it too #TBW
  172. RT @socialwebcafe: Q4 As a blogger, what do you wish you could learn more about? #SocialCafe #TBW
  173. A4 I want to learn more about web metrics and blogging, so I can try to pinpoint what content is working and what's not. #tbw
  174. @socialwebcafe Q4: I need help figuring out what I really have to offer that makes me stand out from the crowd. #socialcafe #tbw
  175. Q4 The mechanics - like is WP the best platform? Technical stuff #TBW
  176. A4 List building, FeedBlitz, email marketing, integrating email with social media marketing, video marketing, ViewBix #TBW
  177. @socialwebcafe Q4 - I also want to be better at coding, etc., so I don't have to rely on someone else! #socialcafe #tbw
  178. RT @TheBlogWorkshop: Q4 As a blogger, what do you wish you could learn more about? #TBW
  179. I wish I could learn more about SEO because it seems like you can never learn enough! It's ways changing and expanding. #TBW
  180. a4 - Community building and social media engagement are my weaknesses. #yikes #tbw
  181. RT @lydsrich: @socialwebcafe Q4 - I also want to be better at coding, etc., so I dont have to rely on someone else! #socialcafe #TBW
  182. I wish we could find an optimal analytics program for bloggers that was affordable @brittneymemphis #wa #TBW
  183. A4 I also want to hone my web skills to self-host and make my blog part of an overall me-branded site #tbw
  184. A4 we've done a couple articles and chats on the tech side of blogging during our #blogtrends chats,it's always great to hear from all #tbw
  185. @socialwebcafe #a4: I'm slowly learning more about #SEO, but am no pro. So I would like to learn a lot more and share the info. #tbw
  186. RT @YBBG_Blog: #TBW #blogging is a genius marketing tool. The huge thing about blogging is it connects consumers with the product in a meaningful way
  187. I'd also like to learn more about the development side (PHP, JavaScript) of things so that I can customize my blog theme more. #TBW
  188. RT @TheBlogWorkshop: A4. managing your passion, personal life, and staying in the know. You should improve/evolve constantly. #tbw
  189. A3. I think it's GREAT to point out that many people are landing new jobs and opportunities through their blogging ventures #tbw
  190. I'm trying @brittneymemphis @piwik is free, but free Clicky doesn't impress - paid might? @KISSmetrics is interesting but pricey #TBW
  191. RT @socialwebcafe: Q4 As a blogger, what do you wish you could learn more about? #SocialCafe #TBW
  192. RT @socialwebcafe: Q4 As a blogger, what do you wish you could learn more about? #SocialCafe #TBW
  193. RT @socialwebcafe: Q4 As a blogger, what do you wish you could learn more about? #SocialCafe #TBW
  194. We must choose where to invest our time @chachafance I don't do customizing because I rarely need it and would rather do other things #TBW
  195. This is why we're doing The Blog Workshop ONLINE Conference for bloggers & vloggers. Because it's a learning process for us all! #tbw
  196. A4 I also want to learn how to get people involved with my blogs. User-generated content would definitely start creating community. #tbw
  197. RT @shgmclicious: Yay! RT @GrowMap: A3 Many blog to share research, educate others, and create a better world. #tbw
  198. RT @brittneymemphis: A4 I also want to learn how to get people involved with my blogs. #tbw
  199. I wish we could find an optimal analytics program for bloggers that was affordable @brittneymemphis ->  http://tinyurl.com/2fp2sfy fpTBWy #TBW
  200. @TheBlogWorkshop you meet amazing people and you never know where blogging will take you with helping get a job! #tbw
  201. RT @TheBlogWorkshop: This is why were doing The Blog Workshop ONLINE Conference for bloggers & vloggers..... looking forward to it #tbw
  202. A4 One last thing-- I need some good advice on how to make a flexible time table for my blog posts. #tbw
  203. We'll be giving away a FULL conference ticket soon! Check out our awesome speakers  http://theblogworkshop.com/speakers optbwm/speakers #tbw
  204. @tonygreene113 I use iContact - the free version. But very little as I've not ever been good at email marketing. How about you? #tbw
  205. I like using the WYSIJA plugin - very customizable #TBW
  206. RT @shgmclicious: A4 I also want to hone my web skills to self-host and make my blog part of an overall me-branded site #tbw
  207. @SuperBlogga Best independent tools can't be free so we have to make money to pay for things like @FeedBlitz and/or @aweber #TBW
  208. @SuperBlogga wistia is a good visual tool to use for growing your lists too - free #TBW
  209. @brittneymemphis When you figure that out, teach me? Slash make the day have more hours? #tbw
  210. @brittneymemphis The easiest way to get readers is to install CommentLuv and go commenting.  http://growmap.com/commentluv/ omTBWtluv/ #TBW
  211. @GrowMap Yes but all these various tools add up monthly. I have quite a few that I currently pay for. #tbw
  212. @tonygreene113 Isn't Wistia a hosting and analytics program for Videos? #TBW
  213. A4 I wouldn't be nearly so informed as I am on intellectual and academic topics were it not for the blogs I read that are written (1/2) #tbw
  214. A4 (2/2) in accessible, easy-to-read, but not you're-dumb-so-we-dumbed-it-down language #tbw
  215. Today was AWESOME #bloggers! We'll be doing another chat same time 3pm EDT next week Oct. 24th and would love for you all to chime in #tbw
  216. @shgmclicious Haha! Will do. Well, at least the first part of that deal. :) #tbw
  217. @GrowMap yes..but they have a tool where you can add videos behind an optin form #TBW
  218. @SuperBlogga Agreed - they do - so we need to share our best ways of making money to pay for them #TBW
  219. RT @TheBlogWorkshop: A3. There are many reasons to blog; journaling, hobby, wanting to share your expertise...... #tbw
  220. Yes. Good insight. RT @GrowMap: @SuperBlogga Agreed - they do - so we need to share our best ways of making money to pay for them #tbw
  221. Connect with me there and I'll get you in our other collaborations if you're interested @SuperBlogga #TBW
  222. 4mins... We're about to close off entries for today's give, You'll get a FULL ticket to The Blog Workshop conference and Starbucks GC #tbw
  223. @GrowMap I think really what it is, is that since I think I am not good with email mrktg I do not like to justify the expense. #tbw
  224. Nice to meet you, @TheBlogWorkshop and everybody else, too! I enjoyed the chat today. Nice little coffee break :) #TBW
  225. If anyone needs help on tools I've named feel free to follow me and reply - I like helping others!! :) #TBW
  226. Next week, on #SocialCafe we will continue our chat about the #TBW workshop! Wed 3p EDT
  227. @SuperBlogga Same here - I know how complicated it is to do email marketing well so I've put it off. Time to get serious. #TBW
  228. @YBBG_Blog Hi. Yes most of my tools are free and with the awesome tools from Google - we save quite a bit, don't we? #tbw
  229. If you want to grow your blog traffic and community do this >>  http://growmap.com/comment-share/ omTBWt-share/ #TBW
  230. @YBBG_Blog I think #SEO, like many things, is one of those continual learning process things... like life ;) #tbw
  231. Missed the #SocialCafe chat? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. #TBW
  232. RT @socialwebcafe: Next week, on #SocialCafe we will continue our chat about the #TBW workshop! Wed 3p EDT #TBW
  233. Another great chat! Thanks for the tips, motivation & advice! #Tbw
  234. @YBBG_Blog they are not free - you pay for them in the long run with your profits and your freedom #TBW
  235. @SheWritesaLot likewise! You shared some great points. I hope to see you next week for our chat #tbw
  236. Stay tuned for the announcement of the winner today! #TBW Yeah!
  237. RT @socialwebcafe: Next week, on #SocialCafe we will continue our chat about the #TBW workshop! Wed 3p EDT
  238. RT @b2cparty: Stay tuned for the announcement of the winner today! #TBW Yeah!
  239. Todays winner from our #TBW chat with @socialwebcafe is *drum roll* @thirtymommy!!! We'll dm you with details to redeem :)
  240. Thank you for joining us for this week's #SocialCafe Twitter Chat. #TBW
  241. RT @socialwebcafe: Missed the #SocialCafe chat? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. #TBW
  242. @socialwebcafe Looking forward to seeing the archive. I will be creating a Storify for my social media class as well. #gradstudent #tbw
  243. RT @thirtymommy: Another great chat! Thanks for the tips, motivation & advice! #Tbw
  244. @brittneymemphis Very cool.. Oh, please share the link with us, when you post it ;) #tbw
  245. Join @TheBlogWorkshop TODAY For A Twitter Chat 3pm EDT & Enter To Win Full Conference Registration! Use #TBW to chat  http://theblogworkshop.com/enter-to-win-a-50-visa-gift-card-full-registration-to-theblogworkshop-conference-1015-1119/ op.com/enter-to-win-a-50-visa-gift-card-full-registration-to-theblogworkshop-conference-1015-1119/
  246. Thank you all for joining us fellow #bloggers and vloggers, be sure to join us again for another AWESOME chat Oct. 24th @ 3pm EST #tbw
  247. RT @socialwebcafe: Missed the #SocialCafe chat? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. #TBW
  248. RT @socialwebcafe: Next week, on #SocialCafe we will continue our chat about the #TBW workshop! Wed 3p EDT
  249. Thanks for a great chat, everyone! Hope to participate again soon! #tbw
  250. RT @socialwebcafe: Next week, on #SocialCafe we will continue our chat about the #TBW workshop! Wed 3p EDT
  251. @SuperBlogga That sure did! Time flies when you're having fun and amongst great people. See you next week? #tbw
  252. RT @b2cparty: RT @socialwebcafe: Next week, on #SocialCafe we will continue our chat about the #TBW workshop! Wed 3p EDT
  253. Thanks, Da Vinci (@TheBlogWorkshop @YourLifeAfter25) for being our guest. And thank you wonderful tweeps for chatting today :) #tbw
  254. RT @TheBlogWorkshop: Todays winner from our #TBW chat with @socialwebcafe is *drum roll* @thirtymommy!!! We'll dm you with details to redeem :)
  255. Cute Lucky Ducks video  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtQjEB0ONss om/watch?v=HtQjEB0ONss Videos you can add voice-oveTBWon. Interesting. #TBW

Link to Complete Summary.
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