#B2CTweet Chatting About #HashTags Twitter Chat and Party ScheduleTwitter Chat and Party Schedule All times shown in Eastern Daylight Savings Time (EDT), the same as New York, NY, US. This will change to... --------------- Featuring: --------------- --------------- About Us: --------------- --------------- The Chat: --------------- Join us NOW from 3 until 5 EDT in chat to discuss Twitter , Tracking and Trending http://b2ct.me/PkYzZm m viat Welcome, everyone, to another chat. Today we are discussing Hi all! Glad to be here talking about Looking forward to some roundtable discussion on what we all have learned And, I'll be tweeting from :D (I couldn't resist) Thanks, Gail ( ) for the reminder that we are an hour earlier. Reminders are helpful! Join us NOW Twitter Chat --> Talking about hashtags and trending http://t.co/qSmXo1imRT Q1 What are Twitter Hashtags? A1 There is an interesting article on the "short and illustrious history" of the here-> http://ht.ly/cZLKd #b I used to think that the Twitter started with Twitter, but Twitter was around in 2006 and the came in 2007 More from a history lesson on the Here is a image of the first mention of using http://ht.ly/cZMfp #b And, we owe it all to Chris Messina on Aug 23, 2007 The has been very helpful in searches I can't imagine Twitter without How did people communicate before ? I suppose, back before Twitter became extremely popular, it was a lot easier to do the searches. Yes, and now the searches seem like they are becoming even more difficult and Twitter seems to less. I am not sure of the reliability of the searches since I have tweets that actually don't show up in searches. Still need What do you use when you search for tweets using ? Am seriously a newbie when it comes to but i know it's quit powerful Join us NOW from 3 until 5 EDT in chat to discuss Twitter , Tracking and Trending http://b2ct.me/PkYzZm m viat I remember when I first started using Twitter and the mentions, shout outs, DM and then the hashtag... seemed confusing I get so many more results in than straight searches. And, no I am not affiliated with :) is a pretty neat little tool, saved to my bookmarks! are so helpful in pin-pointing the actual search versus just the word. It is very useful. RT : is a pretty neat little tool, saved to my bookmarks! It is! Though, one time I didn't find a tweet that was truly there, but definitely finds more than Gail - good to "see" you! And, I see our bird is chirping again! Great illustration of value of ! Our bird was chirping but you couldn't hear her. Why? no hashtag LOL....we have just proved the value of hashtags and what happens when the tool you're using isn't appending them as you expect! There are great tools out there for Twitter Chats & Parties and as you can tell, the is essential when you participate Without the , it is almost impossible to follow a Twitter Chat or Twitter Party. RT : Join us NOW until 5 EDT in chat to discuss Twitter , Tracking and Trending http://b2ct.me/PkYzZm m t I really do hope to learn a lot today, i can imagine the progress i will make if i have more opportunity to hangout with you all Twitter search you have to remember to switch to ALL tweets to see them - default is TOP tweets when you search! We love having you hang out with us! True, but even so, I have had tweets that don't show up in searches. I could be looking right at the tweet... If you want to know what the most common are for any particular niche or topic just ask We use Topsy to find out which hashtags are most popular or in use and to find new ones to use for Twitter parties true talk because the helps locate and follow the topic, but sometimes on twitter it hard to send tweets Joining in this twitter meeting a little early. I had not run across before Or I don't remember having used it. More results you say? Great! Too bad doesn't tweet from that account. They could've joined us & told us more about it. I always find it amusing that Twitter app developers don't ever use their Twitter accounts...LOL...so weird Have you tried setting up in yet? They keep more history than most anything else Great idea! RT : Have you tried setting up in yet? They keep more history than most anything else thought i was the only one noticing that :) Actually we're chatting from 3 to 5 EDT to transition to a new time slot We did't want to miss anyone! Feel free to ask any questions you may have If we don't know or or someone else will! - awesome. glad to be in the mix. ;) Before this week, I would say always gave 100% of the tweets (I tracked), but then some didn't show up In all fairness, I will blame a technical glitch rather than since all the other times, they were right on! TweetChat is MUCH easier to use and set up But TweetGrid is necessary if you're co-hosting a large Twitter Party Sure i don't have a problem with questions because i love learning new things to help my business We need to all be aware that Twitter DOES censor tweets and so they may NOT appear in Twitter Search! Q2 How to select when composing your tweets? And because Twitter apps often use only what is CURRENTLY in Twitter search you won't find them in those tools either. If possible i would love to follow every1 here :) Only in the Twitter apps that archive tweets like and - not all save tweets. Most use Twitter's live database Do you have any idea HOW they censor? algorithms, etc.? I know of entire Twitter profiles that don't show up in search So glad you could make it, Megan So are you saying it's a thing of luck to use when tweeting ? there are certain HTs i know are popular for a relevant topic, like - sometimes i just guess using common sense A1 I tend to think about what I would want to search for when deciding what to turn into a in my tweet Deborah archives all our chats and parties so you CAN go back and follow everyone and reread! Yes. Start with common sense and then use to see what is popular to connect with NEW groups Sometimes a is obvious. For example, a chat or following what is on . Or find the group you want to connect with and then use the hashtags they prefer hi guys! just coming in. Am I late? I'm not sure what you mean about using hashtags being a thing of luck? RT : thanks for . Yes. Start with common sense and then use to see what is popular to connect with NEW groups We are doing a two hour chat today Enstine so that we don't miss anyone as we move our regular time back one hour Welcome to all of you joining us at our previously-regular Chat time of 4pm EDT. We started at 3pm EDT today to transition. Nope.. never late :) Welcome! I Love !! I also use it every day to see how my content is spreading via retweets Just search for your URL or following a weekly group HT like . . . Yeah, and some of us "in the know" needed extra nudges, too! Thnx, ! RT Welcome to all of you joining us at our previously-regular Chat time of 4pm EDT. RT : We are doing a two hour chat today Enstine so that we dont miss anyone as we move our regular time back one hour One thing about chats and parties. We won't leave u hanging! If there's a change, we will still be there for u at the "old time" Awww cute... Deb has changed our Avatar to our new mascot her daughter made out of clay. And CAKE! RT : Q2 How to select when composing your tweets? Oops... I think it is on Soon on Here it is: http://ht.ly/cZQKa nice to have a talented daughter) #b Every chat about Twitter is bound to mention You're welcome to join chat going on now A2 One of the things that I wonder if people think about, with chats, is the length of the not sure where you all are, but we are about to get a banging here in northern NJ . . . may need to unplug for a bit Think about it. If I start a chat with how much can people add in their tweet? Though, that just relates to the chat and parties, etc. and may be a fun trending Thanks for the heads up and totally understand Meg We are in two different locations to make sure you don't lose us one of the must-check twitter communities Certainly understandable and you need to take care of yourself! On determining your , the first thing is to determine what the purpose. We can simplify that into two areas. For Tweets ... Like said, common sense... no pressure, just hashtag as you feel or want. For chats, parties, and trending, 1) Follow what is designated if following 2) keep length and brand in mind if hosting A2 Choice of hashtag is critical especially if you want people who don't know what it means to figure it out! SHORT is important! What's the best Hashtag app/site out there? I'd like to add to our new list of IM tools http://goo.gl/HNWrr # Here is an article on on how to choose a Worth the read, with great tools referenced! RT : For chats and parties 1) Follow what is designated if following 2) keep length & brand in mind if hosting Do you mean to FIND hashtags or DEFINE hashtags or LIST chats and parties? There are sites for all of those RT Article on on how to choose a Worth the read, with great tools referenced! I would say define/search hashtags
A3 I use for tweets that I want to archive in Evernote. Anyone else use ? A3 I use to target a specific audience, to connect with an existing interest group, and to search So, not only are handy for 1) searching 2) tracking (chat) 3) trending but also 4) reporting Not the fancy ways you use Evernote Us quasi-geeks aren't up to speed on the fancy stuff - yet ;-) For example. Let's say I tell that I want to help by tweeting her article 3 times over the next 3 days... i'm back . . . i've never STARTED a . any ideas about that? would love to start a thing! I could look in my Twitter sent stream, but if I am really busy, I might get distracted.... Or, I could use + + and it takes seconds to check! FYI: I'm seeing dup tweets in chat on but not in tweetchat or on Twitter. Actually has made it super duper easy A bunch of geeks out there came up with recipes on so you non-geeks don't have to! Plug-n-play right into Do what you can to stake a claim for the hashtag you want to start List it on sites that post them & blog it All that the tweep has to know, is how to type (or paste) a cc: ROFLOL What is "super easy" to a true geek makes normal people's heads explode. LOL Glad to see you back, Meg. - excellent. what are the best sites for listing. i've tried a few, but were mostly disappointed. need to update lists RT : ha ha ha - ROFLOL What is "super easy" to a true geek makes normal people's heads explode. LOL Agreed that makes is MUCH easier but we non-geeks still have to get YOU to write us a how-to post ;-) Ah, touche I struggle with the definition of "super easy" constantly! Yes, they come and go Deb didn't I just publish some of those or were we just using them? I can't remember When you want to stake your claim to a don't really care how good - just want to make sure others KNOW So I list anywhere I find to make sure anyone thinking about using that knows it is already taken! You can't keep anyone else from using the same but wiser tweeps will want to claim one that is UNUSED I always wonder if there are other out there lurking. I wish we could get them to just tweet hi with the hashtag :-) Remember the song "I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing?" http://ht.ly/cZSYz I'd like to setup @ior ... #b Everyone is welcome - especially newbies - we love to share tips and make it easy for you to get up to speed yes, you published a link. I agree, the problem is they do come and go. Understandable, with burnout (re: hashtag) Well when you're ready to explain how you use I'm all ears Guest post or teach me and I'll write it up Q4 What Twitter Apps and Tools are available to track hashtags? If anyone is interested, we could have a twitter chat devoted to talking about ideas for ... anyone? RT : TY! Everyone is welcome - especially newbies - we love to share tips and make it easy for you to get up to speed - We'll collect all the links to related apps and tools and publish them in the archive of this chat Too early for Deb LOL You'd have to talk to yourself and because we would be LOST For those of you who have never heard of ... told me about it and I love it! It automates tasks! A good way to find all the listing sites could be to search for a popular hashtag like But, it IS helpful to have an idea of how to use it, so let us know if that is of interest. I would recommend recipes for For non-geeks is used to trigger an action from an alert = IF THIS happens then DO THIS action / share What we need is "a few with a clue" first...lol... is way over my head at this point A4 I absolutely love They are in beta right now, but when they launch... provides all of the stats I totally understand the concept of - it is the how to actually DO IT that is lacking for now I need lessons! A4 We can't wait for to launch because we haven't seen anything nearly as good for tracking Twitter Parties & Chats RT : A4 We cant wait 4 to launch bc we havent seen anything nearly as gd 4 tracking Twitter Parties & Chats There is a great article by on blog: 6 Tools to Learn More About Your Twitter Engagement http://ht.ly/cZUub b Also, let's not forget abt Twitter's trending topics. Interesting discussion on that, in this article: http://ht.ly/cZUDA b Keep in mind the Gail and I ran a report that said I had 100% female followers. Last I checked hubby is a male! Thanks Can you tell us if your pro version can give us our FULL stats or if Twitter limits that? Thanks LOL There is a valid reason for the quote, "lies, damn lies and statistics" attributed to Mark Twain Thanks Can you tell us if your pro version can give us our FULL stats or if Twitter limits that? Thanks There are great stats in and it is pretty easy-to-use. Quick, too. Statistics and analytics will cause you more grief than benefit if you don't apply them w/ common sense & know affecting variables If you are looking for just an archive... is a great option. Not as much of an tool, but can give you qty Yes but for some reason is not picking up our Tweets right now I think many apps limit at 1500 because of a limit. We don't want to make unhappy with us. cc: shame on them! :D Ok, then should I take back the recommendation? lol Seriously, though, the best stats for individuals is through a pro @Communi_It account and the best reporting is We should do a post on Deb Actually multiple posts on how you're using it to archive Twitter Chats LOL No we won't disown - they are a great tool. Just not picking them up right now. RT : Best stats for individuals is through a pro @Communi_It account & best reporting is Still looking for a analytics tool that will "suffice" while I wait for full launch of ? Before we go... does anyone have any they want to share? Great time for plugs, too! But some apps get their data in other ways, so they have more complete access. It varies from app to app. Thanks We will be in touch. (Gail Deb behind Chats and Parties) . Thanks. Would love to have you as a guest on one of our Twitter chats, talking to us about your services RT : Every chat about Twitter is bound to mention You're welcome to join chat going on now I want to be sure everyone here now knows about next week's chat and party because we have some VALUABLE PRIZES you will want! Looking forward to next week's twitter party! Do check them out - and we WILL be publishing a post on http://B2CTweet.com with full details on how to enter to win # Sounds great - I'd love to. Just let me know when! thanks 4 an awesome twitter time! learned a lot and had fun 2! . Thanks for joining us for another Chat! Stay tuned for a tweet, as well as a summary post with all the resource links.