#SocialCafe 1.21 Chat Transcript

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#SocialCafe Chatting about #PayPerClick w/ @JSRampton

#SocialCafe Chatting about #PayPerClick w/ @JSRampton

Q&A Discussing the Pay-Per-Click concepts and how it may benefit your business. Special Guest: John Rampton (@JSRampton of @ppcdotorg). Host: Deborah * Social Web Cafe @SocialWebCafe

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  4. --------------- The Chat: ---------------
  5. Welcome to the #SocialCafe Chat at our weekly Wed 3pm EST (8p GMT)
  6. Hi guys, just dropping in to see what the talk is all about! #socialcafe
  7. #SocialCafe has had a great holiday season, giving to Product Specialists, with Twitter Chats. Now, back to our regular chats...
  8. MT @socialwebcafe: #SocialCafe has had a great season, giving to Product Specialists, w/ Twitter Chats. Now, back to our regular...
  9. #socialcafe @JSRampton just watched the video, hilarious and SO true when it comes to cleavage = Pay Per Click.
  10. John @JSRampton is very knowledgeable on #PPC & gives some great tips in his interview here:  http://youtu.be/xeceMfCiWR4 MfCiWRYouTubeyoSocialCafeialCafe
  11. A1: We do use PPC. It started off as an experiment, and the results as far as building community have been positive. #socialcafe
  12. @JSRampton I have to admit, after the interview, I am analyzing that quarter inch cleavage in ads. LOL cc: @SMContractors #socialcafe
  13. @JSRampton first off, are you a strong believer is PPC vs. not using it?? #socialcafe
  14. @socialwebcafe @JSRampton I mean who would have thought to say it like that?? Something I will be sharing with the office! #socialcafe
  15. @SMContractors I'm a strong believer for 80% of all businesses. Some it's too expensive and others have no need. #SocialCafe
  16. A2 I use the built-in FB analytics, but could do more! #SocialCafe
  17. RT @JSRampton: @SMContractors Im a strong believer for 80% of all businesses. Some its too expensive and others have no need. #socialcafe
  18. Good point. I was using #PPC for "giveaways" and unless those giveaways convert to sales, it is lost ad $$ #socialcafe
  19. @socialwebcafe Different based on client but typically on $, leads, or downloads. I use goals in analytics to track most things #SocialCafe
  20. @JSRampton Where do peeps "sign up" to try the testing of ads... (from the interview)? #socialcafe
  21. @JSRampton what is YOUR reason for using it? It seems like it is just a tool to build LIKES at first. How do you go beyond that? #socialcafe
  22. Stay tuned for topic announcement about a writing topic next week… #SocialCafe
  23. @socialwebcafe I love fb contests for giveaways. Had huge success there and they are free #SocialCafe
  24. RT @socialwebcafe: Stay tuned for topic announcement about a writing topic next weekÉ #SocialCafe
  25. @SMContractors Social interaction with Facebook. Google #ppcchat for branded and keyword #SocialCafe
  26. Good point! RT @JSRampton: @SMContractors Social interaction with Facebook. Google #ppcchat for branded and keyword #socialcafe
  27. I notice, in FB ads, the ability to view how many peeps will see the ad, but curious if there is a way to predict a response... #socialcafe
  28. So, basically... testing... RT @JSRampton: @socialwebcafe Not in the beginning. Prediction comes with time and $ #socialcafe
  29. @JSRampton has compiled articles at @ppcdotorg to help you get from 0 to 60 more smoothly than if you went it alone. #ppcchat #socialcafe
  30. @JSRampton do you have some recommended articles (links) to help people on the knowledge path to maximize their #PPC ROI? #socialcafe
  31. Using some of seomoz tools for search insight can help..PPC is too rich for me right now #SocialCafe
  32. Good idea... RT @tonygreene113: Using some of seomoz tools for search insight can help..PPC is too rich for me right now #socialcafe
  33. @tonygreene113 Seems like it is a case of time versus money, eh? The perfect balance sometimes seems elusive. #socialcafe
  34. @socialwebcafe it's difficult especially in times like these where many are looking to catch that bargain..so search is hit/miss #SocialCafe
  35. @socialwebcafe I've grown to like Bing Ads UI..very easy to use and results are kinda cheap so far...just dabbling for now #SocialCafe
  36. StumbleUpon Paid Discovery is too confusing..I'll stick to the less restrictive Bing for now #SocialCafe
  37. @tonygreene113 I'm going to try that. I've been doing FB ads and Google Ads, but will try Bing. Thanks! #socialcafe
  38. Missed the #SocialCafe chat? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready.
  39. Thx @SMContractors for some great questions on this sleepy after-holiday kickback time-hope u find some grt articles @ppcdotorg #socialcafe
  40. RT @socialwebcafe: Missed the #SocialCafe chat? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready.
  41. @SweetSixteens I dropped the contract for a boost mobile service that gets lower as I pay on time #SocialCafe
  42. Hi guys, just dropping in to see what the talk is all about! #socialcafe
  43. Thank you for joining us for this week's #SocialCafe Twitter Chat.

Link to Complete Summary.
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