#B2CTweet Chatting About Twitter Parties w/Kelli Miller
--------------- Today's Guest: Kelli Miller ---------------
--------------- Featuring: ---------------
--------------- Your Hosts ---------------
--------------- The Chat: ---------------
Welcome to a special Twitter Chat w/ talking about Twitter Parties co-hosts: &
Welcome everybody! Welcome Glad to have you here!
RT : a special Twitter Chat w/ talking abt Twitter Parties co-hosts:
RT : Welcome everybody! Welcome Glad to have you here!
TY! I am sure excited to be here :-)
RT : RT : a special Twitter Chat w/ talking abt Twitter Parties co-hosts:
RT : Welcome to a special Twitter Chat w/ talking abt Twitter Parties co-hosts &
If you want to know about Twitter Parties you HAVE to know Kelli She has hosted Wal-Mart Back to school >>
Thanks for the special time to fit my crazy schedule! :-)
Kelli's Twitter Party for Old London had 5200+ tweets in two hours - that's 43 tweets a minute! Kelli is our guest
We have some great questions, to get us going with discussion about (yeah!) Twitter Parties... And, learn about Kelli :)
RT : Hi Glad you joined us :) Glad you joined us :)
Thanks! This is new for me. Hoping to learn something.
RT : Kelli's Twitter Party for Old London had 5200+ tweets in 2 hrs - that's 43 per mn! Kelli is our guest
Oh dear, I am not prepared for questions about Kelli ;-)
Q1 What are Twitter Chats and How Are Twitter Chats Different from Twitter Parties?
We will definitely ALL learn a lot. Twitter Parties are a blast - but hosting one is a multi-tasking challenge
LOL RT : Oh dear, I am not prepared for questions about Kelli ;-)
RT : Q1 What are Twitter Chats and How Are Twitter Chats Different from Twitter Parties?
and starts sometimes WEEKS before the actual twitter party
Q1: I typically say that parties give out givfts and chats give out knowledge
If you're in TweetChat click the little person icon and select FEATURE to highlight and
RT : Q1: I typically say that parties give out givfts and chats give out knowledge
However, I am not the twitter chat expert that would be and - I just party ;-)
Great explanation of the difference between chats and parties RE: gifts or no gifts
:) RT : However, I am not the twitter chat expert that would be and - I just party ;-)
Q1: However, a GREAT Twitter Party will give out BOTH and interaction
So that means, you have all the fun :)
LOL....Kelli "just parties"...Deb and Gail "Twitter Chat" and sometimes Party!
LOL! It isn't called a party for nothing ;-)
This is how I describe it to clients, esp in training: "Twitter Chats are great for branding and continued client engagement”
RT : LOL....Kelli "just parties"...Deb and Gail "Twitter Chat" and sometimes Party
Twitter Parties will be HUGE because they're a blast! So much fun that participants ENJOY hearing about companies
Twitter Parties are all about increasing brand recognition or growing participation for an event
RT : Twitter Parties are all about increasing brand recognition or growing participation for an event
RT : I describe it to clients, esp in training: "Twitter Chats are great for branding & continued client engagement”
RT : Q1: I typically say that parties give out givfts and chats give out knowledge
So hopefully we all now understand that a Twitter chat is like a get-together among friends or exchanging expertise and tips
Hey! where are my buddies and girls? Y'all are missing an informative chat!
Twitter parties use to encourage party goers to find out more about an upcoming event, product launch, or your
Although, beyond a fun time, chats help keep the brand in the forefront, esp with a regularly scheduled chat
RT : Twitter parties use to encourage party goers to find out more about event, prod launch, or ur
Any of our friends from other chats are invited NOW to chat on Making Money on Twitter.
If I have 2 products, pretty comparable, but I get engagement (weekly chat) from one brand, I'm buying that one...
RT : Although, beyond a fun time, chats help keep the brand in the forefront, esp with a regularly scheduled chat
RT : Twitter Parties are all about increasing brand recognition or growing participation for an event
Q2 What kind of businesses can benefit from having a Twitter Party?
RT : If I have 2 products, pretty comparable, but I get engagement (weekly chat) from one brand, I'm buying that 1
RT : Q2 What kind of businesses can benefit from having a Twitter Party?
RT : Q2 What kind of businesses can benefit from having a Twitter Party?
Q2: The kind that wants the public talking about their brand
Q2: Twitter Parties (and Chats) are customized to fit your brand / event / theme and audience
A2 Seems like Old London and WalMart, eh?
Our collaborators work too hard! Come join NOW
RT : Q2: Twitter Parties (and Chats) are customized to fit your brand / event / theme and audience
Wouldn't that include ALL brands? In theory?
Hi Thanks for tweeting...hope you can hang for a bit
RT : Q2: The kind that wants the public talking about their brand
EXACTLY! RT : Wouldn't that include ALL brands? In theory?
RT : Q2: Twitter Parties (and Chats) are customized to fit your brand / event / theme and audience
RT : Our collaborators work too hard! Come join NOW
A2 ANY brand or business COULD benefit from a Twitter chat or party; Key is figuring out what's in it for your potential buyer!
RT : RT : Q2: The kind that wants the public talking about their brand
I'm curious, Kelli How do you customize it for each brand? I mean, Old London and Walmart are not the same
RT : A2 ANY brand COULD benefit from a Twitter chat or party; Key is figuring out what's in it for your potential buyer!
Welcome to the party LOVE your Twitter handle...MomMe!
Walmart - we had a party/chat about gearing up for back to school and AL tax free weekend
And what's going to keep them engaged throughout the chat to leave them asking for the next one...
If you have what you think is a "boring" or are having trouble reaching your audience THINK TWITTER PARTIES! Fun
for old london we talked healthy foods and promoted their facebook party
would be a popular topic, added to Walmart fans. Great combination and example of how parties benefit
I love a challenge I bet I can find an angle to make a Twitter Party work for just about ANY TRY ME
RT : Welcome to the party LOVE your Twitter handle...MomMe!
I have a pretty extensive questionnaire that I provide to help us craft the perfect party for the brand
Great idea! A Twitter Party promoting a party. We love !
RT : would be a popular topic, added to Walmart fans. Great combo & example of how parties benefit
Back-to-school and Tax Free Weekends are HUGE - if you sell clothing or school supplies or books you could tap into that buzz!
So using the BackToSchool angle, what kind of discussions were taking place?
We'd love to get a look at that questionnaire...hint...hint...
RT : I love a challenge I bet I can find an angle to make a Twitter Party work for just about ANY
RT : I love a challenge I bet I can find an angle to make a Twitter Party work for ANY TRY ME
Good question. RT : So using the BackToSchool angle, what kind of discussions were taking place?
I was thinking that, too :) RT : Wed love to get a look at that questionnaire...hint...hint...
must have school supplies, strangest thing on the school list, etc
RT : Q2: Twitter Parties (and Chats) are customized to fit your brand / event / theme and audience
just sign up for a twitter party and I will send it right over ;-) LOL!
Did you see what tweeting about our Twitter Parties did for the B2CTweet Facebook page ? From 0 to 2,434 fans already!
ROFL! You are good, Kelli! RT : just sign up for a twitter party and I will send it right over ;-) LOL!
RT : Did you see what tweeting about our Twitter Parties did for the B2CTweet Facebook page ? From 0 to 2,434 fans already
LOL If only businesses had any idea how many hours have gone into developing how to maximize parties
Q3 How important is it to have experienced Twitter Party Hosts?
Q3 - I personally think it is EXTREMELY important to the overall brand... twitter parties can get pretty wild
RT : must have school supplies, strangest thing on the school list, etc
Ok the "strangest thing" on a school list got my attention. I am a curious creature!
Q3 - I plan the entire party by the minute to keep everything focused and on track - as any experienced host would
I think it's important to have experienced host to keep party on track!
I bet How to Save Money on School Supplies...where to get hard to find items on your lists...what's hot this season
I think if you throw together something weith those that have no clue, it will show and reflect badly on your brand
TY! RT : LOL If only businesses had any idea how many hrs have gone into developing how maximize parties
LOL We'll give you a guided tour...hahaha You need to be schizophrenic to deal with issues at Twitter & in tools
you have 43 tweets a minute flying at an inexperienced host, you are going to hav major issues :-)
For example You can't RT from within because tweets are too long so you flip to Twitter to do that
Would love to see the by-the-minute version.. :) Spreadsheet?
And Twitter delays vary between and Twitter so I'm flipping between FIVE tabs to respond
Example: the walmart party I hosted, I lost power 3 times! 3 times my computer shut down. in 1 hour.
Really? You should have told me. I've been RTing in TweetChat
awe if I share EVERYTHING, I will be out of business ;-) I do a spreadhseet and
here's an interesting thing fo ru bloggers - as a hostess, make every important tweet short eough to RT
Always wild at a Twitter Party (in a good way, of course!) RT : Wild in what way?
In your host may be tweeting as themselves, their Twitter chat Username, sometimes additional usernames or the client!
Did we answer the question of what makes a "Qualified Host/Hostess" for a Twitter Party? If you had to pick 3 qualities...
Someone mentioned that businesses have no idea how much work goes into a party, but I'd guess they don't care. Just whatsinitforme
Shhh... don't tell anyone! ROFL
That Kelli lost power 3 times during her Wal-Mart chat is why we will ALWAYS use 2-3+ hosts in different places
Large twitter following, experience in twitter parties, cool under pressure :-)
No if we share everything between us we will throw the biggest Twitter Parties the world has EVER seen!
Can't blame a gal for trying! (I'm proud of you for keeping trade secrets!) :D
. parties are A LOT of work (but we're not complaining)
luckily, I had my hotspot on my phone and my netbook open :-)
We have Deb the brilliant -what I call Deb because she added RSVP and tested FOUR calendar systems to get best one!
RT : No if we share everything between us we will throw the biggest Twitter Parties the world has EVER seen!
Yes! RT : Large twitter following, experience in twitter parties, cool under pressure :-)
RT : Some1 mentioned that businesses have no idea how much work.but I'd guess they don't care. Just
I share a TON of my stuff including my pricing etc on my website - but I have 2 keep something to keep me above the crowd
What are ways 2 initiate and build buzz abt a twitter party if followers aren't engaging?
If you're not familiar with using you may find easier to follow at first How-to in that post.
RT : heres an interesting thing fo ru bloggers - as a hostess, make every important tweet short eough to RT
LOL I noticed how slickly Kelli does SHORT tweets. Sorry Deb I thought I told you I RT from Twitter
I like the "cool under pressure" quality.
TRUE They don't care about the work but they need to know that what goes on behind the scenes + WHO is hosting >>
Is critical. Ask Deb about REACH - If she doesn't have stats handy we can show you after the chat.
Q4 What do you as the Twitter Party service provider do versus what does the business have to do?
Hey no apologies.. I find it mentally stimulating to figure out how to shorten RTs in :D
RT : Q4 What do you as the Twitter Party service provider do versus what does the business have to do?
Q4 - I can handle as much or as little as the brand wants - that is fugured out in our initail consultation
With the Walmart party, I did about 98 percent of it. THey did tell about it and provided a couple tweets during event
q4 I think as party host you act on behalf on both guests And brand. Doing double duty.
However with Old London, I was more a panelist than a host - they ran it and I kept things going
RT : q4 I think as party host you act on behalf on both guests And brand. Doing double duty.
A4 The business needs to make money so that they can hire expert Twitter Chat and Twitter Party hosts/hostesses :)
If I join an existing Twitter chat where almost no one knows me their numbers can double because of WHO follows 's 29,537
RT : I like the "cool under pressure" quality.
LOL : Hey no apologies.. I find it mentally stimulating to figure out how to shorten RTs in :D
I've found that you can sometimes "lose your audience" if it becomes too one-way. You need to be able to engage.
You are just THAT awesome, Gail! Actually more awesome! :D
thanks so much! Enjoying chatting w you!
GREAT QUESTION from What are ways 2 initiate and build buzz abt a twitter party if followers aren't engaging
ask questions or say something TOTALLY random and off the wall - like so glad it is friday (on a Tuesday)
You have to get influencers to support you who have large Twitter audiences My followers are social media savvy >
Kelli, do you have some links that you could share with us?
Many are bloggers or Social Media Marketers so they already know WHAT to do if I make it EASY for them to do it
Then during chats Deb & I have time to scroll up & down welcoming people, pulling them into the conversation
That is how Chats are very different than what Kelli does in Big Brand parties which are HUGE volume flying by
Blogging Basics: How To Offer A Twitter Party as Part of Your Ad Options | 3 Bo..
http:// bit.ly/SjHPBB
You need to know your audience. If you have lurkers who want to learn, . If you have partiers that want to party,
The busier the chat or party the better it is to have multiple co-hosts. Kelli's huge parties could benefit, too
RT : Blogging Basics: How To Offer A Twitter Party as Part of Your Ad Options | 3 Bo..
http:// bit.ly/SjHPBB
But, I have to get the people to the party or it doesn't fly by :-)
Yes - never underestimate your reach. There are TONS of lurkers listening & learning as stats prove
Thank you. Enjoying chatting with you. And love the username. PintasticMom - so cool!
I use other social media, forums, and my bog to build the audience sometimes weeks in advance of the party
Even when you're in mode you have to make it fun! That is why Twitter Parties are taking off - it is fun AND profitable!
I use other social media, forums, and my blog to build the audience sometimes weeks in advance of the party
While engagement is important, you have to recognize that there are those who do not want to engage and do want to
Thanks so much to and for inviting me to chat with y'all tonight!
Yes we HAVE to get people to the party & that takes TONS of work If a business can afford more cohosts = bigger
Too many times, there hv been scheduled Twitter Chats tht hv ceased to exist because the host/hostess thinks no one is listening.
The aspect of parties can get more to participate, but still a lot of people are almost invisible DURING the party
Another great thing to do is to have... ready for it? .... Guest! cc: :D Then, u tap into their following, too
Threaten to throw in the towel blogging or in a forum or community or a chat and then the lurkers will say NO! NO!
I have a question to the twitter chat experts - how does a chat pricing differ from a party pricing?
RT : Another great thing to do is to have... ready for it? .... Guest!
Wow time flies when you're having fun. Any last minute questions for Kelli ?
Thanks for sharing your expertise.
Thanks bunches and for inviting me to chat with y'all tonight!
RT : Wow time flies when you're having fun. Any last minute questions for Kelli ?
I encourage bloggers to COLLABORATE to throw bigger & better Twitter chats & Twitter Parties reaching far more
Thrilled you could be here Kelli We have learned so much from you. Wait until you see what Deb did!
RT : I encourage bloggers to COLLABORATE to throw bigger & better Twitter chats & Twitter Parties reaching far more
Thank you all for joining us for another Twitter Chat with our special guest Please feel free to continue chatting