#SocialCafe 2.22 Chat Transcript

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Conference Season: What Is Your Experience? #SocialCafe #TBW

Conference Season: What Is Your Experience? #SocialCafe #TBW

Topic: Conference Season: What Is Your Experience?. Hosts: Deborah @SocialWebCafe and Da Vinci @TheBlogWorkshop

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  2. --------------- The Chat: ---------------
  3. Welcome to the #SocialCafe #TBW Chat at our weekly Tues 9pm EDT slot.
  4. 30 more minutes till we CHAT on Twitter tonight! Topic: Conference season :) Use #SocialCafe and #TBW to join us at 9pm EDT :)
  5. Whooo hooo it's 9pm and time to discuss.... DRUMROLL... Conference season :)! #SocialCafe #TBW
  6. Our topic today: Conference Season: What Is Your Experience? #SocialCafe #TBW
  7. TY - Ea tweet that includes both #SocialCafe & #TBW gives us precious gift of time. w/o it, there is a lot of extra labor in archive
  8. A couple weeks ago we talked about Instagram Be sure to check out the summary at:  http://sw.bcafe.co/5s CaSocialCafeTBW
  9. Q1 What conferences have you attended (plan to attend)? #SocialCafe #TBW
  10. A1: I have attended #TBW and it was my first! I just won a ticket to @GoBlogSocial & hope I can make it! #SocialCafe
  11. A1: I have attended #TBW and it was my first! I just won a ticket to @GoBlogSocial & hope I can make it! #SocialCafe
  12. A1: I also really hope to get a chance to attend @FLBlogCon & @BlogFete. Both conferences in Orlando! #SocialCafe
  13. A1: I also really hope to get a chance to attend @FLBlogCon & @BlogFete. Both conferences in Orlando! #SocialCafe
  14. I have attended several. Middle Of The Map - Forum was a great one! Several conferences my work put on were good as well #SocialCafe
  15. A1: I attended a couple of sessions of Blog Workshop as I could - brand new baby. :) #tbw #socialcafe @socialwebcafe
  16. @lydsrich @socialwebcafe Yeah I recall, no worries we'll have recordings going up this week! How's the baby? #SocialCafe #TBW
  17. @TheBlogWorkshop Yes Middle Of The Map - Forum was a great one! I have put on a few for work that were good as well #SocialCafe #TBW
  18. Q1. I spoke/hosted @TheBlogWorkshop's #TBWC13 and am currently watching the @NBA Eastern Conference Finals ;) #SocialCafe #TBW
  19. Hard to get to conferences living on Nantucket, need one that I can attend via web. Or maybe you could have one here? #TBW #SocialCafe
  20. @nantucketbybike Hi Jason! Thanks for joining us, what type of conferences are you interested in? #SocialCafe #TBW
  21. This wk’s episode of Social Web Cafe TV w/@momof3boys3702 abt internships  http://www.socialwebcafe.tv ribe to podcast, too #SocialSocialCafeTBW
  22. Very cool! Hi Krystal ;) MT @KrystalS: A1: I have attended #TBW and it was my first! I just won a ticket to @GoBlogSocial #SocialCafe
  23. @socialwebcafe Very nice place to live, can't complain! Sept would be a good month for your next conference here on #ack #SocialCafe #TBW
  24. @nantucketbybike Awesome we have some great info for you. We have recordings available for our recent conference & #SocialCafe #TBW
  25. Q2 In your conference experience, what have been some of the pros and cons? #SocialCafe #TBW
  26. @TheBlogWorkshop Anything to help me bring #Nantucket to the next level of digital engagement...small biz and local gov #SocialCafe #TBW
  27. Q2: In your conference experience, what have been some of the pros and cons? #SocialCafe #TBW
  28. A2 Also the most memorable ones are the ones that make you feel accomplishment or empowerment #SocialCafe #TBW
  29. A2 Also the most memorable ones are the ones that make you feel accomplishment or empowerment #SocialCafe #TBW
  30. @TheBlogWorkshop Blogger Conference Pros: Networking, feeling inspired & that your blog has a purpose! #TBW #SocialCafe
  31. @TheBlogWorkshop Blogger Conference Pros: Networking, feeling inspired & that your blog has a purpose! #TBW #SocialCafe
  32. @TheBlogWorkshop Da Vinci (& team) > U did a great job of "capturing" it. No just "doing," but making it work #innovative #TBW #SocialCafe
  33. @TheBlogWorkshop Blogger Conference Cons: Cost, Might not have a friend to go with so you're "alone." #TBW #SocialCafe
  34. @TheBlogWorkshop Blogger Conference Cons: Cost, Might not have a friend to go with so you're "alone." #TBW #SocialCafe
  35. @KrystalS good one.. blog having purpose. I attended another 1 and it felt "aimless" (I will spare the name of conf) #TBW #SocialCafe
  36. From what we've seen, a lot of people want to leave conferences feeling empowered and inspired BUT with valuable info. #SocialCafe #TBW
  37. Yes! MT @TheBlogWorkshop: a lot of people want to leave conferences feeling empowered and inspired BUT with valuable info. #TBW #SocialCafe
  38. @socialwebcafe As long as I get a few nuggets of good info, I feel like the conference/webinar/etc is worth it. #TBW #SocialCafe
  39. @socialwebcafe If I could do a better job teaching the class myself then I get a little discouraged! #TBW #SocialCafe
  40. @socialwebcafe If I could do a better job teaching the class myself then I get a little discouraged! #TBW #SocialCafe
  41. @KrystalS Me, too. U never know what will grow out of that nugget ;) #TBW #SocialCafe
  42. Anyone ever attended a un-conference, #satchat runs these all over the east coast, attendees are the speakers/presenters #TBW #SocialCafe
  43. It's very important to do your research on who is speaking/presenting at any conference! Test their knowledge :) #SocialCafe #TBW
  44. RT @TheBlogWorkshop: Its very important to do your research on who is speaking/presenting at any conference! #SocialCafe #TBW #SocialCafe
  45. RT @TheBlogWorkshop: Its very important to do your research on who is speaking/presenting at any conference! #SocialCafe #TBW #SocialCafe
  46. Mark your calendars for next week's Twitter Chat AND hangout! Hangout & Twitter Feed "live"  http://socialwebcafe.tv/live #TTBW#SSocialCafe
  47. Q3 What would you look for (like to see) in a conference? #SocialCafe #TBW
  48. Speaking of attendees being speakers... put on your thinking caps this week & come share ur "balance" tips on hangout #TBW #SocialCafe
  49. @socialwebcafe Balance? What's that! ;) I have my moments of great balance and my moments of utter chaos. #TBW #SocialCafe
  50. @socialwebcafe Balance? What's that! ;) I have my moments of great balance and my moments of utter chaos. #TBW #SocialCafe
  51. A3 Video replays during the conference, so that questions and discussion can be enhanced #SocialCafe #TBW
  52. A3 Video replays during the conference, so that questions and discussion can be enhanced #SocialCafe #TBW
  53. @KrystalS Now I'm thinking... In search of... balance (along with the fountain of youth and the holy grail) lol #TBW #SocialCafe
  54. @socialwebcafe the un-conference movement has no official speakers, its free, uber interactive, & attendee created sessions #TBW #SocialCafe
  55. @socialwebcafe I have become an insane multi-tasker. Right now I drink cider while chatting while assembling a Blog Binder. #TBW #SocialCafe
  56. @nantucketbybike I really like the "uber interactive" part. That is very appealing. Will have to check it out. #TBW #SocialCafe
  57. Oh, Todd! U got to peek ur head out! lol ;) RT @ToddInKC: I think Im in twitter jail #TBW #SocialCafe
  58. Still can't follow anyone back but at least the tweets are going out now haha #socialCafe #TBW
  59. @ToddInKC The max follow amount is 2,000. Until you get more followers then Twitter will let you follow more! #SocialCafe
  60. Q4 Please share your thoughts about the @TheBlogWorkshop ‘s conference this past week. #SocialCafe #TBW
  61. @socialwebcafe @TheBlogWorkshop was innovative - wasn't bored once! Sessions moved swiftly but not too fast. #TBW #SocialCafe
  62. @socialwebcafe @TheBlogWorkshop was innovative - wasn't bored once! Sessions moved swiftly but not too fast. #TBW #SocialCafe
  63. @socialwebcafe @TheBlogWorkshop was innovative - wasn't bored once! Sessions moved swiftly but not too fast. #TBW #SocialCafe
  64. @socialwebcafe @TheBlogWorkshop Speakers were kind enough to connect after the conference - everyone was down to earth #TBW #SocialCafe
  65. @KrystalS Very true. I get bored easily and #TBW had great flow! Great attendees, speakers, organizers. :) #SocialCafe
  66. A4 It was great to “meet” #TBWC13 attendees & speakers and build community! #SocialCafe #TBW
  67. A4 It was great to “meet” #TBWC13 attendees & speakers and build community! #SocialCafe #TBW
  68. A4 It was great to “meet” #TBWC13 attendees & speakers and build community! #SocialCafe #TBW
  69. A4 @KrystalS ' point reminded me.. #TBWC13 left u wanting to learn more, but also feeling "full." #TBW #SocialCafe
  70. #TBWC13 was simply fabulous (as a speaker and attendee)! I'm looking forward to more from @TheBlogWorkshop :) #SocialCafe #TBW
  71. @ToddInKC Make an account at ManagerFlitter so you can remove some of the "spam" or inactive accounts you might be following! #SocialCafe
  72. Ah. U have #TBWC14 to look forward to :) RT @ToddInKC: A4 I am sad that I didnt attend the #TBWC13 #TBW #SocialCafe
  73. @ToddInKC We have the recordings available but you can also join us at our June 26th workshop on SEO  http://theblogworkshop.com/workshops/ rkSocialCafeciTBWafe #TBW
  74. :) RT @KrystalS: A1: I also really hope to get a chance to attend @FLBlogCon & @BlogFete. Both conferences in Orlando! #SocialCafe
  75. Well everyone, have a fantastic evening! Time for me to do some more fun stuff! #SocialCafe #TBW
  76. Next Week’s Twitter Chat: Blogging Business and Balance  http://sw.bcafe.co/5z ut, Too!) #SocialCaSocialCafeTBW
  77. Thnx. U too, Todd RT @ToddInKC: Well everyone, have a fantastic evening! Time for me to do some more fun stuff! #TBW #SocialCafe
  78. Missed the #SocialCafe ? Stay tuned for Tweets letting your know the archive/summary is ready. #TBW
  79. Thank you all for joining us tonight! Always a pleasure chatting with you :) Next week we're CHATTING and hanging out! #SocialCafe #TBW
  80. @TheBlogWorkshop Yeah, and excellent for the uber-multi-taskers (and those that would like to tweet-and-watch) #TBW #SocialCafe
  81. Thank u for joining us for #SocialCafe #TBW Twitter Chat. Feel free to keep chatting, just wanted to let you know we appreciate u!

Link to Complete Summary.
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